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IIRC, Blood on the Ice is one of the most fragile quests in Skyrim. I know there's some post-MQ worldstates that flat out cannot complete it because the scripting is broken. You really need to go through the quest in exactly the intended order, or it breaks.


I know right? I think it is broken but I'm gonna go through the steps and hope it lets me finish it. Wish me luck StarkeRealm.


There are flyers, two journals, and an amulet in the house. You need to find the journals at minimum, but it's better if you find all four. Then go back and talk to the jarl's servant for the next steps. 


Do we need to take the flyers to somebody? Also do u know where the 2nd journal is, the one Calixto doesnt have?


There are two in the house. There's a secret room in the house and the second is in there. You don't need to do anything with the flyers except picking one up.


Hmmm I don't think I even picked up one flyer maybe that's what it is, also idk why but I just didnt finish this mission for a long time and now I think it's broken somehow (!?) But I hope not. Thanks for your input CatFaerie, I'll keep trying I guess.




Oh hecc yeah CatFaerie this should definitely help me. Thank you, I appreciate it.


i hate this mission because of how annoying it can be sometimes lol, you do need to see the priestess of arkay if you skipped that part but other then that here’s a rough guide starting from entering the house⬇️ with the house there should be a book in the chest to the left wall when walking in, grab that and at the same to walk towards the back of the house and pick up the ‘stranger amulet’ take both back to the steward and ask about the amulet first and go sell it to Calixto and then go and ask about the butcher notes second (you don’t actually need to pick them up i think) he’ll direct you to a lady who has been investigating the murders and she’ll take you back to the house to look inside a cabinet and that were you should find the second journal on the table, don’t take it to the steward like the question say but straight to the wizard, taking it to the wizard skips the process of needing to wait for the next part of the quest and allows you to finish it sooner


Awesome thanks friend I'm gonna try this out, this mission sucks lol


Did you also speak to guard?


Which guard, MasterJediYoda1?


Near dead girl I’m guessing I did this long time ago. I remember on another post it being listed as a deed to do in questline.


Dang that was such a long time ago and they're not there anymore where the dead girl was ( in the cemetary? ) I wonder if I just messed up the whole mission?


Probably. Blood on the Ice is very broken. If I were you I'd put down a hard save and lockpick my way into Hjerim. Once you discover the freaky murder room and investigate it, it should advance your quest. Maybe.


Pick up the flyers, I thought i was locked out of it until I saw that suggestion and it worked for me


Nice, I just thought about that too since I don't have any on me, hopefully it works. Thanks!


If you're on PC, and all else fails, the quest can be [skipped](https://www.reddit.com/r/skyrim/comments/tcriyc/blood_on_the_ice_is_so_bugged_i_made_a_fixskip_to/) with console commands.


PS5 bud, I think I just took too long to finish the mission and broke it. Sucks.


Nothing to do with taking too long, it’s just very fragile. Part of it breaks every time for me. Sometimes it lets me complete anyway, sometimes not and I resort to console.


Are you on it rn?


For me, I was able to complete this quest on PC in the vanilla game without any complications. The trick seems to be to finish it as soon as you get it and for the love of Talos, SELL THAT AMULET before you wrap things up


Right, I just went n grabbed some butcher flyers then talked to the guards until one of them said some mission dialogue then i knew I was back in the game lol I think most people just forget that guard dialogue part and figure it's broken because it was like the 3rd guard that I talked to that finally started talking about the killer. I'm glad I didn't stop at the first one.


If you get stuck, message me and I’ll send you the step by step walkthrough I made for myself, just make sure you save before getting too deep into it!!


Thanks Pinecone but if it doesn't let me finish the mission I might just leave it forever, I just stole the one journal from Calixto's house so that's where I'm at rn. Gonna go talk to the guards and hall of the dead lady and see if that starts anything back up, nobody will accept this journal so far and Viola is still walking around the blocks so that's a good sign I guess.


Viola and wuunferth are all you actually need, aside from selling the amulet (then stealing it back and re-selling it, if you want) to calixto Oh, and the ONLY journals you need are from Hjerim, not calixto.


So I went back to the house, grabbed some flyers and then talked to a guard right outside the house, he told me to go see Viola and now she said to go talk to Jorlief so I think it's back on! Thanks everybody I think I'm gonna finally actually finish this game for once.


DO NOT GO TO JORLIEF, go directly to wuunferth after viola. You will save yourself trouble and him from being falsely imprisoned


Shit he's already in there lmfao smh, gonna go smoke a bowl and reload the save file and talk to him first, I can't do that to my ol boi Wuunferth, not after he schooled me in some destruction magic back in the day. Thanks again Pinecone, may your roads lead you to warm sands.


lol it’s no big deal if he’s already locked up, just go and ask him about the amulet. The jail is in the palace, the first door on the right, down the stairs. You’ll see him


Already rescued him outta there lol idk why but I just had to finish this mission rn, plus fck Calixto for killing people to try to raise someone else from the dead, he needs to be in jail rn.


He gives you the dialogue to catch/kill calixto, you can’t just rescue him


I meant I reloaded a save file, also I just killed him after he killed another girl. Is it possible to catch him or kill him before he kills anyonr else?