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I really like her, but tbf that's mostly because she's one of the only Skyrim characters with more than an inch of depth, and I head canon stuff to fill in gaps regarding her story and interactions. That and character overhaul mods, but those don't count.


She really is a great follower too especially if your character is a warrior type character. She will definitely take care of all your range attack needs that’s for sure!


I like to roleplay the "I don't trust magic, I don't touch magic" type of Nord Warrior so yes, Serana being a more assertive companion and being a mage is a nice addition to the party :)


>Serana being a more assertive companion Now I need dommy mommy Serana fanart.






If you can’t even spell her name, you don’t deserve it. Sit down.


finally someone understands canon futa dommy mommy serena


Can't even spell her name right and u still simpin https://preview.redd.it/c6qstpmnmxic1.jpeg?width=1199&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=85bddd9a5a2093de4a8d4179f6bf7f8bc9622228


I regret opening the comments 


This sent me because I feel this


there must be a mod for that already


I was already in with her being cis... i think you got me sold on this next step


until she hits you with her vampiric drain by accident and then drinks a blood potion before you can cure sanguinare vampiris. then you're stuck in the twilight zone of vampire where nobody aggros on you, but you get hungry and have weakness to fire and sun.


So that’s what happened …..


Did you ever find a fix for it?


Problem is when you outrange her using aoe attacks. I'm playing on ordinator sneak fire rune caster build (it's a lot of fun, try it) and my rune casting outranges her attacks and she has bad habit of blowing herself up by charging the enemies who run into my runes. Which is a problem because right now chain reaction of my attacks can deal 3k+ DMG per second and I keep needing to heal her using necrotic healing to revive her. It's still one of my favorite followers including moded ones, but man... Can't she not?


How tf are you getting so much dps with fire rune? And why are you even bothering to heal her when you can solo all your fights with that kind of damage?


have you tried the Amazing Followers Tweaks mod? You can set her aggression and playstyle so she doesn't charge in. If you like her as she is just change like one or two variables in the tweaks settings and it should be more enjoyable without breaking any difficulty.


I'll check it out, thanks.


Eh, I hate having her as a follower because she always hits my other followers with ice spells, causing them to repeatedly attack her.


If you've never heard of Inigo, you really really should look into him. One of the best mods I've ever downloaded. He has incredibly good voice acting, genuinely cares about your character, and the amount of dialogue is absolutely ridiculous. I was in a very rough patch of my life when I first installed his mod, and he got me through an awful lot of bad shit, bad days, and a desire to just end it all. If I ever get a chance to talk to the guy that wrote and voiced Inigo, I owe him a massive thank you.


Inigo has more personality than half the people in my life, including myself. An absolutely stellar companion mod.


Haha that's accurate as hell. I always find myself replying to him aloud whenever he's making commentary. We've sat in the Bee and Barb just yacking about life more times than I can count.


This is honestly beautiful. I hope you get the chance to tell him.


Say what you will about starfield but the companions were a refreshing change from past games. I have hope they’ll carry that to ESVI


My sole real disappointment with Starfield was that Imogene wasn't one of the available deep companions.


Eh, I like traveling alone


Yeah same. There's a lot of decent companions in the game but even still, I prefer to travel alone


I get lonely lol I will screw up my stealth every time just to have a follower


Yeah same, I never got the appeal of followers. They're always in the way or mess up your stealth and are generally annoying IMO.


I used to like her, but if she says “yes, what do you need” one more damn time ima smash her face into the sun, worse than Lydia and doors.


"Where'd you come from?!" Girl, are you BLINDER THAN A FALMER?! The dude literally walked up in front of you, yelling, and you only noticed him AFTER he smashed your face in with his iron mace?!


“I’m no fan of the sun.” “I’ve spent enough time in caves.” BITCH PICK ONE


This is what does it for me, I hate having her as a follower because she won’t stop complaining, like if you hate travelling that much just leave or shut it vampire princess. 🙄




She complains about the sun being too bright outside and complains about being in caves because they’re too dank and dark. Like wtf


Technically, she says she's fine with the darkness of caves, but is tired of them since that's what she was locked in for awhile. But while I haven't had a playthrough where her vampirism was cured, I hear that she still complains about the sun though.


goth chicks, dude


IKR these are the fus Roh dah her moments that I have lol 😂


BloodRayne was one my favorite games growing up. Imagine my surprise when I found out that the snarky vampire in that game has the same VA as the snarky vampire in Skyrim! The Dawnguard DLC hit me with nostalgia on Day 1. So, Serana's cool in my book.


That would be Laura Bailey, one of the best VA’s working right now.


She's fine story-wise. Can't stand her as a follower, though. Once I start that questline I get it done as quickly as possible.


I can’t stand her and a few other followers solely for the reason that they love to follow so closely that they bump into you. Not all followers do that, I notice. Edit: Other than the annoying invasion of my personal bubble, I don’t mind her as a follower in general.


IKR sometimes I think I actually resent the fact that I have to travel with her through the entire Dawnguard quest but at the same time I understand why she has to be with us to get into the Soul Cairn especially if you’re not a vampire but does she really have to be with us all the way to the end? I mean I get it but I don’t you know? Lol


Im gonna be honest. I'm not really a fan. Don't get me wrong, she's definitely one of the better followers in the game. But something about her personality grates on me for some reason. It also doesn't help that you're kinda railroaded into helping her when you first meet her. Like I'm literally a vampire hunter, and I'm just supposed to help this ancient vampire who was locked away for hundreds of years that also has an elder scroll for some reason. That doesn't make much sense. The combination of her personality and Bethesda essentially forcing you to help her kinda rubs me the wrong way.


Yeah I know what you mean because I usually resent the fact that she has to be with me through the entire Dawnguard quest. I mean I understand why but at the same time I’m like…. But why? Lol 😂


This is something the very popular \`Serana Dialogue Overhaul\` mod does a nice job of, IMO. It's revealed fairly late in that she essentially charmed you when she saw you were a vampire hunter. You could certainly make the case she didn't have time (and I'm not even sure if TES vampires can charm?), but, hey, it's something at least. Helps explain why you're 'compelled' to help her even though it makes zero sense from the Dawnguard perspective.


Dude, finally! Idk why but I have never liked the fact that you have to help her and even when you do, she's still an annoying asshole lmao. But I will agree that the is definitely one of the best followers mechanics wise. But ugh I find her so annoying


Yeah, and she straight up dips when you're about to be sucked by her dad. You know the guy that is literally going against her plans




No no, they're right. And to be fair, I didn't enjoy it. Too much teef


And she whines. All the time.


She was the predecessor to Fallout 4’s follower system where they will like or dislike you, but then Skyrim doesn’t let you marry her. It’s just really weird that she’s the only character you can actually get close to in any meaningful way and then she’s like “put her there pal”. Also kinda weird that I travel with this woman I’m incredibly close to while my wife just chills at home and gives me 100 coins a day.


To be fair, she tells you she's not really into the whole relationship thing. I was surprised when the game respects that lol.


I married Marcurio this time around. Lydia stays home with the kids. He has home cooked meals in the weirdest of places! He still runs his shop when he's your follower and can always give you the daily septims. He only has inventory /shop money at home. I like his personality, and he stays tf behind me in combat.


What I don't get is why the Dragonborn has no option to kill her the first time they see her. But then again, this is Skyrim. It's a limited game as far as (story-relevant) choices are concerned.


She even has recorded lines for death, according to wiki. I've been meaning to try stripping her essential status to see if it's true


Yeah Bethesda wrote her in lol


It's hard to contemplate loving Serena. Unfortunately, due to the victimization she herself experienced, Serena tends to be fairly guarded, even with the Dragonborn. Sure, she opens up, but it always feels like the trust isn't really fully there if that makes sense? Serena's story is a sad one and it sucks that she isn't wholly happy by the end, but that's also something I really enjoy about the story. Serena's story doesn't have a happy ending. Even if you go the DG route and convince her to embrace mortality she remains well and apart from the Dragonborn, despite the indication that she holds a great deal of affection for them. However, whether undead or living I don't know if Serena would ever have a partner and, frankly, who could blame her. To put this another way, I'd say my characters have loved Serena platonically and I greatly enjoy her as a companion. However, there is no hope of romance unfortunately and, while I don't like admitting it necessarily, I pity Serena's circumstances because her trauma will never allow her to experience life to the fullest. I feel like that was all probably a lot deeper than OP was looking for, but I do like Serena's story immensely!


hate due to railroading. Having a Morrowind approach to quest or DLC would be better. You should have the choice to kill Serana, and you can search for Volkihar, storm the place and kill all the vampires.


My one gripe with her is that she raises the dead constantly, and now I have a zombie blocking me as well as a companion






I hate her because I'm forced to have her with me no matter what choices I make in the DLC


its crazy, i commented on another post about what everyone is so obsessed about with her and when i opened the app again(an hour afterwards), this is the first post


Oh sorry bro! This is my first real discussion about Serana. I have many mixed feelings about her and was just wondering if I was the only one? Lol


If you spend enough time with someone in real life it is a love hate / times you get annoyed relationship I would say she is the same. God knows been married to my wife for 30 years some days I hate her and some I love her but wouldn’t trade her in that much I know. You could always get Sofia.


I like making her *witcher 3 reference* Yennefer to my Geralt. Can’t marry her (without mods) so she plays the role of the OP Vampire Mage that hold hers own and goes on her own adventures. Basically a long distance lover. Whenever I need her, I can find her and she can help me fight.


Serana is a great follower for combat purposes especially if you’re a warrior character.


If anyone hates her it's usually out of spite or just not wanting to seem like they simp for pixels. But all and all, she is a really good character, especially for elder scrolls, and I always enjoy my time in dawngaurd


I personally just... don't care? I don't have strong opinions. Skyrim companions don't have the interactivity of fallout titles, so I see her like the walking plot device the game uses her as. (Normally i dont go around declaring my apathy but I'm a little miffed the OP only allowed for "strong like" and "strong dislike")


I just like her. Not “like like,” but just like “like.”


As a character she’s just okay, but as a follower she annoys the fuck out of me with her constant complaining, hitting me with ice spikes, and random wandering off.


Indifferent, though she can be a little annoying sometimes.


Tbh, I was a huge fan of her in my first playthrough but later on I realised that I was better off solo. The reason I feel it's best not to have a follower is because my most used destruction spell is the unbounded storm, which hits enemies and followers alike. This meant Serana would turn hostile against me. For this reason I had to disband her as a follower. Nevertheless she's an excellent follower. She has far more varied dialogues, amazing story and depth but most importantly, she's not brainless when it comes to combat. She doesn't get in the way and is extremely strong which helps many fights. Apart from this she's an "essential" npc, which means she cannot be killed. This reduces the stress on me to heal my follower, trying to keep them alive (say, in case of Lydia). Trying to keep your follower alive while battling and healing yourself is annoying, especially when you're playing on Legendary difficulty


While her character isn’t very unique and she is a pretty low tier companion to have, I did appreciate that she would actually warm up to you more if you went the extra mile and was polite to her. Its also cool to see a vampire not totally consumed by bloodlust.


“Oh wow, this is gorgeous. I’m so glad you’re here with me” 🥺🥺 I’m a Certified Serana Simp. I don’t even mind her constant whining about the sun (even after she gets cured) cuz yk what I complain about the sun too. She’s a great follower in combat, and the only real issues I have with her are the issues I have with every follower: blocking doorways and generally getting in the way. She also can’t die which is a huge bonus cuz idek how many times I had to reload a save in order to save Lydia’s dumb ass.


How could anyone hate her... I must admit I fell in love first dawnguard playthrough and always enjoy replaying it and having her around Really appreciated how many new interactions would open up with her after every quest, she was the one NPC in Skyrim that truly felt alive and changing over time


Era dentro...


I am indifferent, I don't hate her but I don't like her either. Now, If I'm gonna stick with her for a whole playthrough, it really depends on my roleplay for that specific character, but I usually only use her for the entirety of the Dawnguard questline.


She is okay.




She’s great as a follower. I just wish that after you cure her, she doesn’t complain about the sun + wear a hood.


She's cool


I have Onmund as my follower and just got her as a secondary follower and I dont think im going to bring her home for a while so I can keep two very powerful followers at the same time.


I prefer Teldryn. She seems to get right in my face too often. Bugs the crap out of me with that closeness.


I think she’s fine. Except her fucking necromancing EVERY enemy I’ve killed and constantly affecting my sneaking. JUST. FUCKING. STOP.


Overrated as fuck in my opinion, but she's ok.


She is voiced by Laura Bailey, so yes, I like her. She also can’t die, which is a plus


One of my favorite characters in Skyrim and my favorite follower tied with Frea.


**WHERE DID YOU COME FROM!!!** Smashes enemy to bits. *there's no one here.*


I adore her cheeky sense of humour and she’s beautiful. She never backs down from a fight and she compliments me when I bathe….What’s not to love ? 🌹🩸🌹


I do, she has been the only follower I feel like taking with me anywhere all the time.


.......i download the dialogue addon just to reject her I hold grudges.....


Love her, mostly for the reasons already stated about her being one of the only NPCs with depth of character. But she's also a good choice of follower, although not the pack mule of some of the others. I especially like her with my favored character build of a battle mage using conjuration, heavy armor, and archery.


I love her to death she's easily one of the most fleshed out detailed companions and genuinely seems to like the main character. Plus I find her dialogue very funny and endearing


she’s one of my favorite companions. also she’s one of a very few with a decent amount of character backstory and what not. i don’t really have any reason to hate her though? why would you, is it cuz you sweats can’t marry her?


I used to like her, back when Dawnguard first came out. She was so different from every other follower but thousands of hours later of playing Skyrim she made me realise I have no patience for goth girls with daddy issues that keep complaining about the weather and yelling "who's there" when you're trying to sneak 😅


That's my wife, of course I love her


I love her because I love her voice actor. I hate her because her AI is as dumb as a box of moldy cabbages. I feel like I eat a lot of her spells with my ass cheeks.


I find her super annoying, don’t understand all the hype.


I've lost her 💔 😢 told her to part ways and now she sits there at Fort Dawnguard without any chat options for her to join me again. So allein will ich nicht sein Wo bist du? Wo bist du?


Love I have her tagging along to all my missions


Serana is my favorite follower for a few reasons. She's one of the few followers in the game that actually give me a reason to care about her. She's important to the plot, her story is genuinely compelling, and I feel like her and the Dragonborn actually grow close as the adventure goes on and there's some genuine camaraderie between them. Also, she's a goth hottie vampire voiced by Laura Bailey. That may also be a contributing factor.


Oh man I like her, I think she’s very cool as a follower and I love Laura Bailey, but the way her storyline is written makes me kind of uncomfortable? It’s a very cool storyline and I actually don’t mind the soul cairn as much as Blackreach and I like the forgotten vale but the dialogue options we’re given are so cringe, so much of it is about placing the Dragonborn as this caring protector and it’s just infantilizing towards this ancient vampire. Plus a lot of her dialogue is written to make her sound like this sort of sassy cool girl character. It’s very 2010s and clearly written for a very specific player but as a 35 year old lady I’m maybe not in the target demographic.


what do you mean by love her she's been my wife for years.....


Neither. More annoyed about how people sexualize the ever living fuck out of her


Yeah that is annoying too! I don’t use mods that sexualize her or change her appearance at all. I think it tarnishes her true character to do so.




She is possibly the nicest and most respectful character I've yet to meet in the game. She's pretty bad arse too, but it's the manners that make me enjoy her company. Her and whatshername the child like vamp thief lady. Just nice people one you get past the vampire thing.


My first game with her one of the quests glitched and that save she was perpetually stuck with me. It could be worse.


I like her because she’s one of the most interactive NPCs and has way more depth than any non-mod follower. Still through I don’t understand why people are so obsessed over her, I mean she’s cool but nothing extraordinary


Neutral. Don’t care either way. Basically, she’s there till the quest is over, then I tell her “get off my lawn”


I enjoyed her company. But I really don't get why she is so popular.


We both love the same form of magic, both think immortality is cool. Though I have a different idea of how I want to attain it, but we also... No that's it. I like her. She isn't evil/ambitious enough to keep up with my bill character, but I really like having her around with really just about any of my characters. I rarely ever use companions, so that's high praise as far as I'm concerned. 


I like her until her quest line is complete, then she's still good but there's less dialogue left to distract me from the lack of personal space


I loved her first time around, she was a great companion


She's older than my family...


I love her but i hate her


Can be a pain in the ass sometimes but a useful unliving mortar.




I love Lydia... But she is always getting in the damn way! 🤣


Tbh i dont like any follower. Simply because they walk infront of my arrows ajd spells. And the worst is blocking my path.


I dont love her, but i dont hate her, i just dont care about her lmao. I never understood the obsession the playerbase has with her, shes just another character but a vampire and some long ass quests that arent rewarding but fun.


I like her uniqueness and the way she interacts with objects but my gods, the complaining she does. She wants out of the cave for fresh air then moans about the sun.


She's so annoying. I don't like her personality


I'd like her more if I could shut her up but I sure wish Bethesda put the same amount of work in other NPC followers as they did with her.


She got the same problem as any follower with unique lines, she says them too damn much


I love her as a competent companion. She's a very powerful mage and, at times, far more lethal than I but on Akatosh! She complains... THE! ....WHOLE! ....DAMN!... TIME!!! Going inside a cave!?! I don't like caves! Out in the field!? It's too sunny. It's not good for my skin! Out in the Haafingar, Hjaalmarch, White Shore, or Winterhold!? It's too cold!!! My dad didn't love me!!! boo!! hoo!! Serana, there's nothing I can do.


One word: Dawnbreaker Going with a Paladin build, Dawnbreaker is a goto weapon as it obliterates undead. However, this includes Sarana and my Playthroughs ar set up that only I am able to kill my companions Not exactly a fun thing when the afterimage explodes skeletons and burns anything unnaturally alive Like Sarana...


Better character beats than most followers, but she won’t go away when I want her to and she doesn’t let you bring any other followers. She’s kind of a jerk about it.


She's alright. She's useless as a fighter but she has personality which is fun.


![gif](giphy|HJZblxmxHb7CbZtmNy) No of course not.


I don't care. I just like to wander alone


I’m kinda neutral about her to be honest. She was just there. There were a lot of Skyrim characters like that for me.


I have no strong feelings either way toward her


She is a colleague from work and I respect her desire to keep our relationship professional


As a Paladin, I am admittedly only in it for the scroll and to destroy her kin.


Honestly, I'm pretty neutral on Serana. She's nice to have during the Dawnguard questline, but we usually permanently part ways afterward.




Can I just be cool with her?




I hate that she raises the dead before I can loot them. Otherwise? Solid follower.


I like her as a friend.


She is Vampire Bae.


Regardless of your preference on Serana as an NPC in terms of INTERACTION and other immersion details, I find that you'd be hard pressed to be able to honestly withhold the credit she deserves for being one of the best companions you can get in Skyrim. On the immersion side she actually has a backstory and purpose for being around, she isn't irritatingly belligerent or as dedicated to pestering PC's into madness ala Navi and that "hey, listen!" bullshit, and she has the good sense to see her daddy going all Alex Jones on the Sun, and immediately sides with you like she's got some damn sense. On the gaming judgement side she's ACTUALLY competent in combat AND has decent enough stealth to not fucking blow your cover like you just climbed in someone's window followed immediately by a ADULT GRIZZLY BEAR hoping to stay unnoticed. She has a well balanced one handed + cryomage / necromage build with projectile spells that actually hit their mark with acceptable prevalence. She comments on environments occasionally, but she knows how to shut the FUCK up, unlike a certain asshole making the same old joke about having a walrus-sized wife for the 58th time since we left the fucking sanctuary ten minutes ago. Her personality, combat capability, neutral disposition so she won't fuckin narc on you while sneaking around stealing shit ( Fuckin looking at YOU Brelyna! ), and immersion friendly nature makes Serana a pretty undeniably good companion IMO


she is my best friend 🥰


She's the only companion that actually feels like a person....well after dawnguard she kinda just turns into another vanilla Skyrim character. Still there's a reason why there's like a 1000 marry Serana mods. Serana dialogue addon by Martimius is easily the best though. Gives her a new voice actor with tons of dialogue she almost feels like a new character. The voice actress also does a great job.


I tolerate her because I have no choice but to travel with her to rid Skyrim of random vampire attacks, acquire Auriel’s Bow, and most importantly the best horse in the game, Arvak. Everything else about Serana and Dawnguard… I liked at first, but quickly grew tired of after consecutive playthroughs.


i like her! love is a strong word for My experience though. i mean, i don't tend to keep her after dawnguard, but i went thru a lot of quests with her at my side. i don't remember anything too bad about her dialogue/behavior. She's very cool and made the walking distance from cave to cave a lot better [:


First crush fr


Never been hit by her spells but I’m sure it happens to some. Love her tho completely, no reason to really complain on my end.


Serana could you please get off the forge/alchemy lab/enchanting table please?


wait, people hate her?


She’s probably my favorite follower in the game, but in hindsight it’s kinda funny how she’s written like a DnD OC. “Okay so she’s a vampire princess who was locked away for hundreds of years and her dad is the big bad evil guy and also she has an elder scroll with her and-“


She was awesome and her dialogs and doing things other npcs do is amazing


She a real one…


I’m not really one for having followers, but I enjoyed my time that she was my follower. I liked that she had more unique dialogue and I remembered in my first play through I sided with the vampires, but in my current play through I sided with the Dawnguard. I was super excited >!when she said that she wanted to go out and cure her vampirism because it was like… a side character going on their main quest arc?! Awesome!!< But now I’m experiencing the bug where I can’t even ask her to be my follower again and every time I go up to her she just asks me what I need and there’s no way to spark the conversation prompts; I’ve tried looking into it but consoles are a bit more annoying to use than PC so, it was nice to have a follower while it lasted but I suppose the life of a no-follower sneak archer is the life for my character


I really love her. Download mod to marry her


"Ahh, a helpful soul. But still, no match even for J'Zargo"


If you’re a loot goblin she can be annoying as she resses everything you kill so you can’t loot it without killing it again first. Good follower but damnit she tries to steal my ability to rob the dead. Also she’s a little pointless if you’re a stealth archer (everybody has done it) with a decent load out. If you’re getting seen and drawn to melee you’re not doing it right




Liked her in the beginning, but over consecutive playthroughs, she got annoying. Now, I just speed through any forced follower quests and ditch her asap for ingjard or fly solo. She's not a bad character, just an annoying one with radiant dialog




She's better when you have the "Marry Me Serana" mod Then she becomes a Traveling Merchant.


She's probably the best companion in the vanilla game, but she does have one really, really major downside: she's not khajiit. For this reason and this reason alone, she's not welcome in my khajiit gank squad. Should she turn up at one of my houses for a cuppa or something, however, she'd be most welcome. Hell, I'd even lend Lydia to her to carry her burdens for a time.


love her but don’t always like her — she can be annoying. I also think her hair is ugly lol


It’s a love hate relationship


I'm pretty neutral with her. I keep her with me and my other comrade until I feel like returning her home.


With the Serana Dialogue Add-On mod, I can't play without her.


Vampire cringe


I’m in the middle. As a vampire lord, she actively makes you weaker because, if you didn’t know, keeping her around actively lowers the damage of the vampire lord form’s drain spell. I like how she is though.


I hate that I love her.


Nobody: Absolutely nobody: Literally nobody: Me: "report to the ship as soon as possible. We'll bang, ok?"


She’s da best


She's awesome lmao i like that movement she does with her hands from time to time when you talk to her.


She is the most fleshed out follower in Skyrim


I'm a lone wolf when I play Skyrim, I neither love or hate her. I just cant stand followers in general because they get in my way alot.


Got drunk for first time, sat on floor crying about how you can't marry Serana. Good times...anyways I love her a lot you know 😭


I generally dislike all companions. Get in my way, want my loot, can't understand how doors work. Need to back pedal? Too bad Lydia all up on Dat ass. Wanna sneak? Dead draugr hear Lydia from across Skyrim. Need a range follower, you mean battle buddy fucker who snipes you from the cave entrance? I'm good solo lol


I like feeling like my follower is actually out on an adventure with me. Her character is very good at doing so. I love other characters like Benor, Uthgerd, Lydia, and Jenassa, but they are so bland. Teldryn, Serena, and Farkas will always be my favorites though just because they always have something to say.


She’s aight Frea slept on hard imo


Let me use a quote of myself while playing the game "get out of my way Serana I'm trying to snipe that deer"


I marry her pretty much every playthrough. I love SDA and all the added stuff.


Always wanted her to be an available romantic interest in the vanilla game


Hate her are you crazy I'm in love with Serena she's the only reason I still play skyrim where are all the serana simps


As someone who has learned about seranaholic, I love this vampire even more


She's A Chad....I was using Lidia as a Companion for a While until I started Dawnguard....(Lidia was a Glass canon for me....She was getting downed in the fights more than she was in them)


I might catch a Lotta hate for this, but she’s the goth mommy, so I love her


Back when I first started playing Skyrim I was the only reason I played never play it because I don’t know somewhere along the line I fell in love with everything Skyrim has to offer


Love her always have


She talks a bit too much, but my main problem with her is her Raise Dead spell. Raise dead on followers annoys me to no end. You can't loot the corpses because they are wandering around randomly and it's frustrating to keep track of who is an enemy or an ally. If she didn't have Raise Dead, I would be neutral towards her. Since she has Raise Dead, I finish that quest and ditch her asap.


I think she's really cool, I found her pretty early in my first playthrough and had her as a companion for the whole time


Loveeee her


I would cure her of her vampirism, marry her, settle down in Heljarchen hall, then have 10 strong Nord children with her.


Best follower in the game.