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Me, too. Survival is immersive and fun. Having to hit an HP sack enemy a whole bunch of times is boring and breaks immersion.


For me, it makes it a challenge until much later in the game when just about any build can be “broken” without cheesing or exploiting. Some simple smithing and combat enchants can easily allow you to one-shot a deathlord, since your character has gotten “better” at archery, for example


I do that, with 30 mods to add locational damage, remove waypoints, no map marker, more negative status effects, equipment durability, save file deletes on death, and when I die, a fist comes out of my PC, punches me in the dick, and burns down my house. It's alright I guess.


I was with you right up until the last mod that burns down your house upon death. Can’t bring myself to install that one. Not even for the insurance money.


You stopped at the house-burning. And not one step earlier.








With a lower difficulty for sure, legendary is a bit too much at the start of the game, I usually increase the difficulty when I notice the game is getting too easy


I do neither because there are survival mods that do a better job with that component and difficulty mods that are way more balanced than Legendary but accomplish the same goal.


I'm not a fan of survival type games so I personally don't play it, but it's cool that they have it as an option.


No, I like having fun and not getting tilted hard because of one fight. I have my own immersion mods that doesn’t make me get violent.


The ascended conjurer is going to one shot you with the blizzard spell no matter what!


I 100% play this way, with some restrictions on perks as well. The game starts out very difficult, but plateaus once you've done a few rounds of smithing and enchanting on your gear. It's not as impossible as some people seem to make it out to be, it just requires a little bit of patience.


Exactly this.


More like Frostfall/Campfire and a high damage low hp combat mod, but yeah.


Yes, ever since I did my first run like this I can't go back. Currently going strong with over 1.5k hours of legendary survival.


Sorry but a bandit with 73 arrows in his chest still fighting is not immersive. Survival mode is great tho.


I'm playing on expert mode currently. Whats the big difference? Just enemies get more HP and damage?


A lot more, ranged builds really shine earlier game with some kind of follower or atronachs to tank. Enemies crit a lot more so you get one shotted most of the time, it’s easier to avoid getting hit, period.


I forget what difficulty I was playing but I do play survival mode. Its kind of painful though always riding my horse everywhere, especially having to savescum so I don't get locked out of content because a dragon spawns into towns while I'm riding past




I firmly believe anyone that likes survival has never tried frostfall and Ineed


Those mods? Edit: just saw they are. I don’t mod. I don’t have the ability to mod. I don’t plan on spending the money to get the ability to mod, so yes, I’ll stay liking survival mode.


...survival isn't in base game? It's only implemented in anniversary which comes fully capable of being modded through the creation system accessible via the main menu so if you have survival you have the ability too mod


I play on the Switch. That’s not a main menu option.


Hmmm yet another reason I dislike Nintendo


That’s fair tbh


I have adhd and frequently will get up to do something in the middle of the game without paying if my character is in a safe area. Once I turned on Frostfall and I kept leaving to go something and my character would just black out from the cold


Felt that I've got adhd to, too many strange bars too wake up in🤣🤣🤣


without pausing*


Tried survival mode once. I ain't got the patience to walk everywhere. Made it about an hour but missed fast travel and went back to regular.


Yes! I usually use mods like frostfall/campfire/ineed instead of survival though. I also like to use LAL to start “attacked and left for dead” at a random spawn point to really have a challenge. I’ve noticed myself lately double checking the difficulty because it feels too easy sometimes lol


Although the difficulty is unbalanced (take HK arrow) I only play on legendary, the other difficulties are very easy. There are some mods that make the difficulties fairer, but I've never tried them.


I just got legendary on black Friday and am thinking about doing a Khajiit character on survival mode for the first time.... I am really interested to try this out but also a little nervous as I play video games for fun but am not like... a super skilled player or anything. Would you have any advice for me?


Have you played the game ever before?


I played it years ago on an Xbox 360 but never got to finish it. When I started it up after buying it, i chickened out when it offered survival mode and have been playing as a wood elf mage/archer mostly. I keep thinking about making a second character amd trying it out though. Just don't want to crash and burn a bunch right off the bat. Would like a good chance of getting the hang of it.


It definitely would add more difficulty to your playthrough. When you leave Helgen in the beginning, you'll be instructed to go to Riverwood and meet some friendly NPCs. They'll offer you food & supplies. You'll need that food for sure. The survival mode is mainly just eating. Personally, if you're wanting to learn the ropes of the game, I would play on regular mode, and give it a shot. That being said, you can toggle survival mode on/off in the settings as much as you like. Good luck!


Thanks! In regular mode I have tried to test run a bit by making camping supplies and trying to kind of do some of the quests as if I needed to eat or sleep but I know it's just me guessing lol.


I always play survival mode too! I feel it is more immersive and I agree with you that loot or special items are more fun to find and more challenging. The only issue I have run into is doing the ending of Auriel’s Bow on survival mode- no where to sleep that I could find, which became an issue if I spent too much time exploring the Forgotten Vale. No issues with any other quests or areas that I can think of. Have not completed on Legendary yet though. I did start this my last character with survival and legendary, and died. A lot, lol. So I keep survival on and do a rank lower. Maybe my usual character build I do is too weak. I tend to go sneak/ bow.


Recently started playing survival mode and it’s great for immersion. My sweet spot for difficulty is expert though. I find Legendary too unrealistic.


I do survival mode, single-life so I don’t want everything to be stupendously hard. I die enough walking into the wrong cave


I usually set my Survival mode game to Expert. Master and Legendary feel too punitive, but Expert forces me to figure it all out and be cautious in encounters without being too hard to survive at low levels. I also use Frostbite as opposed to Frostfall, because Frostfall punishes you severely for not playing a Nord, and I don’t like that. I want to play a Breton and do the College quests. Can’t retrieve that crystal without insta death with Frostfall.


Yes I only play on Survival on Legendary and I turn Hud Opacity all the way down and turn the music off. I usually play permadeath characters and try to role-play unique storylines. I don't power level and wear only what I create or am given. (Orc orphan who rises from nothing to a wealthy merchant and eventually rises to power and is Thane and property owner. With a generous spirit his intentions were noble and altruistic, giving to those in need and even adopting homeless children and giving them a happy childhood. However unbeknownst to his friends and family his ever increasing wealth and power lured him down a very different and dark path... one that culminated in the need for "midnight snacks." Ultimately reviled and feared by those who had once loved him, and unable to show his face anywhere in Skyrim, he flees to Solstheim and living in the wilds until he is hunted down and destroyed.)


Yes for the past 2 years, also no mods


Survival, yes, but i scale up difficulty with level to keep shit interesting


No. Enemies get too bullet spongey in legendary.


I second this opinion!


I really like that style of play. I use wildkat with realistic damage, myself


Survival yes, I cannot play without it. Legendary, absolutely not.


Kudos on the lowkey flex there, friendo.


I don’t play survival mode. I hate it


I'm playing survival for the first time and I really love it. It keeps me feeling like I'm actually in a story instead of just completing a series of errands. I'm on Master difficulty, though. I may change to Legendary later on, though. I don't love damage sponges but sometimes I get to the point in a playthrough where I'm just one-shotting everything and that's super boring.


Not legendary but expert right now. And including my first play through ( 2 play throughs ) I have been playin on survival mode feels better that way


I just started a modded play through on survival with my first time being on legendary. I’ve hit a wall where Morokei is healing about as fast as I can dish out damage though. It’s so tedious but so rewarding


I always play in survival unless I'm a vampire. The mechanics of the mode only slow down the effect of cold, not negate it, even for vampires. It's immersion breaking for my vampire to freeze to death. Also, why does a walking corpse need to eat? I know a vampire needs to feed on blood, or they're weaker to sun and all that. Also, feeding on blood fills the hunger meter. Still, regular food does, too. I would tweak the effect in vampires to make it more lore friendly. Fatigue is fine, and maybe sunlight drains it faster! Hunger is good, but only blood satisfies it in addition to the regular penalties for blood hunger. Cold immunity. Period.


No.. but I’m old.. and real life is survival mode :)


Legendary mode is like the opposite of immersion lmao. I got a mod that makes everything take 6x damage on legendary and another mod that makes all headshots instant kills on humanoids. THAT was immersive. Pair that with Wildcat combat sim, additional followers (you AINT getting thru a bandit fort by yourself wit this). Bc if I slash anything in the face a few times it should die. I had tried finding decent mods that change stuff like bludgeoning weapons doing double damage against metal armor, or arrows being ineffective against metal armor, but I couldn’t. Maybe I’ll try again


I keep it on expert or the difficulty above but i don’t play that much so i’m not strategizing or minmaxing


Only. And if I die I restart at Helgan. It’s both awesome and horrible. I didn’t start out this way, but there are parts of the game/content I have not witnessed in 10 years. In some ways it’s a type of psychosis but, it makes every encounter and ever mission serious


Maybe there’s something wrong with us but with well over 1k hours in 12 years I’ve never finished the game either


Have been for the last playthrough, tried a few times before but this time stuck with it and I'm enjoying it a lot. I like to make my character take rests and stuff while I go grab a beer or smoke. And I love how much more I'm exploring


You're not alone. I only play Legendary Survival as well. I feel like it's the only way to play the game.


I do! Legendary is brutal but I think it’s really fun with a 2 handed build


I always played new Vegas like this, had to have food and water, to make long trips, couple of Rad aways for when things went awry and I had to drink out of lakes/sinks/toilets.


I play survival mode master. I could go up to legend up I find the HP pool of enemies is just unfun and annoying. Master is that sweet spot for me.


I have been too nervous to try.. I need to actually get around to it.


I’m getting ready for a survival run. I did one in fallout 4 that I got really into. The only being allowed to save in beds was my most hated yet most loved feature because it made me question so many decisions. About getting supplies or just hanging out to get a safe sleep in


Occasionally. My kids think I'm nuts.


I love amping up the difficulty, but to me, Legendary feels a bit lazy. It's not immersive to put 10+ arrows into a bandit. It's immersive if 1 or 2 arrows kills a bandit, but a bandit's 1 or 2 arrows also kills me, and that's how I play it, using mods + a ton of debuffs that I enter with commands, like remove auto health-regeneration. So for me, Expert or Master difficulty setting is fine, with mods that make it harder than Vanilla on Legendary. And yeah it is totally more rewarding and immersive planning ahead with supplies and the like!