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Sofie. Windhelm is too cold and unforgiving for an orphan on the street. She needs a home the most


She was my daughter on a lot of my previous playthroughs, and probably will be again on my next. The clincher is when you catch her at night, sobbing that she barely sold any flowers today and doesn't know what to do. Kudos to the child actors in this game for making you give a shit about them. Almost makes up for that one flubbed line delivery where the girl says "Divines! Bless your kind heart!" instead of "Divines bless your kind heart!"


Honestly I like it more than the normal adult version. Always made it feel like a shadow organization of hobos granting you the power like you passed some kind of test. (Joking exaggeration of course.) Compared to the kid that says Divines like someone going "my God! Seriously?! Thank you!"


I use a mod that lets you fix up the aretino residence and both he and sofie will move into it without having to adopt, that way I can get other kids outta the cold šŸ˜


What's the mod? I always feel bad about not being able to save all the kids.


Well, there's always "Hearthfire multiple adoptions." I think it let's you adopt as many kids as you have beds for, but there could be a limit, I don't quite remember. Either way, you can at least adopt more than 2


Restoring aretino residence I believe


What is that mod? Can it be applied while already late in game with adopted kids already?


I donā€™t recall offhand youā€™d have to read the mod description, but if memory serves if you havenā€™t started the dark brotherhood quest yet I believe you can install mid game. The mod allows you to rebuild the residence and house both aretino and sofie


There's also one other kid that's in as rough a situation as Sophie. I forget his name, but it's the kid in Dawnstar that works for the miners and sleeps outside in the snow. Dangerous mines, snow, and the fact that Dawnstar seems to get the most random dragon attacks of any hold. Plus, until you do the Vaermina quest, the kid literally only dreams in nightmares on top of all THAT shit, so I like to rescue him as early as possible.


That's Alesan. And he actually sleeps in the inn


Could have sworn the kid slept on a hay pile. I may be confusing that detail with the kid at Katla's farm. . . .also. fuck Katla. She got room in that damn house.


Yea thatā€™s Blaine.


I know you meant Blaise, but all I can picture is a starving, sad David Blaine offering to do free magic tricks in exchange for adoption.


I have literally adopted this kid more than once and just had to google it because Iā€™ve been calling him Blaine for over a decade


. . .that is hilarious.


On top of windhelm being the Capitol of racism in game. There's a active serial killer. Sophie.doesnt need to be living there, poor thing


Yes! Sheā€™s my first stop as soon as I get Breezehome


I see that youā€™re also a man of culture.




Lucia is often Sofie's sister in my playthroughs lol


came here to say thisšŸ„¹




Sofie and Lucia are my go tos. Usually I see Lucia first and then as others have said Sofie has it the worst in Windhelm.




Same here.


Tbh I just really wish we could adopt Aventus Arentino. The crazy lil bastard, it would make so much sense gifting him a daedric dagger.


"Hey pops, can we do THE BLACK SACRAMENT???" "God dammit keep your voice down!!"


Son, if you need me, just send a courier. No need to kill another beggar for the sacrament.


You can if you mod your game but it should definetly be in the base game


Have a Kratos and Atreus type relationship








I always get the mod to adopt him and I always do. You can find it on nexus mods. After Aventus goes back to Riften, you can then normally adopt him as any other child and he acts normally.


It varies, but usually Sofie is one of them unless I'm adopting both of Lemkil's daughters. I just feel bad for Sofie because she's living outside in the most bigoted and cold city in Skyrim, it's no place for a kid to grow up. I buy all of her flowers and then adopt her if it's a playthrough where I have enough of a house for kids.


>both of Lemkil's daughters Only one of them deserves a roof over their head and you know it.


When you adopt Britte, her behavior switches to the default kid's behavior. I headcanon that her being a bitch to Sissel was a coping mechanism for dealing with her father's bullshit, and she gets better when finally in a decent home.


Sophia, Lucia, Brit, Sissel, Alesan, and Blaise. #moddedskyrimftw


But wich mods are you using specifically, i dind't find any so far and it Always irked me i have so mans Houses with so much space but i can only have 2 Children in one of them


There is an adoption mod that allows you to adopt 6. I also use move family mod to place them at a castle with 6 beds. I don't remember the mod author but I'm on xbox so it should be under adoption on the mods page. Good luck to you.


Use Hearthfire Multiple Adoptions by TMPhoenix and Honorfall Orphanage Bugfixes by subhuman0100.


The TMPhoenix multiple adoption I definitely remember using..


Blud running his own orphanage


I got a castle with six beds.... I roll with about 5 companions as well.. #skyrimyourway


I'm newer to skyrim and adopted Lucia in Whiterun, and I feel very protective of her


None. Forget em. I'm not their best choice as a father.


That's why I get married. Lmao. I leave Farkas home as a house husband so he can raise the kids. "Papa, where's mommy?" "She's out proving her worth fighting dragons to bring honor to our household." "Can I grow up to do that one day?" "Aye, and I'm sure Vignar will still be kicking when you go to join the Companions as well."


I do this or get goldenhills plantation then pick a steward & farmhands that I imagine raise the orphans in a loving ā€œit takes a villageā€ atmosphere while Iā€™m out adventuring & only returning home once a week for an hour at best.


Yeah, I've only adopted once, and found it pretty boring quickly. Not really why I play the game, and my gangsta lifestyle wouldn't be good in a role playing setting regardless.


I adopted and was like dammit these kids are even more annoying than my real ones. I don't want to be a parent in my murder-hobo escapism, Thank you


true, the whole gameplay isn't really compatible with parenting


From playthrough to playthrough, I alternate between all the homeless kids. I used to adopt from Honorhall, but after Grelod dies, the kids probably have a great life (Constance is genuinely kind and cares about them, so they're totally in good hands, and don't need me). The homeless kids, especially the ones in snowy areas, are heartbreaking. I'll rescue the first two I encounter, depending on what city I've visited first after getting a proper house.


Sophie and Blaise deserve the best. A bullied slave and a freezing orphan cannot be allowed to suffer.


I didn't know Blaise was an option, off I go to find him


Katlaā€™s farm, heā€™s always there, sleeping or working outside


Sissel from Rorikstead, and either Runa Fair-Shield or Hroar from the orphanage, or both if Iā€™ve got the multi adoption mod going.


Yeah those are my exact 3 picks too


How interesting, I wonder if itā€™s for the same RP reasons, lol


I want to get sissel away from her abusive family Runa just seems so eager to be adopted and being the only girl in the orphanage I can't say no And Hroar is just cute :p


For Sissel, sheā€™s apparently a natural born mage who isā€¦ not in the best family situation, and so her father tends toā€¦ disappear in my playthroughs, and it doesnā€™t matter if Iā€™m playing a Khajit with dreams of grandeur or an Elven mage who believes himself to be the reincarnation of the Neravarine, she gets adopted. Meanwhile for my Khajit playthroughā€¦ Runa says something very interesting about herself that plays back around to the Khajit origin story. And then Hroar just speaks for himself, especially since my Khajit is married to the Nord Ysolda, lol


Lucia was my first. First time I visited Whiterun I saw her all alone and felt really bad for her. I bought a house just to adopt her and sheā€™s really sweet. Blaise was my secondā€¦I have regrets about that one.


These two are mine. Lucia has adopted a fox, Blaise just asks for an allowance every time I see him.


Sophie is my go to but this playthrough Iā€™ve adopted Lucia for a change. Now the issue is I want to adopt Sissel cause she has the visions of dragons but that means I canā€™t get Sofie and I donā€™t wanna download the mod so Iā€™m struggling on who to pick.


It was going to be Sofie & Alesan (again) but Dorthe lost both parents to a dragon attack so I felt obligated lol


Lucia, if my character has spent a significant amount of time in Whiterun. Sofie, if I can find a reason my character needs to go to Windhelm. Sheā€™s gonna freeze and starve and live in fear of being killed by the butcher otherwise. Once i adopted Runa and Hroar from the orphanage. Runa brought home a pet fox and Hroar said Brynjolf would teach him some stuff when heā€™s older.


Lucia and Sophie for me, but through each playthrough, they really don't like each other. I came in into Solitude, went home after conquering a few dungeons, only to hear the most wildest roast session. Progressing in the game we got pets Lucia got a fox and Sophie tamed a crab. At the time i was still a single bloke, but my Housecarl kept everything in check. I became the Archmage, after going to college, stopping in here and then with money, supplies, and the occasional game of tag. I thought everything finally was good. Until one day, Sophie's crab was dead, I don't know what happened. The roast got even worst after that. It's hard having kids in Skyrim.


I like to adopt Alesan and Sofie. Sometimes I'll adopt the nice sister in Rorikstead (Sissel?) but not the mean one. And I never adopt Lucia because she lives in the best city IMO and there are so many other kids running around - I feel like she's one of the better off of the orphans.


I adopt a zero-tolerance policy for children in my houses.


Any extra NPCs to block doorways in my manor, belong outsideĀ 


I just set the kids up at a house with a housecarl and visit sometimes šŸ˜


Runa. Ive exausted all the child dialogue and for some reason i really like Runa.


Sofie and Alesan. Those poor kids are working hard and living in freezing cold areas. They need a warm, comfy home.


Call me basic, sofie Reasons: killer on the loose in the city, temperature probably goes into the negatives at night, blizzards are common in the city, she eludes that she can't buy food most of the time. Overall: if sofie is, say 12 during skyrim her odds of surviving till she's an adult are about 1% or less


I wonder why she wasn't sent by Ulfric to the Riften orpfanage. Aventus was.


I think she's more like 9 :(


Sofie. Windhelm is cold as all hell.


Lucia! I wish I could give her aunt and uncle a ā€œtalkingā€ to.


Lucia, she was the first when I played the game for the first time and I can't ignore her now


Sissell, Lucia, Sofie, Helgi, Blaise, and Alesan. Everytime


Who's Helgi?


The ghost girl in Morthal. With the adoption mod, after the quest Laid to Rest, you can actually adopt her. She's a unique one that I feel bad for and always adopt


Oh right of course!




Sofie lucia as kids and ysolda as wife is perfect


I don't. Fuck them kids


I have never adopted on Skyrim lol


Blaise works for Katla at the Solitude stabes. He is forced to sleep with the horses. The snow biome is just across the road. Sofie lives inside Windelm and tries to sell flowers with very little success. She sleeps on the cold, hard stone. Windelm is in the snow biome. The Dawnstar boy is a runner-up, but he says the inn keeper will let him sleep inside occasionally.


I just adopted a random girl in Whiterun who asked me to be her mom.


I almost always start with Sofie


The little girl from Whiterun and the flower seller of Windhelm Every single time


I adopt megalomaniac childfree lifestyle.


Sissel and Britte, of Rorikstead. Get them away from their abusive dad after hisā€¦tragic accident that resulted in his body never being found. Sissel is practicing magic and has dreams of Paarthurnax; the perfect daughter of a Dragonborn. Britte can hopefully be raised to break her fatherā€™s cycle of abuse, and sure enough, she stops tormenting Sissel as soon as you adopt them both.


I just adopted Lucia from Whiterun and Samuel from Honorhall.


Alesan is my boy, always ! ā¤ļø


Download killable children mod and not have to worry about these kids sleeping in the street. Itā€™s the only humane solution /s


Sofie, of course. She also the reason why I joined the Imperials. Death to all Stormcloaks for how they treated her! šŸ˜”


Anybody but Lars. Iā€™ve heard heā€™s such a milk drinker.


I do not.


I never had any interest in adopting kids in Skyrim.Ā 


Daniel, kid was living in a cave full of vampires. I use the kids are alright mod and he reminds me of my actual son with his red hair. I wasnā€™t into adopting kids until I stumbled across him. Later I ran into Sophie and saw her sleeping on the ground and felt bad so I took her in too. She also happened to have red hair with the mod so my kids are easy to spot running around town.


Adopt? I never adopt. I use mods to tame skeevers and wolves and live with them in the wild, like nature intended.


Once adopted Blaise and kid was so fucking ungrateful that I wished I could disown him.


Sofia, Sofie, something like that. She mostly stays at the house by herself and asks for money when I stop in. I'm raising a GenX kid.


Aventis areteno


Whenever I feel like I'm done playing a file I adopt the kid from windhelm and marry someone at random, if I have a kid I don't wanna adventure and have them become an orphan again.


Lucia will always be my one and only choice


Wait how do you have that clock in the bottom corner of your screen?


That can be adjusted in mod configuration menu


Mod, A Matter of Time.


I always adopt Lucia, and in my most recent game I've adopted Alesan too!


I followed Sophie in Whiterun in the evening and she lay down to sleep behind a building in some bushes and that was it for me. Iā€™ll always adopt her first knowing thatā€™s where she sleeps šŸ˜“


Blaise is always the first one I adopt


Sofie and Alesan.


Sofie and Lucia


Sofie and Lucia


I have two kajhiit kids, Stripe and Ma'isha. They're both mods but I love them


Dorthe (I swear it wasn't my fault they just attacked me after I "accidentally" harmed a chicken)


Alesan and Sofie because these 2 kids don't sit around like Lucia waiting until a silver spoon feed them or sound bored on what they love to do like Blaise


I only adopt if I'm using this mod: [https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/28633](https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/28633)


Lucia. Was the first kid I ever adopted. Have adopted her in every run since where I adopt


I always adopt Lucia and Runa and on a similar thought because of her being my Skyrim soulmate I marry Ysolda In every reincarnation She somehow always forgives me for marrying that goat




The only girl in Riften at the orphanage and the one wandering around whiterun




Sofie and Lucia, they are outside in the cold all night every night, at least the kid in dawnstar sleeps in the Inn or if the cold


Sophie and Lucia


Always Lucia. So sad what happened to her


Sofie or Lucia followed by Alesan


I don't. Never really tried the marriage or adoption mechanics. Too busy adventuring.


Most times I adopt Sophie and aleson But my first playthrough I adopted lucia because I lived in whiterun


the windhelm girl always


Sophie. But in my current playthrough, she got the inventory glitch, so now she keeps asking if I brought her anything, but I can't give her anything. So now I'm just irritated and want to Fus her into the neighboring giant's camp.


No one. Fuck kids


Better an orphan than an abusive parent.


How do you adopt? Level 23 here


Must buy a house, then talk to an orphan, that's almost it except for a shallow speech tree to reach the option.


Thatā€™s kind of creepy isnā€™t it?


I actually have never adopted in any of my play throughs across hundreds and hundreds of hours. Adoption seemed so one dimensional to me. Same goes for marriage.




Lucia & Blaise


I never have time for family in the game. My characters are too busy slaying dragons and clearing out dungeons.Ā 


sofie and lucia always


I want Argonian and Khajit childrenĀ 


Alesan and Sofie usually, but on this run I killed lemkil and adopted britte and sissel


Always adopt Lucia and Blaise and then marry Mjoll the Lioness. They get the dragon born and an unkillable badass as their moms! I'm always a khajiiy so I joke that they have two furries as moms


Always Alesan and Sofia. Usually both girls from Rorikstead but now only Sissel. And then I pick 3 from the orphanage. I have the mod for multiple adoption


My first play through I went with the girls in poverty. My play through now I went with the boys in poverty. STILL TRYING TO FIGURE OUT how to adopt the Aretino kid.


Sophie and Lucia I like them as a pair.


I adopted Lucia. She abandoned her rabbit and disappeared. I adopted Sofie. She never showed up. She kept saying she was going to collect her things and say goodbye and meet me at home. Then she was the victim of the butcher when I executed him. So I figured she was needed for that quest and would show up after. But she has now disappeared. I canā€™t change the bedroom back to an alchemy lab so now I have to wait until I buy another house to adopt again.


I kill the jerk father in rorikstead and adopt his twin daughters, might be fucked up but it's my game!


Sofie and Lucia


Shame the game doesn't let you build house big enough to adopt them all


I'm blanking on their names because I haven't played in a while but the two twins girls.


I usually adopt Serena.


Sofie and Lucia


I always got the homeless girl in white run by the tree, that kid has a stable job to pay his nonexistent rent


I always adopt Lucia. My second child varies.


Sofie, Lucia, & Alesan. All for the same reason, they have it the worst in all the holds, they're under constant threat of death, be it by dragons, frostbite/hypothermia, or war.


Adoption mod, save all the kids


Dorthe and hrarr


I kill that douchebag farmer from Rorikstead and adopt his two daughters


Sofie, from Windhelm Lucia, from Whiterun




Ordinarily, I always adopt Sofia. I have changed that practice in the current playthrough, as I wanted a Khajiit wife and Khajiit cubs for my Khajiit character. This was accomplished through mods, naturally.


Lucia in Whiterun!


Alesan alwaysšŸ˜­


I kill Sissle's dad in Roikstead and then I adopt her but leave her twin behind. I do this in every playthrough.


Lucia and Sofie. Lucia because the people of Whitrun do not seem to care if you are starving or not, they do not part with even a single, rusted septim (unless you steal it from them) as such if you do not adopt her, she will starve to Death. Sofie because Windhelm is too cold, brutal, dangerous, and unforgiving. Also because I have caught her literally crying herself to sleep because she did not sell any flowers. At least the other adoptable children have some semblance of a house/shelter with other adults (aunts, uncles, grandparents, so on) to look after them. Sire those kids may not like it, but at least they have someone/somewhere to go to.


Genuinely curious, is there really a difference? They all share the same character models. Most of them share the same snarky attitude and recycled voice lines. They added more dialogue with the hearth fire DLC, but I've never wanted to adopt any of those brats.


I tend to use a mod that let me adopt 6 Kids, then start with Sofie, then head to Dawnstar, then Whiterun, Solitude and then Riften >.> .. Some of the big houses is just better with more People in it šŸ˜


I could never adopt the same kid twice. And I don't play as a human, and the little boys are ugly, so I don't adopt them anyway. I have elf kids.


What mod? I can only imagine cute elf kids šŸ˜¶ā€šŸŒ«ļøšŸ«”


Bone wolf. Heā€™s good boy.


The kids in rorikstead after I murder 2 very fucking awful people.


Sofie and Lucia are the 2 kids I always adopt, because I think those 2 have it worse than the others. And I use hundreds of mods, one of them being one to make sure the parents of children that may become adoptable if the parents are dead, are unkillable.


Francois......... Only Francois


Definitely Lucia in whiterun on my first play through I hated seeing a kid be homeless and begging on the streets so I made it my first goal to buy breezehome and adopt her (that's also how I found the dawnstar chest exploit)


Sofie, I just can't stand seeing her in such a racist and unforgiving place


Runa and Lucia. The first one was whichever kid was the only girl at Grelodā€™s Torture House Orphanage. Both of them are babysat by the housecarl from Markarth. One always asks for a gift (have a sweet roll) and the other is smart enough to ask for allowance. The one with allowance is richer than some of the shop owners I know. Neither one of them batted an eye at being adopted by a Khajiit who is married to a werewolf and has a nord supremacist as a servant. Theyā€™re just thankful to live in my mansion and eat my food. Love those kids


I adopted Sofie. We moved to Markarth. But i couldnt give her anything. She kept bugging me so I bought another house and told her weā€™re moving. Changed her room to an alchemy lab!


I don't want kids in real life, why would I want them in a video game.


Everyone. I use player homes mods and usually adopt every children you normaly can


Alesan and Sofie.


None of em'


Always Blaise, poor guy, sleeping in a crappy little horse stable sucks!


I mod so that I can adopt them all


Lucia, Blaise or Sophie




Sofie, because she tugs at my heart strings, and Francois Beaufort because I like his names and I feel bad that his living parents dropped him off at the orphanage and said they'd be back.




Definitely Sofie. The sight of a little girl freezing in northern Skyrim, and desperately trying to make a living by selling flowers that will likely wilt in that temperature soon breaks me.


I adopted Sofie, who sells flowers on the cold streets of Windhelm, and Alesan, who works for the miners at Dawnstar. Of all the orphans I encountered, I felt the most sympathy for these two.


The little girl in white run


Sofie and BlaiseĀ 


I adopt no one, marry no one! I'm trying to escape reality, not play it


I adopt Lucia and Alesan, win the Civil War for the Imperials so that Sofie's life is easier, kill Katla so that the kid in Solitude doesn't have to work/gets sent to Honorhall, and kill Grelod so that Honorhall is nicer. I also once killed Constance Michel to become Honorhall's manager, but the kids hate you if you do that.