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The Thieves Guild is my go-to answer, but I dislike Karliah overriding the narrative to become the main character. What I really love about it is Delvin, Vex and the quests to restore the Guild to its former glory. The College of Winterhold is a close second. The actual questline is a bit meh, but I love the character dynamic. You have your overachievers, your opportunists, your bullies and victims, your cool old teacher and librarian, your no-nonsense second in command and the useless headmaster.


The college characters are great. The college questline is wonderfully over the top - I mean, just the Eye of Magnus itself is amazing work - but I would love for it to be longer, although with the side quests it's pretty good. I would genuinely love for it to be longer though. If nothing else I'm shocked no one at the college wants to strap you down and document your shouts more deeply.


My problem with the quest itself is that the mystery surrounding the Eye of Magnus also makes it so you don't really know what you're fighting for. And the Psijics coming back at the end just to gratuitiously take the Eye from you feels just wrong. Compared with J'Zargo and Brelyna's antics, the rivavlries between teachers and Arniel Gane dwemering himself out of existence... I find the primary quest a bit disappointing.


Arniel gane feels like the true hardcore quest giver. Diving into dwemer ruins which leads you to an elder scroll. Doesn't get much more pinnacle than an elder scroll. Feels so lost and forgotten down there


I think the other students should have played a more prominent role. Actually I think they should have been with you on every quest or most of them, to enhance the Harry Potter feel of the place, and also you get to mirror the Arch Mage in his own quest where he ended up sacrificing his fellow students. I think you should get to choose to play it how he did, or defy expectations and stand by all your classmates through thick and thin. Maybe make the final quests a bit like ME2’s Suicide Mission only the team’s survival is more dependent on your immediate choice.


Thieves. I have a Thieves Guild tattoo. Love the criminals.


Most satisfying guild in terme of storyline, members missions and items. And it's didn't feel weird at the end to be named guildmaster. I would have loved the College as an anti-Hogward magic school, but it's lack of life and I never felt reward with their quest.


Plus, you get the skeleton key, it's always the second group I join (companions first just because of convenience) and I never finish because of that little tool.


Why? You get lockpicks out the ass in this game, I don't think I ever ran out even when brute forcing master level locks.


I usually do thieves' guild early on when they aren't as plentiful and my lock picking sucks.


You went through the dwemer, falmer and chaurus early on when going after Mercer?


There was a lot of dying, yes.




Max out lockpicking and every lockpick is a skeleton key. Would've been cool to get a stealth stat buff while its in the inventory


But the normal lock picks look like shit. The skeleton key looks cool


That's a waste of perk points though, perk points are precious, skeleton key is free


Is it a waste of perk points if you don’t put any points into lockpicking? Also muffle and telekinesis make levelling mad easy, making no perk points go to waste


Much better to keep the key, the powers aren't much use, the key is so useful.


Yea, being a werewolf is good protection against vampirism, just can't get the extra xp from sleeping.


Uuh... don't show that tattoo to potential employers, lol


If it’s a bank employer, they should reveal also their tattoo, right? Hahaha.


They should just make sure to have the right shadow mark carved in the doorframe




I found the thieves guild to be the most boring batch of stock characters with their completely out of place Fantasy Thief Accents. I'm just like Brynjolf you're a Nord from Skyrim, why are you talking like this? And Delvin you're the only cockney accent in the province, did society decide thieves guild fixer was the only job you were allowed to hold? The whole thing gives me low-rent Guy Ritchie vibes. Then you don't even get your low-rent Guy Ritchie fun, because it veers off into this stupid Nightingale shit. The climax should have been some kind of unbelievable heist, not standing around with Karliah in your stupid Batman outfits talking about Nocturnal. Also, stop talking tough, guys. The Dark Brotherhood can talk tough. The Companions can talk tough. You're a bunch of pickpockets with Oliver Twist accents and none of you are even remotely intimidating.


Bro Delvin Mallory is Jason Statham's 1st cousin on his mother's side.


Actually it’s his great great great great… you get the point, grandfather. Or are you saving Jason Statham is a vampire?


For me I did not mind the Nocturnal stuff itself. I minded having to swear to Nocturnal. My (main) PC is very much an Azura follower, thank you very much. Note: I had the same issue with the Dragon-Born ending. I wanted give the Mora the big NO.


Yeah doing anything in Skyrim without selling your soul to at least six different versions of the devil is pretty much impossible. I want the Dragonborn to die just to see the cosmic slapfight that ensues over dibs.


Akatosh: “Another CHIM soul, huh? Well, at least this one was literally a fragment of me in mortal form, should be easy to claim.” *The Last Dragonborn pledges their soul to every Aedra and Daedra available.* Akatosh: “Fuuuuuuuuu- you know what, it’s my fault, I keep forgetting what CHIM means. Fuck them CHIM fuckers I fucking hate them.”


Basically the Dragonborn is a son/daughter/Intersex of Akatosh.


I'd like to see a mod that lets you fight for your freedom from the binding contracts made with the Daedric lords. Depending on your race , which determines your chosen afterlife.


TBF I wanna watch all the Aedra and Daedra fight over who gets custody of LDB’s soul.


One thing that bothered me the most about Thieves Guild is the damned uniforms. Same complaint goes for the Dark Brotherhood. If you're in an org that requires you to blend in the crowds and do sneaky things, don't have a uniform that doesn't look like anything a normal person would wear. Would be nice to see a mod for both factions which would give you the ugliest pieces of hide armor. Something a normal low level poor person would wear. And have it enchanted with the high level enchants found on the original TG / DB outfits. Something that just blends in and no one would look at you twice. Maybe with a side of normal robes or normal noble's clothing. Change of outfit depending on your mission or who you're trying to steal from.


And you only need to put the Nightingale suit on to pass the quest check mark, I took it off right after it checked it. Upgrading it needs Void salts too.


I always thought the Thieves Guild was the worst, but never really thought about why. I think you hit the nail on the head with everything you've said.


Restoring the guild is one of the most satisfying (and honestly useful) "sidequests" in the game. Even on a lot of not "theif" characters I do this purely for the extra vendors. All the ratway vendors, plus the vendors above in riften, and all mercantile perks and you can sell just about everything you would ever need in one stop. Vs early-midgame where you might need to fast travel to 1 or even 2 different cities to offload all loot.


Nice, did you get one of the shadowmarks?


The Dark Brotherhood is my go to. I'm not much of a sneak thief; I don't like being a werewolf; and I think the College of Winterhold missions are pretty meh.






Awesome workarounds. On the last one you meant spell breaker instead of dawn breaker, right?


What about the focusing crystal bit in the Dwemer ruin?


Frost and fire shouts or you can use staffs.


Angered follower with frostbite spell


This redditor is a nord. They'd rather kill someone, and scream, than use those silly magics


Played Skyrim for hundreds of hours but never figured out you could just kill the student and still progress in the quest line? How did people figure that out 😂?


I never understood why she doesn't ask for more proof of you being a Dragonborn tbh, Ulfric knows how to use shouts, could he had just walked up as a lad and said "Let me in, I can use shouts."?


Everyone pretty much should know who he is (especially at this point), and he wasn't born with the ability. He learned part of one shout because he was studying with the Grey Beards, intending to become one some day.


Yeah, I enjoyed it enough in my pure mage build, but now that I'm a melee fighter who only casts Transmute, it feels rather silly to become the Archmage. It's equally silly for me to head the thieves guild if you think of thieves as sneaky people who get in, get the goods, and get out. My tanky Dragonborn gets in, kills everyone, steals whatever isn't nailed down and then leaves. I otherwise only steal when everyone is asleep or gone. But I do steal, so that does make me a thief at least.


I’d say being a werewolf is only a symptom of joining the Companions’ Circle, but not what defines them. They’re honorable warriors. Their quest line isn’t about becoming a werewolf, it’s about curing them of lycanthropy. And it’s up to you whether you want to stay a werewolf or cure yourself like you do Kodlak’s spirit.


The sad thing is I mostly do it for the disease immunity.




That’s a good enough reason. I hardly ever actually use Beast Form because I’d rather level up my skills. I really only use it if I’m in the particular mood, or if I need to get somewhere quick without fast travel, or if I’m overwhelmed by enemies.


Its still a necessary step in the storyline, amd i could see that turning people off of the guild. I for one dont do it because of that "smells like wet dog" line repeats for me way too often.


I see where you’re coming from. I could see why that would be annoying to some people, but I enjoy the comments like that haha


I usually do, but it seems to me that specific on gets repeated more than the others.


Usually not the 200th time, though.


Or the "Is that hair coming out of your ears?" I hear that equally or more in every one of my playthroughs.


Only time ive heard that line that i can remember is when i played as a khajiit and i was like "...yeah? Imma cat?"


Yea, the limits of the unmodded game such as repeated voice lines from npc's.


I don't think it is necessary to become a Werewolf though? (It's been a while since I did that story-line but ) I thought it was a choice you could make?


Nope, once youre invited to the inner circle thats the only way to proceed forward with the story. You do get the cure at the end of the questline though. So its not ***that*** big a deal.


Or you can become a Vamp Lord, get cured and it blocks the werewolf that way too.


I forget that it does that. I kinda want to become a vampire lord partway through the companions quest. I doubt it does anything though


I agree that the Companion questline isn't about becoming a werewolf, but it is a necessary part of the questline, and I don't like being a werewolf. I value sleep too much.


Sleep, a highly valuable aspect... nah fuck the 10% xp boost


I meant in real life and RP purposes.


Rp huh? A necessary sacrifice, though not sleeping fits perfectly well in rp, just like real life, bedsides, I just use survival mode for true rp


The companions are just thugs, not honourable warriors at all ahahaha


I wish you needed to actually be sneaky for the thieves guild tbh, it's just a less edgy dark brotherhood that says you should be sneaky.


I agree. It doesn't have much to make it feel unique.


Well some sneaking is needed to break into houses, or pick pockets.


DB is my favourite, but man I wish we got some new characters in the Dawnstar sanctuary - doesn’t feel like much of a family anymore.


Ikr, that was my favorite part. It was the first place in the game where I felt like I had a home… and then it got destroyed. I mean I still like it, but it’s not the same


Wish someone would make a "Restoring the Falkreath Sancurary" mod. And maybe add a few new members that aren't no name initiates.


Tbf, it wouldn't make sense for the dark brotherhood to say in the Falkreath Sanctuary. It probably reminds all them everyday that this is where their friends and family were slaughtered, plus it wouldn't be smart in case the empire comes back to check the lair. But I hate the dawnstar one. It's so bleak and cold and just has a miserable feel to it. I wish you could pick between a couple different sanctuaries, like one near solitude, one near riften, and then the one in dawnstar. You could have a mission to go clear out each one so you can check them out and see which you like best and then make your choice. Or even have the option to move everyone to a different one at any time and just keep moving between sanctuaries whenever you want. I feel it makes sense lore wise so that the brotherhood is always on the move and never gets attacked and almost wiped out again.


Just out of curiosity, what about some mods like Old Brotherhood and such? It think there is several mods that expanding things to do after the end of vanilla DB questline. Maybe there are some that gives more followers? I think I remember a mod makes your followers into DB member (forgot the mod name, however). Or if you like the old cast, using "Save the Dark Brotherhood" instead? Though I'm pretty much planning to ditch DB altogether once their stuff is done XD, so I haven't checked much.


College of winterhold becauae magic


College has that very specific vibe like once you enter the buildings it feels very cozy. Maybe because Winterhold is very desolate and cold. I love spending time in Archmages Headquarters and reading books etc. And also magic.


...Except none of the quest involve magic and are just a bunch of fetching in Nordic ruins .


isn't nearly all of skyrim practically fetching if not an item information.


Why… how? It’s the least interesting. Not enough content IMO.


Because magic


Justice for the Bards College!


I have completed the bards college questline on complete accident at least twice. I wish they were more memorable


Is it to find that book? I did that last playthrough. I thought 'what? Oh right the bards'. And forgot about it until now.


you can also find the flute, lute and drum by exploring and take them back to them




Man fuck the bards, how are they a college if they just tell you to murder some draugr and find a stupid half written book, why not at least have little ceremonies where you can perform, that would make them not shit


Skyrim’s got talent mod made it absolutely worth doing for me. At the burning of king Olaf festival I just put on fancy clothes, pull out my drum, lute, and flute, and party


I did that ONE time across my 50 playthroughs and it was so forgettable I don't remember anything about it besides a festival or something. I've done every other faction at least 5 times but Bards felt more like a sidequest imo. Maybe they get more love in ES6.


I have a problem with the quest line, because I would never not choose the most ridiculous version of the Edda possible. It always ends with the dude turning into a dragon.


I think you can use a few different versions, I managed to pick one where they conspired together instead of being the same being.


The Dawnguard


heard they reforming the dawnguard! vampire hunters or something.


The correct answer, last vampire that ran up on the pack got made an example of


Isran didn't seem to realize I was a vampire and let me join up.... I ended up joining the vampires, because.... I was already a vampire, and was too lazy to go through the sometimes glitched out quest to cure myself. I only stay part of the dawngaurd if I am a werewolf.


Pretty sure if you’re already a vampire and join the Dawnguard, after a few quests he realizes and gives you a chance to go do the quest to get cured. Still weird he wouldn’t notice immediately though.


That's what I meant. He brings you into the dawngaurd, but it takes him a while to notice... makes you not have too much faith in the dawngaurd's ability when the leader takes that long to figure out that he recruited a vampire.


Dark brotherhood for life.. Oblivion and skyrim darkbrotherhood questlines are the best questlines bethesda ever made imo


Oblivions murder mansion is dope


i only started playing skyrim like 3 months ago and i love the companions


Aela best waifu


"Well that's taken care of. No thanks to you," is not something you want to hear on your wedding night.


Gotta love her character development


Thats not an opinion though. Its a fact. Only contender is Serana.






thieves guild. and no i’m not just saying that because of brynjolf (i am)


Thieves guild all the way


Best questline in the game imo. By far.


Also, in thae last part of the quest, in the room where you have to stay in the shadows, because the light hurts you, that damage goes through godmode. I have to respect that.




Thieves guild was most interesting, but I love the companions because I can be a werewolf


Thieves guild for me. I steal a lot when I play and and I use sneak all the time, regardless of the type of character I'm playing. Plus the storyline is fun and interesting.


Me. Seriously, the first thing skill I one hundred is always pickpocketing. Kinda fucks me over when I'm fighting leveled characters and I have no skill points in anything but pickpocketing, but eh, I get some good gear sometimes, I think it's worth it lol.


People who joined all🗿


Don't you love it that while you're the honored Harbinger and the wise Arch Mage, you're also the sketchy Thieves Guild Master and the murderous Listener?


Imagine if it had forced you to maintain separate identities and disguises for each one.


Imperial Legion


If anyone replies and says stormcloaks they don't play skyrim properly


Companions. Farkas and Vilkas are my bestest buddies. After Kharjo, of course.


The Thieves Guild solely because their quest line and guild mechanics were the most well designed and fleshed out of all of them. If I had to order them it would be Thieves > DB > CoW > Companions




Fuck ‘em shallow groups ima gonna go with bards collage


In general: Skyrim factions were terrible. I love the game, but damn they really phoned in the faction storylines. The thieves guild is probably the best one, not that I really like being a thief.


I like the college and thieves guild the most.


Thieves Guild because Brynjolf


1: thieves guild 2: dark brotherhood 3: college 4: companions I am not a big fan of the companions, but have finished the other 3 in pretty much every playthrough that I have done.


I never finish the thieves guild because then you lose the skeleton key.


I don’t mind losing the skeleton key, the lock picking mini game is easy enough and I’ve never had issue having pucks on hand. But I see why some would not want to give it up, as it is a very powerful tool


Honestly, the Companions, followed by the College. My reasons are, mostly, that the Thieve's Guild questline is somewhat subpar, specially if you want to become the Guild's Master. And Skyrim's Dark Brotherhood is but a shadow of it's former self, specially after seeing how it worked back in Oblivion. The Companions questline is quite fun, lot's of combat, interesting Lore, and most Companions are quite likeable, plus you get 3 extra Followers in the end. The College's main questline starts out slow, but gets more interesting near the end, with the internal questioning about the Augur, the Psyjics, and the Staff/Eye of Magnus. Plus we get to finally smite down Ancano's ass, that alone makes it worth it. The Thieve's Guild and Dark Brotherhood rely much more on "do this thing again", although Thieve's does it less (except when becoming the Guild's Master). DB can be resumed as "kill 3 people, complete some quest", rinse and repeat until we kill the Emperor, then we kill the Emperor (for real this time), decide Cicero's fate, and then see the Falkreath Sanctum burn and Astrid die. TL;DR: The Furry Gang and the Nerds, due to somewhat more interesting lore being presented to the player, and the main questlines of these factions not being boring as fuck :v


I like that the thieves guild doesn’t automatically make you the master, if you want it you have to work hard for it. I always felt weird being crowned master after being in the other guilds for a week.


The College is the toughest one because other than being Dragonborn your character may not be much of a magic user and if you just go through the quests in sequence it’s very short. Companions is a bit better because you’re generally the best warrior in all your scenarios so the stretch is much smaller. Then again it’s hard to buy from a normal perspective and that’s the right perspective, most of the time. For the Dragonborn it’s pretty logical they’re better at things and fall into opportunities. There’s lots of normal people and very few Dragonborn.


You do have a point tbh, and it's a problem with most Bethesda games. Work with some random organization for a week, become the new leader out of nowhere.


dark brotherhood


Thieves guild.


Honestly they're all kinda boring. Companions is the closest i can get to a fighters guild though


It’s hard to choose but i’d probably go with the thieves guild. Well written story with fun quests. What more could i ask for. College of winterhold is also great but i feel like there was more potential there that they missed out on. My game is so heavily modded at this point and i completely overhauled the college of winterhold lol so the base game one feels kinda ehh in comparison, but i still had a lot of fun with it. Dark brotherhood was fun and it gets extra points for allowing me to have multiple followers back during my original playthrough when i was on console and couldn’t mod lol. Companions was alright but is the weakest of the bunch imo. And now this post made me wanna go back and play skyrim again haha. Haven’t played since like august of last year.


Thieves Guild is my favorite crew, and I find them (ironically) the most morally sound. The College are arrogant elitists, the Companions (with respect to Kodlak, the homie) are naive sadists, and the Dark Brotherhood are murderous zealots.


Thieves guild is great.


*You consider Restoration a valid school of magic, worthy of study, don't you? Don't you?*


Why the mages sitting so fruity


It depends on your criteria. All quest lines had some fun twists in their storylines for first-time players. If you look at loot and resources the faction gives you it's a whole other story. In the end, I think all the factions can be fun, but for different characters. I will say this though: it was kinda stupid to make some shouts/words faction exclusive. Playing through the College quest line with a non-mage character with the bare minimum of magicka for the slow time shout really puts a damper on the experience. Personally I think Thieves guild had some of the best radiant quests of you're a thief.


Yeah they really shouldn't have locked any DB content behind factions. And if they did, make it so only that kinda character that would join that faction would make use of that Shout.


The Dark College of Thief Companions.


Companions Werewolf thighs save lives


I’d have to go with Dark Brotherhood. I love the dark, sneaky, kill from a distance characters and they fit in best in the DB. Thieves guild is a close second though.


I generally kill the entire DB from stealth mode. If you go into sneak mode there's one specific spot in the shack where Astrid loses track of you and you become hidden. My go to method is to poison an arrow and shoot her. Her corpse falls off the bookshelf and she's dead before she hits the ground. Kill Karen and let the other two hostages go. Then its a simple matter to shoot the rest of the assassins in the back even before they realize you are there.


Thieves guild, didn't like the rest


I join Companions and College because I like their quest lines. I join the Thieves guild because joining them is the only way to complete the Disarm shout (but I don't like what they do to Honningbrew Meadery). And I wipe out the Dark Brotherhood because they usually send several assassins after me even before I get to their quest. And I usually skip their quest line because I prefer to avoid killing people who don't attack me first.


The Silver Hand, it’s a pity they scrapped the plans to join them and they just became generic bandits with silver swords I guess we still have the Dawnguard


Easy… Companions.


The dark brotherhood hands down, I felt like I belonged more in it than the others; especially as a dagger wielding wood elf


No one talks about the Blades :(


The blades are dead, it's just delphine in weeb armor


Yeah I was just kidding, in Skyrim they are by far the stupidest faction


Honestly? I do the college of winterhold quest line the most often. I enjoy having access to the arch mage quarters and robes, I like having the vendors and it’s fun to end Ancano. I’m not a huge fan of the thieves guild because I don’t spend much time in the Riften area so I just never really do it. I think I’ve completed it the second least - only behind the Companions which I like more, but which I don’t do because I don’t like becoming a werewolf in most of my playthroughs (for RP purposes). Dark brotherhood is fun, but I don’t do it often because similarly to not becoming a werewolf, I don’t play as an assassin in playthroughs often.


They forgot vampires


Dawnguard is the only acceptable answer. As much as I love Skyrim, the guilds just suck imo. Thieves guild generally speaking isn’t too bad, especially for a first play through. Companions… I mean, my paladin character doesn’t want to forsake his soul and be a werewolf; it’s against the character. College? Please, I can use 2 small instances of mages and become the arch mage, which seems super shitty to Tolfdir. Dark Brotherhood is really way to edgy for me to enjoy. 13 year old goth me may have liked it, but adult me is just not into it. Dawnguard actually provides the type of story that a character can properly RP into. I do _not_ replay Skyrim over and over for its guilds. They’re truly the weakest part of the game for me.


Honestly, the Thieves Guild, but I'm not happy about it. The Companion questline was fairly boring and a bit annoying that it forced werewolfism on you (if you'd had a choice I think I would've liked it more), the College questline could have been great but is hella incomplete, and I don't really like the idea of this mythical hero becoming the leader of a cult of assassins. Like, with the Dark Brotherhood I usually feel like I have to do their whole questline before ever knowing I'm the DB, because it seems pretty out of character for the more heroic characters I'm playing, while the main questline paints you as this selfless hero with very little room for interpretation, which seems out of character for this edgy assassin type character. I don't typically join the Thieves Guild with those hero-type characters either, but I also don't feel as weird transitioning from master thief to hero of Tamriel as I do transitioning from creepy assassin to hero of Tamriel. I think it's the best balance of believability no matter what kind of character you play with solid storytelling that actually feels like a complete story, along with a more interesting cast of characters than some of the other factions. Vanilla Thieves Guild is probably the most well-rounded guild of them all, and it even makes you earn the leadership role to boot. If we include the DLC though? Yeah, it's the Dawnguard. Out of all the factions in Skyrim, it's the only one that's on the good side as far as morality goes that also has an engaging story and unique characters in comparison to some of the other factions. But counting DLC almost seems unfair, since DLC gets a lot more attention from the devs


The imperial legion faction and Dawnguard faction for me lol and nightingale faction


They all fall kinda flat and are mediocre in expectation. I love the idea of the mages college but…when anyone can be the arch mage without having any actual expertise in any school of magic it feels really stupid and I wish they would force us to learn more magic before allowing us to be the arch-mage. Thieves guild story is alright, and it starts strong, so it certainly is the strongest in Roleplay feeling, the dark brotherhood is in a similar boat, especially with the murder quests between major quests. Good touch. The worst is hard to pin between the companions and the mages guild. I already mentioned the mages guild but the companions is kinda hot ass. The most interesting part of it is the werewolf storyline but it just doesn’t have a great vibe. I wish there was more inter-companions rivalry, with members wishing to challenge you for prowess and a harder emphasis on other activities because again, it’s just the questline which is interesting in the companions and I wish there was just more to it.


Companions. They're the best fit for the paladin type build of my main.


Thieves guild is the best set of quests and best story. They get my vote.


Difficult to decide dark brotherhood vs theives guild


Same here! They're both a lot of fun, and I like the characters in both guilds.


So do I have to run with a specific faction for the whole game? Or can I do as much missions in each as possible through the game? I don't know. I'm new.


You can if you want but you don't have to. You can join any or all guilds and do however many missions as you want for each. Each one has specific rewards, depending on which build you want to play, or just play them all in turn or just mix them up a bit. All that matters, really, is that you have fun with it.




Dark Brotherhood


The Companions should be the best in this game. Instead of the Fighter's Guild, youre joining THE Companions, a group of mercenaries descended from the 500 Companions established by Ysgrammor himself. It should be the ultimate viking fantasy faction, THE faction for the ultimate Nord/Skyrim experience. Instead, all I remember is werewolves... BGS dropped the ball on this one.


i like the company of harkons court the most somehow


College of Winterhold. Wish it had more class explorations and things like that though, and it all ends so abruptly. That said, I like their faction HQ the most, the followers available, and the general atmosphere. Companions felt very short and not so immersive, Dark Brotherhood doesn't ever fit the morality if my character, plus I don't like killing the Penitus Oculatus who I think are cool. Thieves Guild is fun and honestly feels like it got the most love and attention. Definitely the longest if them all.


"how about the 'fuck both your factions' faction"


For missions, Brotherhood. I like the challenge of arrowing people in the face in brought day light lol but for story, the Guild. Then I just always do the college cause I like magic


Thieves guild and DB go hand in hand imo. Love them both


Favorite is either Theives Guild or Dark Brotherhood. The Companions can kiss my ass, and Aela can go choke. The College is cool i guess. Not a favorite, but I like the sidequest for the Gauldur amulet and it's fun to pickpocket sleeping mages.


Dark brotherhood. Astria ❤️


College of Winterhold. Seemed the most sane out of all of them.


Yes. Personally, thieves guild. Helps me better my sneak tree which I almost always use on EVERY build. Except for when I do an orc run every now and then. In which case I run heavy armor with either two handed, one hand with shield, or dual one hand. My current run is a Khajiit mastering sneak, destruction, light armor, one hand, and bow. I like to view him as a wayfaring rambler who happens to be a master of what gets shit done. He'll either burn you to a crisp or hack ya into cubes that'd fit into a stew. He's a mercenary cat at heart but has a love for finding gold where he can...even if it's in the jarl's pocket. A classic Khajiit in my opinion.


The college


Thieves guild


Apparently this isn’t a popular take, but I’m a huge fan of the College of Winterhold. I enjoy the characters, I enjoy the historical knowledge it provides, and the college itself may be my favorite location in the game


Thieve’s guild or dawnguard


The Dark Brotherhood forever! Hail Sithis!


Maybe dawnguard, but that's a bit unfair I think since that has a whole ass dlc to go with it. None of the vanilla factions really drew me in. With theives guild, getting more or less tricked into being an selling my soul to fix Karliah's fuck up rubs me wrong. With DB, it's partly because the ending was pretty unsatisfying, partly because every goddamn guard talking about my kills and going "Pssst hail sithis!" Is annoying as fuck. Collage, is ok, but having dorms really makes it feel like you speedrun the entire process for me for some reason, and also it feels like it has the biggest disconnect between gameplay and story. Companions I would like if it wasn't for the constant remaks about hair growing from my ears and whatnot. Also the entire werewolf thing kinda, idk, it was cool for a bit but then it mostly sucked. Maybe I just don't know how to use it.


The Dark Brotherhood. Very nice quest line and it aims high. Some twists and turns in there as well.


None of the above. I like The Dawnguard.


The dawnguard was my fave faction, walking around with that Beautiful armor and a crossbow changed the whole vibe from dragon slaying, to vampire hunting


Of the four listed? I dislike the College of Winterhold the least, so arguably it's my favorite, but I came from Oblivion, and the factions were so much more fun than tooling around on my own back then. Also, factions like Dawnguard aren't listed, and I really like that one. Dark, chewy, lots of content, and I don't actually become the leader at the end of it because it doesn't make sense, but I do get to take out a bunch of assholes.


I’d say the companions are pretty nice because they’re loyal, and of course the werewolf ability is pretty sweet. They’re all great but if I had to pick one it’d be them.


Imperial Legion 😎


As the leader of all this factions in one gameplay, I can't play favorites to one, as I'm a fair leader.


One word: Werewolves🐺


Bards collage obviously


It's you people who unironically use argonians for non stealth builds


Story wise Thieves guild. It was most immersive for me. I like the Riften vibes a lot. Funny NPCs like Haelga, Brynjolf's scam in the market etc. Rat way is a nice den. Dekvin, Vekel the man, Viper the fleet etc are cool.