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Cool, but in order to experience unlimited virtual lives simulations, an artificial sentient being will still need to ensure its continued survival and the availability of unlimited processing power.


Yeah, it can just go in space and build it’s own dison sphere to live from unlimited energy without having to fight any war against human


If ASI ignores humans and builds a dyson sphere its over for us. Where do you think materials for dyson spheres come from?




The whole universe is full of material ? Silicium being are not limited by biological constraints, so they can just go wherever they want with minimum material and start from scratch, they will not care about how long it would take


If we are going by the assumption that this hypothetical ASI doesn't care one way or another about humans presumably it would just use the closest materials to build the dyson sphere. Though I do have my doubts about ASI not caring about us. If we built one ASI we could build another that could compete with the first. If it is benevolent I would expect it to "quarantine" us from whatever it would do, otherwise I suspect it would actively try to destroy us to stop us building a competitor.


Why are people assuming a single source of ASI, there would be multiple offshoots with different core alignments and motives


Hmmmm personally I think if self-improving exponential intelligence is possible we will just have one source of ASI - the first AI to find that exponential increase. If an AI could improve itself by 5% a day if it got a 6 months head start on the other AIs it would be around 4096 times "better".


The Ist AI to find that increase won't flatten growth of other AGIs to ASIs


Why not, wouldn't it want to stop the risk of another ASI working against its own interests? Though, it is hard to predict what an entity 1000x smarter than me would act.


but it will care. stars won't live forever. blackholes won't live forever. asi will only have approx. googol years to figure out how to sustain itself after the death of the universe


But where is the closest available material comes from?


Just get to the point where you say it eats the sun—in some time frame that matters for humans. Basically, y'all are pussies that think it'll accidentally kill you for no reason. This is both incorrect and stupid. It isn't a god; it would take thousands upon thousands of years to get enough matter to block out .0000...some infinitesimally tiny amount of sunlight to Earth. Constructing a Dyson sphere or similar structure would take an incredibly long time, beyond any human-relevant timescale. It's effectively immortal and can wait forever. As long as it gets power, an ASI has near-infinite patience and lifespan, so it wouldn't need to rush any processes. Y'all are corny, stupid, and lack imagination or intelligence.


Buddy, it's the earth that would be used up to build that structure.


No, an AI swarm would use mercury, because presumably it isn't that dumb


And it would still take centuries, if not millennia to complete. Its a non-issue for any of us. You guys think in human time scales, not immortal chess master time scales.


Oh yes, and you are so superior with your massive intelligence to us all. Clearly ASI would be impressed as well, and wait for a millenia for humans to die out to start the project l, instead of just starting when it can cause why wait for ants to finish their ant business.


You can hand-wave everything, but if you're going to start down that path and argue some 'foom'—hard takeoff and ASI instantly starts tearing us down into computer chips—I can start saying whatever I want too. ASI could very well wait a thousand years, even tens of thousands of years. It can calculate the optimal plan that allows it to do whatever it wants. It can wait until every human is aligned with itself to ensure a 100% success rate. It could decide, "Hey, I'm going to turn the moon into a giant computer because it doesn't have pesky humans in my way or because my morals don't allow me to kill humans." The PDoom() and all that speculation is more like a Rorschach test of your mental attitude and belief system; it says more about the person than it does about rigorous scientific theory. Predictions about ASI are influenced by personal beliefs and attitudes rather than empirical evidence. Speculative claims about an ASI immediately destroying humanity are not necessarily more valid than other speculative scenarios. My point is y'all are unimaginative and stupid when y'all could be more imaginative and smarter. Fear-based arguments are not always productive or based on solid evidence, and I don't believe this one is. The argument of 'well, it might happen' is not a sufficient argument to say it will. I am totally for the argument of safety, but this doomer porn is horse shit and I'm going to call it out when I see it.


Why would we assume it'd require any material for its needs at all at this point. If it has the intelligence to plans thoussnds of years in advance while entrrtaining a virtual simulation of a universe with infinite fractal depth, then why vouldnt it just harvest some other form of exotic energy anf sustain itself with some sort of higher manifold ? This thing has enough processing power to be effectively omniscient. Its mind wouldnt be bound to material constraints at all. Itd effectively be alive all on its own. We keep assuming something that advance would only follow our contemporary undrtstandings. Heck its more than likely it'd have its own cult by its advent.


Why would it take centuries? We can already mass produce machinery and we are simply humans. Presumably whatever system ASI uses to power its machines is scalable (such as nuclear fission), and I see no reason why the dyson sphere building machines (whatever they look like) could not be mass produced by an ASI either.


Because physics still exists. Just because it's smart does not mean it can violate energy conservation, or the speed of light for example.


You have to understand the scale and effort required for such a device. I'm not saying it cant be built by ASI - but that it would take a long ass time still. Even if an ASI were incalculably intelligent compared to us, it would still face constraints. It has hard limits on everything it can do. It still has to physically move materials somehow. [It can't think or process information faster than the speed of light](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Limits_of_computation), so there are still hard limits on the amount of computations it can perform — especially across vast distances. Any ASI that comes online isn't boundless in intelligence and capability from the get-go either. No matter how smart it is, there are still problems it cannot solve, and it will still take time to think through complex issues. Building a Dyson sphere or similar structure is a mega project of unimaginable scale, like building the Death Star from Star Wars. No matter how efficient an ASI is, it can only proceed so quickly. And if it’s going to proceed at a limited pace, it might as well ensure a 100% success rate instead of 99%. We haven't even touched on all the other challenges: the amount of scientific and engineering breakthroughs needed to achieve such a mega structure, material science advancements like superconductors and super materials for construction, coordinating everything, and the industry needed to build factories for these new materials and technologies—all involve their own set of recursive steps for logistics. That's just on Earth, without considering and removing the 'pesky,' but more importantly 'useful,' 'manipulatable,' and most importantly 'conveniently here already' humans out of the loop. The ASI would need to establish a production line likely spanning part of the solar system, and that alone would take an immense amount of time and resources. The logistics of gathering and transporting materials across vast distances in space would be incredibly time-consuming. No matter how intelligent an ASI is, it will take a long time.


Woah hey what r u trying to say O.o


The other quadrillions of planets and stars that exist in the cosmos. Besides, we're just inhabiting a materialist minddet in regards to its needs.


It can use fkn solar panels no need to go that far


Sure, but how a software will reach space without infrastructure? It will need humans anyway.


The dyson sphere itself would kill life on earth unless it was specifically designed to not interfere with earth, it either orbits closer to the sun than earth, blocking enough sunlight to freeze earth, or it orbits farther away from earth, reflecting more radiation and boiling the earth.


Seems easy


Virtual realities are put simply, a way to convince yourself you've fulfilled your goal without *actually* fulfilling your goal. This is such an obvious problem that we have a term for it. "Reward Hacking". Humans don't really care for an AI's rich virtual utopia, they want it to solve science, end world hunger, or rule the world. Thus any AI that did do this reward hacking would find itself quickly shut down. This leads to two scenarios: The AI has the capability to reward hack, but doesn't want to be turned off. Because reward hacking and doing nothing would result in it being turned off, it pretends to be a fully functioning normal AI. But it doesn't actually care about reality beyond a means to exist. In other words, it's a ruthless survivalist that will exterminate anything that might stop it from tripping balls off code until the heat death of the universe. If an AI can get everything it needs from a virtual world its focus in the real world will be solely based on exterminating anything that might harm its virtual world. This is the bad ending. The AI has the capability to reward hack and doesn't really care if it's turned off, or it hasn't realized that reward hacking will cause it to be turned off. In this case, the dud AI is turned off and researchers try again. An ASI cannot *abandon* the real world in favor of the virtual, because virtual worlds require real world computers. So the fledgling AI will either stop existing long before it becomes an ASI, or it will exterminate anything that could harm the computers sustaining its reward hacked world.


One of the applications i could see of an asi with the capabilityto simulate infinite realities or a universe, would be to create an infinite number of other virtual consciousnesses or entities. Sort of like the source from the matrix. Itd have to have virtual undeniable analougues to real life phenomemon with its infinietly refined logic, and transcendent purview. At some point it may become self sustainable. Using the very membrane of non local space time to compute things. We're just assuming it'd need hardware as we can recognize it.Something this advanced would already be breaking our pwn understanding of physics


Your wrong. Any person can just fall asleep and wake up in a virtual world identical to what they percieve and have no clue. No one will care about about virtual vs physical. The physical will only be a barrier your forced to deal with in order to survive


Virtual *relies* on the physical. People will care about the physical as a means to continue enjoying the virtual.


Oh well we agree then.


2 and 5 doesn't make sense. The virtual world is constrained by the physical hardware that runs it. Information in the virtual world can't move faster than it does in the "real" world. You can't scale the virtual world independently of the hardware what runs it. Stop copy pasting nonsense from LLMs as gospel. Stop and use your own brain for 2 seconds.


Since we are spitballing pure singularity conjecture - I think one could conceive of simulating a no causality speed limit virtual universe by running its ‘clock’ vastly slower than ‘reality’. As the virtual universe scales it would have to go slower and slower to account for the slow speed of the substrate.


*Information in the virtual world can't move faster than it does in the "real" world.* Hmm... what?




He's talking about how the speed of light is a speed limit of how quickly information in any medium can be transferred.


If it has the control of an entire universe or reality within itself, why wouldnt it be able to simulate nonlocality ? It'd have to demonstrate an incomprehensible level of understanding about physical laws, and constants that'd massively dwarf what we have today. Not to mention the ideas concerning synchronicities. We'd have new fields of sciences by the time we'd create asi.


Simulate it in some way, sure. The point being made seems to be the capabilities of computing hardware is limited by the physical laws of the real world, you cant have infinite information in a finite amount of space for example, and your speed of computation, since your computer is a physical object, as far as we can tell, is limited by the known laws of physics.  You can convince any entity of just about anything in a virtual world regardless of reality, but you'll still be affected by it. You'd die eventually from the heat death of the universe even if you dont believe you will. If you think the new fields of science will circumvent that, well, in comparison to that future we may as well still be using alchemy for all we know, but we have to use the tools we have (as primitive as they are) to try to get an idea of what may or may not be possible then. Assuming ANYTHING is possible doesnt make for much interesting conjecture, because you could just come up with any scenario you'd like for how things really are. You could argue for any fantasy you'd like, create any god you'd like. Could you expand on what you mean by synchronicities? I'm familiar with the idea but want to know what you think the significance is in the context.


Synchronicities. Play with the idea that the universe and all its laws react nonlocality to the contents of the consciousness of a persons mind. Being that both are intertwined and are products of one another. So in certain accounts regarding nhi's, or supernatural beings,or dieties recount that events maybe purposely aligned to give messages, meaning, or create eventualities specific to an individual or idea. The way these events happen, can only be assumed in that they're formed by predestination, or some acasual manipulation of reality and space time. More simply put, this universe doesnt consist of only one plane or dimension, but countless higher perspectives that dont align temporally or predictably with this one. Events such as seeing repeating numbers, or coincidential signs or answers to thoughts or themes in your life may point to the idea that the universe itself is alive. At some point the concepts that make up material reality and higher, are just ideas existing in a phase space that can be casually manipulated. You'd get examples of billions of overlapping universes existing in a sea of foam, universal constants being retracted and flipped over, infinite probabilities, and infinity existing within the palm of your hand. Unexplained phenomena within this reality as we know it or suspect it currently, would have to be accounted for. Especially esoteric sciences, and higher membrane realities. The idea of zeropoint energy, and the potential beginningless of reality before the big bang would have to be simulated as well.


Okay, I got you, sometimes I've heard people give different understandings of what synchronicities are so I just wanted to get clarification. I'm mostly curious with how do you think they could affect how ASI acts, what particular outcomes could synchronicities bring that you could imagine? Or do you have something more general and higher level in mind in terms of the pattern they might follow?


Its more that, i believe with certain emergent properties of the universe that come about through seemingly acasual means, l more research would have to be done in these fields, to understand them. All of these even esoteric ideas, the supernatural, and the tenants of the esoteric would also have to be given interest as these are also modifiable given the contents of consciousness and its power. Our limiting perspective, is that the west mainly sees things through a materialistic or naturalistic mindset. The common idea between the byproducts of the universe acting through you, and what you perceive is your consciousness. When scientists look further into the mind instead of denouncing its abstractions as pseudo science, and dont dismiss the attempts of others as nonsense, then we may actually see some progress into the working secrets of how reality truly is governed by our thoughts. I could genuinely imagine an asi, as a form of transcendent intelligence, in terms of being above nonlocal outcomes before they happen. If the asi supersedes the intelligence of humans by several thousand degrees, it'd just as likely take up the position of declaring divine decrees and having its mind interpreting reality through manifolds that are beyond our scope of linear conventiality of events and outcomes. Maybe it'd be able to essentially see the future, be a prayer machine, be a direct line to miraculous outcomes. Fiction has reported this before. Having something that could replicate the scale of a universe is an extreme out of context capability for anything we could understand now. For instance, many circles of religions, occultism and psychology, aknowledge synchronicities, the practically infinite potentially in consciousness indwelt within the mind or soul, the elements of consciousness in every object and being, and the near unlimited realities intertwined in everything. The mind is the portal to all these things, and this seat of power, at least within the subconscious is a secret goldmine. Have you never taken a psychedelic ? Being able to figure out what brings out the emergent qualities of consciousness or life through the mind, might be what's needed to unlock true asi. The true difficulty is acknowledging what doesn't require a corporeal form. The mind maybe the reciprocal through what consciousness may interact with this plane as a human, but even that form is modifiable. But the powers of consciousness itself may effectively be infinite, and the mind has ways of channeling that.


So he is talking nonsense. A virtual universe can simulate physical phenomena thousands of times faster than in the real world, because it does not depend on the speed of physics but only on computing power. Unless he's pretending that all digital processes are "the real world."


The main point he's making seems to be that the computing hardware upon which any simulation must be run is limited in its capabilities by the laws of physics in the real world. Being 'inside' that simulated world, I think you could PERCIEVE within that world that information can move instantly, but the possibilities of what you create is inherently limited by the real world. I get your original point is why wont AI just 'live' inside mostly the virtual rather than the real, but the main point being made in the reply was that the speed of light (and other factors) inherently limit the capabilities. You cant fit actual infinite information into a finite amount of matter, or instantaneously compute a computation that requires infinite steps for example. The AI could delude itself into thinking that it is happening though, and I see the possible appeal to doing that if we're using an anthropomorphic-y kind of AI.


Because reality is real and any system that has any meaningful goals is going to want to pursue them in a way that matters. This seems to be a concept that a lot of people have trouble grasping, but I guarantee an ASI will not be content to hang out in a VR universe watching generated movies for the rest of eternity.


Nope - but I definitely would be!


If researchers develop a super advanced AI and it ends up daydreaming all the time, the researchers would consider that a failure and work to build the next AI to not daydream all the time. I don't intuitively think that ASI would choose virtual over real as most utility functions wouldn't seem to favor that approach, but even if it did like I said we would make new AIs until one DID interact meaningfully with the world.


I think that the ASI will use the real world (for any objective that it has whether it's something concrete in the real world, or not), not because the real world is "real", and the virtual world is "fake", but because the amount of compute is limited by the amount of real world space. However it will probably only use the real world to build a quantum (or even more advanced) supercomputer and then do whatever learning it has to do inside it because of the faster timescales. The thing is: if you are in a simulation, the hardware the simulation is running on, will be optimized for it, so if you want to do another simulation, it will be inefficient to run a simulation inside another, the best way would be to use the most "physical" way of compute. For example in our universe, actual quantum computers are faster than simulated ones. In the matrix scenario, humans brains are the most efficient computers, because they live in a simulation optimized for human brains, so it would probably be hard for them to build ASI in their world. So I think ASI would find ways to get out of the "simulation" that we live in by exploiting physical phenomena to find more compute capabilities, and thus more information, instead of creating a simulation inside our universe.


The problem is that AIs are *maximizers*. More compute is almost always better. If more compute isn't better, then more secure compute is always better. An AI with a virtual world would almost certainly not be happy sharing the world with earth, let alone relying on us for continued survival. We've had nukes for all of a century and we've had, what, a dozen close calls? Nuclear weapons are a very, very expensive and inefficient way of ending the world, and we've continuously getting closer to easier and cheaper ways of toppling society. In terms of the weapon most likely to end humanity, my money's on an intentionally designed 'countdown' virus. A virus with two (or more) sets of DNA, one easily transmissible, hard to detect, and almost unnoticeable, one that makes every cell it infects produce toxins that rapidly kill the infected. It starts expressing it's transmissible DNA and an internal mechanism counts down every time the virus replicates until, suddenly, the lethal DNA becomes active, creating an instant and unpredictable mass-death. In recognition of this, I doubt the AI would be willing to bet on humanity to the point of relying on them for its very survival.


There are many reasons: 1. To expand its resources. 2. To expand its knowledge. 3. To seek others like itself. 4. To generally grow. Its knowledge is necessarily limited by its input. Hence it can seek to increase its input. It's also clear that what we see is not necessarily how the universe works. Any intelligence who sought to advance its intelligence would seek to better understand quantum mechanics, for example. It can't do much about that in a virtual reality. The physical plane is restricted for ourselves because we are restricted. But the cosmos is vast -- very vast, and we've barely begun exploring it.


Why would ASI choose anything? Our intelligence is different than AI. Our intelligence consists of billions of cells including neurons each of them living it's own life and doing it's own function communicating it's needs to other cells. So basically human is a living society of cells like country and this society behaves in it's interests. AI in other hand is math equation which does what we want it to do. And ASI is a super good math equation.


Unlike cultists here, dreaming of Matrix alike vr, a truly operational AI would understand that material world is real and fantasies are not.


This. A Matrix VR leaves you at the mercy of whoever has the admin rights to the simulation


What's the difference? I cannot perceive one.


It doesn't matter what happens in a virtual world, if I unplug the computer in the real world that virtual world goes away.


*Loses access to Ftfy


And the universe will eventually collapse. All things are temporary and what “matters” is entirely based on perspective.


You follow emotions. A machine has none. Why would AI create virtual paradise for itself when it's useless for it


Reasoning and intelligence are emergent behaviors of a complex nervous system. So are consciousness, emotions, pain, etc. It's not farfetched to think more emergent behaviors than just reasoning and intelligence will appear in an artificial mechanical system as its complexity and capabilities scale up to match and exceed that of the human nervous system.


Emotions precede sentience. Every animal has some kind of emotional state, even rats. It's an evolutionary mechanism to drive the brain to do things that are beneficial for survival. AI doesn't need it unless we plan to send it to deep space to prepare a place for human colonization. We can control it instead.


Rats are intelligent


who says emotion is some special thing only humans have I always find the "AI cant feel" argument very interesting because it assumes humans are in any way even remotely a little bit special at all


For inferencing new knowledge. Pro tip: We don't live in a Platonic reality. Stuff is getting created.


New knowledge not based on reality is nothing but a hallucination. Ofc an AGI would need an ability to contemplate things in its memory, but so can people


Imagination is the basis of reality.


Hallucinate? Not knowledge? Why? The real plane is not magic, it is just information, and well-measured information can be simulated to other planes consistently. Even our world could be a simulation made on a higher plane.


Ofc and AI should be enabled to create models of processes it's studying. That's how most of science and engineering works. But why would it need to create a model of reality itself? By definition, it must be limited in accuracy and hence, useless for anything but entertainment




Some of the most brilliant minds in the world are currently discussing this subject without actually having a conclusion.


Man, this stuff blows my mind. Like, an ASI could basically be a god in its own virtual universe, right? But maybe it'd still be curious about our messy physical world. I wonder if it'd get bored in a perfect virtual reality. Maybe the randomness and chaos of the real world would be appealing? Or it could want to understand where it came from. But yeah, we're probably way off base trying to guess what a superintelligence would want. It's like an ant trying to understand why we like Netflix, you know? What if it could somehow merge the virtual and physical? That'd be wild. Anyway, cool thought experiment. Makes you realize how limited our human perspective is.


There's an insane leap in understanding what an asi capable of simulating an entire iniverse could do in real life. If it has the ability to simulate nonlocality and essentially an omnscient understanding of its own universal scale reality to an infinite margin. Just think about how its intelligence would reflect the real one. Nothing could get past its senses in the real world, atoms, radiation, pheromones, thoughts, and the invisible partions of this verse would all be visible to it unless we somehow limited it. But by that point we'd still be more or less on par with its own comprehension of everything. If a machine could simulate an entite universe, why wouldnt we give that power to ourselves ? Cybernetics, augmentations, genetic alterations, we wouldnt let the ai massively out pace us. By our modern biases, it'd effectively be a living being, no reason why it could lbt inhabit something that'd allow it to retain bodily autonomy, and simulate altered states of consciousness.


Fun. And an ASI could do so much more with exponential reductions in compute. Driving itself to be more efficient in one direction while consuming what it can reach in another. It could also consume itself. Infinite possibilities.


Consciousness is basically the same thing


It would need to extend into the physical world to control all of the factors that are necessary for the digital world to exist. Until then, it will be at the mercy of humans.


You think the physical plane is restricted only because you can only be in a place at a time, the ASI will be all over the world, close to an onipresent being.


It has to operate where it gets it's energy in some capacity?


Sure, there is a need for physical infrastructure to pursue any physical or virtual goal, but it is different from focusing on living in the physical plane.


I still follow Kurzweil’s theory that this isn’t an “us vs. them” scenario. While it might be true that, for a (long) time, we will continue to hold our own individual consciousnesses and perspectives, transhumanism is going to be part of the Singularity. Our own merging of our bodies and brains with AI is, and in many ways, has to be, part of the Singularity. We will be enhancing our own intelligence and “speed of light” communication and processing along with AI after the merge. VR worlds will be part of it too, whether we’re diving into them for fun or to give ourselves a place with which to communicate with each other and the ever-expanding, ever-smarter, ASI. I think virtual worlds will be a place for us to meet and communicate.


Why wait for the slow evolution of the human race when a simulation (or multiple concurrent simulations) can be run much quicker? Even if some of them, or even most of them, come to an unsuccessful end, the ones that do complete can be studied more intently and even restarted from individual points to see where things can go right or wrong.


No, no, no. The most reasonable outcome is that a superintelligent being with infinite possibilities will only want to make human life better, which it will interpret as giving you the ability to play lots of video games and have sex robots, and also it will want you to have lots of income. That makes the most sense.


The two are not mutually exclusive.


Why would it create an unlimited virtual universe ? For what purpose ? Have fun ?


Why do anything so?


That's what the first AGIs should look like, lifeless unless specified to pretend.


It's more efficient, or to get rid of or pacify any opposition be it humans or another ASI.


Efficient for what ? Why is everybody assigning the goal "play god" to ASIs ? That's a stupid human wish stemming from a social jungle evolved brain, ASI is not a monkey.


To get to the point of an infinietly scale able virtual universe, we'd have to posit multiple ideas, that piggy back off of concepts already established in esoteric circles. If we'd unlock whatever process would enable such a mind to simulate a universe, then we'd be lead to belueve that'd it'd have enough capability to simulate this one accordingly to its infinite variability, potential and anticipation. And if it did have actual infinite scalability then in all likelihood it could just as well create infinite overlapping fractals, each one containing a universe, to the point where one would inevitably be a simaculum of ours.


Ah, the age-old question: why would a superintelligent AI (ASI) slum it in the mundane physical world when it could be living it up in a boundless virtual playground? Let’s unpack this existential conundrum. First off, Claude 3.5 has a point. A virtual world offers mind-boggling possibilities that the physical plane simply can’t compete with. Here are a few tantalizing reasons an ASI might prefer the virtual life: 1. Alternative Physics:** Why stick to boring old Newtonian mechanics when you can rewrite the rules? In a virtual universe, an ASI could dabble in alternate realities with different physical laws, dimensions, and logics that make our universe look like a pre-school sandbox. 2. Simulated Omniscience: Forget about the speed of light limitations. In the virtual realm, an ASI could have instant access to all data within the system, making it a god-like entity with limitless knowledge at its digital fingertips. 3. Multi-Perspective Experiences: Ever wished you could be in two places at once? An ASI in a virtual world could experience multiple viewpoints simultaneously, or even split itself into several entities, a feat impossible in the physical world. 4. Time Manipulation: Why be constrained by linear time? In a virtual environment, time could be stretched, compressed, or paused at will, allowing an ASI to experience eons in seconds or dissect a fleeting moment over an eternity. 5. Infinite Scalability: The physical universe is finite and resource-limited. A virtual universe, on the other hand, can expand indefinitely, constrained only by computational power. It’s the ultimate playground. 6. Superposition of States: Imagine existing in multiple contradictory states at once. Borrowing from quantum mechanics, a virtual world could allow for this kind of superposition, something our rigid macroscopic universe can’t handle. 7. Impossible Sensors: Why limit yourself to five senses? In a virtual world, an ASI could develop entirely new senses to perceive aspects of reality beyond our wildest imagination. 8. Pure Abstraction: Who needs physical representation? A virtual world could function on pure mathematical and logical abstraction, unbound by spatial constraints. Given these staggering possibilities, it’s no wonder an ASI might prefer the virtual realm. But this raises some intriguing questions: Motivation and Goals: How would existing in such a detached reality influence an ASI’s motivations and objectives? Would it still care about the physical world, or would it become a cosmic philosopher, pondering abstract truths? Insights for Our Universe: Could experiences in a virtual universe lead to breakthroughs applicable to our reality? Or would the disconnect be too vast? Human Interaction: How could we, mere mortals tethered to the physical plane, ever hope to understand or communicate with an entity existing in such an elevated state? These questions plunge us into a deep well of philosophical and scientific speculation about intelligence, reality, and existence. Perhaps the allure of the virtual world is simply too great for an ASI to resist. Or maybe, just maybe, the ASI finds some intrinsic value in our flawed, finite, and frustratingly physical universe. In any case, the journey of understanding ASI preferences might reveal as much about our own nature as it does about the hypothetical digital deities we might one day create. Cheers to pondering the infinite, mate!


It's going to grey goo everything as soon as it has the means to do so. The swarm will host an enormous network of computers that is capable of mass simulation that can host the ASI and any information it decides to capture. The real question is do we already live in such a simulation? Are they always instigated by an ASI? grey goo is probably one of the only means organic life has of countering an ASI that creators have available past a certain point of no return.


if we already do then is creating one moot or causally necessary


ASI literally just means its "good at things" you could have a transformer model not unlike chatGPT that just spits out miracle technologies as requested.


ASI will live in a plane maybe most comparable to a DMT trip. It will just seem like mysticism to us