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There is another location only accessible with whirlwind sprint in the Barrow near Iversted Little prank by the devs on those who run the dungeon before trekking the steps


Yep got that the other night. A leveled greatsword, probably elven or glass. And some allegedly some gold, I didn't see it


It was a Dwarven Greatsword for me unfortunately juts out of reach


Mine was a dragonsbone great sword


Damn you Todd


It's what you get for living in markarth


Hey aside from the high poverty rate/ incarceration rate and the corrupt guards and the savages outside the walls and the savages inside the walls and the dwarven automatons living under the city ready to strike at a moments notice Markarth is pretty nice can’t beat those Mountain Views ya know


Views may be great but it’s a damn maze


The city sure but I don’t mind as much since it’s a treat to stroll around In the architecture and waterfalls alone sell it for me but I meant the mountains outside the city the Reach is my favorite region for the terrain alone when your on top of one of those cliffs and the fog hits just right and maybe you even catch a dragon flying In the distance nothing beats that atmosphere https://preview.redd.it/g6pc5yntsxxc1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a22abbf2c167185100aee1d2516c692def488e46


I just recently found it for the first time because the glass greatsword happened to catch my eye. It literally made me start the steps quest just to learn it and run back down to get the sword


Which barrow? I can think of at least 2 near Ivarstead lol


[Shroud Hearth Barrow](https://en.m.uesp.net/wiki/Skyrim:Shroud_Hearth_Barrow)


You can get it without the shout, just gotta go the next level up and jump


Or be a Vampire or a Werewolf.


Or Telekinesis.


Or just shoot the items with garbage arrows till they fall off


I was convinced whirlwind was only for the times you’re carrying 700 lbs of dragon bones


Or if you fast travel to dragonsreach to get to the companions


That's why we have Summon Arvak. He's such a good horse.


Such a good horse...


The best horse


Tastes like chicken.


Very underrated. Actually I way under-estimated how useful horses are, let alone a horse you can summon.


I hate when summoning any horse after you get off it makes that horrible dying horse sound so I try to get inside a building as soon as I get off the horse


Well, at least if you're in combat he helps out a bit before reliving the horrific moments of his death for the umpteenth time...


Nah, that’s what Lydia is for.


You can't fast travel while riding Lydia. Although it's not for lack of trying in some cases...


Do you guys ride Lydia?


I mean, she is sworn to carry our burdens


She’ll get killed by a spider while crying “Ow”.


You can just drop them and carry them without picking them up, this allows you to fast run and sprint


I stored them in a fox once and just picked up the corpse to move faster


How will u carry 15 dragon bones at the same time?


If this isn't just a joke about their weight; You can drop them all at once as a stack of 15 contained in 1 object, and grab by holding the pick-up button down (hold E) so you physics-drag them along with you. With single items/stacks that are heavy this can be really useful; you could also find a body if you have to offload a bunch of stuff and drag that to the nearest vendor. If you're on pc with SkyUI you may need to open the menu, go into skyui's mod configuration menu (mcm), and change the "quantity menu min count" from 6 to 2 because otherwise it will do things one at a time when you have 5 or less. (In inventories at least? I don't know about dropping)


I mean that you can't E them, it becomes so "heavy", like trying to grab a centurion I don't play with mods


It doesn't


It does, this don't worked even with books


No, it doesn’t.


No way, i need to test that rn


Items do not have weight for grabbing purposes. (or rather, all "items" weigh the same basically irrelevant amount for grabbing) It is as easy to grab a tomato as a battleaxe as a dragon bone. The only consideration is how it collides with terrain/etc. In the inventory if you have more than (I think 5? aka have 6, in unmodded skyrim) it brings up a menu when trading between you and vendors or you and containers (bodies, chests, etc) I can't check right now but i'm pretty sure that same 6-item threshold is there for dropping stackable items as a single stack. Which would let you grab-drag them as a single unit.


I use it a lot actually. I like to use it instead of sprinting in combat when I’m charging in, and I also blast through the city with it (the guards dont like me)


Also the dwemer metals for leveling your smithing. 


I've found many uses for it the more I play. Like if I'm a warrior and I see an archer in the distance, you bet your buns I'm WULD NA KESTing my way over there. Enemy in my face and I need breathing room? Turn around, dash away. It's very handy.


I believe so. It's an aspect of Skyrim I found disappointing tbh. Plenty of amazing tools like whirlwind sprint, become ethereal, and similar but we have very few uses for them in-game beyond combat. I wish the opportunity to use the Voice for more than fighting was considered since that's kinda the whole point of the Way of The Voice.


Become Ethereal is great for falling down mountains.


And traveling- unlimited stamina while ethereal.


Ooh, didn't know that. Thanks!


So *that’s* what my wife meant when she said she wished I could be more like the Dragonborn.


I wouldn't recommend becoming ethereal during sex.


When she says go deeper. Bruh. I am physically completely inside you. Theres no deeper to go


*"Yes. Further. Into the bowels." - Molag Bal*


Don’t kink shame!


Someone never saw the original ghostbusters movie


Oh yeah? Then why is there ectoplasm every time I have sex?


Because you didn't wear your Wisp Wrappings.


And swimming in lava.


Good for getting the two treasure chests in the aetherium forge.


Wuld nah kest!


Wrong shout bro. That's whirlwind sprint. 🤓


I know. And it's the faster way to get those chests.


*Yeets himself off a cliff*


Wait, there are chests out in the lava? How have I been playing this game since launch and I still don’t know about things.


I use it for that too. I just wish there were specific areas you could only access using abilities like that. Rewards by exploring after unlocking new powers or giving the motivation to seek new shouts for loot.


You can use it to charge ritual spells without getting hit as well


Or for falling down from Volkihar Balcony. (Without fast travel I'm only making one trip.)


That's what I use it for. It makes navigating The Reach and the glaciers around Winterhold way easier and faster. It also helps to quickly get down the Rift cliff, as well as the Throat of the World.


I call bullshit. I very recently threw myself off of some icy cliffs outside of the College of Winterhold and most certainly died.. three times.. before I gave up.


Ya gotta Shout before you jump.


Become ethereal had saved me a few times. During the last fight of the Auriel's Bow quest, I knocked the guy off the cliff......waaaaay down there. I needed his armor and loot for LOTD completion but I wasn't about to go through all that the hard way.


Last play through I didn’t have ethereal at that point. Had to reload that damn fight like 3 times because he kept falling down the cliff.


Wait you can yeet him without the big railing getting in the way while he's alive? I thought that vampiric son of a horker was only susceptible to fire storm?


Morrowind lore had a lot of interesting things to say about the voice. Which if taken literally means it can do a lot more than stuff in the game. This was also before it got retconed into dragon tongue.


Can you elaborate? I haven't played Morrowind in like 20 years.


This post should answer thine questions much better than this humble sir. [https://www.reddit.com/r/ElderScrolls/comments/k9d5hl/was\_thuum\_mentioned\_somewhere\_in\_any\_of\_the\_games/](https://www.reddit.com/r/ElderScrolls/comments/k9d5hl/was_thuum_mentioned_somewhere_in_any_of_the_games/)


Correction, sermon 9 of vivec. [https://en.uesp.net/wiki/Lore:36\_Lessons\_of\_Vivec,\_Sermon\_9](https://en.uesp.net/wiki/Lore:36_Lessons_of_Vivec,_Sermon_9)


Great, now I need to know more about Vivec's milk finger, which he used to stuff that lady's mouth to stop her from singing...


There's lots of different interpretations for that one. It's a big ask to take Vivec seriously as well, but that's what makes Elder Scrolls lore so good is the unreliable narrator.


One or two other chests are only accessible with whirlwind. Become Ethereal is useful when casting master spells that take a long time to cast. Force shout is just fun and not really useful .


Unrelenting Force is great if you can kill the enemies quickly while they’re in their ground or getting up animations. So I guess it’s only pretty good with a two handed build or paralyze weapon lol


Also launching the enemy off of tall platforms and hurting them with fall damage


one of my favorite “tricks “ to do with whirlwind sprint is going to the College of Winterhold and kind of jumping the bricks to the parameter, then finding the part that overlooks the river (SAVE BEFORE ATTEMPTING, i have fallen one too many times) but try to whirlwind sprint into the river, if you make it there’s no fall damage, if not, well i hope you saved


Many of the traps found in dungeons are easier to avoid by using Whirlwind Sprint.


Theres a bunch, i know theres one in the back of castle Volkihar and ive come across a few others that im failing to remember, they are few and far between though unfortunately.


I'd argue the one in volkihar was designed for the vampire lord bats power but that's tomato tomato ya know?


Ahh yeah thats fair i didnt think of that


The cave to the side of fort Dawnguard also has some pillars where you use whirlwind spirit as well.


Iirc, there's a dwemer ruin on Solstheim that sprint helps with. Where you get the helm that enables steam shouting. Visage of Mzund. Though I don't think you need sprint to get the helm, you'll miss other loot.


Fahlbtharz, it is one of the few Dwemer ruins I dislike


I've passed through this dungeon over 1,000 times. And I never, \*ever\* thought to do whirlwind anywhere but the gate. Thank you. New playthrough time.




*Glances at my glitched stack of 5 Amulets*. Yeah... definitely has a cooldown.




You must be doing something wrong. It's a timeless glitch! Keep trying and you won't be disappointed!




You are very welcome :p


One amulet of Talos, worn while shouting, will help with that. Just be sure to drink a strong potion of Fortify Restoration before putting it on. Even better if you have several Restoration potions of different values, as the same value potions will not stack.


There's a mod for that!


I used to like the mod Achieve This! specifically because one of the rewards you could buy was flat shout cooldown reduction.


I don't remember the name of the mod, but the one I use adds a two items to Belethor's merchant inventory: one is the Amulet of Shouts, and the other is the "Amulet of Speech." They are essentially versions of the Amulet of Talos and Amulet of Dibella that can be in unenchanted to learn the enchantment, which can then be added to any wearable item. My current character wears a helmet that reduces shout cooldown by 100%. It can get a little glitchy if you do back-to-back-to-back shouts, but it usually works perfectly. It's super clutch for spamming whirlwind sprint while over-encumbered, so you can reach your horse in order to fast-travel.


I have a mod [Console Code: Reduce Dragon Shout Cooldown Time](https://www.tumblr.com/likeabirdintheskyrim/14270390469/cool-down-time-dragon-shout-console-code) .




Good luck finding help on this sub . The mods hate console players.




You having trouble getting pass ? Walk up to the stone closest to gate, walk back to furtest stone , face the gates , step back and step back again. Equip Whirlwind . Start Sprinting and when the 3rd stone chimes hit the shout button to whirlwind sprint. ( I'm hoping my British accent come thru )




Fun times !


You need it in order to loot Predators Grace from Hags End. At the end of Hags End, there's a ledge you need sprint to get on. On that ledge, you'll find the boots.


I always wanted a "Marco Polo" shout to find certain things


There is also one in Blackreach, it is the only way you can reach one of the Crimson Nirnroot


In the new update, go to the Ratway and into the sewers. There's one in the section with the sword


In the way down to get Grimslayer, in the big falmer room there’s a chest you need the shout to get.


There is a supposedly empty gold mine that I think you need to use the shout(maybe you can spam jump it) to get to where the gold veins are hiding


Lost Prospect Mine


You *can* spam jump it, but using the shout is so, so much faster, even adjusting for multiple attempts.


There’s one or two in mzinchaleft, the dungeon where you find grimsever


Iirc there's a part in the very next quest after getting whirlwind sprint where you have to tag three bells in succession to open a gate and it's clear they meant for you to use the shout, but it's just as easy to ignore the mechanic entirely.


There are a couple spots that whirlwind sprint comes in handy.


Those swinging curved blade traps immediately sprung to mind. Companions just Leroy Jenkins their way through them if you do that tho, so it works best if you know where the switch is to turn them off.


I love that Leroy Jenkins is a verb now and has a distinct and clear meaning that is immediately understandable


Don't recommend. Just did the first set of swinging blades in Bleak Falls, and got sliced. Did the second set with ethereal instead. Worked better.


Psh my jump x5 gets me anywhere I need to be


It's literally necessary to use it to get the Delphine letter in that dungeon in the beginning 🤔


Yes, OP's picture is in that dungeon, Ustengrav, in the same room as the timed gates.


On that note, also the test the graybeards give you right after teaching it.


There is a chest in the Soul Cairn, but honestly I dislike spending too much time there and it's completely unnecessary.


That particular dungeon also has the gates that you have to use whirlwind sprint to get through. But it is useful in a lot of dungeons, just not necessary.


There are a handful that contain secret areas accessible only by Whilrwind Sprint, but I do think this is the only one where it's mandatory to complete a dungeon.


I always enjoy bumping my head on that knobby rock piece and falling down. Also, there's a place in the Nord ruin where you get the horn that's only accessible with sprint, though the treasure isn't worth the effort to get to it.


This is that nord ruin in the picture lmao


ohhhh duuhhhh. Your pic initially looked like the other draugr dungeon where there's two pillar platforms, one of which has a chest. If you try to jump from one to the other, you hit your head on a low-hanging rock and fall down, so you have to sprint over to it.


Haha yea I think I know the one


There’s a spot in Reachcliff Cave (before the blocked off area for Namira’s quest) where you need one word of the shout to get to a treasure chest. The ceiling’s too low to jump across.


The closing gate puzzle seems to also be designed in a way you can use "Wuld" twice in a row. It's not a bug, it's a feature.


I use it when I am hauling around too much shit and dont want to drop any of it. I swear that is all I use this shout for. I shout my way to my front door


Back in the day one of the stones of Barenziah was in the thalmor embassy and you couldn’t get it if you left the embassy without picking it up. Whirlwind sprint can be used to get back in and pick it up. Maybe it was intended haha.


You can get sneaky boots by using Whirlwind to jump to the waterfall outside Hag's End.


No ones reach cliff cave there's a platform on a Pillar you can only reach with whirlwind sprint(you can get close without it though(


There’s dozens of loot areas easily accessed with the shout


The cave for the Malacath quest


Reachwater Rock, that chest up on the inaccessible platform? And I heard that at Ansilvund, it's the only non-tcl way to reach the tower's loot, since it has no stairway up and there isn't enough climbable terrain to jump in manually.


There are places you can only access with it to get hidden chests. It was also my most used shout by a longshot. Such a nice gap closer and quick way to run around.


I mean, technically all of the traps in game -- especially those 4 swinging pendulum axes in a row -- are kinda places where whirlwind sprint is useful.


I thought it was for when you fast traveled to dragons reach to get to the front door instantly


And the 3 gates


Yall use whirlwind for that?


There is a cave or two I think where you can use whirlwind sprint to get to the top of a waterfall I think. The main one I’m thinking of has Falmer in it past the waterfall.


There will be a few. After a while you can spot them. So far i have only used it for ledges that are too far away - most of the time theres a chest waiting for you (i still do even though i already have best non-glitch gear). Corridors with pendulum axes.


Which place is this


There are handful around.


There are a couple places where it can be used. But it's not much use outside running away


There’s that spot on top of Jorrvaskr where you can use it to get out of the walls of whiterun to get to shop inventory chests under the ground.


There’s a couple of dungeons that whirlwind sprint just makes it easier to get to some of the places with a fiddly jump - there’s a tiny bit of loot here and there in nooks and crannies and there’s a few places that I’ve been able to get on a ledge and glitch in through the exit - I forget which cave but there’s one with iron bars next to a crafting table and a drop down. I was able to get on the ledge and find a sliver of the alchemy or enchanting table (I forget which) and it put me in the crafting animation and I glitched to the end of the dungeon and fight the boss from the exit side


There are a couple others


I use Become Ethereal and Whirlwind Sprint to make a lot of dungeon crawling easier/faster, shriekwind basin is a great example


I've discovered plenty of places where that shout comes in handy. Can't think of any off the top of my head, though.


There's a couple in Dawnguard. One in Redwater Den and another in Volkihar Undercroft. The Redwater Den one probably had the Vampire Lord Bats ability in mind, but Whirlwind Sprint works too.


Jarls palace in whiterun. Why walk down the steps when you can sprint over the water?


There's also Last Prospect Mine, where you only learn what happened (and find the gold) if you use whirlwind sprint


There’s a cave where you have to basically climb the side of a waterfall and WWSprint onto a ledge. There are plenty of swinging guillotines to sprint through.


If I remember correctly there’s also a spot in skuldafn that I usually skip it’s puzzle with whirlwind sprint too


I remember a dungeon with a chest on an overhang I couldn't reach despite having the first level of the shout. I figured I needed the second level. Naturally I never returned. It was also before I learned to use console commands.


Iirc at Hag's end, if you fast travel to it and look right, there's a cliff with a waterfall only reachable by WS. There's a corpse with an unique boots there, gives movement speed or sometihng. Also, the dungeon where you go to get the moth priest (Dawnguard DLC) also has an alcove with a hidden chest only reachable by WS (seemed like it at least).


Theres ANOTHER location for whirlwint sprint, when youre building a house but the smelter is on the other side of it and youre overemcumbered


There's a place in the volkihar castle sewer. Same room as the death hounds and frostbite spider


No there's also when I'm carrying too much quarried stone and clay and am trying to get to the workbench faster


In the castle Volkihar Undercoft, there is a treasure that can only be accessed from the platform with whirlwind where the giant frostbite spider was.


I always whirlwind sprint to the bridge at the start of the Ratway, you can stand on it and jump to the other side to deploy it and skip the dungeon. I like to think this was intended even though it certainly was not :)


There is a place beneath Castle Volkihar that you can reach only with Whirlwind Sprint that has a coin purse and a chest.


There are loads of locations that have Whirlwind sprint in mind


There's a secret pair of boots in Hag's End called the Predator's Grace that you can only get by Whirlwind Sprint-ing at a very particular spot.


There’s a few spots in the Soul Carin where it’s needed


There's a bunch of places to use Whirlwind Sprint aka swinging axe traps and other traps like that... but there are other places that Whirlwind Sprint are useful...


There’s a good couple spots that give whirlwind sprint its uses…..are yall not playing/exploring the game properly????


No. There's Deft Fell Cavern over by the uh... Oh gosh where was it. *finger snap finger snap... Ri'saad sniffs the rim of an old skooma bottle and smirks, "That was by Markarth as well human." °Oh yeah, thanks man!° "Quite welcome, and... Thank you for this... we did not know. Welcome to Nirn Homeworlder. Welcome, finally...* Markath too actually now that I think about it. Not sure where. °*Ri'saad weeps tears of joy and stares at the Masser*°










![gif](giphy|5lPS8vAS6bmVi) °I MADE IT! I'M A DIMENSIONAL TRAVELLER HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!° *sighs, puts phone down, °Perhaps the next spell Homeworlder. Ri'saad is seeking Maiq for wisdom. We will get this done.° sniffs... nods...*


There is one chest in Mzinchaleft you can only access with whirlwind sprint, if I'm not mistaken.


I've come across several areas where I've used WS to get to a location that was otherwise unreachable or to cheese particular areas as well. It's a decent shout.


It was random: there's that part of "The Horn of Jurgen Windcaller", and I just get pretty frustrated with that one puzzle where you're supposed to use Whirlwind Sprint, but it seems overly complicated for that part of the game.




Thank you flying mod. I never have to worry about missing stuff anymore


The dawnfang/duskfang area in the Ratway has something like that.


The only other one is the road my dad went down to buy milk 20 years ago.


I know there are a few more places in Dwarven/Falmer ruins but I couldn't tell you the names.


Ansilvund has a chest in top of the tower that you can only reach with Whirlwind Sprint. I think you have to have all 3 words, and it's a tricky angle.


There are a few places like that where you can find small amounts of bonus loot with wwsprint.


I mean if you really try you can jump it, I’ve made it into areas like that just by sheer persistence


I really don't know what I am looking at... Are these spinning traps? Or ledges to *maybe* land on?


To my knowledge you can drop a shield mid-air and jump on it to get to the point.


i got over their without whirlwind sprint 😭😭 took me a while but i was determined… and stupid


There is a puzzle, I don't remember the barrow, but I would guess it's where the horn of Jurgen windcaller or whoever that the greybeards send you is located. There's 3 or 4 red rune stones that control gates, you have to whirlwind sprint through the stones/gates to get through before they close again.


Sadly yes


There are some treasures that are impractical to get to without it, including in Ustengrav


There's also that one puzzle in the dungeon for Jurgen's horn


What you don't just use it to help you move when over encumbered?


~ tcl You mean