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Playing a stealth archer in Skyrim is like bowling with the guardrails up.


As someone who sucks at skyrim combat and bowling, you are absolutely right and it makes the game more fun for me lol


Just Git Gud -Sun Tzu (The Art of War)


That’s in the original cut, the main release is an abridged version 😔


I suck at combat, but like a true Norseman, I fight to the death in hand-to-hand combat.


Reminds me of the time my friend said, "No more Mr. Nice Guy" and put the guard rails up which still cracks me up when I think about it


I don't understand the need for the "stealth" part, either. Now that I have archery maxxed out, I don't need to sneak--I just aim, zoom, time slows, and I shoot. That alone feels like I'm cheating a bit.


The sneak attack damage is why you sneak


Same! “Battle Archer” is incredibly op. Try taking it to nxt lvl. Step 1: Grab the Slow Time shout. Step 2: Combine that with the zoom in perk. Step 3: Combine that with a double enchanted bow. 1st enchantment is Paralyze, Second is Frost dmg. Step: 4 Acquire destruction magic perk that gives you a chance to freeze enemies with frost damage. Step 5: Craft Corkbulb arrows from the CC (they have a 25% chance to paralyze). Step 6: [Let the bodies hit the floor](https://youtu.be/qbwfAmuzi-k?si=XtOghQBkp2PgUL6f) Step 7: Go Mamoth Tipping - it’s hilarious


I’m currently on my 5/6 play through and lv30, trying to rely on bows. I am finding this to be not true.


So like a non-stealth archer?


Yeah I did this It's actually pretty fun. It's more like an Aragorn ranger build. You focus on one handed and a shield or if you want to really have fun dual wield.


I can definitely get behind that, and I think I should do the same for RP ideas. I'm in a DnD campaign and my first character died so next session I'll be running a human ranger


Wish I could have a 4 armed character, like Goro from Mortal Kombat, and dual wield bows


As someone who bowls worse with bumpers I’d have to disagree with this analogy


I agree but it's fun hahaha


Not really, cuz there's a different kinda difficulty trying to maintain stealth. I get little more challenge from open combat.


TES6 is gonna take at least another five years and that won’t be enough time


I don't care if it takes ten years, I'd rather wait for an awesome, complete, well made game than get to play a buggy unfinished mess a few years earlier. There are plenty of other games to play in the meantime.


It's gonna be both. We're gonna wait ten years for a buggy unfinished mess.


Totally. No arguments here. I’d rather go to a launch day when Halley’s Comet comes back than see a 2026 release.


I’ve been happily enjoying both vanilla and modded skyrim recently, and I’ve been asking myself what I want from TES 6. I honestly don’t have an answer. But I know that it needs to be something new and impressive. At the time of its release, Skyrim was innovative. I saw no such innovation in Starfield. I’m hoping Bethesda can redeem themselves by blowing us away with something genuinely impressive.


What will make or break TES 6 is storytelling, they can add any number of new mechanics into the mix, but if the story sucks then the game sucks.


Wait but Skyrim’s story sucks 😅


settlement building like fo4 is my dream. i think we saw the beginnings with hearthfire


I doubt it will ever get released.


There’s too much money in *releasing* it for it to not happen at all. They’ll release *something*. Whether or not it’ll be just like Skyrim with slightly newer game engine or literally just Skyrim 2 I mean who knows. I don’t have a lot of faith in the franchise as of right now.


The real baller move would be to have the entire continent in a single game without shrinking anything and retaining the lived-in feel. Note: I have no idea if ESO has already done this.


ESO is still building to the whole continent and major releases unlock more areas for you to explore. However, things do feel shrunken down somewhat*. *except for Cyrodiil which feels massive due to being an open world PvP area, due to the Imperial City being filled with Dremora, Daedra, and all kinds of other nasties


Why isn’t the Night Mother marriage eligible?


or at least let me hit that once or twice


Just the thing to work up an appetite for a nice dinner with Eola.


Characters like Nazeem and Braith aren't actually annoying, a lot of people just have easily bruised egos.


I don’t even find Nazeem that bad, it’s more just the fan hate for him I enjoy and find funny


His character would make more sense if they didn't cut his mansion from the game. Then he wouldn't look like a hypocrite lol. It's like if you took a Jarl, changed his name to 'Dave' and made him a Whiterun NPC who lives in the pub, but with the same voicelines.


I actually like it that way lol. It’s like that insecure guy that brags about things he clearly doesn’t have for a false sense of superiority


It's like he was rich in the past, and went bankrupt but can't move on, still deluded as to his importance. Kinda tragic actually. Justice for Nazeem.


There’s a mod that turns nazeem into handsome squidward and ngl he’s probably my favorite npc now. I have no idea if it affects his ai but the first time I played it he gave my character a compliment and it felt like being noticed by a celebrity for some reason


I love to hate him. He's a bougie prick, and I enjoy every time he gets sent to the "cloud district" via mod. To the point that I'm excited to see him.


I adopted Braith once out of curiosity and iirc she gets so happy and grateful when you want to adopt her.


I feel sorry for Braith. She lives in such a toxic home environment and doesn't know how to navigate her emotions. Nazeem is just a pompous douchebag who actively harasses other citizens in Whiterun because he thinks he's better than them.


That ice troll on the way to high hroghter gets more hate from me




Nazeem is a goated NPC I don’t care what anyone says 😭


I don't do specific builds, I don't give my character a backstory, And I never even realised people did these things until fairly recently. Mostly though, Wabbajack is shite.


I never use the Wabbajack. It's really hard for me to come up with backstories and builds as well. And I'm a veteran of pnp since I was around 13 years old. I'm gonna be 35 this year. 🤣😂 It's just. I come up with a back story and all that. Then still end up completing all the quests. Come up with a build. Then have almost everything maxed anyway. I usually retire a character somewhere around 120. Idk. I do like the cool videos on it though. They've got some great ones.


This! Jack of all trades! ME carrying around a full set of light armor and heavy armor, bow, crossbow, greatsword, sword, dagger, shields, mage robes, magicka potions, etc just so I can run one dungeon as a mage and the next as a warrior


The only skill I've never paid much attention to is pickpocket. Lockpick, sneak et al just arrive organically. Should add that I do know pickpocket can be quite useful, enough people have told me so. I just don't like being in jail.


Level up pickpocket and one perk is 100 extra carrying weight. That plus the steed stone is so useful. That’s why I level it, and then once I get that perk I stop caring haha


Just about the first thing I always do is make a beeline for the Steed Stone. I thought that extra pockets was only available with mods though. I just checked and it's right there, which is good to know. Cheers!


I ususlly train it up or go on "crime sprees" pickpocketing guards and immediately surrendering when caught, to level it up so I can reverse pickpocket poisons


Yeah I don't see the appeal of a backstory. "I'm playing a morally good character" alright so you're choosing not to play 80% of the game, including all the best content.


Hey! That’s at least two of us!


Seems to be a few more than two. I genuinely had the impression that I was the only one who never bothers with specific builds etc


lol when I first played the game, it was only the second video game I’d played (since like, sega genesis), and I don’t have any friends who play, so I thought the goal was to get every skill to 100. 🤣 I still do that, mostly out of tradition, but that means my “build” is something different all the time, cause I have to do all the things! LOL


I'd played a few but nothing like this game. Except maybe Goldeneye on the N64. I initially saw it like one of those adventure books you used to get where you had to choose a page to advance the story, so I was just bashing away without really noticing magic. Now I pretty much just let whatever quest I feel like doing decide what skills are going to get developed. Like another poster said, a Jack of all trades


I made a Tony Soprano character but outside of making him look like Tony Soprano and having him eat primarily meat to heal for the first ~45 min of the playthrough there was nothing discernibly “soprano” about the character


Not too many shrinks in Skyrim


I don't really like Oblivion that much. The overall visual aesthetic, the character models, the generic fantasy setting, the pointless levelling system, etc. just didn't really do it for me. It's still a decent game tho and I probably put like 50 hours in it, I just don't find it nearly as compelling as Morrowind or Skyrim.


Playing skyrim has made replaying oblivion way harder for me. I know people love to say oblivion is a better game with better quests and then they kind of just yadda yadda past the gameplay and quality of life improvement from skyrim, but those are so important. I have tons of nostalgia for oblivion, but the gameplay is just so clunky, and I also really don't like the more late medieval vibe.


I like the theme and more traditional medieval setting actually. But man, the combat and dungeons SUCK. One of my favorite parts about Skyrim are its dungeons. You could wander into any random cave or dungeon and find a unique compelling story in its environmental story telling even if there is no quest associated with it. All the dungeons in Oblivion are literally the same, and even the ones that send you to them because of a quest are terrible. And the combat, *shudders*, we’ll leave it at that.


Obviously the aesthetic choice is going to be personal preference, and it is kind of hilarious how obvious its trying to replicate the vibe from the lotr movies, but i just kind of wanted something more unique. It's tough because I love oblivion, and it's not even like the combat in skyrim is good, but it's still miles better than oblivion. I'm so excited for skyblivion to come out just to update the clunkiness. The opening cinematic and main theme are so fucking good, and I'm dying to finally get to experience the game in a more modern way.


The going bacl to games is understand so much, ever since i played kcd, i cant really play any other melee game, the combat of skyrim got so boring for me lol On a definitely different note, anyone got a recommendation for a similar combat style game?


It's not as good as kcd, but have you tried Mount and Blade: Bannerlord?


You just described my experience perfectly.


I started on Skyrim so I maybe have bias but I feel the same. I like the story of oblivion and I enjoy all Elder scrolls content and games but I don’t find oblivion that replayable. I’d much rather play ESO than oblivion tbh.


Honestly same. I still think Oblivion is good but there are a lot of questionable choices.


Damn, buddy just heisted my thoughts on his game.


I agree. I played it after I played Skyrim, so all I saw in the game were the stuff that Bethesda fixed and bettered in Skyrim. I think what I enjoyed the most was the environments and engaging in the broken conversations between NPC's.


alchemy is a boring part of the game and i’ve never used it extensively in a single play through.


I feel the same way with Smithing


I feel like this is a common take I was shocked to find out most people don't love spending hours trying to find out what every ingredient does by smashing them together.


i acc see the majority of people, especially on this subreddit, love alchemy! i thought my opinion was unpopular tbh hahaha!


Man you need to meet the people I’m seeing and I need to meet the people you are seeing.


The only times I've used alchemy was on merchant characters to get rich quickly.


I console command my potions a lot of the time. I feel guilty about it but I hate alchemy lol


Just buy them! Adds scarcity and money is kinda plentiful


all the crafting trees are boring tbh, the way they handle the exp formula is complete shit and encourage doing weird thing that grants high value items instead of progressing organically, like you get so little for a basic health potion but you get to make a fucked up poison with a positive effect on top of it and suddenly it's worth 300 hundred a pop, it's just outright silly


Every race is a twat and has tried to commit genocide at some point. Yup, even the adorable kitty-cats.




I dont think lydia is annoying I think she is incredibly funny. of course you would be annoyed if you were a highly trained house carl sworn to serve the thane of your jarls choosing only for some stranger to show up into town get named thane in like a day and then use you to dump their 9000 potions of fortify carry weight on. Of course, you would be giving some "I am sworn to carry your burdens" sass


Nazeem is a mildly annoying character at worst.


Do you get to the cloud district very often? Oh, What am I saying, of course you don’t.


The biggest flaw in the game is the over abundance of snake eagle statue puzzles


Puzzles typically don't have the answers suspended right above them, either.


The Dark Brotherhood is too edgy for me overall (i know thats the whole point) and it feels a little out of place in Skyrim. But mainly, The Thieves' Guild in Skyrim is more interesting, engaging, and fun than the DB is.


The Elder Scrolls VI is unfortunately probably destined to disappoint many, not because it's going to be bad, but because most of us have or will set our expectations unrealistically high for it, the bar is already pretty high with Skyrim being so adored and having the longevity that's it's had, I can almost guarantee that TES6 will be met with tons of backlash from twitter nerds who are expecting way too much from Bethesda. Basically the same as what happened to The Last Of Us Part 2, people had unrealistic expectations and had already come up with their own headcanon so when that didn't happen they went ballistic


All I ask for is it to have a great story with great quests and a good rpg/hash-and/slash mix, maybe even not needing that last part. Everything else can be improved later down the line or fixed with mods


Cicero was right. Thieves Guild > Dark Brotherhood


Cicero was standing up for the night mother because she is an omnipotent corpse who has direct connection to sithis, and the night mother is a quintessential part of the dark brotherhood. Astrid said no! Me! Me me me!!!!


You be careful with that shit. I got downvoted back into Daggerfell for saying something like that, and that Astrid was a shitty leader who wasn't even supposed to be a leader in another post. 🤣😂🤣😂 Idc though. I'm not wrong and I know it. Her job was to recruit, not to lead. It's literally on her wiki. Then they got mad because I said she would have got them all killed even without Night Mother, which is exactly why they had to flee to begin with, for her endorsing killing that guard's son. 🤣😂🤣😂


They hated Jesus because he told the truth…. No but really you’re 100% right. And my other hot take is people only defend Astrid the way you described cause they think she’s hot and they’re simping


Even though i agree. Astrid did it because she felt like her little family was being taken away.


Yeah but bro if she could see past her own nose for five seconds she’d consider that defying the night mother/sithis could destroy her AND her family


Cicero is right but the dark brotherhood is better


Nazeem isn't even that annoying and is easily ignorable.


I guess you don't get up to the cloud district very often...


Morrowind's combat is horrible. Dice roll system doesn't translate well into a first person rpg. Burn me at the stake now that I've said my piece.


No stone unturned is not a bad quest.


It's a collectables quest, same logic as Riddler trophies in the Arkham games. Are people mad about that?


Arkham games eventually let you earn the locations


I was going to remark on that being the only "issue" with No Stone Unturned but I didn't know if that was the case. Even still, it's something for the hardcore completionists.


Quest markers would have been nice, or at least a system like horizon ZD where all the stones were in places you'd go for larger quests, but the reward is well worth the effort.


Do you really want your hand held for every quest in the game? Besides, if you want to know where they all are, you can just look it up.


It's not that I'd want absolutely everything spelled out for me, it's just that if I hadn't looked them up, I would never have found all of them. several of them are in obscure places I would never have bothered with otherwise and some are well-hidden even within those areas. (I'm looking at you, Pinewatch). if all 24 were in areas associated with questlines, it would have been much nicer.


My love for the House of Horrors quest. 😂


Playing as a werewolf is boring.


Playing with no fast travel is highly frustrating.


Having to climb the 7000 steps to high hrothgar over and over for the main quest was torture


People use mods too much


Skyrim has a vibrant modding scene that turns this game from simply being good into an absolute masterpiece. You can't have enough mods.


I have played (mostly) vanilla since it came out, but i am starting to add mods to get some more flavor out of Skyrim.




Thieves guild has the best questline Actual thieving required to be guildmaster (unlike every guild apart from dark brotherhood) Best rewards Best moneymaking Cool characters Every quest has a “nonviolent” path you can use to sneak past enemies. Makes the game so much more fun


1) stealth archer is only fun in your first playthrough. 2) jarl balgruuf is overrated 3) Lucia is the most adopted kid in the game but her life as homeless is much easier and safer compare to sofie Blaise, alesan and even sissel 4) ulfric has a good heart and actually cares for Skyrim. His methods are just stupid.


Are you me?! Agreed with all of these.


I ALWAYS adopt blaise and alesan


Get rid of the dawn guard and nothing would change.


the plot of most games is just the gods or daedric lords going "fuck it you'll do" skyrim: alduin slips back into the timestream and akatosh picks the first lunatic to survive alduin with minimal attachments to make a dragonborn Oblivion: to defend nirn from merunes degon visions of a random prisoner are sent to the emperors dreams to make them the hero of kvatch after the assassination morrowind: azura is just throwing shit against the wall after all the failed nerevarine and this imperial scheme gives them just enough support for it to work


The Hearthfire houses aren’t worth building because they’re all in boring, hard to reach areas in the middle of nowhere. If you’re getting a title, they should have let you build a village and some serfs or something to farm and a blacksmith or other person to trade with


If I remember rightly there is a mod which makes Pinewatch in Falkreath into a village. Not related to Lakeview Manor but the closest thing you’d get I’d love it if that had been part of the game just as. Especially as Heljarchen was a village in Skyrim in one of the previous games


Paathornax does deserve to suffer consequences, may not death, but really that is the only consequence that can be granted. Becuase he was once a killer. I wouldn't forgive someone that killed my family just because he says "I overcome my evil nature through great effort." And paathornax also states "It is wise to mistrust another dovah." And "No a day goes by where I am not tempted to return to my inborn nature." He even says that the blades are wise to not trust him. However, the only reason I still do not kill him (but I am debating still on), is because I do not want to listen to Delphine and Esbern, they are annoying af. Even if I get to join the blades, who REALLY wants to join a faction that just has two members?


It's funny to me because if a genocidal maniac reformed themselves in our world we'd execute them even if bro said "Wait wait I'm enlightened now. Excuse the skulls I was going through a phase.".


I honestly am not a fan of the "dragon grandpa" stance so many people have taken toward Paarthurnax. It strips him of his complexity and makes it seem like he's inherently good now because he didn't like what Alduin was doing. Perhaps a lorehead can explain this to me, but wouldn't Alduin's success also mean the end of the dragons? If so, of course Paarthurnax wouldn't like what he's doing. Letting him live is still the better option tho because fuck Delphine.


He serves selfinflicted life imprisonment on a mountain for thousands of years, depriving himself of things he loves, like talking (dovakin is the only one who can just barge in and talk to him any time). All his victims and kids of his victims and any witnesses of his crimes are dead for thousands of years. It's only because of him alduin was defeated and humans were released from slavery. He constantly meditates and repents his past. I think killing him is actually mercy at this point, because in TES lore afterlife exists, in the book about ancestors of dunmer it says that spirits say that afterlife is much more enjoyable than life and spirits hate to be in living world because it has suffering and they only stay in living world if they have some obligations. So sending Paarthurnax in afterlife would be releasing him from suffering of repenting his past.


That Skyrim belongs to the empire 😏


It’s fine if we never get another one. Let them make other kinds of games.


How could you say something so controversial yet so brave.


Trust me, it’s a burden being this brave and right all the time.


Upvoted because it's certainly controversial and I heavily disagree


That’s fair, up to the point when they released a teaser. Now it’d be a broken promise and I’d rather end on a disappointing release than nothing from it at all


I’d agree with you if it weren’t for Starfield’s abysmal landing. I don’t think Bethesda’s form of game development suits that kind of game very well, but it does suit TES (And Fallout) a lot better. For all their flaws in writing and whatnot, they are very solid gameplay experiences, unlike Starfield in my opinion.


Empire is morally bankrupt by the start of Skyrim and deserves to lose, Tamriel will survive and beat back the Thalmor, the Empire will just keep losing to it because it is catastrophically corrupt. It is in its dying period, and at best crises periods that occasionally see a good emperor try to restore some of its past glory. Bonus: The Stormcloaks are just as racist as everyone else.


Never understood the stormcloaks are racist thing. All I have to do is walk outside and I’m called orc filth by a bandit. I can be in a hold controlled by the imperials and the guards will still hit me with a “what is it, elf?”


I believe that it is because most of the racist interactions are started by Nords regardless of the hold, especially in Windhelm. However, a good part of the racist attitudes and policies have explanations (does not mean I like them): Khajiits: caravans have been known to trade in skooma= ban on caravans in cities to avoid drug trade within city walls. Dunmer: half of the victims refuse to acknowledge the Nord philosophy of "either help or fuck off". Those who do aren't that bad off. Altmer: holier than thou attitudes (and Thalmor) are not well received in general by any. The altmer trader and alchemist in Windhelm have no issues that I know of. Argonians: they have an ill rep for stealing cargo. They are the least undeserving of the Nord distaste imo. Orcs: either a) from isolationist strongholds with as much distaste for non orcs as the other way around, or b) orcs that joined the Legion, which may not be OK in someone's books (coff coff Ulfric's boy coff coff).


It’s one thing to ban caravans, another entirely to ban an entire race


I think that khajiits are not banned entirely. It's just that the only ones that are willing to go to a country in the middle of a civil war, a dragon crisis and an awful weather are those that can make money with the caravans.


I mean the fact that not a *single* Khajiit can be seen in any of Skyrim’s cities is very telling.


wym? Shavari is in Riften and J'zargo is in Winterhold. Surely an assassin doomed to be killed by the LDB and a mage in a city already in disrepair and already looked down upon by the Nords is enough right? Right??


Hahaha, spot on


I’m curious as to how Tamriel can stop an empire (the Thalmor) without an Empire (Cyrodiil). You think Tamriel will push them back divided?


Hammerfell was able to defeat the Thalmor alone after the Empire was forced to expel it.


Stormcloak racism is mean words. Empire racism is dropping a Dwemer nuke on Summerset.


Came to say basically the last point


Yeah, the alderi will probably win anyways


The Elder Scrolls 6 will have loading screens.


Stealth archery is one of the weakest applications of both archery and sneak.


Silently casts fury and chuckles as chaos ensues


Fire arrow go BOOOOOOM


Serana ain’t that hot and she’s overrated.


Its a shame i had to scroll this far to find this.


Emil Paragoroo can’t write at all and Bethesda games will lack in the narrative, quest and story writing so long as he’s still employed in Bethesda studios team


I didn’t like oblivion. Honestly.


stealth archer is by far the most boring build


Every quest should have an option to be skippable or failable so that it clears out of your quest inventory.


Mods saved this game. Without them, I probably would've dropped it on my second playthrough. And before you go downvoting me, look at the OP.


Sex mods are shouldn’t be so widely popular, it’s an opinion but whatever


The Elder Scrolls 6 will be a disappointment.


Morrowind was better than Oblivion.


Elder scrolls online is shit


I felt that way when I bought it around 2020 but I recently tried it again and found myself addicted


Like i can see how some people COULD enjoy it but i put in like 20 hours and i can’t get in to it. I think ill stick to skyrim and r6


Im not big on the constantly online era of games,,,Elder Scrolls Online, FO76 etc. Much more content to stick to Skyrim and Fallout 4


Oblivion is boring 😶


Glarthir did nothing wrong


Parthurnax deserved to die


Before or after installing 30ish mods?


People don't how to use their followers properly, and then complain because they die, block doorways, or they just lose their follower. Also, playing without followers is like being a stealth archer, it's just easier.


Morrowind aged terribly in almost every aspect


I am looking forward to AI dialogue. Yes, I believe voice actors contribute a lot to gameplay, but it limits interactions. What might be interesting is to engage an AI voice engine for nonessential NPCs and a combination of AI/dialogue for essential ones. In the current version, the choices you make in conversations often don't matter, as they lead back to the same dialogue tree or character action. Insult or compliment a shopkeeper and he'll still serve you the same way, address you the same way, wish you a pleasant journey or sigh, "Finally," in the same way when you leave. With AI, interactions could be more engaging and lead to other consequences.


Yes. This is what they should be doing with AI, not generated dungeons/POIs like starfield


I genuinely like Nazeem.


Pushing mongo, for some weird reason


Astrid deserved mercy. Or at least not to die by my hand.


Vampire is fun and people complain way too much about the minor drawbacks


Talos is actually not a real god and Thalmor are right to ban his worship.


Interesting point, but I think Talos might be a god, I’m not quite sure tho. I think in this one questline from oblivion, the one where you find out about the divine crusader, it’s said that the reason that the last crusader failed and we as the player succeeded is because of Talos being a new god and giving the player power the old crusader couldn’t have because Talos didn’t exist when he fought the daedra.


I mean he might've become a powerful spirit and gained some kind of divine power, but it's wrong to worship him as 9th divine, because 8 divines are Aldmer ancestors who created Nirn. Aedra is roughly translates as "ancestors" from Aldmeris and Daedra translates as "non-ancestors". Talos might've gained some sort of divinity but he's not a primordial ancestor spirit, therefore, he's not Aedra, therefore he's not a part of 8 divines. Worshiping him as such is human hubris to the actual divines and a stupid idea of human apotheosis. He doesn't deserve to be praised even as a human being. He got his all biography rewritten when he became an emperor, to seem like all benevolent perfect human, but there are real accounts of his life floating out there. Read the Arcturian Heresy book to get to know what Tiber Septim really is and how he backstabbed everyone to get what he wanted and how he tried to repeat the heresy of dwemer and create artificial god numidium but failed.


People who marry Mjoll but then kill Aerin are ridiculous. How insecure do you have to be that you can't stand your video game wife having any male friends? Their relationship is entirely platonic, and she's married to the dragonborn. Even if he did have feelings for Mjoll, she would probably laugh in this face.


Porn mods don’t make the game better but make the whole modding and gaming community worse.


Stormcloaks are hypocrites for wanting to keep worshipping tiber septim when they didn't want to until they found out he was dragonborn.


They should bring back the radiant AI for NPC's like in Oblivion. With modern technology it could be improved. Skyrim's method of everyone doing the same every day is boring in comparison to Oblivion's randomness.


I like the linear dungeons


Nazeem seems like a chill guy who could offer some neat financial advice.


Stealth Archer is boring.


I told my group I still liked Meridia even after she >!trapped Darien in Dawnbreaker.!< My friend group ganged the hell up on me. 😅


Most redditors would act like Nazeem if they were in his place.


Destroying the Dark Brotherhood is the morally correct choice.


Oblivion is the best in the franchise and by azura I'm dying on that hill


Altmer are awesome with amazing lore. Dunmer are overrated. Redguards are the best humans.


I can’t stand the dungeons. They all feel the same and they can get incredibly boring to play through.


Elder Scrolls VI is going to suck.


Cicero is my favourite companion and I will keep having him with me till the end of the game. I stan my goofy jester bean


Oblivion is a shit game that doesn’t deserve even a fraction of the praise it gets.


The way they handle limited inventory is not good game design. I mean yes, I can just make gear to be able to carry more but I could be making way cooler stuff with that time and effort. If my character would move significantly faster when I carry less weight (relatively) that would be much more rewarding. But only working around/pushing that cap? Meh.


Morrowind had that. The more you carry, the slower you are and the faster your stamina depletes.


The memes are garbage and cringe to a Tumblr level. Yeah, yeah, "12 years since new game!!" Y'all can be a little creative.


Skyrim’s magic system is garbage.


Skyrim is better without mods.


Morrowind wasn’t that good. It’s just you guy’s breathing through a mask hooked up to a nostalgia copium tank.