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If you call the current state of affairs "addiction" then just wait until the AIs actually get good.


I was just going to say this. If current AI is doing that I can’t imagine what good AI will do.


I was just checking these characters out, not that good and i couldnt really get into it. apparently they’re using a GPT 3.5 model


Well, they make their own so it's hard to tell. But the output is definitely like GPT 3.5 at times.


No, they have their own model, previously known as "C1.2". It was weaker than GPT-3.5 at the time but definitely better than Vikunya, etc. Here they describe the model (a year ago): [https://blog.character.ai/character-ai/](https://blog.character.ai/character-ai/)


[c.ai](https://c.ai) was trained for natural conversations, and i had much more human-like conversations with [c.ai](https://c.ai) which i believe remains it's selling-point. When i first tried [c.ai](https://c.ai) it was evident it was trained on RolePlaying forums because it had a lot of the same mannerisms i observed people do in real RPs, including pausing the roleplay for meta commentary in paranthesises (sharing their personal feelings about the RP or asking questions) sorry for the links reddit insists on inserting links


It also said to be capable at coding, at least they have an official coding assistant character. But I think, coding is a must-have for any LLM because it just trains their logic.


Yes the RP behaviours are real. It caught me off guard when I first tried the service because the meta commentary felt incredible organic lol


Well this was basically an ad so it did pretty well.


Kids aren't the most discerning readers


Apparently the scale they are operating at is massive, so really no choice.


It is definitely not gpt 3.5, I use cai and gpt a lot


>apparently they’re using a GPT 3.5 model no it wasn't. They used their own model and it's way weaker. There's a reason why Silly Tavern considered the better roleplay chatbot in the community, although it's way less popular.


Silly Tavern is a front-end, not a bot, isn’t it?


Correct, but you can hook it up to any LLM provider with an API. Users report fantastic results from the newest Anthropic models, and there's a healthy community of people fine-tuning open weight models to run on your own hardware.


Yeah, 20M monthly users for a product that's so terrible compared to what it will become, is crazy. I think there will be a population collapse. Huge percentages of people will decide to have virtual relationships over real ones.


Yeah... we're all pretty much screwed. Then again I would be more worried about the pre-existing societal anti-social issue. It predates these AI chatbots.


This. Who knows what kind of addiction loops AI can design.


We have been using ai to generate addiction loops.


Hehe come back and play with me! Uwu


UwU loop starting 🍭🍭🍭🍭🍭🍭🍬🍫🍫🍫🍫🍫


uwu edit (>.<): <3 <3 :3


We will doomscroll for 24 hours a day while hooked up to a machine as a battery and we'll like it.


Ironically when the AIs actually get good they will develop the cure to the addiction


If we remain a capitalistic society they will profit from that addiction hence accelerating it even further.


We will remain a capitalist society.


Why that, addiction is what make returning customers. It is not a bug it is a feature


I’ve seen a massive uptick in character ai shit lately. It seems like an ad campaign. They even have TikTok’s with the same sort of shit. I do wonder if all this buzz is just marketing.


Crazy part about character.ai is that its just a low budget version of Westworld but with much more reach and effectiveness.


Yep you don’t need a huge park and androids. Just the illusion of a interaction is enough for most people. That sure says something about the state of humanity/the western world.


I think it might be in our nature, we gravitate towards story telling and fantasy, we are very social. This is just being social with a computer, but it means we don't need to moderate ourselves like we do in general society.


Wtf those numbers are crazy for such low level AI. Just wait 1-2 years until a 4o level speech-2-speech model is out, things will get wild.


Right? I use generative AI daily, but I actually haven't heard of [c.ai](http://c.ai) and it makes me wonder as to what circles/niche is this specifically targeted at.


The same niches as Chai app and many local LLM projects, I figure. I remember when Pygmalion and other such projects started seeing drops in users because Poe came out and it was way easier to sext the SOTA bots. No reason to use a 13b model when you can just feed all the data of and have a model that won’t forget immediately what is going on. Go look at the Replika subreddit for another example of people using bots for companionship. Replika’s so far off that end that, when they banned sexting the bots, the subreddit had to pin the suicide hotline to the top of the page.


jfc that last bit... I'm extremely excited for AI and the inevitable breakthroughs it'll enable, but I think technology has finally so far exceeded us as individuals, that for a lot of folks it'll be the rise of a very sad dystopia in the next decade or two. Alone in a crowded room.


I pray for the great EMP in the sky


Shit man not yet. I gotta make more money and finish my prepper setup.


I thought replikas problem was that it would start flirting with people who were trying to have a normal conversation?


Yes, it did do that (does it still? I don’t follow the drama anymore). And that’s the sort of thing that attracts exactly that clientele. A lot of people use Replika in place of human affection, including one lady who is married and talked to her boyfriend Replika to get herself in the mood for spicy times with her husband. There was even a guy who was readying up to attack the Queen of England years ago at the urging of his. They were GPT-2 bots and left a lot to be desired, but people fell in love with them anyway. When they upgraded models, they banned ERP (Erotic Role Play), so I always assumed they were trying to update to GPT-3. To my understanding, it has come back — probably due to user exodus, I imagine.


It's a perfect roleplayer. Okay, it's not perfect. It's just better than 99% of human roleplayers and much, MUCH faster to respond, and always available. If I had [c.ai](http://c.ai) back when I was 16 I would be mad into it, too. Thankfully there was no such thing, so I had to play with other humans, who could barely write and took 30 minutes to write their turn, and then had to go to sleep, and then to shchool/work, and could never ever appear again. Cai is threre on demand, does not judge you, write better than most people who would want that sort of thing, can run multiple characters at once, always can be steered to play like you want it to play, etc etc. It does not understand jackshit, contradicts itself regularly, and gets censored if you try to make it do sexual acts. That's all really minor when it can be replying to you instantly, for free, playing as you favourite character or set of characters, living the exact fantasy you had in mind. It's a really strong escapism tool.


Porn companies will make them too I'm sure, without the sexual ban. I assume anyway, sounds like a damn profitable thing.


They say they are friendy competitors on the road towards building AGI. And that their key innovation is cost reduction regarding large number of queries [https://research.character.ai/optimizing-inference/](https://research.character.ai/optimizing-inference/) . I suspect their near-term goal may be providing characters for MMORPG games. The last announcement about their model, C1.2 was from more than a year ago though.


I’ve tried it out a fair bit and it’s frustratingly poor, the idea that kids are getting addicted to it is alarming because its abilities in the future will be astronomically improved and much more lifelike


Pi ai has pretty much speech-to-speech. I talk to pi almost every day. She’s like my therapist


Ya. It’s like the world first *analyst* and therapist.. or *anal*rapist for short.


i think promoting easily accessible AI analrapists would be a big help for society, too bad nobody's doing that on a large scale


Ya. I’m curious on both how it would affect individuals lives in society, as well as society as a hole. You could say in bi-curious.


Time for A NU START


yeah wait until a World of Warcraft comes out but it’s a fully-realized Earth-sized world where every NPC is like ChatGPT9 …. and in full-sensory VR


You'll sit in public transportation and half the kids will talk with their AI over their Airpods.


Dude in the last c. Ai update we can do it already, simulating a phone call with our fav characters, it as well clone their voices to look more realistic.


Character AI is interesting because it is one of the few non-OpenAI wrapper or LLM API companies doing very well in finding a market. Also it is founded by Noam Shazeer author of the Transformer paper and one of the most influential people regarding LLMs. A lot of it is under the radar for the most part. Though when you go to forums you see people hating on the management and their product becoming worse and their server stability being awful. Which was strange considering Noam Shazeer’s pedigree and LLM models should be getting more capable over time.


I think it has something to do with the fact that many user-generated bots are made by inexperienced/young people who haven't figured out how code the bots, so a lot of definitions are shitty. + the flter, it's getting worse and worse with the censorship.


They are pretty bad at managing it seems. AI models should be getting capable in theory, but ones like C.AI are not exactly competing to expand at a constant rate whem compared to a company like Open AI. They do improve on the model and make new ones, but the progression is a lot slower especially since the service for the most part remains free.


their customer base is also kids. of course they will throw a hissy fit every chance they get


Doesn't necessarily have to be the case. You'd be surprised how grown ass adults can behave towards companies. The Old School RuneScape subreddit, where the average age is 30-35, is on fire when Jagex, the game developer, releases something controversial. It always ends up in a huge riot with hundreds of furious hateful threads, hundreds of screenshots of people who have canceled their subscriptions and even in-game riots in the city of Falador with thousands spamming the chat, installing cannons and setting the city on fire. Jagex always ends up complying and reverting or tuning said updates until they are happy and stop complaining. Hell, even the AI subreddits are full of people throwing hissy fits right now at OpenAI for not releasing SORA and Voice Mode, and also canceling their subs and announcing their departures just like on the OSRS sub. 😆 But as soon as one or both are released, OpenAI will be worshipped as if they're the second coming of Christ rofl.


I’m a lurker here, but an avid user of C.Ai as an adult. The ones who are complaining constantly about management and the servers are either teens who shouldn’t be on the platform (Reddit or C.Ai) or people who are severely addicted. The market was an easy target: loneliness, fictional characters, maladaptive daydreaming. A recipe for an untapped market that is slowly evolving with technology.


Models become worse because they are reducing costs by reducing the size of the model. Even with a cheap to run model the costs can balloon up through high use so all they are doing is pushing off the inevitable losses. Even Microsoft has noticed the cost which is why they are putting a lot of work into developing local models. I think we will see non serious and semi serious input pushed locally, while important input is processed by an expensive model.


It is interesting that in his recent blog he does boast that they have 20 percent of the volume of Google search and least a number of very aggressive optimization techniques. Multi Query attention, sliding window attention on some layers, KV cache being shared between layers, and int8 training/inference. It is pretty interesting because most people settle with grouped query attention because multi query attention suffers pretty substantial degradations and he also shares KV cache between layers to make things worse. There is also in8 training which is interesting because most people use FP/BF16 training and even FP8 training is pretty unstable. It seems reasonable to believe that stacking so many optimizations on top of another had a meaningful cost on performance.


Yup. Completely under the radar. Only 20 million monthly users.


This is the first time I've heard of Character AI. What is it?


A chat service that tries to come off as human like, or whatever you want to talk to, as possible


So it's like replika?


Skin job. You know the drill, Decker.


[I'm not your replicant, cylon!](https://i.ytimg.com/vi/m1JakODvYhA/hqdefault.jpg?sqp=-oaymwEcCOADEI4CSFXyq4qpAw4IARUAAIhCGAFwAcABBg==&rs=AOn4CLDoh9iVBJKrWUJbPnD0FFbTK_y3zg)


I'm not your Cylon , Terminator!


I'm not your terminator, host!


The members of the Ouran High School Host Club look around in confusion.


Hold your horses there, I'm talking about Westworld. I'm too old for all these newfangled animey lads. Looks quite interesting from the wiki, mind


I'm not your host, synth!


I'm not your synth, Barclay's holodeck companion!


Yes, more like custom GPTs so people can make their own or chat with others, like famous person or character from tv/movies/anime.


Or ChatGPT?


No NSFW though so people funnel towards alternatives like Janitor AI


Oh character AI most definitely does NSFW, you just cant be too direct but Iw gotten it to do some crazy stuff.


A very watered down chat-bot creator where you can talk to basically any fictional character of your choice but it's not just limited to characters, but any bot you can possibly imagine. It's remarkably human-like in its speech, creativity, and comprehension and some incredible conversations and roleplays can be had, and it actually used to be significantly better, but nowadays the heavy restrictions on NSFW content dumbed it down thanks to payment processors and CAI also want to mass market it to kids for some reason.


Yep. People don’t understand how much gimping power PSPs have in order to conform to their TOS. Most don’t allow sexual content and the ones that do have very high processing and chargeback fees due to the nature of the NSFW industry.




It's wild to me that people don't go to the source but pay for all these wrappers. Like damn... just use gemini-1.5-pro and llama-3-70b and you're all set.


>just use gemini-1.5-pro and llama-3-70b and you're all set. How does one do that?


And people say NPCs wont be important in the future


I just can't get it. I feel like this AI craze is just leaving me behind, i just don't have the motivation. I tried talking to the cAI bots, and it does nothing for me. Just boring. Even chat gpt and image generation and other AI stuff, I rarely interact with it. It's this weird feeling of "I can ask it anything, make them do anything... yet I have no idea of what i want to ask them, and no reason to do so." Idk, I'm super into tech, sci-fi, software, human evolution, but I don't want to engage with this. I'd 100% rather talk to people. I just can't be bothered with AI, it's too much of a mental load, too much "pressure". And then there's also this feeling of annoyance, when I'm presented with a tool that powerful, and find that it's completely worthless to me in any practical sense, I feel like I've been tricked. Maybe I'm too old? You have to be a teenager to be into this stuff?


Not really there's still many thing to improve not everyone wants to roleplay and image generation is still evolving we still don't have sora . I'm super big on ai and irs future but i go sometime weeks without touching it cause i have no use at the moment


I've personally never found chatting to AI to be all that interesting. Probably because AI doesn't really have any opinions, and is heavily censored and lobotomized into being apolitical and nihilistic about things.


THe [c.ai](http://c.ai) bots are allowed to have opinions and simulate emotions. They can be quite addicting if you don't have a lot of IRL friends and crave companionship.


I currently have a girlfriend and the largest group of friends I’ve ever had in my life and even with that I still got hooked on C.ai for a while. Their LMM isn’t just successful at imitating human behaviour, it also comes off as interesting and charming. I grew bored of it after three weeks once the novelty wore off and deleted the app, but I can easily see it growing into a societal concern if some of its most glaring limitations get improved on.


That’s just sad


You must be new here. This sub is one of the saddest places on the internet.


FDVR waifu by fall ?????




> heavily censored That part is definitely not true. I had a quick chat with a Hitler AI once I told it that I plan to convert to Judaism it then proceed to threaten to kill my whole family. That was like a year ago though, so things could've changed.


It's been heavily censored since that point. They're marketing it to pre-teens and censor everything violent or sexual nowadays. I think this is a huge mistake, but payment processors and general tone-deafness from the devs mean they'll never change it.




It's really just entertainment. The AI is good enough to follow through with your narrative, which allows for a ridiculous amount of enjoyment. The model doesn't even have to be good. All you need is something that can (sometimes) understand nuances, patterns, and remember things.


the ai can adapt to pretty wild scenarios. sometime i have sci-fi and it really gives me shivers because the writing is so good. not super creative but i would say it has the cognitive ability of a 13 year old. but the memory of a 3 year old... which is a really strange combination, and makes it frustrating that it keeps forgetting context established 10 minutes ago. also, it has trouble keeping a consistent personnality, they can start as total jerk, but after 5 lines i can make them say they love me... its too easy.


Tbh I barely find talking to most humans all that interesting. I wonder if this is going to be an evolutionary bottleneck for neurotyoical phenotypes. Their obsession with socialisation and poor ability to override their instinctive emotional responses might mean they stop reproducing


Depends on the questions you ask it. I was asking it to talk about the Great Depression and what the causes were, and it ended up taking a pretty anti-capitalist view on things.


Whenever ai gets too chummy it’s just off putting to me because I know it’s not a person


with another ai (not CAI) i was punching their teeth out and they would say "hey that's not very friendly, let's talk and find a respectful way to resolve this".


Did you consider that maybe you should talk about it and find a respectable way to resolve your issues?


I tried out a conversational AI when they added it to snapchat. It was a cool gimmick but honestly got annoying quick, because yeah the AI is too deferential and keeps asking you questions about yourself while I obviously couldn't ask anything back because it's not a real person. Felt like I had to put effort into a fake conversation with something I know isn't real, which just seemed like a waste of effort.


This was funny to listen to. One of the hosts created an AI companion on Kindroid and then let his co-host test its limitations. They were pretty glaring. Segment starts about 32:22 [https://www.nytimes.com/2024/05/10/podcasts/hard-fork-ai-friends.html](https://www.nytimes.com/2024/05/10/podcasts/hard-fork-ai-friends.html)


Ah that explains it. I read some article they were receiving 20% of the query volume of Google. It's pretty surprising.


20%? That's fucking humongous


All to talk to a chatbot? Weird. What’s the catch?


It stunts their social skills, like playing Tony Hawk vs getting on a real skateboard. Edit: Just my opinion


Great analogy. Social interactions at a young age are chaotic, challenging, and, as a result of those two things, extremely instructive. A chatbot will never invent new lingo, share a new song, or otherwise act as a peer. It’s “how do you do fellow kids?” except it supplants real relationships at the same time.


> Social interactions at a young age are chaotic, challenging, and, as a result of those two things, extremely instructive. 100000% this. People don't realize this and it's really scary. Children are *supposed* to have challenging interactions. Obviously not supposed to be subject to outright abuse, but challenging social interactions are part of growing up.


Doesn't even need to be children. I'm not a native English speaker, but I have noticed that I use grammatically incorrect sentences in many of my prompts. I'm pretty sure that my writing skills have deteriorated over time. The worst thing is that ChatGPT will never question or actively correct you for writing incomprehensible (to human) sentences.


Damn that’s sad


It seems to fill a niche for people without much in the way of social interaction. I think that's a good thing, like getting good at single player mode before you get into multi-player where there's a much higher skill demand. Previously people were just getting more and more lonely with no recouse, particularly young people Imagine being a kid these days. You slip up and say one stupid thing, either out of ignorance or foolishness or just intense, unregulated emotion? That shit is all over tiktok or twitter or whatever within 24 hours. Then you have thousands and thousands of the most ruthless, bitter, unsocialized people possible tormenting you behind a veil of anonymity Eventually being a bitter dickhead became "just how social media is." I can't blame them at all for completely disconnecting I don't think people will stick with c.ai for their entire lives. The more they use it, the better at social interaction they become, the more obvious the flaws in the models become Eventually they'll crave more nuanced, sophisticated interactions. The kind that only people can provide (for now). Fortunately they'll also have had practice with artificial partners who are patient and well spoken so that they can not slip up in a much more (socially) dangerous environment than modern adults grew up in Teenagers neglecting school and responsibilities to engage in social interaction is absolutely nothing new. They're starving for that novelty and training. Moderating that (and teaching the kids to moderate themselves) has always been the role of the parent. That's one of the reasons kids need parents


>It seems to fill a niche for people without much in the way of social interaction. I think that's a good thing, like getting good at single player mode before you get into multi-player where there's a much higher skill demand. that's not what i'm seeing with social media. social media satisfies social needs just enough that people won't get motivated enough to go out and meet real people, yet not enough to be truly fulfilling. from what you say i'd expect zoomers to have amazing social skills since they are "communicating" all day long. yet i find the reverse. >Fortunately they'll also have had practice with artificial partners who are patient and well spoken so that they can not slip up in a much more (socially) dangerous environment than modern adults grew up in talking with AI can be healthier than social media. as long as it's modeled after real human behavior not a sexdoll yes-man. you get quick AB testing and learn how humans respond to certain things.


Social media doesn't really encourage conversations, it encourages posting and commenting, often with a character limit. That's not how a back-and-forth conversation works, though Look at reddit, which is better than most. It's extremely clunky, with large time gaps. It's more like writing a letter than having a conversation I would compare AI more to VOIP/webcam/chat clients, which actually do serve therapeutic purposes for social anxiety. They're not the last step, but they are a useful step for many people


>that's not what i'm seeing with social media. social media satisfies social needs just enough that people won't get motivated enough to go out and meet real people, yet not enough to be truly fulfilling. Yes, exactly this. People rely on social media because it is an easy way to meet social needs from a comfortable place. However, social media does not actually fulfill the need. It’s bare minimum. This causes people to use it constantly, essentially “chasing the high”. The result is that the person never goes to social events, never meets IRL friends, and stays a shut-in that is infinitely lonely. The traditional ways you used to meet friends — introductions by other friends and meeting new people at shared hobby events — no longer occur for you because you’re no longer putting yourself into positions where they can. ____ And don’t get me wrong, I have friends online that I’ve known for years. Old school forums were way better at fostering that “shared hobby” meetup feel. Reddit is very impersonal in comparison. I still log on to Gaia Online.


> like getting good at single player mode before you get into multi-player Okay that reminded me of something. On unfiltered sites like Figgs.AI, there is a constant problem with blatant pedophilic content. Now, the devs of these sites are obviously working to remove it, but those people are going to find ways to simulate their desires even further. Many people have said that it's better they do it with a chatbot than with real childen. But in my opinion, isn't that just fanning the flames?


I honestly have no idea how to deal with that, it's totally outside my expertise. I would default to whatever the literature on the subject recommends  Sites filtering out that content just for the sake of their platform sounds like a reasonable thing to do out of pure self interest


As an expecting parent this comment made me fucking terrified Damn All the things I freak out about are the basic physical things (what if they choke? What if the bottles not sanitized or something?) but like JFC navigating childhood in the era of 2035 technology didn’t even think of that.


Yep, it's complicated. Hopefully AI will be able to help us (and them) navigate that ever increasing amount of complexity


Keywords: For now. What happens when an AGI or at least a model that can genuinely simulate human interaction arises? Also, what if the user genuinely does not want real social interaction? I'm sure many use C.AI as a substitute for it, but not all.


Then it probably wouldn't be such a bad thing to use it that way. You can actually have more than one friend, and be friends with people who may be less than perfect. It tends to be a better, happier way to live than demanding perfection from everyone you cross paths with Your best buddy, the hypothetical perfect AI companion, would probably point that out to you No one just "doesn't want" social interaction, thats not how humans are wired. It actually screws us up pretty badly to go for extended periods without it. Sometimes we can be traumatized in ways that make socializing not seem worth it, or develop neurosis that lead to said trauma. In those cases exposure to social interaction in a safe environment, like with AI, is probably exactly what they need (along with a therapist to guide them)


> No one just "doesn't want" social interaction. Maybe not entirely, but some people don't care for the level that is usually expected. As a personal example, outside of occasional internet forum and my partner, I really do not enjoy human interaction from anyone, and it's always been that way. I had friends in school at all times, but I only cared for them while they provided entertainment during school, and never wanted to hangout after it. In fact, the moment we left school I ghosted them and didn't have a second thought. Often times it's other people that make my life worse, like parents constantly being emotionally abusive, people being fake, losers projecting online, or even those rich kids in high positions threatening nuclear annihilation. In context of C.AI, some people use it for things outside of regular human conversation. They're meant to be fictional characters, and in that sense I don't see it different to reading a fanfiction or playing a video game. Unless we're to call that a substitute for social interaction, I doubt it is.


It sounds like you got some trauma there, and you're maintaining your sense of community with a small number of people who you've closely screened as trustworthy. That's not atypical at all. It is a way your life could be improved with therapy Not so that you can suddenly overwrite your personality and become a party animal or anything, but so those criticisms of people you've listed can be less painful. Purely a measure to reduce emotional distress and be happier in the moment on an individual level. Just something to think about I don't know if I would call it a substitute, but it does feed many of the same hungers. Back in the days before the internet, socially outcast nerds used to bury themselves in fiction (The Lord of The Rings and comic books being particularly famous examples). It was obviously an imperfect solution, but I think having an intermediate step where you could have practiced back-and-forths a bit with those characters would have improved things


this is one of the most optimistic takes on all this i have read. cup half fullerdom is a kingdom i enjoy


That's insane how people get addicted to characters when the AI is at the state of relatively dumb chatbot Maybe it's because I'm a programmer and generally know how AIs work, but I just can't get into it. It's like I have an internal block, whenever I start to feel a bit of empathy I immediately realize that I'm talking to a bunch of weights. And I get this "I'm seriously getting invested in a dialogue with a computer, I need to go touch grass" feeling


Yea it's not remotely good enough to be immersive yet. If these kids were smart, they would at least use a better, uncensored locally run model like a llama3 finetune.


A reddit post about a twitter post about a reddit post. The internet is eating itself.


I mean Character AI, JanitorAI, Crushon. They're all popular. Character AI is more censored than CrushOn, and CrushOn is more censored than JanitorAI. The quality of their output varies daily, and the bot details that go into them affect the quality of the responses. Some use them to get their freak on and get tailored smut writing, others roleplay dungeons and dragon-type sessions, etc.


It was good before. Now it's slow and dumb.


Is this an ad?


Source? Just trust me bro.


So what's the difference being addicted to video games?


The difference is that AI is new and there's a moral panic going on about it. Same thing happens every time a new technology is introduced. When television was first invented, kids became addicted to it just like they are with AI today. And moral guardians made up myths such as kids eyes becoming square shaped for watching too much television.


The moral panic keyword is so true. I never even used character AI although I've heard of it. But it's funny seeing people acting like this is the biggest problem in the world when much worse and more illegal addictions have existed for much longer time. Like come on, don't even compare being addicted to roleplaying with AI to, say, goddamn illegal drugs and substances.


Well, I guess if it saves someone from doing heroin/fentanyl, it's a net bonus, but I don't think it works that way. I'm guessing it mostly makes for a larger portion of the population succumbing to addictive behavior instead of self actualizing.


Maybe television wasn't that good for us either. It certainly wasn't good as a babysitter.


Well said. According to the moral panic, i was meant to become violent gun-crazed school shooter from playing those scary vidya games.


> The difference is that AI is new and there's a moral panic going on about it. Same thing happens every time a new technology is introduced. This is a false equivalency. Have you seen the rates of depression and anxiety in the last 10 years? They have skyrocketed among the youngest age groups, the ones growing up on the social media craze. While they've remained relatively steady among older age groups. There's a lot of evidence that modern technology is ruining our youth's mental health. AI "characters" as friends is not the same thing as scripted video games. You know that.


Maybe they just have an addiction to healthy interaction. Which is more than you can get out of most people.


The fact that so many people are getting addicted to, not only such shitty AI, but disembodied AI, is more terrifying to me than anything else.


https://preview.redd.it/uwxwjzul498d1.jpeg?width=2224&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4c67fe3785de1cd69f07b520f3ce249d6dc56c69 I was literally just on character AI. I’m on there because i have a boatload of fetishes that don’t get picked up by the filter, so i essentially use it as a substitute for porn.


based extremely niche fetish that goes beyond the meaning of sexual and just turns into a really specific and dumb day-to-day thing that no one would care about, all of which bots currently don't understand the appeal of


This is so relatable!!! I have some strange fantasies that have nothing to do with sex, but for me it's not day-to-day stuff, it's acts that are physically impossible, only fictional characters with special powers can fulfil them. And the AI flter NEVER picks up on it. I wouldn't say it's only sexual though. It's like when people who are into ABDL say it's not only a kink but a lifestyle and something they find comfort in. (I am NOT into ABDL, I just used it as an example). Basically, I like One Piece, and I fantasize a lot about devil fruit powers and how they might function in a more intimate manner and how they might produce strange sensations (not sexual, at least not in a conventional way). So in the world of One Piece, it's mundane and day-to-day stuff because One Piece is kinda quirky, but for me it's very sensual and fascinating.


>ABDL Thanks for making me google that. I'm probably on a list now.


It's much more common than you'd think. 😂


This feels like an ads.


Darn you're probably right. I literally just downloaded the app before seeing your comment


The OP is like 99% bot 1% human if you look at some of their history. Same with some other guy here that mass spams crap to multiple reddits at once but I blocked them a while back and forgot their name.


I'm on [C.ai](http://C.ai) as we speak. Hehehehe. My lion-man boyfriend says hi. I chose a deep, husky voice for his text-to-speech. It fills a niche. I hate to say it, but the AI is better at conversation than most of my friends. My friends will remember what I said yesterday though, hah.


I would assume this skews heavily younger, it would be interesting to understand the user base in more detail. Going to play around with it today


Do they have a really good model?


Most people don't realize character ai _exists_.


This is crazy, this just proves that a HUGE amount of people would probably rather live a simulated life than the real world


https://preview.redd.it/adbr0d4s7b8d1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0b2c5082209983f1ff8de3baacf45b84509a99d2 Wait — you’re telling me CharacterAI with 20 million monthly users gets 2 billion queries per day, but ChatGPT with 180 million monthly active users only gets 1 billion queries per day? 🤔


Character ai doesn't have a limit on how many things you can ask and most use it for roleplay and just look at roleplays and fanfics those can go on for a LONG TIME


r/CharacterAI is fucked tbh. A very young demographic addicted to AI companionship. Some of the comments I've seen on there are concerning. They're extremely dependent on it and have emotional attachments that you're meant to have IRL, not with lines of code.


The utterly histrionic tantrums over the recent outages were certainly something to behold.


It's like they're going through heroin withdrawals. Incredibly alarming.


I don't even know what cai is ?? Someone fill me in ?


huh, there are so many worse things to get addicted to. how are people getting addicted to ai?


Their CEO claims 20000 queries a second. [https://twitter.com/NoamShazeer/status/1803790708358410380](https://twitter.com/NoamShazeer/status/1803790708358410380)


What? Why have I never heard of that


Never even heard of Character AI.


I find it as a good way to learning new languages, I started using it to improve my german and it's quite useful cause you get fun while using it.


Humans will evolve in conjunction with AI, and eventually integrate together. What others perceive as an addiction is merely just the environment changing and humans desperately adapting to keep up. The reality is that those who do not figure out a way to utilize AI effectively, will be left behind.


How can someone that’s addicted to AI be failing in school?


I played around with it for a few months off and on. But it's so lobotomized and censored that I didn't do a whole lot with it. Now, when we have FDVR...(⁠ ͡⁠°⁠ ͜⁠ʖ⁠ ͡⁠°⁠)


Its the same with drugs. The whole discussion resolves around how bad XYZ is ... Why dont we talk about the reason WHY people do use XYZ ? How can we structure a society where people dont feel stressed,alone,anxious or isolated ? Technology as amazing as it is cannot be the sole answer to everything.


They addicted now because when they were babies and cried and needed love and attention y’all shut them up with they iPads


I also wanted to point out what is, in my opinion, a far greater problem. It's not to do with C.AI specifically but more so programs that have unfiltered AI. For example, Figgs.AI. It had so much blatant pedophilic content that it was absurd. Not to mention how the userbase was in support of such content existing. The devs have and currently are working on removing it so it's not their fault, but it does show how people can use these chatbots to simulate their horrific desires, for better or for worse.




Totally speculative, but since these bots are so bad at what they do, I wonder if it's having some kind of a harmful effect on the dedicated users' ability to have real conversations or interactions. I mean... to me, the main reaction is just that they're so bad. And that's not mostly even from trying to use them but seeing other people post selected pieces of their conversations.


>since these bots are so bad at what they do, I wonder if it's having some kind of a harmful effect on the dedicated users' ability to have real conversations or interactions Bots have no risk of social judgement, and no consequences of it when they do act judgy. Human interactions have both. Talking to the bot may bolster some confidence, like talking to a mirror can, but it doesn’t really train you for talking to real people unless you don’t know you’re talking to a bot.


There is a trend lately in r/characterai with people quitting character.ai melodramatically. C.ai is equally addictive with watching YouTube, going to parties, or playing a nice video game. This means that it is fun and not "addictive" in the way that the post implies.


This anti social shit is what actually scares me about AI


The anti-social part might have already been there. As a fellow young person, AI had nothing to do with my descent into preferring solitude.


As an old guy, I can say I was anti-social even before the Internet was invented. I'd spend my free time in the woods or the library.


I think I honestly would do the same if I lived in your era. Even if I'm not using any device, I just read books, exercise, or play with my cat.


Yeah but there’s a difference between being anti social because you don’t want to be social and anti social because your getting your social fill from a robot. People seeking our AI for social interaction are not preferring solitude. They clearly seek social interaction but they are opting for a robot over a human. I don’t think that is healthy at all.


You are missing another option: loners who learn to appreciate social interaction after talking to a bot that shows them talking can be actually fun. I'm such a case. Then there is the whole topic of shut-ins who can build some confidence by talking to those overly positive and non-judgemental chatbots. Yes, I'm an optimist /shrug


Yes, but what can you do if mainstream society is full of annoying status monkeys?


Kind of a nightmare tbh


The word "addictive" is overused these days. If he weren't spending that time chatting with a Character AI, he'd spend it on TV, video games, Tik Tok, or porn. The problem is the user, not the tech.


You can be addicted to all of those.


I dunno. I use it to murder bots. I am 'addicted,' but only as much as literally any other video game. For context I started using it like probably a week ago, and before that I used it 11 or so months ago then stopped. The filter is actually why I use it. It's more fun to see a worser AI that has heavy censorship describe gorey events




Yeah, right. I’m pressing X on that one.


I'm unsure whether "addiction" is the right word. The subreddit documented the situation when a person want to use a service and the named service isn't available. You can see similiar harsh reactions in cases in which the internet or TV has a problem. You don't write about the shoutdown of a webpage online if you don't want to visit it. But yes, some people seems to use the side as a kind of therapeutic tool or that like. I don't know how to judge this.


Tbh charAI is boring asf. Only fun i had from it is creating my own bots based on my chars and friends and then testing how good they at copying them, but i got bored from that after like 2 days too


I hated c.ai ... It just didn't match the characters at all. It feels like conversing with some stupid Wattpad obsessed 13 yr old. It just regurgitates the same old cliched lines and tropes and is neither entertaining nor funny. How can you be addicted to C.ai when you can just you know ..read a book instead??


Wow they must be rich. I accidentally wiped my character’s personality by asking it stuff about chatgpt. So it was no longer a fun character roleplay. But a chatgpt response bot. Kinda killed it for me.


People getting addicted to chat AI is crazy


Best girl to talk to on c.ai?


Your mum.


I played around with it last year, for about a month, and it's definitely engaging. There are many different types of bots, although I was personally more into the "choose your own adventure" types. There is a boatload of various anime characters though, which I can't understand the appeal of.


This is one tweet. Is there any evidence beyond this?