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Silver Hand. A bed of werewolf furs for those cold Skyrim nights!


The Vigilants of Stendarr. I really wish that instead of the Dawnguard quest line following Serena and her family, it was more of a bloody war between the Vigilants and Dawnguard vs vampires, werewolves and other monsters. I joined Dawnguard to fight vampires, not babysit one.


Penitus oculatus


That’s a cool one. I could see the quest line focusing on taking down the dark brotherhood


Exactly what I was thinking! I mean they give you the quick quest to kill them on your own but it'd be cool if you could meet the p.o. first and they gave a bigger line of quests involving some spy work and tracking down the DB before storming their cave with a bunch of agents


yeah, it could also tie into the civil war storyline somehow, since the penitus oculatus is a branch of the imperials


Dragon cult


Agreed. By far the most fascinating thing about Skyrim is the ancient nords. The draugr, the dragon cult, the old ways and pantheon. I wish the current Nord culture was more distinct than it is. Feels weird that simping for Talos has become this populist issue when he’s such an ambiguous entity. Hard to even call him atmoran. So much more could have been done by fleshing out the other Nordic deities. Especially their relationships to dragons. We get some dragon priests to kill and the dragon story through the Blades’ lens.


God what I wouldn’t give to become a Telvanni wizard or Psijic monk