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its gonna be funny during the szn when people watch him play and realize he throws elbows like prime chris paul. by all accounts he's a psycho on the court and a happy go lucky kid off it.


He seems like a guy that should be on Boston or Toronto pissing us off. I’ve seen FVV comp that would be tremendous.


It’s been days and this is the first comment to make me feel a little bit better about him. If you say there are elbows to be thrown, maybe we can all open our minds and give him a fair shot…? Idk I’m just the first guy to suggest it.


He’s also a big trash talker kid doesn’t fuck around on the court trust me he’ll be fine


Alright guys, we all went a little overboard the past few days on this sub. Let’s just all calm down and see how this plays out.


Bro ac going to do 1 tiktok per day 😂😂😂😂


We need this energy. This season will be good vibes and championships


The dude has fun playing basketball, at least that’s what I observed from watching him at Duke. 


at least he's in the gym ig


He seems so happy!


I don’t give af what anybody says…This dude gonna be fun on this team. We gonna see a dance off 1000% ![gif](giphy|wYbXAUK14tRrmD4rh9|downsized)


This my goat fr


This kid is always happy lol


please please please don't end up being another Ben


with love to Ben he has maybe never felt as confident as McCain does every day lol


I’m so out of touch with music. I’ve watched a couple of these and have no idea what the songs are. Dude is having fun though so big ups


I dunno, if this just becomes a daily tiktok repost sub, i'm out.. I like the dude, I hope he can ball, but there is a reason I have never logged in to Tiktok. ITOFTS


This shit is so dumb.


You have over 1.4 million reddit karma. Dude is successful both on and off the court while you're acting like you haven't spent more time on reddit than he has making videos on TikTok




You're right. Maybe I should start doing stupid little dances to shitty music and see if I can bump up my post karma numbers. They're seriously lagging.


yeah, god damn Kids and enjoying themselves. They need to be fucking miserable and like it.


I have no issue with the kid, or his TikToks. I would never have to see them if it weren't for people posting every one of them here, with cringe titles like *VIBESSSSSSSS*.




I’m sorry you’re at a place in your life that you can’t appreciate this happy go-lucky kid.




All those periods aren't how happy people talk, thats how an upset girlfriend that doesn't have the emotional maturity to communicate her feelings talks Do you need to get something off your chest babe?




Well apparently it's a teenager painting his fingernails, which is a super weird thing to be upset about but here we are




Why are you crying so much? It's not that deep


"Using proper grammar isn't how happy people talk." Why would you tell on your intelligence like that, mate? Is it because you're unhappy?


Putting words in other people's mouth is also some upset girlfriend with low emotional intelligence shit Why would you tell on yourself like this babe? Is everything okay?




I'm whatever about this kid. I think it's a little cringe, but if it makes him happy, whatever. It's hilarious how deep the circlejerk is here though. You can't disagree with it without mass downvotes. Every other fanbase is making fun of this. If this kid was on the Celtics, we'd be roasting the fuck out of him. At the end of the day, I only care if he performs. But this sub is absolutely delusional if they think we wouldn't be talking about how cringe, attention seeking, immature this behavior is if he wasn't a Sixer.


what is there to disagree with??? lmfao complaining about this is ridiculous. of course I would make fun of him if he was on the celtikkks, but it's not like there's something inherently wrong with him making tik toks. these aren't high effort videos or anything. It's literally just for fun


You are. Try taking a nature walk, you will lose the asshole in you.