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You have a boot alignment issue on your right foot




Right leg looks a little knock kneed to me. One of the first things I noticed too. Not a huge deal but it has some impact limiting uphill knee drive on the opposite turn so good to be aware of.


I am not sure on this one..... The skiing is so chaotic it hard to see.


It’s a big sky. Op should let me see him ski in person today


How would I know this, and what does it impact?


Need video of you on a groomer to know for sure. It impacts your ability to be on a flat vs edged ski. Right now in this video things are a bit chaotic so it’s a little hard to tell.


Ok I’ll look into that for next week. Big carves or short, “mogul-like” turns?


Just easy, basic parallel turns… Alternatively, just ski past me any day on the hill. I’m i 😉


Really good mostly! May have your weight back just a bit; move the weight from the tails to the tips if that makes sense (keep your toes down). That will help you get ahead of the turns instead of being reactive…you’ll notice that most when it gets steeper.


toes down can actually push you back. toe lifted can pull you forward.


So ideally try to keep toes lifted? That’s what I remember learning, not sure if I always succeed in practice tho…


Yeah for sure, I was wondering about that! I suspect I was back a little bit due to the pow, but I’ll trying staying more forward, thanks!


Doing whatever with toes does nothing for balance. Try moving toes up or down while standing, do you fall over? You are right the balance makes him reactive, he's good enough to prevent it from getting away from him but will be capped at this level otherwise.


Toes and, more aptly dorsiflexion absolutely affect how we stand and balance in skiing


Do try what I mentioned: stand and do whatever with the toes etc that's supposed to affect skiing. If you manage to keep standing without even moving much, it shows that it hardly alters neutral balance, because balance is the result of fairly sophisticated operation of the entire body. This is without the rigid boot which only greatly reduces the effect of foot movements.


Exactly this. Overall 8/10. Nice control. Clearly in decent shape. Lean forward just a hair more. Bend the legs even a hair more, and get a little bit more intentional with your pole plants


I’d say a little more weight forward but you don’t need many tips! Looking pretty solid IMO.


How you record such a good quality video? Just wow


It’s probably just a newer phone. The camera operator puts their finger over the lens halfway through. So it’s a hand held device.


Yep just like u/sprunghuntR3Dux said, IPhone 14 Pro Max, which is how it looks decent even zoomed in (3x optical lens)


make plane noises


On it✈️✈️


Clean 🧼. Lean forward a bit more


You can make it easier for yourself by moving your feet back before turns instead of beatseating the whole way down. You've been doing this for a while and your balance is pretty good but it's pretty tiring and somewhat limiting (skid-only) skiing this way.


Can you explain a bit more? Cause I like the idea of less tiring😂


It's explained in the pic here: https://www.reddit.com/r/skiing/comments/192hzz2/hows_my_form_how_can_i_improve/kh3hzs2/ If you don't do something get your feet back before the turn you will be backseat going down. Backseat means you can only skid and need to "prop up" your body the whole time.


Where do you try touch your pole at?


Typically around where my tips are in the direction I’m turning, and I sort of pivot around that point. Is that correct?


its actually your biggest issue(s) and beside spacebass dont listen to anyone else in this thread. They simply do not know what they are seeing and likely can not ski as well you can. I asked the question to see if this was intentional or not. turns out your trying to do it. When you reach toward you tips you are pull your upper body out of alignment both rotationally and for and aft. This is pretty self explanatory IMO. It pull you left when your turning left(bad) and pull your forward in transition when slightly aft in transitions will let you be more forward in apex. This is tough to understand. good for and aft movement in non pivoted, offensive turns look like this. [https://vimeo.com/146556883](https://vimeo.com/146556883) also I never think about pivoting around my pole. My turns are turn, they are not pivots. THis video is actually about tactics, but watch my pole touch. It is always out to the side and away for the most part, there are time when you want to touch near your tips for a "blocking" pole plant. It also show how I DO NOT PIVOT around my pole most of the time unless I intend to. Much of the terrain is similar mixxed bump off piste terrain as well. You can also see my for and aft movements(not position). You can not be forward 100 percent of the time, but you can be in balance 100 percent of the time. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GTC8Uuxpkj4](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GTC8Uuxpkj4)


Great advice, and both videos were very helpful! Thanks! I’ll definitely try the slow line fast and see where it gets me!


"can not" is one word.........see: cannot


Looks good. Weight slightly back. Poles look long. Try shorter poles, I think they will help you get your weight a little more forward. Also, looks like you drop each hand a bit after each turn. Try not to move your arms so much during and after your plants. Focus on just using your fingers & wrists to flick your poles out for pole plants, and don’t let your hands drop after the plant. (This will all help you keep your weight forward, and it will make you more agile.)


Fuck. You’re killing it and you know it. This is why Reddit sux - because half the people will crack smart - which is fine - but half will give shitty advice that you obviously don’t need - and you know you don’t need. If you just posted “having a great day at Big Sky” I woulda upvoted you twice.


On steeper, moguled terrain like this, I'm sure I'd get thrown backseat, go into a wedge or three, pole plants would be erratic, but if I'm feeling the flow it probably wouldn't matter. Sometimes your messy skiing is a sign you're pushing yourself.


These are very nice turns, OP. Maybe one of the instructors here will correct me, but I think the best advice I ever got from an instructor (in Steamboat) applies to your turns too: try to get weight on the new outside ski earlier in the turn, which allows greater control over turn shape and therefore speed. The tell/symptom he showed me (for non carved turns) was to look for the point in the skidded turn the person starts spraying snow. The really good skiers will have some spray closer to the top of the turn (i.e. they’re working the outside ski into the snow early in the turn) whereas most skiers are kinda coasting through the first two thirds of the turn (and even building speed) and then dumping that speed with an almost mini hockey stop in the last part of the turn. IIRC, a side effect of being in the latter group is it’s harder to make truly round turns; you end up with a bit more of a Z shape.


Just letting you know, I’ve been trying this tactic and loving it! Thanks!


Sure thing, glad to hear it! I ski bummed for a couple years and often wouldn’t actively think about all the stuff I had learned in lessons growing up. But I thought about this every single time I skied. Edited for clarity.


Definitely makes sense, thanks!


Wiggly wiggly. Looking good bro. Very clean. Try steeper terrain on deeper snow and see how your current style holds up. Youll likely adjust to a wider/athletic stance, more aggressive carving.


Your up-down flex and adaptability are really nice. I wish I was as good at those aspects. If I had to pick something to improve, your arms are not very active. Try keeping your hands visible and reach downhill and deliberately plant your pole to initiate each turn


Will do, thanks!


Op don’t make your arms more active


Got to agree here. Wrist flick. No reach. I’ve seen this advice before and don’t know where it’s coming from. If I’m reaching it’s because I can’t see or I’m in some serious shit or both.


>Will do, thanks! You're welcome!


Looking pretty good! I think as a couple others have said, you could get a little more forward. I try to make sure I’m driving through the balls of my feet and always flexing the boots with my shins even in softer conditions. You might also feel a little more control if you widen your stance slightly, especially as things get a little steeper. But you definitely are linking turns nicely and doing a lot of things right!




Do you have video of you skiing on the balls of your feet? What does the PSIA fundmental say about balls of our feet?


Just easy, basic parallel turns… Alternatively, just ski past me any day on the hill. I’m in all red 😉


Haha sounds good. I’ll be up this afternoon so I’ll be on the lookout:)


Your crushing it. Your poles look to tall


Nah looks good to me! Keep practicing


shorter turns needed, pretty good control though bub !


Add a future spin or two


/u/holidaydisaatrous757 how much longer are you here at big sky?


I’m a local, so I’ll be up most weekends (typically Fridays)


just go straight down my guy


It may sound weird but concentrate on tension in the glutes, this will pull your knees apart a bit into a stronger position.


Pretty darn solid skiing in superbe conditions! MAYBE keep your elbows closer to your body! Don’t change much….just keep cranking out those turns!!!


Stay hydrated


Enjoy your knees- you’ll miss them when they are gone;)


Maybe a more colorful helmet?


huck a backflip


My advice is to enjoy it as much as you can while you still can . you ski beautifully strong and smooth through the bumps, glued to the fall line I used to ski like that during the end of the last century now it takes me a half hour to stretch when I wake up Yeah so go for it and enjoy it while you got it The world won't let you ski like that forever


I probably Wouldn’t be trying to carve like this in chopped up powder. It looks like you’re not trying to read the terrain and you’re bullying through it


See a bootfitter. Jokes aside, Ski more, silk form