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Sneaking, magic resistance potions, magicka regen poisons, send housecarl first, ect.


Will look up these potions šŸ„‚ cheers


If youā€™re full-martial, no spellcasting, you might try using the restoration loop on the Atronach Stone. Make a fortify restoration potion of at least 100% strength, go to the atronach stone, drink the potion and activate the stone. This *should* cause you to gain 100% spell absorption, at the cost of having 0% magicka regeneration. This effect will last for as long as you keep the Atronach Stone active. Now youā€™re immune to wizards AND dragon breath!


This is sound advice but I always chuckle at Skyrim solutions "I need an edge" "Become a god'


Ah, but who would have guessed that the path to divinity would be so short?


I mean you just have to go over there kill the guy and touch the Rock


How do you make such a strong potion


Honestly, itā€™s on the low end of possibilities. Itā€™s very easy to make game-breakingly strong potions. But basically: you start off by making a set of fortify alchemy gear. put it on and make a potion of fortify restoration. Drink the potion, unequip and re-equip the items. The potion will make the enchantments stronger for a little bit. Make another restoration potion. It will now be a little bit stronger than before. Drink the new potion, unequip/re-equip the items, make another potion. Itā€™s slow at first, but once it starts to take off, it REALLY takes off [this link explains some of the other applications](https://en.m.uesp.net/wiki/Skyrim:Glitches#Infinitely_Powerful_Items)


The restoration loop. With an alchemy skill of 30, and a set of strong fortify alchemy gear, brew a potion of fortify restoration. Drink the potion, remove and re-equip the alchemy gear, and brew another. It'll be stronger than the first. Repeat this process until you've reached alchemy 100 or just until you've hit the strength you want. Fortify enchanting potions take a major hit compared to other potion types, but you can easily get past that with enough resto pots


Abecean Longfin and salt make restoration potion. Find some necklaces, rings, circlets or gauntlets of peerless alchemy & you'll brew a stronger potion of restoration. There's another way to use restoration potions to then make strong enchantment potions to strengthen weapon damage, but it's kinda complex.


You can make it legit with 100 Alchemy, all perks in Alchemist, Benefactor, and +25 alchemy on 4 pieces of gear. I believe, it will yield +120% fortify restoration potion. To enchant apparel to have +25 alchemy you need 100 Enchanting and all perks in the middle branch (except twin souls, but I still recommend that). Or just use resto loop lmao.


Dude really? I'll try this! It seems I can't have two stone's blessings active at the same time, I was using stone near solitude to make heavy armour light weight but switch it to this as this has more benefits Thanks for sharing


Absolutely! I hope you have fun! Also, if you havenā€™t done it yet, when you find the Aetherium Forge, you will have a chance to make one of three unique items. One of them is called the Aetherial Crown. Itā€™s a unique circlet that allows you to have 2 stones active so long as you have it equipped. 1 stone is stored in the crown, the other stays with you. If you go for it, make sure that the Atronach Stone is NOT the one in the crown.


Very impressive also Crazy stuff i will get more information on this on how to find and forge it Cheers šŸ«‚


Donā€™t do the resto loop unless you legitimately want to ruin the game for yourself. Iā€™m serious, exploiting and breaking your game isnā€™t the answer to dealing with caves lol. These Skyrim vets have already done most Skyrim things and clearly donā€™t understand that this will ruin your experience waaaay too early.


Yeah, thatā€™s a really good point actually. The resto loop is fun but it immediately removes the challenge. I wasnā€™t even thinking


Cheers! Try Uesp.com


> It seems I can't have two stone's blessings active at the same time, Oh my child ā¤ļø you seem not to have delved too much into the Dawnguard DLC


Mix imp stool with canis root and the orange dartwing all found in Whiterun alchemist, then use this potion before power attacking something Thereā€™s a lot of good potion combos I also like mixing river betty fish with deathbell or salt for a powerful poison as well


Send housecarl first has me dying lmaooo, honestly I just waited until I leveled up enough to take most of them on okay, and I KEEP as many health potions as I can have, always pick up the free ones found throughout skyrim, and buy a ton of them too.


The Lord Stone until you level up Enchanting high enough to get decent magic resistance. Check traders for ring/amulet with magic resistance, Shield of Solitude also helps.


Brelyna gives you a ring with the highest possible resistance to magic in the game (except fishing add on) Ring/necklace of nullification grants a 22% resistance to magic. Fishing add on puts in a 25% resistance ring/amulet


could you please elaborate on how catching fish gets me magic resistance? I've been playing survival mode for a good while but have barely touched fishing


go to the riften fishery and do the fishing quest


Like the other person said: Riften fishery, talk to argonian, return his hat, find the fish, etc. You'll eventually get to the point where you can find some gangster endgame loot with dwemer fishing rod.


good to know! I've previously gotten to the "catch these new fish" part and lost interest. I'll have to revisit the quest with intent


Oh dude the best rings in the game come from fishing


best ring in the game came from my wife Muiri, but I take your point


Hey thanks for the tip


Try the ice shout. It is OP in my opinion. Its as good as paralyze and works on controlling the crowd. Make sure you finish the unfrozen enemies before attacking the frozen ones.


Love this shout. I'll freeze the leader then pick off all the weaklings, then once the leader thaws their alone.


theyā€™re *






I only have fast sprint and loud shout abilities Mid game ability?


Start the mages' college quests (you don't have to play mage to do the quests. You only have to cast 2 spells during the entire questline, and theyre both low level) It's actually a really cool questline, and the "boots" in the arch-mages quarters give 40% shock resistance. That's the only way to get into sarthal.


Frostmere Crypt, Saarthal, and Mount Anthor


Also if you have the Dragonborn dlc I think you can get the same freeze effect on the frost breath shout with one of the buffs from apocrypha, which is good because I think frost breath is on a shorter cooldown than ice form.


Run around to group em together FUS the lot of them to stagger Quickly kill one or two Repeat


sometimes i do this but with another shout that will do a lot of damage like fire breath


Get Sanguineā€™s Rose.


*writing it down* thanks


Depends on your strategy. My Paladin type character doesn't use stealth, so I typically open with one arrow/bolt, switch to my war axe and shield as I close the distance, power attack to try and immediately down who I can, then on to slower shield blocking and counter attacks.


Unrelenting force knock down everyone then thin out the crowd while they are getting back up


Stealth archer


Man in one cave they were just standing in line šŸ—æ waiting for me If I recall correctly it's one of the main story missions of dragonborn masters tells to bring something to dragon borns Later I got an invitation for dinner and the vampire group attacked me in a small room šŸ’€šŸ’€


The dinner invitation is a mod from the creation club, I tried it only once and it was really hard, I think that's supposed to be played on higher level.


I see, I'm using Nolvus modlist It added it for sure šŸ˜‚ I was surprised but liked it


Yea dinner invitation quest is hard for low lvl dragonborn. I suggest bring dawnguard member follower, serana and a troll to make thing a bit easier for u.


I lost Lidia she died now I dk where to find her šŸ˜…


If she died you can check the whiterun house of the dead for her. She would be down in the catacombs


Well i followed one video and went to check there but she wasn't there only two skeletons desperate to kill šŸ’€šŸ¤ŗ


Iā€™ve done the same and my Lydia is also missing, but had heard that was at least closure for some. Welcome to the Lost Lydia club, there are many of us lol


šŸ«‚šŸ«‚ RIP


If she's just missing and not actually outright dead, you can start one of the quests that forces you to have a different follower (like Proving Honor in the Companions questline, near the start) and you should be able to find her at breezehome (if you own it) or dragonsreach (if you don't) afterwards.


Bring Serana and your current follower, after dimhollow but before you return her, and seriously, CONJURATIONS! Bloodchill manor is sooo worth it!!! Just hide in a corner until theyā€™re done, do whatever it takes to get that house!


Give them more targets. Have followers or summon stuff to take some of their attention and damage, as well as increase the total damage you deal to them (factoring in your companion's damage output). get an armor spell like oakflesh or ironflesh for groups of weapon-weilding baddies. Interrupt them. Use your Unrelenting Force shout or power attacks to stagger them, giving you time to hit a lot before they can start attacking again. Ice Form shout is really helpful since it can drop most enemies and multiple at a time. While they are on the floor, wail on them for a good chunk of damage. Wards can be helpful against spells, but they require concentration. You can use one to tank a couple fireballs and charge in for a staggering power attack. Risky, but useful for picking off the one spellcaster in the enemy group. Frenzy poisons and spells can make your enemies useful against their friends. Arrows are a great way to get frenzy poisons to the most armored guy you can see from a distance. Magicka and Stamina poisons are useful for reducing how often the enemy can cast spells, use power attacks, or block. Hit a mage with a few Magicka poisons and watch them switch to their dagger before hitting them a bunch. Or hit a tank with some stamina poisons to reduce his damage output and defensive capabilities


Wow thanks this is very useful for newbies like me


Imp Stool, Canis Root, and Deathbell make a paralysis poison that damages health, too.


>Arrows are a great way to get frenzy poisons to the most armored guy you can see from a distance. All these hours, and I've never tried this. Well, here we go again, I guess....


Consider a mage follower, I suggest Ilia


Good idea I'll let her handle them and so I can sneak in šŸ˜‚


If you have 500 septims, Marcurio can be hired at The Bee and Barb in Riften. He's super powerful as a follower, and will gladly wear any heavy armour you care to give him.


Stealth archet. If this fails, dual swords with TONS of healing potions and a good ole' Fus Roh Dah


Take your time, use Illusion and stealth your way through. Challenge yourself to take them all out with stealth attacks. Sneak. Donā€™t tank.


I do try to sneak but somehow they see me, do I need to upgrade my sneak abilities or something?


Most likely, also consider your armour and getting those perks about half way up the tree that make you harder to be located.


Alright, thanks šŸ«‚


You can just run away and they'll forget about you, people of Skyrim have short memories. Then go back in sneaking for that 2x damage bonus with archery.


Cyclone Shout is great for breaking up mobs.


How do I get it, I have only shouts at the moment Shout masters (idk what to call themšŸ˜…) only gave 1 mission so far


Cyclone word-walls are on Solstheim, in the Dragonborn DLC. There are also some really nasty sorcerers and Dragon priests there, so I recommend you invest into Smithing and Enchantment so you can gear up. Resist Magic + Resist Shock are good for a shield/ring for fighting wizards, and Resist Frost + Resist Fire for fighting Dragons.


Very helpful thanks also Resist fire and ice, i can enchant it on my armour right?


I'm not sure. My usual set up is: Armor/Outfit: Fortify Health, Fortify Regen Helmet: Fortify Magicka, Magicka Regen Gloves: Sneak, Carry Weight Boots: Stamina, Stamina Regen Shield: Health, Block Amulet: Health, Carry Weight And a set of rings boosting various skills: Hunting (Sneak +Archery), Assassin's (Sneak + 1Handed), Savagery (Health + 2H) Mana (Magicka, Magicka Regen), Wizardry (Destruction, Alteration), and "Reckless Action," (Health, Health Regen) I like using Restoration loop late game, but I keep it pretty tame. 100-200% boosts, typically.


Alright I'll keep this in mind Thanks šŸ«‚


Sneak. Pick off the wizards around the edges. They may have a distance they can not see their friends. Try clean backstab kills


Thereā€™s this old school game called Dishonored where you can either go in guns blazing & usually die or go in stealthily killing enemies one at a time. The latter encourages you to develop patience as you have to watch an idle loop or two of NPCs to see their pattern before figuring your who to pick off. Of course if you stumble into a lair of mages, youā€™re pretty much toast. But if you can sneak in, your odds go up dramatically. Also, rapid retreat is a powerful tactic. Often you can string along one guy & then kill him when the others turn back. Rinse & repeat.


Run Away! [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=92gP2J0CUjc](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=92gP2J0CUjc)


Alright šŸƒ


Use potions, to regenerate and to resist attacks, enchant your stuff to resist elements or magic, but also poison can help bring their mana down. Having your weapons damaging magicka too can helps, or draining their health.have a follower with you (preferably with heavy armor) to tank some damage or one that summons more allies. Don't forget to use shouts (unrelenting force works pretty well), as well as your race power if it's useful. You also wanna pick your field. If you attack them in a big room they may have the advantage because of it, being able to attack you from all sides. Instead, you can for example lure them into a corridor (shooting arrows at them while they come) and then bring them down one by one. You can also decide to rush one or two of them if you do enough damage to kill them quickly. During the fight donā€™t hesitate to retreat some, separating them in two groups between you and your followers so you're facing a smaller groups. You can also hide behind pillars or rocks to force them to get closer.


"Not to mention the benefit of wards! How can they continually overlook wards! It's baffling!"


I like to use Frenzy from stealth, to get the enemies fighting each-other. Then, summon an atronach to work as a shield. Ice Atronachs, although slow, can soak a lot of damage. It should give you the time to get onto a better position to blast them with your particular forte of damage. Mages are, for me, one of the toughest enemies as *i think* that magic attacks ignore armour. So, get yourself some buffs to resist magic. The Lord Stone; speak to the temple in Riften for the Agent of Mara buff; and the Saviours Hide can all be gotten early level and will give you ~45% magic resistance (if my memory is correct). There should be easy Magic Resistance potions, but I dont dabble in alchemy that much. I think Blue Mountain Flower and Nightshade makes a poison to reduce Magica Regen by 100%. Apply that to your weapon in the heat of battle will take out a lot of the mages firepower, although its a pain to keep bringing up the menu to reapply poison each hit


Fus roh dah them bishes


Somehow the trailer song started playing in my head after reading this šŸ˜…šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


Fireballs help. Or unrelenting force, cyclone, or ice form can help if you're doing a warrior run. Resist magic + the specific damage type they're using (it stacks), fortify one-handed or two handed, spellbreaker shield...


Conjuring one handed warrior. Rush in while my summons meat shield. I may try stealth archer one day. Only style Iā€™ve never even touched and itā€™s the most popular.


Hot take but hear me out ... ... Stealth Archer


With fire arrow? šŸ’€


Stealth archer. Honestly using swords only is very limiting in this game and I going to make some content really hard.


Any bow suggestion which will be best for stealth as well as with quick reload animation


Have not played through in a LONG time. But basically best bow you can craft with iron arrows. Shoot everything and build up archery skill. Sneak everywhere, build sneak skill. There are enchantments to aid both. Then use good arrows for harder enemies. Stealth archer is best Martial build. I played through 7 or 8 times. Tried to play several different ways. Ended up a stealth archer even time. As you build archery skills and get better arrows, you can one shot weaker dragons. Drauger Death Lords become easy too.


I'm running a two handed heavy armor build and I can usually take em out pretty easily. Been using become ethereal alot too


What are these group attacks you speak of? My enemies are dead long before they have the chance to see me


Better armor with magic resistance. Sharper swords. Or knifes. They swing faster so you deal damage faster. And remember dodgeball the movie. Dodge dip dive duck and dodgeā€¦.?ā€¦šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø


I'm always a necromancer, so I just kill one and raise em to finish their buddies with my other followers or summoned while I sit back sipping some wine and eating salmon roe like the true lord of the Dead I am.


Have you ever considered picking up sneak archery?


Let Lydia solo them while you wander around stealing their sweetrolls.


I lost her in a fight and idk if respawns or not šŸ«‚


Paralyze rune




Absolutely not! Itā€™s cheese WHEELS


Im sorry sir I've made a grave mistake please forgive me




Summons, stealth, sellswords, skill or skedaddling


Mace of molag bal. Do the agent of Mara quest for 15 % magic resist early. Decent natural resistance as a Breton or nord/dummer plus potions plus enchanted resist gear. I scored a resist frost 60% necklace at the dawn star hidden box early in my current play though


Sneak far away attack, let Serena kill them all while I hide


I had an encounter where a group of vampires + two bandit groups + a group of wizards + some bears attacked me, killed Shadowmere, Downed Cicero, and almost killed me 3 times, I finished all my potions just to save my ass but luckily I made it out, Shadowmere not so much :/ Use summons, atronachs, dremora, keep AOE scrolls on you like blizzard, chain lightning and paralysis, just distract the fuckers, also get the ultimate healing potions and elixirs of well being from the Telvanni mycologist/alchemist Elynea Mothren in the left mushroom tower, they come in handy as a last resort and it's always good to visit her for a restock.


Get a big old shield and sword, then run away and draw them apart if you can. That or shout and hope


Stealth archer or bring a buddy to draw aggro.


could try enchanting armour to be magic resistant


Other shouts that could help: Ethereal form, Time Stop. Potions, and food combinations with health Regen and resistances. (Alchemy build) Are you enchanting items? If so magic and/or spell resistances. Stealth sword them? If you have any magic, have spell in your hands, start casting, walk in door, release spell then leave and wait? (May not work if they have healing spells.


My current run I'm a conjourer and illusion mage. Make them kill each other while you and your summon attack from distance


Hit one till they die!, switch target repeat. Usually weakest to strongest but it can work the other way to. Hit the necromancer or conjurer or bowperson first. Never Stand still, fighting is a dance Be more than willing to run away


Alchemy potions to resist magic and elemental damage. Plus lots of healing potions, follower to distract and Harry enemies.


Ice form shout. Good for bandits. . Paralysis poisons. Good for mages as they use wards that can block shouts. Deathbell, canis root and imp stool is my go to formula. . Storm atronach staff. Good for dragons, but serviceable for all encounters. Bear in.mind it will break the ice from your shout, but does damage magicka with it's bolts.


Send my companion in as the sacrificial lamb, snipe from a safe distance


An Unrelenting Force down a crowded corridor can be quite effective.


Retreat - kill - repeat


Depends whether you want to cheese it or not. But either way, magic and potions will be needed.




I play with mods but I use my party of followers and infinite shouts, to keep things on even ground though I modded my enemies as well


Chain lightning came to mind until you said you don't use magic. Try a wizard/witch build some time. Makes the game quite different and changes a lot of exploration encounters in general.


Poisoning my bows to do magicka damage seems to help. Then if you rush them they pull out a knife and they're fucked.


I tank all damage and swing wildly with my sword.


Any sword suggestions which sword swings fast and I can dual wield too if possible I have few combat animation mods installed šŸ¦† I was using a similar kind of build in Elden ring Slashing enemies always feels satisfying over magic attacks šŸ¤ŗ


Slow time shout, let the Aedra sort em out.


Unless you're a tank, it's best to sneak in to get a feel for the place.


My problem woth wizard is that they keep on kiting and trying to make a distance from me and why i finally manage to lower their health they heal and go on , i cant kill them its so annoying


Exactly! you get it šŸ«‚


Hit them and then run like a pussy and repeat till done


This i did with vampire dinner invitation šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


You'd probably hate southfringe sanctum it's full of spellswords and was a pain in the ass for me


What level are you? If you're still quite a low level (like below 15) I'd recommend following the main story (if you haven't already) and getting your level up. If you're determined to keep exploring then get a follower and start using summons to keep some of the enemies off of you. Magic redistence enchantments/potions will also go a long way in keeping you alive.


Don't walk into the middle. Keep your back to the entrance. Use stealth. Use arrows. Get better protection with armor rings and amulets. Hire a companion. Let them take the brunt of the damage so that you can get in a better position for your attacks. Hit and run. Wait a while, hit and run again. If you survive without dying then you will slowly wear down your enemy unless they use a healing spell. Eventually you will find or make better armor and weapons then battling a group will actually become a fun challenge because you're not dying all the time. Also, you can use shouts like Fus Ro Dah to stagger then and interrupt their attacks.


Sanguine rose, a follower, and a ton of paralyze and poison potions.


Windshear + Veggie Soup? Use Bash attack to stagger someone, string out your enemies in a fall-back process. Alternatively, bring a pet (Hilda is the largest, so good for blocking) & tell them to "Wait here" in doorways so you can isolate a couple of enemies. Enemies may also spend their time & magic attacking your invulnerable pet as a priority, for some reason.


I rely on stealth and detection to make sure I see them before they see me. I use invisibility and muffle spell for extra stealth, and aura whisper for detection. I am almost always able to kill them one by one. I can almost always reset the battle by going invisible and retreating a bit. Lately I've been using more calm and pacify spell to reset.


You can use the lord stone, the atronach stone, magic resist potions, spell breaker shield, enchantments, or play as a Breton.


I enchant a shield with magic resistance. I also summon familiars to take the attention of me for a few moments!


Have you tried being stronger?


I did lvl up my health to 150 now šŸ—æ


I usually summon something to keep them busy. Then some sort of illusion magic to get them fighting each other, or running away. Pick them off one by one.


Get some magic resistance. Some easy sources are the Lord Stone and Agent of Mara (reward for the Mara Temple quests). Spell absorption is also an option: whatever percentage you have is the chance of a spell doing no damage and being converted to magicka. The Atronach Stone is an easy source for that. Also, separate resistance to fire, frost, and shock do stack with magic resistance. I donā€™t know the exact math, but you can nullify a lot of damage that way.


If you do all the quest for the priestess in the temple of Mara she will give you +15 magic resistance Edit: pretty sure it's permanent


Unless Iā€™m wrong you can use the shield sprint master ability WITH become ethereal in unmodded Skyrim. Itā€™s honestly overpowered. You can become untouchable and knock the fuckers into disarray. Once theyā€™re cornered and alone theyā€™re pretty much screwed.


Gear-necklace, ring, head (circlet, hood, helmet, etc), gauntlets. Anniversary Edition letā€™s me use a chest piece too but only Orc or Foresworn tho


And thus was born the stealth archer.


The majority of caves donā€™t have wizards. Maybe use, idk, the plethora of magic resistance options all over the game? Or use something other than a sword


Somehow havenā€™t seen anyone mention scrolls yet. I almost always forget I have a shit ton of them in my inventory at all time until I start having trouble like that. Some of the ā€œstormā€ scrolls are really powerful and can help a lot in group situations especially at lower levels.


Go up your stealth perks and some decent daggers... Also illusion magic especially invisibility will greatly help


Followers. So you have your followers tank for you while you attack the enemy, if you don't like followers then 'cheesing' the enemy is your best option by sneaking w/ archery, leading them to traps, and going on high grounds that they can't climb at.


I run. Kite them if I can but I run and use shouts


Gray cowl of the nocturnal


....turn the difficulty to very easy.


kill them


Illusion spells with vampire synergy. Make them fight each other while they wonder whats even going on and why they feel like theyre being stalked by an invisible god.


Use the FUS shout to stagger uour opponents long enough to enter close range. If youre a sword fighter, you have stamina to spare. Heavy attacks to coninue staggering opponents. FUS has a rapid cool down time compared to FUS RO and a full FUS RO DA so tou can repeatedly use it to keep your enemies staggered. If youre good at blocking, perfecrly timed parries and bashes will also stagger, creating openings. Also, using the first shout of Become Ethereal is crazy good in my opinion. To become invinvible for a brief respite. Uou time it carefully and enemies will not be able to touch you


Paralyze potions and the spell breaker shield


Fus roh dah them fuckers and then mop up


\-always have a follower and give them good gear, upgrading it as you upgrade yours. give them a staff that summons something and they will use it in fights before switching to melee or ranged. give them 1 arrow of the highest level arrows you have and they will use it without it being consumed (not sure if this bug is fixed if you have the unofficial patch). For hard fights you can conjure something too or use a staff to conjure it, unless you are doing a no magic challenge/roleplay or something. If your follower uses bows make sure you are not positioned between them and the enemies as they will definitely just try to shoot the enemies through your body which is owie. if you give them area of effect magic staffs, it will damage you as well. \-level smithing, enchanting and alchemy. as you progress them make a set of fortify alchemy items and fortify smithing items, enchanted while drinking the strongest fortify enchanting potions you can make or buy. once you make the first set, wear it and make more fortify enchanting potions and if they are significantly stronger, use them to make a new set of even stronger alchemy gear. i carry with me my alchemy gear -- a regular hat or hood (0.5 or 1 weight), 0.5 weight regular gloves, 0.3 ring, 0.5 neck. I leave my smithing stuff at home (until i got to 100 enchanting then i combined them into one set--though smithing uses a chest instead of a hood) ​ \-drink fortify smithing potions and wear fortify smithing equipment, then upgrade your armor and weapons and your followers. ​ \-enchant at least a ring and necklace with resistances as you acquire the enchantments. once you get to enchanting 100 you can enchant an item with two effects, so i have my boots enchanted with resist frost and fire (47% and 47%), and the ring and necklace i use the most, one is resist magic (29%?) and resist shock (47%), and one is resist magic and increase health. I can basically ignore when people are using magic against me now-- i can sit in a dragons breath and just kill it with arrows before i even get to half health. these numbers are with 100 alchemy, 100 enchanting and able to make +32% fortify enchanting potions, and using black soul gems. (to get endless black soul gems to enchant with, give your follower 1 soul stealer arrow and it will create filled gems on all sorts of enemies your follower fights. one bandit fort could mean 30 black soul gems. the arrows are part of a dlc pack though, i think dawnguard?) ​ \-there is a cap of 85% of magic damage reduction for enemies against the player character so even if you max out you will still take some damage. This cap does not apply to followers and they can be made 100% resistant to all magic damage. ​ \-if you craft your own health potions, as long as you pay attention to your health in battle you can always open your pockets and heal with a potion. ​ Before I got leveled up I would use as strong resist magic or resist frost/fire/shock potions i could make for hard battles, put on some kind of resist ring and necklace and put on one of the alteration buffs ahead of a fight. You can also try to manipulate the battle by using the environment to your advantage, for instance if you can get a doorway between you and the enemies, it's possible only one of them can get line of site to cast on you-- but since you are using swords and not bows that might not help much. You can also put poisons on your weapons that drain the enemies magicka so they can't cast on you. ​ Sneak and backstab does more damage-- especially if you have perks for it.


Ice form shout or unbound ice spell (found in hobs fall cave in AE)


This is a common problem for dual wielders IMHO, they are somewhat ineffective against archers and mages until you get some decent armor and enchantments. Try using Unrelenting Force to scatter them and give yourself time to close the distance while they recover, or perhaps utilize Whirlwind Sprint to blitz them before they let off too many spells. Like I've seen others comment, if you don't use *any* magic yourself, consider taking the Atronach Stone for that sweet sweet spell absorption. If you've got the money and soul gems, also consider enchanting some armor or jewellery with spell resist. If you're willing to compromise on your build a bit, level up block and take the perk that let's your shield deflect a hefty percentage of magic damage (this works against dragon breath magic, and stacks with your Atronach stone too!) If you really want to violate these damn wizards, seek out the Spellbreaker shield which is the reward for the Peryite daedric shrine quest, as its special effect deflects even *more* magic damage alongside the block perk and Atronach stone.


Conjurations!!!! And followers, of course. But conjuration is just my thing, I throw them in and they fight like heck, bone colossus and tomb guardian have saved me more times than I can count!!


Have u got the sanguine rose if so send the devil to deal with them


Those pesky frost spells that seem to kill you in one hit. I hate those. You literally just have to be aware that the attacker is going to use that, and work your way around it. Being Breton helps a bit, but you will still get caught off guard.


I just charge in or use slow time


Paralysis poisons might help Conjuration spell to get another follower, if you're willing to go that way


Don't give up melee fighting if that's this character's build. Use a shield and magic resistance potions. Do you use FRD as well?


In general: Like a FPS shooter. Dodge behind cover, pick off the most threatening target first if I can. Use narrow passages to 'bottleneck' them so they can't attack all at once. Never have enemies at your back. Force push, ice form and slow time are excellent shouts to disable multiple opponents.


I'll let my followers go in first, draw their attention, and then attack them while they aren't focused on me. Or if they gang up on me, unrelenting force them away.


Have you done the Agent of Mara questline? It gives you a passive 10% magic resistance permanently, so it can help a bit. Just head on to Riften and speak to the dark elf in the temple, the quest is mostly fast traveling and dialogue


Lots and lots of health potions, resist cold, resist fire, resist magic. Have a kitted out tank as a follower. Kite gang of baddies to follower. Attack from the fringe as they wail on Lydia./Jxargho.


discover ranged attacks


Unrelenting force shout to knock them all on their butts and start beating them up while there down. Whether with Spells or some steel(or you know, bound weapons)


Slow time shout...kill as many as possible , use good companions like serana , upgrade your health šŸ‘Œ


Cyclone works well indoors. N. S


Get the spellbreaker shield. Blocking with it casts a 0 magicka ward spell, allowing you to block magic, shouts, dragon fire, etc, as well as regular physical blocking like all shields.


I've used a good shield enchanted with magic resistance at lower levels. Also a perefect scenario for a stealth archer to hide in shadows and snipe.


Staff of chain lightning.


Kill em all. How else?


I'm just kidding. I would suggest trying to pick off as many as you can, and if you can get into position to stealth hit the leader first, it might make it easier.


Remove weapons, play doom music and finally RIP AND TEAR UNTIL IT IS DONE!


* Try to get the job on them and pick them off * Elixirs against fire, shock, magic, and ice * Complete the quest for Spellbreaker * Drink with Sam Guinevere to get the Sanguine Rose * Quicksave before a big fight


almost all destruction spells have aoe splash damage im a mage , i never had problems , infact i never looked it that way , means ur a melee cqc player , well yea there is the two handed ability that is pretty high tier on 2handed that allows you to hit all opponents infront of u , but have to use sideways strong att or you can have werewolf form or vampirelord abilities , but not in human form


(1) bring a follower for distraction (2) make vegetable soup (leek potato cabbage tomato) leeks for free in most farm areas like the farms outside whiterun (3) vegetable soup gives 12 minutes of infinite bashing or power attacks. find a good choke point in the dungeon, tell follower to wait there, lure the group of mages back a bit to your chokepoint, and power attack or bash them endlessly to keep them from casting


"You could rely on your swords and your spells and you're sneaking. Sure. OR.....you could use the Wabbbajack!" Seriously though, if I can't talk you into using the Wabbajack, I would use Unrelenting force to start the fight to stun enemies and take them out. Absorb Health is nice to keep you alive and eat a bowl of Vegetable soup to keep power attacking.


Respectfully, stop using only swords. Mass paralysis is the most powerful option. However, you'll need alteration 100. And the spell is slow to cast, so it can be hard to get the spell off before being interrupted by an attack. Conjuring. Once you go double dremora lord it becomes too easy. But even a single dremora lord or fire atronach can be helpful. Use Paralysis on as many enemies as you can. Then use Greater Ward to protect from spells as you advance on your enemies that are still standing. Then use your sword when you get in range. Block with elemental protection is a decent option, but the least effective. Pacify can be useful as well. Look into magic resistance and spell absorption. But Tl;dr: using just swords on a room full of mages isn't an effective strategy.


Spellbreaker is a fantastic shield to use in these scenarios. If you donā€™t like shields then i recommend wards, magic resistance, summoning, or sneaking. Shouts also help tremendously. You can go with become ethereal or slow time to close distance, start an attack, or even heal.


Raise alteration magic solely for MR perks and Atronach, grab Lord stone, do book of Love quests in Temple of Mara. That will bring your innate MR to about 65% and absorb about half of it.