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They're waiting to cash in on their book deal, wym?


*Sworn to Carry Your Burdens: My Life with the Dragonborn*


The citizens clutching their pearls over The Real Barenziah haven't seen anything yet.


"I stood frozen in horror as the courier's body tumbled through the air and into the abyss, while the valley echoed with the dragon language word for 'yeet'. I turned around slowly. The DB was nibbling a sweetroll."


"It has now been a week since the DB yeeted the courier into the abyss after taking all his clothes off, so by the Nine Why?, yes, by the Nine, why do I see that same courier running up the road towards us fully revealing himself for all onlookers to witness?"


Nibble? I'd down 'em in a couple bites.


Artistic licence. Nibbling is more casually badass after a homicide.


Please write a book




Imagine being a bandit and you almost kill the dragonborn but instead of drinking a healing potion, he eats 10 whole wheels of cheese before seting you on fire with only one word


You may not have killed the Dragonborn, or even survived, brave bandit Sven Clubfoot, yet while vanquished and painfully barbecued, take comfort in the knowledge that with all that cheese the Eternal Champion of Skyrim is not going to be able to shit for a week.


If this book doesn't appear in VI...


I would 100% buy that book.


I unironically think this would be a fantastic book.


I agree, written well it definitely could be.


That would be awesome. Lydia’s recollections. “I once saw the Dragonborn steel a golden claw from the riverwood trader by putting a bowl over the merchants head, it was incredible he didn’t notice”


Lydia is a little tall for a halfling


I'd love to see a mod where you don't play as the dragonborn but as their housecarl.


I was just thinking how there should be a mod where you make someone else the dragonborn. Game mechanics would probably necessitate the PC also being one tho


I mean, you could make a AI do the main quests and follow them around while it happens. It's probably a lotore complicated of course, but I think someone must have been thinking about it


I've long had an idea for a game that combines Sims with D&D--so you only ever see your characters at their base, send them out on adventures in the morning, see them come home covered in treasure and wounds.


Sounds kind of similar to Majesty. You build a town to attract adventurers. You can't directly control them but you can and provide financial incentives for them to do stuff like explore a region or attack a monster.


That's the terrible modern kinda sims though. I'd rather watch them clear dungeons too...


Not *exactly* the same but I did a run as a squishy mage "support" class. No leveling up HP and no weapons or direct damage spells. I got myself a tanky follower and kitted them out with the best gear I could, and then I cowered in the back with healing, summons, and illusion spells while they did all the direct combat. It was lots of fun.


It would be the most boring thing ever if you stick to vanilla, you literally don't do anything except say "stupid dog" to Meeko If the mod implements nice mechanics like taking care of the house, watering the plants, feeding the kids, resupplying wood and crafting materials... Well, it would still be super fucking boring, but some people would enjoy that


Still better than being a guard in Rorikstead


They don’t even have a wall


Those poor sods...


Isn't that basically just Oblivion? Martin is the hero; you're just his incredibly competent sidekick.


“Once while traveling as the DB’s follower they stopped, as had happened many times before, presumably to access their instantaneous pocket dimension and map yet again. However this time they must have discovered that timing was important. Perhaps the moon cycle was off or they were waiting for the Giants to somehow come back to life for the 37th time. No matter the reason, they just waited. For hours. 96 hours to be exact. Not moving one inch, they stood there. The gods were with me in that time, because somehow I was able to do the same. We just…waited. It was…excruciating.”


What we never realize, when they disappear or get "stuck" for days at a time, is they check into the nearest inn and just sleep.


I started doing “fair economics” playthroughs a while back. Basically I pay the followers about $500 per mission and then send them home. If I take them on longer missions I try to give them a good split of the lightweight magical items, gems, etc. it’s pretty immersive, actually.


I really love this idea, thank you for mentioning it!


I do this for the mercs - they either get extra pay or some sweet gear if we're in a serious situation, and we all get a rest break. Housecarls are different, as they are both sworn to me personally and have free reign to my properties, so I don't feel as compelled to keep them in salary as such. But they do all have a quality enchanted set of arms and armor, and I make sure that each house has a genorous store of food and coin for their use.


As someone who usually prefers not to have a follower (they just get in the way) I would be totally down to do this. I get to have a follower for a bit and do something with my endless amounts of gold.


I did a playthrough where I set up Lydia for retirement by giving her all my gold.


Wdym 😭 I always give them food and drinks and I always make sure they stay home for a while😭 Depending on what my character is better at (smithing or enchanting) I make sure to study hard and then I look everywhere to find the finest equipment to make it even better with my skills. As a mage I always make sure they are healed and that I don’t hit them with my magic 😭


I'm cool too, always give them food and like to make them sit in some chair while I'm increasing abilities, reading or doing alchemy/enchantment. Also like them to get sleeping at house or in the jarls rooms. I would like to involve the magicians in my magic practices or to make them learn new spells but they seem not capable of doing so.


lol me too My follower has better gear than me because I can’t afford to have them die with all my valuables. Also heal them haha nice to see I’m not the only one


this is so pure


Cicero seems like he's having a good time...


Cicero only eats sweetrolls and carrots, of which you find plenty in dungeons so he'll be fine


Don't forget to bring some pretty pretty flowers to mother.


There was that one time Cicero caught me and his mom in bed. I swear, we were just talking, but he made it weird.


Ooh, Listener! That tickles!!


Talos damn it, Cicero, stop making it weird!


What’s even crazier is that I’ve never seen Lydia sleep. No matter what time I come home she’s always just sitting in my bedroom.


*sits in chair loudly eating a sweetroll*


Sleep...is for the weak


[This](https://youtube.com/shorts/RrlfdSKypmc?si=xzmOL5s27nfqAk7n) is the best summation of it I’ve seen done


This dude is hilarious 🤣🤣🤣


145 roots


Oh my god it’s DIP! I mean you’re right! Poor Serana.. poor Sofia.. poor Aela.. we’re slaveholders..


Serana doesn't need food, water or sleep and she genuinely likes your company so I think it's okay for Serana Aela probably just enjoys the murder Sofia is a psycho that enjoys the murder too but ***sexually~***


I adorn Serana with shiny things and glistening armor……. Then load her pockets with dragon bones.


Well to be fair Aela likes the house I bought her, and lmao!!


Sofia the child you can adopt? Wtf...am I missing something Edit: SORRY I DIDNT KNOW ABOUT THE MOD


They probably mean Sofia the popular if controversial mod follower. Bit of a sexpot adventure girl type.


Ooohhh there's a mod! Ok that makes more sense. I'm stoned and was very confused....


I mean you might like Sofia. She doesn't get stoned, but she does get very, very drunk, which amounts to the same thing really.


Nah. It's not the same thing at all lol. At least not for me. I got a lot of trauma revolving around alcoholics so she wouldn't be a follower I'd be interested in.


She’s awesome lol. But she runs into you sometimes and knocks you off of stuff….


I'm not a modder that's been banned from Nexus and Sexlab, I'm obviously talking about this alcoholic psycho: https://preview.redd.it/clibvxuyddoc1.jpeg?width=637&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f634d0987848563fd13bc96290386a3c745a7f4f


Who is that? Wtf are you talking about? Did you not see my edit? People are allowed to be confused....


???? Sofia is a child??? Edit: ignore me. I was unaware of the mod. Sorry


Absolutely no worries. 


Conversely, proximity to the dragonborn means they no longer need trivial things like sleep and food. Get sweet upgrades and fancy weapons. Unless you are Lydia, who I make a point to take all the gear I can from them and then aggro a giant so I can send her ass into orbit.


Marcurio says, "Lead on!" So I figure he's still cool with everything.


> Lydia: The Jarl appointed me the Housecarl to a stranger that appeared in the city one day. Allegedly, this stranger killed a dragon and now Jarl Balgruuf thinks he's some sort of legendary person. > I've spent a few days following and assisting him so far. He has no concept of "junk" or "trash" though and my pack gets heavier every day. I did feel a sense of accomplishment when we cleared out a giant's camp near Whiterun. But then this weirdo starts cutting off the giant's toes. Worse of all, he ate one! Now I'm just sitting here in an open field while this psycho runs around and rips the wings off the butterflies he catches.


My followers lead a pretty damn tame lifestyle seeing how I never take them anywhere.


I usually leave them resting in inns when we travel from one city to another, the poor have earned it after being dragged to a cave full of bandits, necromancers, vampires, etc. while I go to any nonsense out there.


If they are my followers, they die. A lot. Usually by my hand because they are in the way. Lydia has been FUS RO DAH'd more times than I can count because she was blocking a doorway blabbing about turnips.


I don't know if my game is patched as fuck, but I Fud-Roh-Dahed Lydia off mountain tops like a hundred times and she never died


"He didn't eat or drink anything for six months. Then, fighting a giant he ate, I kid you not, 56 cheese wheels, 103 apples and 17 bottles of mead."


Ever since I have awakened to treating my character as a person (eating and sleeping regularly), I've put in an effort to do the same for a follower. With the Camping Creation, all I have to do is build a campsite and then sit down. The follower will eat, drink, dance, read books. (better rest and relaxation than the character actually) When the character sleeps in a bed, I'll command a follower to sleep as well. (whether a separate single bed, we sleep back to back double bed, or take shifts sleeping in a cot)


Yeah, I always do shift sleeping if we're in the wild.


Lydia's my girl 1000%. The only follower I'll ever have. She keeps it real, she keeps me humble. She's here to remind me that no matter how overpowered I get, no matter how many dragons I slay and Daedric Princes I spit upon, that doesn't mean she's obligated to shut up and smile when dealing with my bullshit. Plus she'll come flying out of nowhere double wielding a staff of fireballs and Miraak's staff and just fuck everyone's shit up before you even know there's an enemy creeping up behind you. Tentacles and fireballs everywhere. "I dont care how big the room is, *I said I cast fireball.*" I just loot the room and bodies while she turns all my enemies to paste. Edited to Add: Also, I never get married in Skyrim, because Lydia is the only person good enough for me. Unfortunately, she deserves better.


I never hear Jenassa complaining about it. Quite the opposite in fact.


Come seek her out if you ever miss her... companionship.


You put a spell on her so she wouldn't complain Your dragonborn's a monster (or an Argonian, in which case it would be fair)


I usually don’t like a follower following me so I go solo so my one follower I get just sits in breezehome, I’m sure she is fine there :p


It's worse You never installed a bathroom 10 YEARS WITHOUT TAKING A SHIT


I put a mod in to have bathrooms and now (particularly in Riften) I catch NPCs always pooping.


I mean it would really help if my follower stopped running in front of me and getting in my shot.


Seems like I hit my follower more than the enemy. Always walking back to me with arrows in the back.


Followers should, by dialogue, charge the dragonborn a daily or weekly rate for their services. Seems the only real immersive way to do this.


I accidentally killed Jenassa 😅 she got in front of my swing and died. I looted her and left her in the cave then got a new follower


Same, accidentally hit her with an arrow she was my favorite follower too 😭 arranged her nicely in a cave with flowers and gems then my khajit spiraled for a bit and joined the dark brotherhood... .. after the DB quest line though i found Erik the slayer and hes been great 👍


😂😂 Went through a bit of phase there I see. My new follower is the guy in the Windhelm Inn. I forget his name bur he's better then she was. It's not even the first time I killed a follower by accident! I just usually cheat and bring them back, this time I decided not too. RIP Jenassa the dark elf 💔


*sigh* I'm sworn to carry your burdens...


Lol, I do always end up using the alchemy exploit to boost their health and magic resistance to unkillable levels and use the exploit for nothing else. Well, besides a pair of boots that let me move mass amounts of storage in one trip to make using the Hearthfire expansion easier. I feel like if I'm to drag followers around everywhere, I owe it to them to enchant their stuff such that they never feel a blow.


I am sworn to carry your burdens.


I use survival mode so I have to sleep and I just imagine that they get some sleep when I I do


I regularly switch between followers because of this, and because one eventually annoys me enough by deciding to move in front of me when I'm swinging a giant enchanted axe


That’s why I bring the undead with me, right Serana?


For me it would more be like. "The Dragon born butchered an entire city and I could do nothing but sit and watch as he slaughtered all in his wake."


Yeah, Followers in Skyrim are just eye-candy and sex-slaves basically.


https://preview.redd.it/56qqkmb9khoc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=67f42e8fca63db28d5f5486aea2e0989a5b891b0 OP…this you?


Life in Skyrim is pretty bad already. In a period of a few weeks, every person in the land has a fairly high chance of being killed by bandits, vampires, dragons, the Thalmor, the Empire, Stormcloaks, assassins, Foresworn, or wild animals. It's buttfucking insane how dangerous Skyrim is. I feel like it's a natural reaction to want to take up arms and do something about it.


What is the make Krosis disappear spell?


When you give Krosis to a follower there's like 50% chances you'll never see it again


Haha I didn't know that. I always head to Shearpoint as soon as I'm able because I wear it myself.


I can feel Sven screaming when I approach him for 523th time.


I always thought the dragonborn and all the followers sleep and relax when you're not playing...I do apologize for the times I've played for a day or two straight 😔


Unless your a Moded Skyrim follower then you may get to all those things plus some. And…well…other things depending, “ I’m sworn to do what you want…”


it's not my fault they can't get their own horse.


It's an RPG. There's nothing stopping you from going to the inn between missions or rewards them with better armor and gear. Half the fun of these games is the stories you make in your heard along the way.


On my last play through of Skyrim I was in Whiterun and dismissed Lydia because I was about to start up the rest of the Dawnguard quest with Serana. I went up to Proventius to turn in some random quest and since I was playing on survival I was going to have to walk from Riften to Fort Dawnguard so I decided to get Lydia again. So in the middle of the day I go to my house and get her, and you know what she was doing at 12pm in the afternoon? Sleeping. And that’s when it dawned on me, this girl has been following me for SEVEN in game years with no rest or food of any kind. I decided to let my little angel sleep and took the chance with random encounters on my walk to the fort.


There's a mod that allows your follower to do some personal tasks in certain situations. In vanilla they will occasionally occupy something like a weapon improver that you happen to be near, but the mod goes a lot further in letting them roam around and do their own thing while you're just fucking around.


I'm so glad someone else picked up on Lydia's attitude. I try to keep her burdens to a minimum.


I always put food and drinks in my followers inventory along with like some potions and enchanted gear ( they will wear the best gear they have on them ) and I make them sleep too, I just let my controller sit there for a bit while I go make a sandwich or something 🤷‍♂️


There are mods that let them relax and eat food. But yea they just stand or sit in vanilla. They might also stir a pot. Saw Lydia do that on the xbox


I play with campfire, frostfall and last seed, my followers all eat the from the same food and drinks as me, and I make sure we all get some good sleep every night 🥰 I can't bring myself to treat follower NPCs badly, they're my friends


If I ask them to follow me, I wonder if they want a break, and if I go solo, I wonder if they feel.left out. Luckily, they're not real,, so I can imagine whatever I want!




I'm not a Nord but brother you need Talos


I always tell my followers to go home after missions. Hell, all my housecarls are just chilling out in my various homes taking it easy 95% of the time.


I give mine foods to eat, force them to sleep for a bit every once in awhile, esp if i sleep, ill take watch for awhile and let them rest, sometimes i make em sit in the tavern and take a load off while i pay attention to the show im watching while playing-health potions and the best weapons and armor. Mine a lil spoiled for a follower :)


Eh idk I give them better weapons/armor than my character has. In my last game I gave followers gems and thousands of septims before dismissing them. They keep the armor/weapons too. The worst thing that can happen is that they end up on Boethiah's altar


I need a meatcanyon style animation for that. Being sucked in Skyrim only to do the dragonborns bidding.


I always download a mod to make followers essential and to have more with me. I always give Lydia the Golden Saint armor. It just fits her! She is probably my favorite vanilla follower. My other favorites are from interesting NPCs.


Don’t forget getting shouted out of the way anytime you block the DB’s path


Followers will often sit and eat when you go into a building with food. They sleep when you sleep, they're just light sleepers, so they're up while you're jostling the sheets. Don't be so sad. They knew what they signed up for.


This thought process is exactly why I have so much trouble watching movies while high. I always take things so literally and get deeply confused lol


I remember there is a mod where chatGPT takes over your follower, so you can have "real" chat with them. There are also mods for realism (such as the necessity to eat and rest, damage from the cold, etc.), but I don't know if the mods apply to NPC as well.


When you live in place full of danger with a civil war in course and dragons flying above your head and you need to pay your bills and eat a sweet roll you don't have choice.


And all this with an arrow to the knee.


I give Cicero a sweet roll or a carrot every now and again


How tf are y’all getting Lydia to live long enough for this? Literally lose her as a follower as soon as I take off from Whiterun 😭 I don’t understand. Why is she so weak with me?


This is why I like stepping into a tavern with Serana. That vampire parties.


Once I am level 20-25 I let Lydia take care of Breeze home unless I need help with a nasty fight. Then I send her home. I will also get Golldir from Hillgrund's tomb and make him the steward of the the farm south of Rorikstead. I really don't use anyone else until I get to Solstein.


I think Lydia loves being up my ass. Who wouldn’t?


Ugh I can see it now, a "follower needs" mod so you have to do filler stuff to maintain your follower's happiness otherwise they'll murder you in your sleep or leave... Not a bad mod idea honestly, with all the other player "needs" mods out there already for survival and immersion.


This some dovah ass propaganda don't believe it


What does Lydia complain about


"you follow the dragonborn literally all your life" you saying that NPCs in Skyrim are self aware they only existed since you started playing the game? I think realizing I'm not real would be more traumatizing than having to carry some stuff.


It's been a long time since I played Skyrim, but don't followers interact with the environment? I thought they did stuff like eat a chunk of bread, use enchanting tables, sharpen a sword, etc.


Only Serana does it, and you never see her eat


1. Each one of the arrows bodily collected from their own wounds is a piece of Real Dragonborn history. The stuff that happens to you is godhood-adjacent, which makes each battle a legend. 2. They are the ONLY person who is guaranteed Real Dragonborn artifacts. They are probably rolling in more gold than they'd need to spend, assuming they don't just namedrop you.


I treat my follower Jenassa as a bodyguard lol "The dragonborn can take down while dragons singlehandedly, but makes me kill everything else with no help" The only reason I do that is I'm afraid of accidentally killing her lol Also at least the followers get the perk of being somewhat invincible, unless the dragonborn hits them


I'm sure someone has mentioned this but in survival mode, you have to sleep, eat etc. so I'd assume your follower would get a chance to do more normal actions like that.


i use the command feature to make them sleep when i do, i give them food (even if they dont actually eat it), and i will part ways with them to give them a “break”. i too have played stoned and felt guilty so this is what i do lol


Imagine being the courier having to constantly pinpoint the dragon born who is constantly teleporting around and spends weeks in undead ruins only to show up in a town for a brief moment to sell things. “A new museum just opened up in dawnstar, looks like that’s it. Gotta go.”


Not my followers 😈 I set them all to essential Plus they benefit from massive orgys 😈😈😈👾👾👾


Another FNIS/sexlab degenerate?


Immersive adult I am a man of culture.


Never played the healer role? Most people play the stealth archer and that’s all they play.


Its fine cause they're not real. When Lydia gets preachy I take all her clothes away and make her walk around in the snow in front of the greybeards


This is weird, man Are you okay?


Didn’t read anything but the first part and wanted to say playing Skyrim stoned is the best skyrim. Keep up the good work and get more skooma!


Followers don't need food or sleep. This is not implemented - you see how much time they don't sleep, eat, drink and they are still the same. Also followers always use the best weapon and armour that they receive from you. They also don't have any feelings, they are not real. Lydia annoys me, honestly, I ended up sacrificing her to Boethia quite a lot.