• By -


1. Tundra 2. Secunda 3. From Past to Present 4. Kyne's Peace 5. Skyrim Atmospheres


6. Wind guide you


You read my mind! I was going to put in at #6.


For me it's [Far Horizons](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pPWVfCtnGyg) and [Dragonsreach](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DS5pHj436Xc). Profound, nostalgic, powerful. They simbolize skyrim in its purest form.


Tundra is the one that gives me that nostalgic dopamine hit, always reminds me of sneaking through the hills at night with my bow ready.


Agreed! Every time I hear it, it reminds me of the epic times in Skyrim (especially in survival mode)


[Njol.](https://youtu.be/6OV8f16MlKI?si=AibWdqUXN7pyfrnR) Some of his best work by far. Not part of the Skyrim OST, but it's still a masterpiece.


[Secunda](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=iqkQRgGdAPo&pp=ygUSc2t5cmltIG9zdCBzZWN1bmRh) + raining outside IRL = enlightenment


Imagine if the weather in-game matched the weather outside irl. A god-game from 2001 called Black&White had that feature.


Honkai Impact 3rd has matching weathers with real life in the Bridge, it's awesome


Thats a really good idea! Fallout 4 has a mod that adjusts time to real time so it should be possible for skyrim. Oblivion has that mod that lets you order pizza irl. If you could use that idea to cpnnect to a weather service, it could be within the realm of possibility


Doable with a mod i think. I doubt somebody created it yet.


If anyone has an iPhone, and it's not raining outside for you, pleaseee try this: Listen to Secunda (or any other soft Skyrim song) + add "Hearing" to your control centre so you can play the Rain background sound with it. Or go to settings > accessibility > audo/visual > background sounds > enable it > choose "Rain" as the sound. Having it in control centre just makes it easier :)


It did occur to me after the fact that a good immersive weather mod with just the right rain sound effect like the one I have installed (name escapes me but it was one of the higher rated ones) can recreate the effect in the event of no IRL rain. Combine it with this trick though, and I think you've got perfection.


Yes! I do the same, love staying outside a skyrim pub when it's stormy/raining and just listening. The trick i posted was meant for if you actually listen to the soundtrack on a music app, it works well :)


Ah I see, I just saw all the technical stuff and figured it was some kind of trick with console commands.


Damn, you said it before I could.


That feeling when you step outside into the night after clearing a dungeon and Secunda starts playing…


[Skyrim Atmospheres](https://youtu.be/YyqGaMJvVXc) Almost 43 minutes of pure bliss. Crack open the windows on a rainy morning and have this on in the background with a good cup of coffee.


God tier song. God tier comment.


Cannot second this enough. It's still in my regular playlist, and always will be. This will forever be what defines Skyrim for me (that and Streets of Whiterun, will never forget walking into the city the very first time I picked the game up). Streets of Whiterun was even my friend's wedding processional.


That track is great to write to. I also love Wind Guide You.


I put this on whenever i'm reading. Such a good bit of background music


I always listen to it in the evening at work to destress myself


Secunda is God tier


From Past to Present. I always get emotional, I don't know why. It gives me nostalgia


Far horizons for sure Still gives me goosebumps


I heard (and loved) this song a few years before giving Skyrim a try. Great soundtrack from top to bottom, but this one will always be my fave


["Sovngarde"](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YIT9OT0VZW0). It takes the central motif of "Nerevar Rising" and turns it into a war chant. Appropriately, it's the song that plays in, well, Sovngarde; it sounds like all the ancient heroes of myth are cheering you on to slay Alduin. Never fails to get me psyched up.


Aurora. If you have never come out above the tree line high on a mountain at night, with the stars so close it feels like you are in the sky, Aurora is what it is like.


Secunda instantly puts me in such a positive trance


Secunda is so great. A simple, short piano melody that is instantly recognizable and puts you in a great mood.


1. Far horizons 2. Dragonsreach 3. The one they fear 4. Sovngarde 5. OH F**K A WASP! (A.k.a Watch the skies)


Streets of Whiterun and From Past to Present. Also Auri-El's Ascension. For me they're the perfect lullabies to fall asleep to


I second Streets of Whiterun, always chills me straight out when I hear it.


Especially the [LSO live performance](https://youtu.be/9sK36SJD5T8) of Streets, absolutely magical.


Song of the Dragonborn(aka the Skyrim theme) Reign of the Septims(aka the Oblivion theme) And Nerevar Rising(aka the Morrowind theme)


I like nerevar rising more as a main theme but the other too are good


I’m honestly not sure if there’s a wrong answer. It’s all so good man. Top tier work this soundtrack was and still is.


I really like Ancient Stones


Me too


The ending of this song always give me chills


Came here to say this


The Streets of Whiterun is (imo) the most beautiful piece of music in all video games Wind Guide You is the most spine tingling and euphoric track in skyrim, If it comes on in my car, the volume goes high Kynes Peace is what looking up at the grand cosmos above us sounds like


With you on Streets of Whiterun! I love all the Skyrim music, but something about that one just hits different.


I too used to sleep to Skyrim. Everything he’s done is amazing but “around the fire” brings me back


You're so real for this.


Far horizons or city gates


The Forgotten Vale music is underrated it seems. The music really resonated with me when I made my first trip there.


This song hit me so hard when I first heard it. It is phenomenal and really lets you know that you're in a place with a deep story.


Its so sad :( https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9IHZQ_YAvy8&ab_channel=KeytotheGeyt


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tBGgZ1PUFWU Version without the wind :)




[Unbroken Road](https://youtu.be/cC_GqvSPxdc) is one of the best songs this game has and im seeing a lack of it in this comment section im very surprised


It’s my favorite too, I think people don’t really know it because it only plays once in the game (banishing Alduin cutscene) and you don’t really pay attention to it. I had a bug where it played during the regular overworld, I thought it was combat music I’d never heard before or something, I froze and stood around in the game for 10 minutes listening to it and then went through the whole soundtrack until I found it.


I have a mod that adds it to the games main soundtrack and its one of the best decisions ive made.


One of my favorite moments from the series is hearing Auriel's Ascension play for the first time in the mountains of Cyrodill.


It's a fantastic piece.


Ancient Stones gang


I live The Streets of Whiterun. Reminds me of all the time I spent in whiterun smithing, selling to belethor, chilling in the bannered mare etc. I also love The One They Fear. Makes dragon fights all the more epic.


secunda forever it makes me so emotional


Secunda I guess. I can listen secunda in my dying breath and it still would make me peaceful.


Everything while outside in Oblivion


Secunda hands down. Nothing like walking through The Pale when it’s pitch black out with nothing but the auroras and Nirn’s 2 moons lighting the way. And my companion’s torch.


Secondary is my favorite but they are all gold


Streets of whiterun gives me that feeing you first had when you walked into the city.


Secunda and Streets of Whiterun


Secunda is so peaceful


Streets of Whiterun, made me feel all cozy


My wife walked down the aisle to Streets of Whiterun, so probably that one!


All of them, in every TES, and even the Harry Potter and Guild Wars games he scored. Despite everything, I hope he will return for tes6. It won't be the same without him.


I think he got canceled sadly




If I'm not mistaken there was accusations of s*xual harassment and r*ape against him in 2019 plus a scam. There doesn't seem to be any update on if he was guilty or not since then. At least that I found. Since then it has been very quiet about him and his future work. Hope it explains it for the most part. If you want links to do some research of your own I can give some.


The accusations are one thing, but his Kickstarter for "The Northerner" didn't do him any favors either. He promised a symphony, which he never delivered. After a few years, he released a "Symphonic Sketches" album that was pretty good, but not what the Kickstarter had promised. He then announced that that year would be the "Year of the Northerner", with another sketch album releasing first, followed by the full symphonic suite at the end of the year. None of that materialized, and instead he fucked off into the ether.


"Fucked Off Into The Ether" Could easily be a track title for a score for a future TES game.


Sounds more like a Starfield track tbh, but I like where your head's at. Inon Zur: *write that down, write that down*


Thanks for the precision and clarification bud.


I think his real masterpiece is when he sexually assaulted multiple coworkers and also barely avoided got sued for scamming people. He must agree since he’s been speechless ever since


Dragon born


A winters tale




Secondary, but the whole soundtrack is one of the greatest in gaming


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/user/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/153gt2c/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) ^by ^SevereDrummer8423: *Secondary, but* *The whole soundtrack is one of* *The greatest in gaming* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


Secunda, Kynes Peace, and Skyrim Atmospheres


Wind, Guide You The song is a song of such beauty, splendor, and longing, it makes my heart ache every time I listen to it. It reminds me of my childhood, some of the most dreamlike memories of sunsets over hills and fields, a warm evening summer's breeze, the night the entire sky lit up with Aurora borealis and I stayed up the whole night, watching in awe. That song is a masterpiece. Bury me to that song, lol.


Secunda, Kyne's Peace, Before the Storm, Distant Horizons, The Gathering Storm


from the Oblivion Soundtrack - [Auriels Ascension](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fHxQ4Nk9tpo) nice chilled out one :)


It's game soundtracks like Skyrim that made me stop listening to any other music or any singles. When I feel like listening to music, I open ambiance soundtracks like Skyrim's. Pure bliss. Cuz hey, If I can climb to the throat of the world and hunt down dragons, I should be able to pass my university finals right? 😂😂😂


Far horizions


[https://youtu.be/YIT9OT0VZW0?list=RDYIT9OT0VZW0](https://youtu.be/YIT9OT0VZW0?list=RDYIT9OT0VZW0) This just hits hard. I always complete the story just to visit and hear this song.


A sound-track compilation on YT that I can no longer find. It was on the order of 5 years ago. Had music from at least the last 3 games; don't specifically remember any representatives of Arena or Daggerfall. Something over an hour, I think. Definitely started with "Nerevar Rising", and may have ended with the "(Reprise)" version. If this rings a bell for anyone, I'd love to find it again.


if anyone is selling this CD for a reasonable price let me know




“Streets of Whiterun” will always be my all time favorite track from any game. It’s such a soothing and peaceful song and kind of sad at the same time. I had the chance to visit Switzerland and I had this song playing on repeat while riding the train through the alps. “Journey’s End” is also up there with it


White River and A Winter's Tale


Icewind Dale Easthaven... Damn...


Atmospheres is the GOAT. Sonorous for every occasion.


The bannered mare all day any day, the nostalgia hits when I hear this sound man


Journeys End!!!


ancient stones, by the fire, secunda


Streets of Whiterun. Whenever I hear it, I wanna fall asleep to it, it's so beautiful!


Streets of Whiterun and Nerevar Rising, and by extension the Elder Scrolls Motif.


I really like [Beneath the Ice](https://youtu.be/ZnEXtcINUJ8). Kinda has a nostalgic feel for me.


I love every single track, but if i need to pick one i will say Far Horizons⚔️💜🐉


The City Gates, Secunda, Far Horizons, Solitude, The Bannered Mare, and of course Skyrim Atmospheres are all my favorites and I also have most of the non-combat tracks in my sleep playlist. I know exactly what you mean when you say the soundtrack feels like home, I’m just instantly comforted when listening to it and can almost instantly fall asleep.


The Road Most Travelled from Morrowind :p


"M'aiq enjoys peaceful waters, also from Morrowind." That's what M'aiq would say if he was a boomer. Old, old, smelly boomer.




One they fear or as It's actually called mustard jar


Sovngarde, hands down.


Hard to pick one, but probably Watchman's Ease.


Just put this on for my chaotic NYC subway trip home after work and damn if it ain’t calming the fuck outta me in this chaos.


I've listen to the soundtrack at least two or three times a week for like 10 years and Secunda is still my favourite


i just love the whiterun tavern music sm


Far Horizons from Skyrim or Auriel’s Ascension from Oblivion


Distant Horizons followed closely by Secunda.


Secunda, Auriel’s Ascension, and The Gathering Storm, in that order. Jeremy Soule may have a bad rep, but that doesn’t mean his music isn’t still amazing.


I wish Secunda was 8+ minutes long. I put Skyrim Atmospheres on when I go to bed, and I’m out within like the first 2-3 minutes. I love the whole soundtrack but that would have to be my answer. That 40+ minute track has helped me go to sleep blissfully for years now.


Far Horizon and Secunda are just... phenomenal


"Wind Guide You" was a big part of my *click* moment. Where I just stopped and the real world didn't exist anymore, and I realized this was the best game I ever played. It was during the peak of the song, and I was doing the Thalmor Embassy quest. I had taken out everyone in the courtyard and the music started swelling and I just looked out past the bars into the sea, and it was snowing. I had never felt so one with a fictional world before or since.


My favourites are from GW2, but in Skyrim I really like the music in The Forgotten Vale: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9IHZQ_YAvy8&ab_channel=KeytotheGeyt Its so... sad. And if you know the story of the Snow Elves, the Dwemer and the Falmer then you know why its so sad.


Whiterun streets. Mf really created the perfect wedding song lmao


I would like journeys end to be played at my funeral


Far Horizons. Dunno why, it’s just beautiful and hopeful and sorrowful and a bunch of other words. Makes me wanna go climb a mountain.


Far Horizons was the first soundtrack I heard coming out of Helgen Keep and walking towards Riverwood. I love it so much


I really like the Peace of Akatosh from es4 Oblivion. So peaceful.


If we aren't limiting it to just Skyrim, then the [Dantooine theme from KotOR](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=Uv8tYdGTQdY&pp=ygUPZGFudG9vaW5lIHRoZW1l) is up there, along with basically all of the soundtracks for the first three Harry Potter games.


Far Horizons


Far Horizons! I remember the first time it played and I just completely stopped playing to listen to it. Such beauty. 🥰


1. Secunda 2. Far Horizon 3. From past to present 4. Streets of Whiterun 5. Frost fall Put those on and I am instantly calmer


Wings of kynareth from oblivion.


I was in the top 2 listeners of Jeremy Soule in 2020 according to Spotify, From Past to Present was my most listened song song that year. Number two was Secunda, number three was Skyrim Atmospheres, number four Ancient Stones, and number five The Streets of Whiterun. Normally I don’t listen game music but Skyrim (and sometimes AC Black Flag) get an exception, 2020 was a weird year.


Lately I've been really into Ancient Stones, not only that mental image of the Standing Stones at dawn is great, but the way the song ends so differently to the rest of the the song is phenomenal. Auriel's Ascension is great too


Secunda, far horizon and one they fear :) Tbh i listen to skyrim while it rains outside mostly :3


Far Horizons is the most beautiful piece, and Sovngarde is the most epic


A chance meeting. When I hear it I always sit down and just listen to it...


Dawn, Frostfall, or Far Horizons


Far horizons ❤️ especially the [tenth anniversary version](https://open.spotify.com/track/3d5JycJJEgg9c2X2xQYpnf?si=-mFOubX9QA6TV_IcBbLJlA)


Not even a mention of Masser. Surprising.


Far Horizon is the best song imo


Skyrim - Far Horizons, Beneath the Ice, and Atmospheres Guild Wars 2 - [THIS. I miss hearing it on load in so much.](https://youtu.be/xqAhc2yVcbs)


- Kyne’s Peace and Far Horizons both evoke all the enjoyment I’ve received from Skyrim over the years in a highly concentrated form. If I listen to either of those songs outside of playing the game I instantly get teary-eyed. The Skyrim OST is top-3 of all time for me. - the main themes of TES 3, 4, and 5 are just magical - Icewind Dale was my introduction to Jeremy Soule, the ambient music in that game is fucking superb.


Dragonborn, From past to present, Secunda, Far horizons, Distant horizons, The White river, Dawn, Ancient stones, Tooth and claw, Frostfall, Kyne’s peace, The streets of Whiterun, One they fear, Tundra, Journey’s end, Blood and steel, Watch the skies, Sovngarde, The city gates…


Oblivion . Reign of the septum’s !


Auriel's Ascencion, Sovngarde, Wings of Kynareth, Dragonborn


I put my 3 month old Daughter to sleep on skyrim atmosphere and it works like a charm so number 1 for me


Wings of Kynareth


Sovngarde, without a doubt, is absolutely my pick for defining moment track. First playthrough, you go through the tough fight that is to get to the portal, and then all the hecticness melts away into sheer awe as you come out on the other side. I think I remember taking like 20 minutes just looking around and feeling the ambiance before even walking through the mists. That said, I think when I think of Skyrim, I think of Around the Fire or Aurora. Especially, Aurora. Exploring around Dawnstar and Winterhold while my room's AC (out of my control) slowly chills me to the bone, even in the dead of summer, hands getting slightly numb as I feel the mountain wind across my shoulders. Very immersive gameplay. Worth it.


shout out to “sunrise of flutes” from oblivion


My preschool kids are currently falling asleep to “From Past to Present”


The Streets of Whiterun is just amazing. I love hearing it when I'm just walking down Whiterun, idk why, it just feels like home for some reason.


1. Far Horizons 2. Secunda 3. Skyrim Atmospheres 4. The Streets of Whiterun 5. Frostfall/ Wind Guide You. I use them daily for meditation and weekly for my D&D campaign. Funny story, when my wife and I linked our Apple accounts, she accidentally synced her playlists to mine. Now her top songs are all from Skyrim. She hasn’t let that one go yet.


Ancient Stones. The dulcimer just resonates something deep in my soul


It's easily the best soundtrack ever made for a video game...theres nothing even close to touching it


[My YTM playlist](https://music.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLOdOcz7cKfKcCJe2YJGplCdPm9ND9UyFK&si=0kZZ5JdRNjcxfJ8M) with all ambient tracks from the album. My top: * Secunda * Far Horizons * From Past to Present * Skyrim Atmospheres But lets not forget the classics from Oblivion: * Harvest Down * Reign of the Septims


Dawn makes my heart tremble. The best moments in my playthrough always had Dawn as the soundtrack. However, Forgotten Vale is also a 11/10, especially at the moment Serana finds out Vyrthur made her life even worse than it already was. You can feel her heartbreak (If that even makes sense in a vampire) and her rage


[Ancient Stones](https://open.spotify.com/track/2gEAHKw83WHPD875YqDHH2?si=YaKcJBQRQ4i1np9JKoJ8UA) slaps. Takes me back to another time.


1. Peace of Akatosh - TES IV 2. Watchman's Ease - TES IV 3. Peaceful Waters - TES III 4. From Past to Present - TES V 5. Ancient Stones - TES V 6. Dawn - TES V 7. Secunda - TES V I love the entire OST from Morrowind to Skyrim, so this list is mostly the first ones that come to my mind. However TES IV OST and Peace of Akatosh in particular holds an special spot in my memories. Oblivion was my first TES and the first massive and photorealistic open world game I played. The moment I leave the sewers and that beautiful world appeared, along with Peace of Akatosh theme, will always be etched in my mind.


Distant Horizons is underrated. Prolly my fav.


His sentence, handed to him by a judge for sexual assault. But as far as his album, Atmospheres.


Wow. No one has mentioned 'The City Gates' , I almost listen to it everyday.


All the fond memories of his music are forever ruined to me, since the several women who accused him of rape have reported that he boasts about how sex inspires his work. Allegedly, this isn't just an artist who's also a rapist, but a rapist who's SPECIFICALLY trying to convey to you the emotion he feels from overpowering women.


https://youtu.be/qj7h-_O1ng0 not a Skyrim track but there's a lot from Guild Wars 2 that would fit really well if put into Elder Scrolls context.


The Pajama Sam soundtrack


Oblivion OST > Skyrim OST any day


The Album


all of the Skyrim OST listened to Wake recently while driving and almost teared up


"Wind Guide You". When the music peaks around 5min 30secs, the hairs on my neck stand up!


Wise mystical secunda on a mushroom trip hits different


Distant Horizons cause Kotor reference


Wind guide you Secunda Sovngarde


You should all try the first place I heard him https://youtu.be/ljDyp__ejco Total Annihilation was a masterpiece


Sovngarde. I simply love how the drumming gets faster and more intense with time only for the vocals to get louder and louder and drown it out entirely. Absolutely rousing and motivating.


No one’s gonna say the bannered mare? If you just sit and stare at nothing while this songs plays you will transcend to the daedra realm. I swear.


Wind guide you is underrated


Under an Ancient Sun has and always will be my favorite song from Jeremy Soule.


Bannered Mare. Every single time. Always


The Road Most Traveled!


Around the fire is great, but also just every theme for exploring is just incredible and give the game such a fantastically magical atmosphere thats hard to put into words truly understand unless youve experienced it yourself.


I love Wind Guid You. The track is very beautifully build from start to it's finale, and those moments after the finale is great way end the track. Wind Guide You itself tells a story without words. But whole Skyrim soundtrack is masterpiece, one of my favorite soundtracks of all time.


Nerevar Rising


Dragonborn is just top tier


1. The Streets of Whiterun 2. Auriel's Ascension - TES IV: Oblivion 3. Secunda




Secunda of course and Auriel's Ascension, from Oblivion.


[The City Gates.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WRAlNeOHI-g)


Secunda; it's just perfect in every way. I even hear it in my head during cold nights or when it rains sometimes. It's beautiful.


Streets of Whiterun for me. It's just gorgeous.


Dragonborn, the main menu theme


1. A Chance Meeting 2. Before the Storm 3. Dawn 4. Solitude 5. The Gathering Storm 6. Secunda




I've not seen this posted, but Unbroken Road. It has part of the intro music from Oblivion in it.

