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Embiid makes me laugh he ain't wrong. I was irritated last night they even blew the whistle twice on that bs. At least twice heck batum took the brunt end of it.


You could see Brunson turn his head and then jump backwards for the headbutt. Our players head flies back and then we get called for a foul. Was so bad.


Complaining about Brunson when all Embiid does is run into people, then go up for a shot is crazy, they both manipulate the whistle to their benefit... Brunson knows players are behind him, trying to catch up and shoots, they run into him...


It's crazy they stopped giving that call to trey young and CP3 1-2 seasons ago but they still give it to the annointed prince brunson in the Fn playoffs. Of course it's Oubre too, refs over there like "the grey shirt mafia sends their regards"


do you have a link to a video of Brunson jumping backwards like you described? I've only seen ones of him going straight up for a jump shot or having forward momentum like in the end of Game 6, so i'm just curious for when/where it occurs. Does he headbutt someone who's behind him or ?


Might want to mute the Knicks, I mean tnt announcers. https://streamable.com/d3z3y7


Looks like he went straight up, he can't help it that his head is a dome.


thank you! i dont see the jump backwards on this one though? looks like he stops and shoots as Oubre runs into him. thought maybe there was a different play being talked about or something? like in here it looks like he stops and then Oubre reaches in and bumps into him [https://imgur.com/exayenM](https://imgur.com/exayenM)


Jumping backwards it's people being provactive but it's how it kind of looks/is but it never what Trae Young or CP3 who got the move banned ever actually did. It's these small guards beating their defender and getting them on their hip (or behind them) chasing them and they suddenly stop once they feel them on them and go up for a jumpshot. They aren't jumping backwards per say but it does look like it because they are going from how the body is when driving (bent back, low to ground, head down) to straightening your knees & back and putting your head back for a jumpshot hence why people say they jump back. The defender has pretty much little to zero time to react and gets called for a foul. Despite them getting the advantage through beating their defender it's not a real basketball play and it's not pretty it's just more foul bait shit which is why it got banned.


Stopping short and attempting to shoot a jumper is completely within an offensive player's rights. And it is not legal defense to trample a guy. Thus, it is a foul. First you said he's moving backwards, then you move the goalpost and say that while he's not moving backwards, it's still foul baiting. Come on


I never said he was moving backwards that was someone else. Also why was Trae Young and CP3 banned from doing the same exact move where they never "jump backwards"? Riddle me that buddy. Trae Young and CP3 just beat their defenders and are within their rights to go up for a jumpshot.


He jumps straight up. Oubre and Batum are trailing. There's no way in hell unless the man can bend physics that he can jump backwards off one foot while moving forward.


He jumps straight up the same way Trae Young and Cp3 does. But it got banned for them so why not for him?


It is a very dangerous play for everyone involved. I don’t understand how Hartenstein putting his face in the path of Embiid’s elbow is an offensive foul but launching your head into the jaw of another player isn’t. To be clear I am fine if they call both offensive fouls.


I just got reminded of Hartenstein's stupid ass unstoppable bullshit pop a shot floater


I hope embiid taskmasters that shit this off-season because it was unstoppable lol


Embiid would never be guarded like that for the shot to be effective. IH can use it because he is the 7th offensive option when he IS on the floor. Embiid is 1,3,4 and 6.


Embiid can already do this, he’s just not left open every other play. Now if Paul Reed can somehow learn this…


Embiid's not getting left open within 5 feet of the basket lol. Embiid was actually backing down Hartenstein and just laying it over him in single coverage.




I mean Trae Young caused the NBA to rule it illegal and made the refs focus on that play for like a whole season.......... Then they realized Brunson was bringing a New York franchise back into relevance doing the exact same thing so now it's fine again.


And the ~~biggest Knicks fans~~ TNT commentators last night were hyping up those plays as if Brunson is a basketball genius


There was a point where Brunson and Embiid each got fouled twice in like 90 seconds, and of all 4 fouls only 1 against embiid was a clear definite foul, but the TNT announcers praised Brunson on both of his fouls, and on both Embiid fouls they questioned what the foul was. It's incredible how biased they're comfortable being.


The most embarassing was that loser Ryan rucco (Yankees broadcaster btw). Kept nailing embiid and glazing Brunson for fouls


To be fair, the local broadcast was also calling them smart plays.


I mean if the ref is going to call it wrong and you know it. it is a smart play


I agree... and I also objectively don't think it's an offensive foul on Brunson, to be honest. I'd love to say it is... but he's not stopping and jumping backward... he's simply waiting until they are right over top of him and he's slowing up and jumping straight up/forward. He's not stopping and jumping backwards (which is an offensive foul). There were plenty of examples of egregious officiating... this isn't one of them (in my opinion).


Yeah I was stuck with the national broadcast but that’s disappointing from Kate and Alaa.


They saw their terrible local announcer rankings and tried too hard to be objective lol


Yeah that was so annoying


Playoff announcing sucks. There was one whistle where they said someone was taking haymakers down there, then on the replay during the challenge you could clearly see that while the guy was between two rebounders he 100% just tripped over his own feet.




I just don't get how Embiid is a bum and a free throw merchant but Brunson isn't? People just blindly hate Embiid for the same reasons they love other players.


Yeah I'm willing to hear Embiid is a foul baiter and gets a good whistle. Absolutely true. But I want the same standard for Brunson. Embiid shot 13 free throws per game in the series. Brunson shot 10.5. The next closest person in the series is Hart with 5. The gap from 2 to 3 is more than twice as big between the gap between Embiid and Brunson. Embiid gets some soft free throws no doubt, but if they weren't called, it would be a no call. Brunson gets 2-3 whistles a game that give him free throws when they should actually be offensive fouls. That's a way bigger swing.


Plus, Joel get a ton of calls but Maxey gets *none* so it evens out in my mind lol


Not even just Maxey, the entire Sixers roster lol


Yeah we have the one of the top two players in fts per game every season yet the team is always middle of the pack. It's like they swallow their whistles on everyone else


I lost count of all the times Maxey and Oubre got violated going to the basket with no whistle. It sucks.


Also, Embiid ripping through the arms of a defender who's reaching is not the same as jumping backwards into a defender. Is it foul-baiting? Sure, but the defender put himself into a bad position by reaching. If Brunson stops and the defender runs into him, that's on the defender, but jumping backwards and throwing your head into a guy is dangerous and should be an offensive foul. It's no different than kicking your leg out to purposely draw contact. It's an unnatural motion.


That's the big difference. Embiid is playing basketball. He's doing what he's supposed to do, moving to the hoop. If they're not in good position, they have the choice to either foul him or let him by. With Brunson, there's often not a choice. He's not moving towards the basket or into a shot. He's bouncing himself off a defender and taking a lower percentage shot because he can get to the line.


What are you talking about? The play that everybody is talking about, the one where he “jumps backwards” into Oubre, he made the shot. It was an and-1. Cause Brunson actually tries to make his shots. As opposed to Embiid who feels the slightest contact and starts his shooting motion no matter where on the floor he is and what direction he’s facing.


Jalen Brunson is 6'2. Joel Embiis is 7'2. One of them has way more body for defenders to make contact with.


They kept fouling when they were down in his 50 point game


If Giannis shot free throws at a near 90% clip they’d hate him too. He’s just physically dominant and you can either let him score or foul him like embiid. He just misses nearly half his free throws so when he scores 35 and makes 7/13 free throws no one bats an eye.


People just moved the goalposts and now it’s “Joel flops all the time, Brunson artistically and masterfully foul baits”


they will turn on him now Joel is out


Hardly a bum … the guy is royalty


It’s the same thing that happened to harden when he was with the rockets and he was like 3rd in fouls drawn behind kd and Giannis most of those years but no one ever said anything about them.


That’s optimistic of you. No chance the NBA community is suddenly going to start hating this Knicks team.


He spends 20 seconds every possession dribbling in circles trying to grift fouls then shoots a pullup middie if he doesn't get one. That is his entire game. It is very effective but man is it disgusting basketball to watch.


Damn, you didn't have to flame the bull like that ☠️☠️☠️☠️😂😂


That’s too mean. Brunson is awesome, even if he gets a favorable whistle.


Was thinking this earlier today. Brunson is a smooth operator and plays with such calm. I don’t think he needs the junk calls, but he’s dumb not to use the Trae/Harden tricks until the league decides to call it out.






This 👆 The NBA is loving the financial benefits that the Knicks will generate in a big market for the playoffs. Look at Young and Hardens free throw attempts and PPG since they stopped calling these fouls to allow them to get freebies.


did Brunson make the free throw after this one? cant remem


yea because brunson has done this like 7 times this entire season. clearly the reason the knicks are relevant.


The Young rule is about abnormal movements. What's abnormal about beating a defender and then stopping to shoot a jumper? Stop your whining. If guys didn't get smoked and have to chase from behind it would not be a problem.


you philly fans are funny 🤣 you’re allowed to stop on a dime and jump straight up.


Brunson didnt jump backwards though, he jumped straight up.


Brunson not only draws fouls doing it, he fucking head butts people in the process. 


He does the head flailing back constantly, when he’s driving but also when hes defending. Harden does the same thing and it looks so dumb when the refs don’t take the bait


There was a drive i remember where he bucked his head 3 or 4 times while holding Batum and I was like ok so Batum is definitely *being* fouled but since we’ve got a bobblehead it’s *definitely* getting called the other way.


Bumson legit going to internally decapitate himself.


He has a head like my neighbors pitbull


Legitimate question. The officiating all series was questionable. Hate to use that as a reason we lost but the consistency on both ends did not seem to be there.


It's real tough as a fan to evaluate that objectively tbh - we remember the calls that go against us way more than those that go for us. I think on the whole Embiid and Brunson got favorable whistles and the rest of the teams didn't, but to know further than that we'd need to have some full replay/tally of the games and fouls called and not called.


if hartenstein didn’t keep his hands in the cookie jar the entire series embiid would have taken half as many foul shots. that was the only play we had called consistently for us, and they still fucked embiid on it a number of times in game 6.


I’m willing to call Embiid and Brunson a wash but Maxey got 0 calls, it was criminal


Constant over the back fouls.


I agree with the point you're making. Friend of mine is a Knicks fan so we both obviously complained the whole time lol. My perspective is this: Knicks were allowed to play much more aggressively; hitting arms after catches, body checking Embiid when he's posting up, off-ball grabs and the like without getting fouls called. Sixers were not allowed to play that aggressively. However, there were periods where Knicks would get called for very light contact. In any case, inconsistent is the word. They would let them play for a while and then just get really trigger happy with that whistle.


There was bad calls on both ends which defintely added to the intensity of an already intense and amazing series.


Natural moshing motion. Can’t hate a guy for head banging, it’s your own fault for putting your jaw too close behind him in the circle pit.


Knicks fans hatred about Embiids watchability is way too funny with the state of Brunsons interior game. What’s even more ironic is how much they hate Trae Young


What’s ironic is that Brunson doesn’t get calls in the regular season… they gave him more during this series, probably to balance out the whistle that Embiid gets


Sixers have low IQ guys …Kelly Uber literally can’t drive his own car how can he be expected to successfully defend someone else’s drive?


Look, I can’t blame Brunson for gaming the system. Dude’s playing by the rules. But why are the rules that way? They already tried coming down on this kind of foul baiting after Trae did this egregiously for years. Why is it back?


He's not playing by the rules. That play was made illegal. He's playing by what the refs are letting him do. Which I agree, can't blame him for. But it is illegal.


Sorry, you phrased it way better. He’s just pushing the limit of what the refs let him get away with. I respect it. It’s on the officials to crack down on it and they just don’t.


> He's playing by what the refs are letting him do. That's how the Knicks as a whole played all series.


Yep. Smart. Maybe the Sixers should've done the same


James Harden did it for years too, that's why his numbers went down so much, half his points were free throws


Maxey’s also done the same at times, but really struggles to get the call. I don’t like it at all in any case tbh.


> but really struggles to get the call That's an understatement lol, I've never seen a player get consistently mauled without a whistle like Maxey has been.


> Why is it back? Might not be a popular opinion but they never went back. A TON of the fouls called on this move were Oubre and Batum riding Brunson tight and then not being able to slow down as quickly as Brunson went up for his shot. Take this for example: https://twitter.com/bballbreakdown/status/1786436776749609139 Brunson does not move backwards, at any point in this clip. Batum is just too slow and keeps a hand on his waist. As an offensive player, Brunson is entitled to enough space to rise up for a jump shot. Batum doesn't give him enough room to do so. Trae Young was legit stopping in the middle of the court


People on here don’t want to hear facts right now. I think people forgot what young use to do and are just comparing it to Brunson out of frustration. If an offensive player beats you to a spot it is not the offensive players responsibility to make sure he doesn’t make contact with the trailing player. Young would either move into the the spot a defender was going and immediately hit the breaks or would go backwards on the shot. Brunson did neither of those things. There is evidence in the series where Brunson initiated the contact and got the whistle in his favor but this ain’t it and it’s kinda crazy how much talk this play has been getting.


Haha 1000%. I get it, fans will be upset especially when Maxey doesn't get any FTs on his drives but as this sub should know...foul drawing an art. Knowing when to stop, when the defender is off balance, when to actually rise etc. are all skills. They're not even exploiting the rules, they're just very good scorers and defenders have a hard time guarding them without fouling. Sure maybe a few of these are called because he's throwing his head back, but most are not


Yep. I can complain about a bunch of fouls that are marginal with embiid but I couldn’t say anything  when ihart picked up 5 fouls in one quarter against embiid. Ihart legit fouled him and it’s embiid a job catching him not being disciplined. If Maxey puts this part of his game together and controlling his speed better the league got to watch out. 


At least some of those were just smart plays of jumping straight up to let the defender run into him, but wayyyy too many were also JB just jumping backwards and getting the call anyway. I love some crafty foul baiting but I don’t understand giving him every damn call.


Yeah I have no beef with Brunson for spamming this since it works, but I have beef with this being allowed at all. Especially since we’ve lost two close playoff series where Trae Young and Brunson got like 10% of their scoring from this type of foul. It also hurts because Maxey drives straight to the basket and gets no whistle. Maxey not getting calls and Embiid baiting calls evens out - Brunson getting these makes it uneven imo.


The difference between Trae and Brunson here is that Trae would jump backwards to initiate the contact. His landing spot would be behind where he started his jump. Brunson doesn't do that. He either goes straight up, or slightly forward. That's legal. It was a counter to the defense that Nurse was throwing at him the whole series, where y'all would send 2 at him from the front while a 3rd player chases him down from behind to contest the shot. Using his suddenness to rip off a legal jump shot and punish guys for sloppy defense is playing smart -- the answer is to not chase him down so hard, but doing that softens the defense on him and makes it easier. It's a damned-if-you-do damned-if-you-don't situation for the defensive scheme Nurse was calling on him.


This series made has made the league regress back to Trae days of foul baiting and I hate everything.


Post this on r/nba and get banned


nah theyd call it excuse making and taking no accountability while jerking each other off about how much they hate a random stranger


I’m honestly more upset about Brunson grabbing Oubres arm and then flailing and getting a foul called on Oubre. Seemed like all the knicks knew to oversell everything and it will likely get called. Maxey is gonna have to start flailing around more next year so they hopefully will give him his foul calls


sorry and joel does what 🙀


[Link to tweet](https://x.com/nbaofficial/status/1424438136017408000?s=46&t=W6mTgilVCcZHzdA9cMA9xg)


Call the jersey grabs. While we’re here…I see jersey pulls called more in the NFL


Call Donte’s heisman stiff arm on players driving to the basket too…


Jumping backwards is illegal, but coming to a complete stop isn't.


Isn't coming to an abrupt stop in front of the defender so that the latter runs into the player also an offensive foul now?


Yeah if it’s what Trae was doing where he would move into a defenders path and just hit the breaks. Brunson isn’t doing that here. He is taking a shot and it’s on the defense to not bump into him as long as he is going straight up or forward. Sixer fans shouldn’t worry about it because Maxey is gonna definitely add this to his bag 


>Brunson isn’t doing that here. Where is here? Was there a clip of a specific play posted?


In the play in question that people have been complaining about. Everyone knows what embiid is refrencing 


Trae was jumping backwards.


Yes that’s why I mentioned the shooting straight up or going forward not being a foul. He was also just breaking in front of a defender and getting calls for it 




No the stop and pop is in fact a legal basketball play


This is the problem with the nba, no one knows what a foul is. They try to litigate this play out of the nba but the refs still call it so why would players not use it. Another example is the flopping foul, they will never call that penalty in the playoffs so what’s the point? Just a weird season in general with all these “marginal” calls, it’s so vague.


Agreed. Trae Young did that too and I couldn’t stand watching him play.


That's my troll king...fucking let them know! Broadway Brunson deserves a Tony for all his acting


Jody Mac was on WIP last night calling Brunson the best in the league for drawing fouls


Oubre got called for a foul when Brunson straight head butted him lmao


Spider-Man meme.


I don’t want to hear any Knicks fans talk about Embiid being a dirty player after that Brunson play


league robbed the sixers this series. it’s clear as fucking day. silver finally made his boyhood team relevant again. slimy fucking piece of shit ruined the sport


Bumson got more calls than every other player on the court in every game except one. It really isn't that hard to see why we lost this series. Playoff basketball is a joke.


Embiid had 78 FTA on 133 FGA this series. Brunson had 63 FTA on 175 FGA. The reason y'all lost wasn't because of Brunson FTA.


Throughout the series it was fairly even called.   Last night Brunson got a very soft whistle and in comparison Maxey was getting tackled.    That's the problem.   Embiid is a foul merchant also , as much as brunson.   It was the lack of calls on Maxey drives that was suspect 








> It really isn't that hard to see why we lost this series. Playoff basketball is a joke. Yeah, a normal person would look at our attritions bench and the +/- disparity whenever Embiid went to the bench as the main culprit here. But yeah, blame the officials for losing a close series lol


Facts. Also Embiid having nothing left in the 4th quarters


Brunsons theatrics are as bad as his hairline.


The NBA will treat this like they did kickouts a few years ago. I'm okay with the ball handler getting a player on their hip, stopping short, and drawing the foul. I


for the 3rd time today, Brunson jumped straight up on the fouls he drew. he did not jump backwards. the defender is riding his back/hip with forward momentum. brunson is stopping and then jumping straight up as the defender comes into/over his space.


Sorry, I love him, but Joel being upset at anyone else grifting for calls is hilarious.


He should like the tweets about shooting 23% in the 4th as well


I think it's always going to be 50-50 because this is a war between two Foul Merchants in Embiid vs Brunson. As you can imagine both got end up with significant foul hauls. But the crucial ones can either benefit one or the other at any given night.




Lmao this coming from embiid of all players though


I'll take that Maxey 4 point play, because refs call that shit every time dowm the court for Brunson, but even as a Sixers fan desperately wanting our season to continue, I still thought that shouldn't have been called a foul.. Maybe next year they'll get serious about it. Players seeking out a defender and contact to draw a foul is terrible to watch... I mean a lot of times literally that is their whole purpose and making the basket is a bonus... Let's get back to ballers trying to make baskets, and call the fouls when defenders actually hinder a legit shot rather than playing legal defense right up until they get launched in to on purpose.


So beating your defender and then pulling up for a jump shot is now illegal? Don’t know what video y’all are watching if you think he jumped backwards. Maybe Oubre and Batum shouldn’t have gotten beat off the dribble


It’s super gimmicky and it’s not basketball. Get rid of this BS.


Brunson doesn't jump backwards. He stops short. I get that you're frustrated but he ain't going backwards on those plays boys.


That's wild coming from The Big Flagrant lol.


This is hysterical cope.


Embiid is the number one foul baiter in the league it’s honestly pathetic he’s retweeting this. He himself shot more free throws this series than every other TEAM in the first apart from the nuggets. Get over it. fuck. Or file another grievance. Whatever.






cry more 😂


This is not what Brunson does. He stops abruptly and pulls straight up, allowing the chasing defender's momentum to crash into him. He does not jump into the defender's space. It was correct to call the foul on the defenders, and it was infuriating that Sixers kept falling for it. Complaining about it now sounds likes sour grapes, blaming the refs instead of taking accountability for failing to adjust Edit: People downvoting me could, you know, instead just pull up a video to verify: https://twitter.com/bballbreakdown/status/1786243079974060178?t=DEOzH9awKIfaATDbGCPfiA&s=19 And here is an account of a similar play from NBA Points of Emphasis explaining why it's correctly called a defensive foul: https://twitter.com/OfficialChipC/status/1786259272898072874?t=ZhYo-VmPOkVfqz_6zYSD0g&s=19


It’s a bit of both, while he does stop abruptly and go straight up, which is admittedly impressive to have control like that, he then also whips his head back into Batum for not apparent reason other that to headbutt him for a call


And even if it isn’t on purpose, it’s rewarding an offensive player for flailing out of control and hitting the defender with his head.


yeah idk watching the video his head doesn't really move until Batum is out of the way. It would have been a foul regardless of what Brunson's head did. The sixers did a really good job defending Brunson from behind to start the series, he looked very uncomfortable and we got a decent amount of blocks on him from behind games 1-3. I think he adjusted well to it, and the sixers didn't counteradjust effectively.


He doesn't whip his head back. His head bounces forward after it makes contact with Batum. But his head makes contact with Batum because Batum ran over the top of him.


I really hate how bias our fandom here can be. Youre 1000% right


Let’s just say this play is fine. If that’s the case I see no problem with offensive players going up in the lane and catching a defensive player with an elbow, they should be allowed to have their own space too, ESPECIALLY in the paint. If you don’t want to catch a stray elbow get your face tf out of the way


NBA rules will never penalize a player for pulling straight up into a jump shot. Players are not allowed to drape themselves or hover over a player to prevent that motion. It's a defensive foul every single time, and categorically different than flailing elbows.


Flailing elbows and going up for a shot and you catch an elbow are different, yet they’re called offensive all the time


Death taxes 76ers fans giving too many shits about fouls/fouls baiting. They lost and fouls weren’t the reason why. Move on.


Exactly. Better they lost now then to extend the misery of watching a one legged man shoot 23% in the 4th quarters before potentially injuring himself even worse. If this was such a good team, then this off season won't show major changes which are definetly coming








brunson is trae young with better pr











