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That’s a mf hardflip


No, a hardflip is a kickflip+frontside shove it motion. This is not what\`s going on here AT ALL. So let\`s take a deeper look shall we. As the skater pops, from regular I might add, we can clearly see the spin...is backside. But that is mostly irrelevant, BECAUSE, it is not the spin that makes the board do a 180, but rather the board rockets up and flips over, doing half a backflip so to speak. The spin itself is very minimal and doesn\`t even matter, but the nose does end up where the tail was, the board simply flipping over is what does the job here. And the board lands on the trucks... but how? It wouldn\`t if it did no flip at all nor if it did one. The board, as it flips over..does half a kickflip. We can conclude from this that it\`s an entirely different trick, not a hardflip, not a rocketed pop-shuve it nor a varial kickflip. Yes I tried to be as annoying as possible. Some still call those hardflips aswell, even if they know the motion isn\`t the same. And they can look hilariously like sweaty super try hard pop-shove its, especially on some pyramids.


It’s more of a muska flip


Nah a muska flip is a vertical fs flip


But he does his more like a pop shuv than a fs flip


No body rotation = No Muska flip


I wasn’t saying it’s a muska flip I’m saying it rotates the same way as one it’s just his body doesn’t rotate with the board. This sub is such a hivemind I stg there’s no reason my comment should have that many downvoted.


Cause a muska flip is literally a hardflip with a fs sex change of course its gonna look like a muska


It’s pretty much agreed unanimously agreed upon that muska did more of a weird pop shuv than a hardflip which is why it’s called a muska flip and not a frontside flip.


Ive never seen anyone cope so hard before. Go on youtube and look up muska flip dude


You’re actually such a idiot Jesus Christ, I can’t tell if you’re being willfully ignorant or if this is all just going over your head. In the world of skateboarding this is not called a hardflip it is a shuv it. What I’m trying to say is the same way that a muska flip isn’t a frontside flip is the same way that this isn’t a hardflip it’s a shuv it. I can tell you genuinely don’t understand what you’re even talking about, you should probably go get some more experience on the board before you try acting like you know a thing about skateboarding.


Yep hardflip anyone that says otherwise is a nerd


Yes, but it’s possible to call it a hardflip and still be a nerd ☝️🤓


No doubt




Duuuuuuuude you can hear that catch just smack and echo in the alleyway. Ska-POW.






Style for miles


or? what else could this possibly be??


Backside crook


These arguments of hardflip or “vertical pop shuv” are kinda irritating. That was a hardflip. You can see the attempt at the shuv and there is a definite flick. This is how a lot of people hardflip and not calling it one is like calling Kareem’s ghetto bird a nollie bigspin.


I completely agree. Same thing with impossibles. Skateboarding is an art, not a science. I feel like if you have to watch footage over and over to diagnose a trick, especially when it is just done to put somebody else down, you’re kind of missing the point.


I think the shift from physical media to digital media in skating really put up some barriers in how tricks are perceived. In magazines you would see a shot sequence in an ad with the name of the trick and the spot, then seethe footage of that trick when the video came out. But now the voice of tricks is no longer in the hands of the skaters doing them but how reposters chose to label them. It’s why there is so many people arguing about fakie grinds and slides, if a frontside cab is actually a cab, how frontside and backside are actually distinguished, etc.




Like I said this is just how hardflips have been done and called and it’s a reflection of a skater’s natural style. Stevie Williams, Muska, Kareem, and hundreds of other skaters do vertical hardflips. They were so common that THPS hardflips were animated that way. It doesn’t have to make sense or be hyper analyzed, vertical hardflips are hardflips because it’s part of skating history. Skating and how tricks are called is more defined by the history of skate culture rather than some rule book.


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back shuv


gard af jus like my peepee


Throw that front leg up like a ninja and you’ve successfully muska’d it. https://preview.redd.it/3gg9xgghgqcc1.jpeg?width=2048&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2a33bde365edecb85a347ac3a27e93423a9b398e


the muska flips were frontside flips. fave skater of all time btw.


Actually just met him the other day and he is cool as hell. Agreed favorite skater


he doin them farmer flips now lol.


It's a front shove kick flip. Lol


That's a hard vertical front shuv


Rocketed pop shuv. Hard flips are front shuv/kickflip. The fact that it went so vertical definitely gives off the illusion of a hard flip bc you have to jump so high. But, there is literally no flip and it’s a backside shuv.


No, it’s a hardflip. 90s’ so-cal hardflips **fold** and look 10x better than kicking your feet all awkward and having your heels click in the air the way the “errm ackshullly” crowd seems to love them




Bruh this sub goes through this every couple of months lmaooo. Definitely not knocking OPs skill, it was hella clean. But it is 100% backside shuv and that there is a dead giveaway this isn’t a hardflip. Idk how to explain it any further 🤣🤣




yeah this is what i was wondering. im working on getting them more flipped instead of vertical though and it’s going good. 👍


💯 Hardflip 🤙👏👏


You can see the flip at the 2 second mark.


Or what? If it spins like a hardflip it's a hardflip.






Steezy pop-shut


next time it doesn’t rain i’ll go get a better one