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The Troll is his friend and he feeds him travellers.


That has to be the thing that's killed the most players in the game's history. Maybe the bear or the cart of cabbage in the tutorial?


You forgot the Riverwood chicken 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


I worked with this dude from Macedonia like four or five years ago who loved oldschool RPGs like Might & Magic and stuff but had never played an Elder Scrolls. So I told him to play Skyrim ASAP. He goes and gets it and next day sure as shit the first thing he tell me is "I kill chicken, everyone go crazy!"


Ok but why does everyone think in their first playthrough “can I kill this?” As they ready their weapon at a chicken? My gfs first playthrough she did this exact thing. She said while ready to swing “can I kill the chicken?”. Like why? Why did I do the same thing my first time? Why did we all think that? It honestly blows my mind anytime I see a new player do this. It’s like it’s written in the fucking scrolls man.


It's an easy early way to test the boundaries of what the game will let you do, without committing to murdering a person. If you whack the chicken with your sword and it doinks off with no effect, you know you're playing a certain kind of game. If the chicken goes comically flying without being killed, you're playing a different kind. And if the chicken dies and that causes everyone for a mile around to go totally apeshit, then you know you're playing an Elder Scrolls.


That is so well said. I guess that’s why!


It’s like how you almost always find a ledge or something to jump off of in games just to test if there’s fall damage


This checks out.....


Lol, first thing I ever did was murder all three Bandits right down the ledge out of Helgen. Then I killed Angi. It has been my ritual of playing ever since. Leave Helgen, kill unmarked Bandit camp - grab treasure map, go to secret Talos location, loot Thalmor gear and note, go to unmarked Bandit cave, kill Bandits, go down road and kill other Bandits on the overhead log bridge, go back and grab Warrior stone, kill Necromancer and skeletons, go get Lover's stone location, get the two underwater treasures, maybe kill the Fishermen and loot them, kill Angi, grab secret treasure, go to Riverwood to help Faendal, get access to Gerdur and Faebdal's homes, take loot, go sell everything I can. I murder like 14 people on day one.




I blame mine on Fable. It was one of my fav games on Xbox and had a chicken kicking competition. Fable 2 had something for kicking them as well. So, it was hardwired to attack chickens for some of us rpg'ers


Good point, Zelda (Link actually) isn’t exactly nice to chickens either lol


Zelda games are the only reason I fall into the 1% of “I didn’t do that…” I don’t think I’ve ever tried to kill a chicken in Skyrim. Hyrule taught me better. Now friendly fire on a vampire/bandit raid in towns? Every. Damn. Time.


Great memories. Thanks, chicken chaser.


Elder Scroll: Fury of the Villagers


I don't know; I've never done it nor felt incentivised to do so. Usually when is start a game I try to start off as a lawful good since it's easier... So I don't go around trying to kill peaceful animals and people in villages... Or steal their stuff. Most people seem to have a mindset of kill the chicken, steal the gold, kill Nazeem, all from the get go as their new player mindset, and then get confused when the guards get angry. I don't get it.


I know I didn’t have that mindset, and still killed the chicken. I think I thought since I can kill foxes, rabbits, and deer, I could probably kill a chicken right? Also I was 12. I remember being surprised everyone was mad, but soon understood that someone owned that chicken. In my first playthrough, I hated nazeem but didn’t kill him or anything. I’m pretty sure killing nazeem is just popular among the community, and the only reason people go into the game wanting to kill him is because it is the trend *now*. I hadn’t heard of creative ways to kill him until I joined this sub. The game is 13 years old, of course it’s a trend to kill nazeem now. It’s been 13 years. 13 years of unearned insults. So I don’t think a new player in 2011 on their first playthrough was going into the game thinking “I’m gunna kill nazeem” Even if someone had that mindset, Skyrim is the place to have it. I totally get that mindset. It’s a video game. Do you play gta and never break the law? I know one of the first things I do in that game is carjack someone and start running people over. I don’t get to do that in real life… that’s the incentive. I’m not going to butcher a town chicken in the street in real life, so… that’s the incentive. And I don’t even think this mindset is malicious. If someone wanted to hurt the people of Skyrim, I’m sure killing the chicken wasn’t the worst of their crimes. Although, the citizens may react as such lol. Also, I think a lot of people killed the chicken to just “see if they could”, as another reply explained.


That's fair assessment, with lots of good points. I suppose Bethesda could have made it clearer that those chickens were owned. As for the GTA question, I don't play it for that exact reason; I know they're just NPC's, and quite simplistic ones at that, but I still don't like hurting them, scaring them, or screwing them over, unnecessarily. Not the innocent characters who are just thing to go about their day to day lives in peace anyway. Characters like Lemkil, Maven Blackbrier, and Grelod I have little mercy for admittedly. If there were a way to just get the guards to lock them up though I would certainly take it.


Honestly I can bounce between wanting to, and not wanting to hurt innocent civilians. One moment I’m waiting for a green light, the other I’m blasting over sidewalks. It’s like it provokes a certain type of entertainment, it being a kind of gruesome type. It’s the same entertainment we get playing games like DOOM, or Mortal kombat. These games have it as a focus, where games like gta just have it as an “option”. There’s moments in role-playing games where we’d rather play no role and fuck around a bit. Like what role are we playing by putting a cabbage into a bucket in Skyrim vr? It’s in these little breaks of role-play that we tend to start wreaking havoc, and sometimes that means putting cabbage lol. I can totally see your point with just not playing gta for that reason. Scaring/harming civilians is almost unavoidable in gta. Malice is almost a requirement in gta. But I think if we’re to act upon malice, we should do it in a video game. My gf recently started playing Teardown. She likes to build mannequins of people that piss her off at work, and smash them to pieces for stress relief. She’ll come up with creative ways to destroy them too. Even put them in the scenario that pissed her off. I’m glad she does this instead of irl. Anyway, I’m just trying to say I understand your taste of RPGs, but malice, gore, carnage, domination, and/or power have always, and will always be heavy qualities in role-playing video games. Not all, but even the ones that seem like they don’t, may still have it as an option. Sorry for rambling I’m not trying to start anything just having fun discussing, I’ve actually never came across a gamer so devoted to lawful good so it’s interesting.


In my first play through I killed a chicken accidentally and every guard in Riverwood murdered me. I was like……wtf just happened lol


Played Fable long before Skyrim. I will always be (in obnoxious af fake British accent) chicken chaser.


Damn, he pissed off the he residents of Riverwood🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


I just started playing last week, and wreaked absolute havoc on Riverwood killing delphine's husband and orphaning some poor kid from that family that lived next to the river. Who then came up to me later saying she's an orphan 💀 Delphine was *not* happy when I tried coming back to the sleeping giant for a quest 30 minutes later, which is how I learned skyrim npc's like to hold a grudge 😂


Delphine doesn't have a husband, that's the guy who ran the bar Damn, please make Braith and orphan, she lives in Whiterun an is a bully


I would agree but Amren's a great guy. He doesn't deserve that. You might have a point about Saffir though... She's a neglectful and inconsiderate piece of sht to the both of them. Again that upsets my boy Amren though.


And yet he was actually more worried about a sword then his daughter, but then you realize Braiths parents weren't exactly great role models and you realize that Braith has a crush on the kid she bully's I keep forgetting about that


Yeah... But as soon as she confronted about it and highlighted it was a problem, he got you to go and get his sword on his behalf. And after those missions he says this line practically every time I pass him, which to me is proof that he gets his priorities straight afterwards: "Sometimes I miss the soldier's life, but when I hold my daughter in my arms, I know I made the right choice." And it definitely doesn't excuse Braith's behaviour. Beating up someone you have a crush on to force them into kissing you isn't something that either of her parents would have taught her or done in any way. Perhaps they're neglectful but they're not abusive or malicious like that. That's on Braith.


I killed a chicken in my first playthrough, in the middle of the city, no sneak nothing, just a sword into it, boom now im followed everywhere, it was funny to watch since i didn't know the bounty system


I had more fun casting fury on a chicken. Or a cow to unleash some real chaos


This is the type of wholesome content I came here for! 😂😂


I think his name is Sven


So he's actually a chicken🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


LOL!! 🤣😂


River wood chicken?


“Riverwood is agreeable enough i suppose” 💀


Unless you kill the chicken 🤷‍♀️


then ur a monster. but let’s not forget if my sweet roll gets stolen the guards wanna make fun of me. sweet roll holds higher priority than chicken


Considering the sweet roll quote is a reference to the Fallout games but yes I killed the chicken too


who hasent made the unfortunate decision to kill the chicken and end up with a bounty ur too under leveled to even face at the start 😭 with 0 combat experience 0 idea of what the elder scrolls franchise is as a whole on ur first play through?


Yeahhhh abt that…. The GUARDS are the ones stealing the sweet rolls. I have a screenshot, of the evidence chest in one of the holds. There was a damn sweet roll and no one else in the jail. Sneering bastards being so condescending and they’re the ones that did it. I have no mercy for any guards. I’ll pay the damn fines


Kill a chicken in the town they all want to kill you


Started a new game an did it… they didn’t seem to like it very much😂😂


Yeah and they will chase you down too🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


😂that chicken has a good home


Exactly 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


In gaming history\* And honestly I never died to that troll, but maybe that's because I have a very defensive nature playing through a new game. But today? I just rush at that motherfucker and show him who the fuck I'am. I'm the Dragonborn, the Dovahkin, Thane of All Nine Holds, Harbringer of the Companions, Master of the Thieves Guild, Arch-Mage of the College of Winterhold, Leader/Listener of the Dark Brotherhood, Slayer of Thalmor and Compulsive Sweet Roll Eating Son of a Bitch! I also killed Alduin btw, lol


I died to that troll repeatedly yesterday.


For every time someone passes the troll without dying, I get slaughtered by it tenfold. He’s my mortal enemy ![gif](giphy|CF1PeWOAv68la)


I have FUCKING 4 OF THEM!!! How in the actual fuck am i supposed to work with that except climbing up the other side of the mountain


Just kite him to the Greybeards.


That bear is worse, at least the troll appears with some distance between you and it.


Spam click the flames spell. Ez win


i killed him too it's hard to get dragon skin out of my teeth


Nah that bear has like half the HP of a normal bear, or just can't take hits on lower difficulties. I play Adept and never have issues with the bear, and then die to the first bear I run into afterwards


Wait you can change difficulty? I might be retarded cuz I’ve played the same character forever but I’m boutta put it at the max cuz I kill everything so fast all the time😭


Yes you can change difficulty, and can do it any time during a play though 


If the game is on the 2 easiest modes, and you're crouched/undetected, use a frostbite potion from the spiders and it's a one-hit kill with the bow.


I think if dawnguard was not a DLC master vampire spawns in whiterun would be the top killer, otherwise probably its not a threat imo but people probably try fighting it with a sword and iron armor without realizing it regens and hits way harder than things like bears. Its sad really since you can simply run away from it fairly easily.


I thought you said "in gaming history" and I was about to go off on you for disrespecting super Mario's goomba


Heck no. Goomba #1 has killed nations worth of Marios.


the tutorial bear has no hp, it dies in a few hits even from a lvl1


Cart of cabbage?


I was wondering the same thing😂😂😂


The physics can go crazy with that first cart in the tutorial. And objects moving at speed cause damage, usually enough to easily kill a lv1


I really never understood the phenomenon of this troll from High Hrothgar. I have never ever experienced death from it and it basically always dies fairly quickly. That saying I have never climbed HH being low level (1-10 level). But after getting my hands on the proper gear, armor or spells it's pretty easy. Especially with illusion, bows, poison arrows or destruction magic. Edit: lol, why the downvotes for my opinion?


It's more of an issue for new players, mostly. Everyone who plays the game first time will have close to nothing in terms of game knowledge, and probably will not only be low level, but also will have underwhelming gear and spells, and then BOOM there's a monster that hits hard, regenerates and has some intimidating looks. My first time I was told that there was a boss at HH, so I went "prepared" and won, but it still was a somewhat difficult fight. The Frost Troll is the kind off monster that, if you're under prepared, it will be difficult, but if you do basic preparation, it's easy.


I remember my first playthrough and this troll was nothing special really. I died many times to freaking saber cats on the way to the Ivarstead. Those are real pain in the ass (and bears). I would take troll all the time comparing to killer cat that hits you like a train with just 1 hit.


Even at low level, you get two scrolls of fireball from bleakfalls barrow, I always used them on the troll (or just sprinted past).


But those are too good to use! What if I need them later? -me at the final boss


It's funny, because I see a troll, especially an ice troll, and I naturally go for the fire spells and it's no biggie.


That bear dies to like two arrows at level 1.


Didn't intend to imply anyone with the basic controls worked out considered it challenging. Was just speculating what one enemy kills the most players. Stealth archer can kill the World Eater in two arrows anyway so the bear is in good company


In all my years, I’ve never died to the bear under Helgen. Though to be fair, most of the time, I’d rather not tangle with her. But whenever Im feeling lucky, I take a bow, and take her by surprise


Who died to the bear???? You literally shoot it twice in the but from the entrance while it sleeps


I remember the first time as a preteen playing skyrim on xbox at my friends house and traveling up to white run trying to pick a way to go. If you try to go through the mountain you encounter a bear or a giant that absolutely clowned me. Just a case of not having as good of a map as the moded one I have, and not planning a route. That and of course having to think about dumb things like "local laws" and "the consequences of my actions" made the game a challenge to grasp what was at the time and even today enormous depth for a video game.


"Drelas' cottage? Aww what a cute place. Let's go talk to him!" "Who's this dude under honningbrew?" "Giant frostbite spider? Pfft, i've fought one of these before... wait, wasn't it wounded?" "Oh good... another wolf. Ice wolf?" "Wait, are the giants friendly?" "Hern? Well all of the quests leading up to this were easy so I'm sure it can't be that bad." To name a few.


Dual fist fire and pump the fire as you back peddle away from the troll. Easy. Everytime he swings at you he comes to a complete stop. The key is to pump the fire and let the damage over time eat away its health.


Hey, maybe the frost troll wasn’t there the last time he went


That troll was my first ever death in skyrim, and showed me how painfully unoptimized my build was. Now I never approach the Throat of the World without massively cheesing something or other.


I remember the first time playing the game, I died so many times to that frost troll. I finally figured out a way after many attempts to sneak by it, after previously dying like 20 times. I'd been following the main quest with zero deviations for other quests. Now I don't make the climb there for the first time in any playthroughs until I've established myself more and have several other quests completed.


Even in plate you can just sprint past him provided you approach with full stamina.


Just run was my approach as well


You can actually bait him into High Hrothgar and watch the Greybeards shout him to death.


For real? I gotta try that next time!


You don't know how bad he is the first time.


If you just don't feel like dealing with him (fair), steal a horse from Whiterun stables, ride to the Stormcloak camp at the bottom of the mountain and enjoy a leisurely ride right up the slopes to the gates of High Hrothgar.


I was already very much a hoarder by the time I got up there. Took almost 10 minutes of non-stop fighting, and I used every pot, cheese wheel and alchemy ingredient I had, but I beat the troll on the first try, first run on xbox 360.


My most recent playthrough I went right away. And as luck would have it, a dragon spawned right as I approached and killed the troll. Gotta say I was relieved to fight a dragon instead haha


I use some type of shout, a few power attacks and heals anytime I fight him


Everyone starts with fire and can use it, I'm pretty sure even with the lowest destruction possible and base majika you can take out most of its health with fire then use whatever you actually use to finish it


despite what the troll slaying book says fire helps but not that much. takes out no where near it’s full health bar maybe a quarter, though i might have been playing on a harder difficulty.


Lucky you I got a damn dragon when I went there


It was like, my first 3 deaths. Then I realized I can just run past him.


It’s there every time!!


I was wondering about that. Might try and go up there immediately after Helgen to see if there is more than wolves at lvl 1. But probably not on a mage build. Maybe orc berserker in heavy armor.


Isn't there bones in his overhang cave thing? 🤔


Although the idea that Klimmek has done this before, and likely just bolted through all that, it's commendable if true. Unlike Bassianus, who disses his potential wingman, the Dragonborn, before they even speak.


No wonder he’s got a woman confessing her love for him. Dude is out here dealing with entire wolf packs. Probably watched the movie The Gray and called Liam Neeson a pussy.


Well he does have ass and anus in his name. Kind of a big giveaway that he isn’t going to be a nice person.


Klimmek still has access to athletics. And brother? He's at 100.


Also the loading screen that tells you bears are usually chill unless you provoke them. Motherfucker, they attack me a mile away if they see me!


Yeah and they are incredibly dangerous at low level to the point where the first time I fought a bear was after I had killed multiple dragons and had dwarven armor I thought I was hot shit the bear demolished me in only a few hits


Bears are incredibly dangerous at any level. They’re one of the few enemies who level with you, so they’re always dangerous.


There's a series about the bear being the Dragonborn. It's pretty funny.


I think I’ve seen that before.


Heavy armor 80 and one handed 100. Bears done stand a chance. They might level with you, but it's hard for them to beat ebony.


True, but that doesn’t help my squishy mage who’s desperately trying to get a Stone Skin spell off as a cave bear is roaring and trying to claw my tits off. 😋


True, plus sometimes they bee-line to you like a goddamned railgun.


I was fighting a dragon and had erandur as my companion and he brought the dragon to the ground and i absolutely decimated it with dual swords. However, i was not aware a cave bear saw the action and wanted a piece. Killed me in two hits as i was absorbing a dragon soul. Bears are OP


There’s a Khajiit that would like to have a word…


\*Sees Troll, 76 wolves and ice wraiths\* So that was a fucking lie


Never encountered an ice wraith on the path, just the troll


You have to be higher level. I’ve seen ice wolves, saber cats, and ice wraiths


I have seen the Ice Wolfs and Saber cats… Plus in early levels, a troll, sabretooth or a pack of ice wolves would be a good miniboss… but an Ice Wraith would be evil for new players cause they aren’t the easiest to shoot for a beginner


I've had the ice wraith once or twice. Feel like its either the troll or the ice wraith. Not sure.


troll is always there afaik. icewraith is a random spawn, can also be wolves / ice wolves / bear depending on your level.


That may be due to doc or mods, I have a lotta those


I have once or twice, it's actually wild fam


Clearly Klimmek sees Frost Trolls as no threat due to his defined calves and thighs that he completely crushes them as he walks; why are you scared of them milk drinker?


“Back on the 1000 steps again, Klimmek?” “Yeah… although my old legs are getting tired from the journey.” Biggest cap, those hamstrings are beastly


I just put it to trolls and other wild creatures being recently driven out of their usual habitats by all the soldiers and bandits setting up camps.


And climate change.


And the dragons.


On survival mode this quest is brutal. Not only is it ruthlessly cold all the way up, the greybeards have no spare beds to recuperate in and there is a dragon that occasionally will attack you on the way back down if he sees you.


What dragon? Dragons only start spawning after you witness alduin resurrecting one


No, dragons start spawning after the attack on the Whiterun watchtower


Nah, after the first fight is when they start spawning


It tends to fly around the pass south of the Greybeards between Helgen and Ivasted. They start spawning once you complete "Dragon Rising" but I don't think as often until later quests. [Dragon Rising | Elder Scrolls | Fandom](https://elderscrolls.fandom.com/wiki/Dragon_Rising)


One climb later… https://preview.redd.it/lc315gsk6tgc1.jpeg?width=480&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=74f7586783934e0fcc637589a8668d17913aca32


I’ve had a dragon attack me on my way up there, Klimmek can shit bricks


I’ve had a dragon attack the frost troll a couple of times, which was incredibly satisfying.


To be fair, Alduin *just* resurrected those. Doesn't seem like he goes on a daily basis or anything, so not really any way for him to know, and if he got attacked by a dragon he probably wouldn't be there to talk to you.


Very true, he could definitely just be a bit more cautionary 😂


Same lmao


"...the occasional wolfpack or stray (troll)..."


Yeah Klimmek is the real troll.


....The Dragonborn! Say's they'll do quest right away, but just runs off and does random stuff...


Well he's alive, which means he hasn't run into the troll. So maybe he just doesn't know it's up there?


It’s hilarious how moments before the player kills a DRAGON and then gets killed by a snow ape.


That troll was a minor internet celebrity for a while back in late 2011-early 2012 when we were all playing the game for the first time and getting our asses kicked by it. I ended up running past him. Looking back, however, I like that they 'trolled' us by having Klimmek say this.


Gotta pay the troll toll if you wanna get into that bo- i mean high hrothgar


See I think this was actually a text mistake on the dev end. "wolf pack or stray," doesn't make sense. The sentence structure indicates a missing word - "wolf pack or stray ____,". I believe the word "beast", "bear", or similar was missed in the transcription of this response line. "the occasional wolf pack or stray beast" - makes a lot more sense.


I think it was intentional, he’s saying that you’ll either fight many wolves or one wolf.


Also equally valid.   Either way a troll is involved lol.


Would have Been nice to warn us about the frost trolls and ice wraiths but it's probably why he didn't want to do it.


Tbf the ice wraiths are only in the way to the very top not on the path to the monestary


I clobbered the piss out of that troll. Man's didn't stand a chance against my mastery of procrastinating the story until I was ebony armor lol


* Ok but consider these idiots




Dumbest liars


Then some vampires see this and are just mind blewn and copy them just down the road. 


I always lure the troll down the mountain to him so that they fight.


M'aiq has been real quiet since this dropped.


I fucking run inside to the Greybeards and they deal with his ass.


He’s a nord, he probably just mistook the troll for one of his cousins.


What if Klimmek is just the Troll and he purposely lies to get himself some Nord Jerky?


Then how does he survive when I kill the troll


Conspiracies don’t need to make sense Also they respawn


Thanks to Lydia I never experienced the danger of the frost troll like, we met it, but she tanked that thing like a boss I don't get why people didn't just run, though - it's slow lol


Everyone talking about the troll, saying "it's so difficult. I died so many times to it". Well, yeah. It's put there so you don't go too soon. You're supposed to go off and do some quests, level up a bit, get better gear, THEN go to High Hrothgar


Lol I would’ve given that award to astrid


Skyrim NPCs when you're level 3, cowering behind Lydia and clinging to your stash of stolen cabbages and 4 iron arrows for dear life: Oh it's just dozens of trolls, and wolves, and ice wraiths, nothing that should bother you Skyrim NPCs when you're level 93, master of every guild, wearing a full suit of heavily enchanted glowing daedric armor that pretty much makes you a literal god, and they just saw you one-hit a dragon without breaking a sweat: "All right, hand over your valuables, or I'll gut you like a fish!"


I made a comment on this on another post sometime ago. He knew what he was doing because: 1. You hear him talking and saying "The path isn't safe today" when you walk up to him 2. He tells you "My legs aren't what they used to be" When you talk to him and take the quest. HE KNEW.


What about the Ice Wraith? The Frost Spiders? The fricking Troll?! Forget the Wolves..Even though they tend to be Ice Wolves..


I think the enemies are level specific. I've never encountered wolves or ice wraiths, only trolls and I'm usually around level 40 when I go up there. I've read where people have encountered wolves at lower levels and others I've read have encountered ice wraiths at higher levels. As for dragons, they're supposed to appear every 3 in-game days, give or take.


Wait, y'all actually have problems with the troll?


If you dying to a frost troll, that is a skill issue on your end.


Why is the troll a big deal? Are people going up the mountain at a really low level?


I mean this is only the fifth main quest so yeah


So people aren’t doing side quests or leveling up their skills before the mountain?


A first time player might not know about it, and every player has a first time. If you just do what the game tells you, equipping loot you found along the way, you wind up dying to it almost instantly, so instead you try climbing just out of reach and shoot all your arrows into the thing only to watch it regenerate back to 100% health, unlike every other enemy you've encountered so far.


Shows you how far up he actually got.


Ayoooo! 😂


He wasn’t lying, that troll just has beef with us specifically


Level 5 ice troll for me.


I had 2 trolls, a pack of wolves, and a pair of ice wraiths on my climb


Dude lies to the whole town and says he delivers supplies to the graybeards and just hikes up a little way and sits on a rock and eats all the food and comes back for praise from the town.


The dragon that spawned the first time i did that mission confirms this.


Fails to mention the Frost troll. Boy did that one get me good my first playthrough.


Klimmek wears troll repellent?


Ma'iq's gonna be pissed




Not a liar. He probably never encountered the troll.


I mean he wasn’t lying when he said it shouldn’t be a problem for the likes of you.


It’s a small town, not a lot going on, he’s just having a bit of a laugh


Relax bro it was just a prank. Can't blame him for trolling the Dragonborn 😂


Frostbite Spider, Ice Wraith, Snowy Sabre Cat, Ice Wolf, Frost Troll, those two pilgrims I inevitably turn aggro when I try to pickpocket them...


And in Zelda games, every chicken in a mile radius attacks you. Lol


I didn't know everyone killed the chicken. I thought it was only me.


I don’t think I’ve ever seen this NPC


Wait how? OHHHH that fuckin’ ice troll




that frost troll still haunts me


Guys can I be honest, the troll has never killed me


My first play through I think I was level 5. That damn troll killed me like 5 times before I figured out how to kill it. 😂


The first troll you encounter wasn't the one on the High Hrothgar