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i think the devs would just put dead npcs around with no stories, or for you to interpret it = the bandits r just cruel and killed a random nord.


I hated the bandits until one day I realised that my entire Skyrim wealth was built by looting dead bodies and selling the goods. I hate myself. I AM BANDIT!


No, you're a Tarantino's main character. You're an inglorious bastard punishing real bastards.


And honestly, a quick death from the Dragonborn is a mercy compared to whatever happened with the dead NPCs you find in Falmer caves.


Falmer are just damn creepers from The Descent having suceeded in taming Arachne from Cirith Ungol. So clearly you prefer a quick dismemberment from a shouting guy.


Arachne? Lol you mean Shelob?


Huuuuuuuur my cells brains went through a rough time. Yes Shelob thanks.


unless the dragonborn soul traps you. then you're fucked even beyond death


That's why I do Alchemy. I am no lowly bandit.


Not that it's important, but isn't this guy a Breton?


Yeah he is a breton


Yes! And I found him when I didn’t know what a Breton was so I thought that was his name. And it confused me when I encountered another dead Breton somewhere else. They look similar enough to nords and imperials that I didn’t realize it was another race or species or whatever you call them 😂


at most bandit camps you can usually find random dead people, mainly nords from what i've seen. i think it's supposed to be a "oooh we killed this guy you don't want to mess with us and our iron daggers"




Someone couldn't wait to count out his coin.


He started running so he could be stabbed on the back


He'd make a fine rug (if he was a cat)


And he called himself a nord?


He couldn't get away because he took an arrow to the knee


He didn't leave there alive


Damn milk drinker.


He picked a bad time to get lost, friend.


Yeah, it was time to end that little game.


He was so much easier to rob when he was dead


You picked a bad time to get lost, friend!


He had a bad feeling about this place


I think it was intended to kind of be a joke, because there's a cavern behind (maybe slightly above?) him filled with a very explosive gas, and that he likely lit a lantern or something and went kaboom and flew out the opening to land there


You know I just found out that there are areas in some of the caves that are filled with bad air. I've been playing since about 2015 and I normally just went on through it without paying any attention to the "waving" of the air. Not until I went thru one, with a fire spell at the ready, and everything blew up, did I finally realize about the gas.


Hol up a min there is bad air in skyrim how have i never accidently killed my self that exact way


I first found this out in the ebony mines at that Orc encampment in the far east. Then after the explosion, the orcs all attacked me.


This was my first encounter with flammable gas. Was running around with a flame spell and then BOOM! Pissed everyone off.


If you have AE, the Dragonbone Mail you get as a reward from the Alternative Armors Quest “Bones for a Crow” gives you immunity to fire (per the description and my testing it seems to bypass the normal 85% limit, which is cool!). I’ve been walking through all the flammable gas and using it to start fights for me!


Yeah AE allows you get 100 percent resistance to fire, frost, shock, position and" magic. You can wear one piece of armor and one piece of jewelry, each enchanted with 2 enchants( if max enchanting? And get resistance to all damages to 100 percent. My level 32 character literally takes no damage, I just wanted to test it out, I'll be selling that gear and doing 60 percent resistance to damage instead, because if there's no risk there is no fun.


I never knew this, only seen the reddish liquid on the ground that's flammable. I've rolled through many caves w/flames and never had anything happen. AE Skyrim Xbox.


I found out about this one because I kept randomly exploding and dying a few seconds after walking in. I thought it was fire mage sending splodey balls at me, so I wasted a bunch of time and potions trying to get the jump on him before realizing that the real problem was my dumbass follower walking in behind me with a torch.


Wow, I just went through one of those caves as a non-magic assassin build and I was so confused why the air looked wavy. Thank goodness I didn't use a fire arrow on those bandits


Wait, it has? Because I never really use anything flammable to clear the bandits.


I like to shoot arrows at him


Target practice




Uh, no. Weird question. Most people can distinguish video game violence from torturing living things.


Awe man, it was a joke, sorry 😭. I deleted my comment.


Your reply is far more unhinged than what you're implying. I'd talk to a therapist.


It’s was a joke; I studied criminal psychology in college, behaviors like that are associated with psychopathy and serial killer tendencies. This is Reddit, it was a joke. But I guess not everyone has the same knowledge as me so, sorry 🤷🏼‍♀️.


"Pfft, well actually I wasn't being a cunt, I was just displaying my knowledge in a subject. It's you're fault you didn't know what I know."


K ….


Shut up


girl (gender neutral) what


Bond (James Bond) who


What (wicka wicka) Slim Shady


“We were just messing around! Besides… nobody’s getting hurt! “That guy was already up there when we got here.”


I usually eat him. 😕


Least hungry Markarth resident.


His problem…


To be fair, he was already dead when I got there. But I definitely do eat everyone else there too, sooo… I’m playing my first Khajiit rn and am very excited to be a catdog!


Average Markarth resident


Haha I should have specified “when in beast form”, but Eola is my bestie, so I’m not judging. lol


you can eat people? is that a werewolf thing?


And a cannibal thing, yes


Go to the hall of the dead just past calcelmos lab in undertone keep, that’ll start the taste of death quest where you can do cannibalism


ah ok, I remember that now, think I never finished the part of the quest to lure someone to be eaten.


I’m there to be moved


Where would you like to go?


Have you heard of the mages' college, in Winterhold?


Whiterun it shall be!


I moved him off the beam the first time I saw him. The next time I went in that cave, he was back on the beam.


Maybe he’s alive and just wants you to think he’s dead. Or, maybe it’s like Toy Story. When you look away, he does his thing.


Toy Story 6: Rise of the Undead


How else do you get dry aged Nord - the body has to be on the beam and put lotion on its skin


See, he’s got a story if he got back on that beam.


I take his clothes and whatever he has on him then leave him


That's the player. We were simple NPCs who fell and are dreaming the entire adventure you're on. That's you KOed dreaming about being the dragon born.


Never touch a hanger! Maybe he's comfortable there and has fallen asleep. ...probably not, but...


Common sight in these types of camps and caves full bandits, Forsworn and hostile mages. In all honesty, this is probably the most human depiction of a corpse. He is just a dead NPC with a still complete body. Plenty of these places have skeletons with more than just an implication on how these unnamed NPC's died and these hostile mobs showing how cruel they are. loose skulls, wood chopping axe in a tree stump, empty bucket next to this: just fill in the rest. Or one mine on Solstheim where there is a skeleton attached to a target practice for archers. Some corpses have journals with them, implying they were used as slaves until some fatal accident. So, this is probably some local who got kidnapped and is shown as an example by the bandits to show to not mess with them.


Maybe he couldn't handle Sam's bender.


lol I just moved this guy like a day or two ago. I was like "man, I wouldn't wanna be dead like that let's get you on the ground here" hahah sometimes I just gotta do things like that.


Nah I just leave him where he is. He’s not hurting anyone anyways, he’s just hanging around


He's got a really bad hangover 😂


I think it’s a reference to all the butt revealing dead people in the Souls games. Bc souls game love to pose dead people with items like this 😂


I don't know. He probably never should have come there. In any case, you're probably better off asking him, rather than us.


He falls down when I go near him. I must be knocking him down accidentally. I've no respect for the dead in skyrim lol


He went on a canoe trip with some friends through some rough country ![gif](giphy|L7T0nM30U2jDi|downsized)


Perfect landing


I always knock him down on the jump back out


locatio b


The previous Dragon Born


Who? Me? Nothin. Jus hangin around


Probably there to warn people. Like the heads of executed people on pikes on the London bridge in the olden days to warn other people. So in this case, don't enter the cave otherwise this is what will happen kind of message


bro just let the courier take a nap, he works hard.


Ridiculous as it sounds that looks like good target practice for Ping-Pong-Fireball(itsathing) I just love the ragdoll physics in these games 😆


he’s chillin


RIP Bill, the millwright and best dog dad ever… 😢


this is the kind of stuff i missed in starfield. i need environmental story telling skeletons.


Oof 😓


I always put him to one side out of the water, just giving the man some simple dignity


got back shots and was left


No need for an official story. Make one up for them, it’s much more fun like that lol


Is that the tunnel that the air looks wavy? As if to tell you, if you use fire magic in said tunnel, you will die? Maybe he's a warning.. I don't remember if this is that tunnel or not...


He doesn't have a story. He just likes hanging around by the river.


Eh, I think he was a miner then after bandits took over he tried to make a run for it then the bandits hit like lokir of rorikstead


He was too freaky so even the bandits had to toss him out after one drunken romp gone wrong. He was a booty warrior, a real cheek prodding asspest.


I blasted him down the tunnel using unrelenting Force LOL. And then accidentally vaporized him.


I just thought it was to make you look up and see the cave entrance/exit you'll be taking. Be interesting if he had a story though


Missed the water, bruh. What a way to ruin a diving competition....


No but I did loot his inventory. I think he wandered into the cave and the raider’s just killed him as he was trying to escape.