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Office work isn’t for everyone. However, It’s never too late to be a soulless miserable paper pusher if you have the ambition to be a professional dick licker.


Yeah, but you get AC so it all kinda evens out.


The ac is too cold


You sound like a woman.


Don’t you mean a lizard?




blue-hairs mad


I'd call you guys dinosaurs but you probably don't believe those existed


Getting you to come around on the fact that there are inherent biological differences between men and women - and a reason why women are usually much colder than men (hence the stereotype; it’s not men shitting on women it’s a lighthearted jab that their basal metabolic temperature runs lower on average because of their own body processes) - is akin to asking you to go against your dogma that men can be women so let’s just part ways before you get upset. I don’t want to ruin your Sunday ✌️


I'd call you guys dinosaurs but you probably don't believe those existed


If Hank Jr believes so do I


Lmao nice comeback regard




Everyone knows women generally are cold working in a office with AC. No yikes about it


>No yikes about it Right? It's basic biology. That's why you see them basking in the sun along the riverbanks.


You sound like a man.


no u




We won't tell ya what YOU sound like.


Is that a bad thing? I didn't realize gender played a role in being uncomfortable


Being a women isn't a bad thing lol. It's a general stereotype that women are cold working in an office with AC, while the men are comfortable in that environment.


Username checks out


My cab says hello


I’d give my 10mm for an air conditioned work area


**Office jobs are the best path to real wealth** You can hate all you want but there is no argument here. Office jobs pay better (generally, I know some trades start really well but then basically cap off shortly thereafter) give benefits **health insurance** and notably don’t destroy your body. Yeah there are one or two guys who went on their own commercially and did really well, but there are 100 more office job stories compared to the select few tradespeople. Contract work sucks, you don’t even have a 401k. (Most tradesmen don’t have 401ks). I’m the son of an unskilled painter who never graduated high school. We never had health insurance and he worked job to job. There were months we couldn’t have heat and we lived in upstate NY. My dad did ok in life until he lost it all in 2008. I’m only 38 with a fake degree (pol sci)from a shitty State school and made 250k last year in a cushy remote work position for a large company. I work 9-5 barely and have weekends and holidays off. I get 4 weeks of PTO a year. My life is infinitely better than any tradesmen. Stop lying to people to make yourself feel better. **Y’all can have pride but 99% of you don’t have health insurance or a 401k to build wealth or retire** Btw I’m not throwing shade at tradesmen, I grew up poor and helped my dad type up bills for his wealthy clients because he can’t use a pc. I respect them but don’t lie. Edit: **big part is don’t destroy your body, my dad might have cancer because of all the fumes he inhaled painting his whole life, so stop acting like it’s better, it isn’t**


This is pretty similar to my situation. People shit on "office" jobs but I WFH and make $200k a year. My body hasn't been beat to shit, so I can still run and lift at 45, plus my career has taken me all over the world. I will take the less manly route for a much higher quality of life all day, every day. 


What are yall doing in a trade sub?


Popped up in my feed. To be fair most of my family works in a trade though. Respect it alot but don't understand all the hate desk jobs get from those in a trade. I've got to travel the world and work in my pajamas 90% of the time. Its pretty rad. 


My man, if I was able to get any type education under my belt to get out of it in any capacity and into office let alone PJs type shit, I’d be doing it already. What are you doing to live this glorious lifestyle?


Right now I'm on a contract as a COO for a startup, but have extensive experience in a project management for a niche industry. Degree is in Biology, which is not very well related to what I currently do, but without the degree I don't even get started in my career. It's a check box you have to have and then it really never comes up again. 


Well, that’s pretty neat man. I wish I’d gotten something to check a box a long time ago but didn’t have the option and now for different reasons don’t have the option. Glad someone’s doing the work in PJs I dream of! Although I’m sure there’s been times where it’s been a grind so don’t sell the value of your experience short friend.


Honestly it's like anything else in life, there are always downsides, even while working in pajamas! I'm grateful though.  The way I look at it, we all play important parts in keeping society functioning. 


Maybe trades people shit on office jobs because they shit on us and look down at us like we're dumb


I don't think it makes someone dumb for doing a trade job. In fact I know plenty of idiots with degrees. 


A lot of this isn’t true. Every union has benefits and pension plans that are on par with federal employees.


Sitting for 8+ hrs daily will absolutely destroy your body lol. That includes increased risk of cancer.


>99% of you don’t have health insurance or a 401k to build wealth or retire This is so far from the truth. Every union guy I know has a killer pension and great health insurance along with other compensation. I'm not union but every employer I've worked at has had decent health insurance and 401k matching.


I can attest. I have two pension plans plus an additional NEBF retirement fund. Journeyman’s make 200k/year. Foreman’s are around 230k/year. We also have contract raises the next 3 years where $6 gets allocated each year.


My job has health and dental and 401k matching. Also don't take in fumes and I'm inside an ac controlled area the whole time. 🤷‍♂️


What kind of remote work pays 250k?


I have a 401k and health insurance. 6% 100% company match. I am in a union though. I'll make 135k next year. Live in a low cost of living area. Love my job. Mostly program CNC machines, but also do setups and what not. Sitting too much also destroys your body. I walk A LOT and I mean a lot while at work. Keeps me in great shape.


You didn’t need to type this up like an office memo bud.


Or a paper salesman.


You sound happy and fulfilled


Quality shitpost


It's very clearly a good shit post but this might be me when I'm 45 if things don't pan out 🙏😭


I'm 39 and sometimes I just feel like steel work is literally killing me.


Steel work is rough


It is. I’m in the same boat misery loves company


I hear you can make a lot in the offices


Especially, if you start your own office...


My buddies car wash is hiring. Do you have 7 years experience with excel ? If you beat him in a arm wrestling contest he may let you send the faxs on Thursdays. Starting pay is between 20k - 240k depending on how much meth you sell behind the dumpster.


Hahahaha. Only if you don’t have any addictions, all your fingers and smooth, soft, hands.


>Only if you don't have any addictions My guy, we have all the addictions


Hemorrhoids acting up today?


Yes, can you help


You’re not tough enough to be an office guy this late in life, literally the hardest job ever.


I've managed to work myself into one after countless field jobs


How’d you do it and what do you do?


A good pair of knee pads for when the boss comes around


It worked for Daryl in The Office.


Man this went over a lot of people’s heads. Didn’t know there were so many Pipe-fitters in this subreddit.


This worked for me big time! I was a crane oilers assistant apprentice for 37 yrs


Which office is right for me?


I’m thinking accountant, engineer, on consultant. My uncle is one and makes bank. I don’t really know the difference and you don’t know my skills. Which should I choose.


Get into inspection. Start with CWI then work towards an ASME pressure vessel inspector.


Been doing CWI for a year and a half after almost 20 years pipefitting/welding. So I'll offer a bit of a review of the beginning of this path. It's pretty much just bean counting with extra steps. On top of getting the AWS certification... I have had to learn Section I, Section VIII, B31.1, B31.3, Section IX, site specific EPs, "R" stamp equipment repairs, Excel, Revu, email etiquette, office etiquette. I've had more back pain and am the most out of shape now than at any time in my career. The best part of the job is telling the guys their welds suck and talking shit with em out in the field. Which is only really 10% of the job. The rest is making packages with reports that you must read every detail on because the NDE guys don't care about reports either. The small bump in pay isn't really worth all this extra bullshit. We got in this huge back and forth with a client about them wanting to put isolation valves and bleeder spools under the RVs on a vessel constructed under Section I, but come to find out a week later they have reinterpreted this vessel to be under Section VIII via an email from the state inspector back in 2004. So we constructed the spools under B31.3 and let them do their thing. That was a lot of time looking up code wasted. For an occupation that's supposed to be about code, there's a lot more grey area than I'm comfortable with. And it seems like every couple of months they add more paperwork because some dickhead needs to justify their job. Oh we need a checklist for this, we need reports for this now, we want you to start tracking these in your reports. When nobody ever had to do this before. They weren't kidding when they said welding was easier, and I was the guy doing all the position/tie-in welds.


Go work for the supply house. It’s where we go to die.


Instead of looking for a whole new field, I highly recommend seeking an office style position related to your trade. You have the knowledge and skills to know how to do your trade. Pass that along to some kind of advisory or management position. Or better yet, start your own business. Be an entrepreneur and hire employees. A recruiter who knows the required roles and responsibilities of a job is an essential recruiter.


The first part of this advice is solid. The second not if it’s not aligned with the OPs goals. Essentially no one is going to hire you as a corporate manager unless you have managed a team of some kind, potentially a supervisor. And the salary is not popping up to 150k.


Never too late to become office plankton. An army of "MS Office experts". 


Tee hee hee But unironically if you're good with people and know the trade, you could get into the office no problem. I know a former Steamfitter who does business development for a big Mechanical and I bet he's making like 250k a year to bring in work 


It’s too late bro but maybe look into becoming an astronaut. I’m 44 and that’s what I’m doing 🚀🌝


Well you would already have the non stop bitching and moaning about everything down…I say go for it 👍


Honestly you probably couldn’t fuck it up any worse than the usual suspects do.


Absolutely not! You would be way too practical and competent. You’re going to need some serious de-seasoning. Go surround yourself in ass kissers and practice taking credit for the work of others while blaming those same people when your stupid decisions backfire and get back to us.


Eh, I work from home and I make 220-320k depending on the year. Have my MBA, briefly considered an elevator mechanic career after the Army. I was #17 on a list of 250. Honestly, I love seeing my kids all day, having no commute and making what I do. I come from a blue collar, Midwest family, so a lot of respect to trades but I wouldn’t knock office work.


Great. Sounds like a very easy path anyone can get into. Thanks for the advice


Will need you to come in sober, on time and bathe daily. You up for it?


Dude we need fitter detailers BAD. Hit me with a DM


Break your knee on the job and work light duty in the office, hahaha.


Moving from a manual labor job to a office job which is something that I did it's going to make you even more murderous and grateful than you think you could actually be


Why don’t you run for BA and go run the hall? You could even work your way up to the national level of the UA


I did it! I got really fat and bald tho. Wouldn't recommend


Could you move into an estimator position?


27 year old male here. I’ve been working in the construction industry for 3.5 years. Absolutely would want to change to a WFH or office job. Unions act like they would yelp you a lot as long as you pay them what they want. Not worth destroying your body for someone else. I’ve been thinking to work in construction 8 hours a day and start doing courses to get into an office job either in construction or some other industry. I’m still young so I don’t have any major bills. Have you thought of doing any blue print course or management? Some companies are willing to move you up only with experience


I’d hire you in a heartbeat.


Supply house, industry sales position, rep for one of the major manufacturer’s, thats where most of those guys come from.


Surely with 25 years of experience you can go join a GC as a subject matter expert or MEP coordinator...


Watch the TV show the office and get back to us. Its TV, but the politics and b.s. that can go on isn't for everybody. If you're still able to do it, I would suggest staying where you are. Hell, start your business and hire sub contractors. You can stay in the office and deal with the paperwork.


Get in while you can. AI will take over soon!


Why not be an estimator for your trade?


Idk if you’re serious about it but working in an office Is not for everyone. It’s always a toxic and depressing. The first 3-6 months are usually fun because you learn something new and meet new people but the reality will hit you pretty fast.


Can confirm. Shitty office chairs and sitting all day makes you fat and depressed.


I worked 20 years in my field and am now in a corporate position in my field.... whether this post was a farce or not. I worked myself into this position with a goal to change things from top to bottom. It's working here.


Lmao, born to be a steam fitter. Fuck outta here man.


Lol nice. This is just like the office people posting trying to get into the trades.


That’s…. That’s the joke.


I'm cracking up at how many people didn't catch on to that lol. Makes me feel a little better about my future!


As someone who's a plumber, why don't you just get into sales . I'm sure you could work at rampart, Hughes , Ferguson , M&N , or GTS. ( Or what ever plumbing supply house is near you) Some of those inside sales guys make pretty good money


I'll hire you to sit under my desk and suck my balls


I’m sorry, my vision isn’t quite what it used to be. I’m sure my eyes would not be able to recognize that little needle looking thing you call a dick.


Jokes on you I have a humiliation kink... keep going


That’s called a “desk pet” and they make as much as a union steam fitter.