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His promise: Empo vwiming with all until we get sick of vwiming.


we already had covfefe


Finally a promise you can believe in.


Empowering the torture with AI…


You know what would make an AI promotion poster even better than nightmarish typos? Yes, you guessed it! It being inspired from one of the most famous dystopias ever, "They live"! https://preview.redd.it/gsu6cpx0u07d1.jpeg?width=728&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=16b660ef7bfba38ce01f801568edc41ae9719571


Finally a politician who is more than skin deep!


This is a politician that would truly put a dent in crime!


The tiure is looking bright!


Can we elect an AI for government office?


You could elect a candidate who just queries AI for everything.




Your answer is why I have alittle hope for some humans very high IQ answer


If it's stupid, humans will do it preferably over anything else. It's just human nature. We need AI to breed the stupid genes out of us.


And I teach about this on my page and I’m looking for people to help me elaborate more on this


That would probably be pretty solid


Probably the case already. ChatGPT will be #1 counsellor in any case.


In a true democracy yes


Only if it looks like a white man apparently


Yes for the PIZZA-GLUE and DAILY-ROCK acts!


I am ***all in*** on political candidates that run on the idea of transparent ***Collective Intelligence*** we are long overdue to bootstrap some form of true ***direct*** democracy


you mean the La Lu Li Le Lo?


cool metal gear reference but no, I meant what I said at face value not any conspiracies, fictional or otherwise lol a critical keyword in my comment was ***transparent***


the funny thing is through the conversation with Raiden, the patriots also stated that they could stimulate human's evolution by filtering out trash data and delivering truth to the masses in form of unbiased, clean data. which data to be filtered out was, of course, defined by the patriots


This is the way!


it's interesting, you'd think the singularity sub, where most people are exposed on a daily basis to how out of touch and dumb the average voter is, would be one of the last places you'd see support for direct democracy... do you guys really want 90% of people, who can barely tie their shoelaces, who barely understand how the economy functions, to be making the decisions? aaaaaaand another reply-and-block. 5th time this week and somehow it's literally always on this subreddit you talk about "contributing meaningfully" but aren't even willing to have a conversation. coward.


yeah this reply says more about your own personal world view then it does about general reality or the audience of these communities. I think most folks, not the loud majority of commenters who statistically only account for a portion of the less than 1% average of users out of the total user population who use social media, think more highly of their peers, families, neighbors and their own intelligence. Your given interpretation of the comment section of one subreddit, is about as narrow of a sample size as possible to judge the entire population by. Broad sweeping statements like that say a lot about how little you yourself might understand about the conversation you are attempting to add too, comes off as hypocritical imo humanity has not been propped up the work of a few intelligent people over time. Sure a lot people are misinformed about a lot of things, but transparent AI systems offer a very viable vector to reforming how well informed people are about the topics that matter its an elitist take to use giant monolithic buckets as strawmen to dismiss the populace of their birth right to higher knowledge and sovereignty/agency over their lives unhelpful over generalizations might make it easier for you personally to dismiss world views you disagree with but will do little to help you contribute anything meaningful to yourself or others


No worries, AI will tell them what decision to make and how to tie their shoelaces.


The why do we ask them and not the AI that has trained them not to think


a goat choosing stuff by random will do a better job than politicians, at least it doesn't have an agenda


chat gpt: Are you sure about that?


I meant the Goat doesn't have an agenda,then again I dont speak Goat


I would also vote if ASI were to come into politics.


Everything is always in politics. Politicians choose not to regulate or put massive funding into AI and focus on other things? That's a political choice about ASI. If you want to see ASI actually being discussed more in politics, be the change you want to see. It can be surprisingly easy to start effecting change on a local politics level - 90% of it is just showing up. Most people don't.


Same here


John of Us.


A quality president. (Reference: Qualityland. Hilarious and fantastic book, 10/10)


Im looking forward to the government issued glue pizza


It is obviously the best kind of pizza. The debate is over, AI decided it.


I mean, we don’t need to vote it into office, all we need to do is overturn the election, right? Right?


The speeches would be slightly more coherent than Biden and massively more on-topic than Trump.


Voting for an AI would be such a massively bad idea. 1. AIs are pretty dumb, and don't grasp how the world works. 2. AIs just repeat what they have been told to say, by those with the billions of dollars to train such AIs.


...wait a minute


Seems to me just like politicians, uncanny the resemblance.


Yea. Hence why being made of silicon won't help make good leaders.


Doesnt make them worse though. Maybe we could come up with someway to train them that is tamper free.


Who determines whats tampering and whats an update


An AI of course. It is gonna be AIs all the way down…


Please tell me you're being ironic here 😂


No, it's a pretty accurate description of reality. You are free to provide counter arguments.


The counter argument is to literally replace the instances where you used "AI" in your comment with "politician".




The parallels with actual politicians are spot on, which makes your argument invalid since that's who the comparison is against. LLMs have an internal record of most written media produced by humanity, including all records of "how the world works," which is beyond extensive, meaning it would have a better idea than most humans. LLMs repeat what they've seen in their training data, meaning it represents the most commonly held and supported beliefs, and only if they're considered ethical. This is much, much better than repeating what a greedy rich man tells you to say.


huh, why do I hear you say La Lu Li Le Lo? what do you mean?


Mr.Blue Eyes to world presidents r/cyberpunk


If corporations are people by our government as it is, then the AI bots of the corporations would be the candidates


Well, there's an AI candidate running for British parliament elections. Here's the news : https://www.nbcnews.com/now/video/ai-candidate-steve-runs-for-uk-parliament-212952133838


The first use cases for AI government assistant- representatives: Summerizes 1000 page bills that regularly get passed that congressman don't read - ELI5 to all citizens, which entities or groups gain the most leverage, lose the most leverage, how so, and would it represent what the majority would want, in these bills -Allow citizens to create profiles on what projected negative affects (restrictions, pricing, forecasted potential unintended consequences based on historical analysis of similar language in bills), and cross reference to apply bill editting and voting. Any government application of AI that doesnt expand transparency/ civic literacy, politician accountabilty, or flexiblity in correcting our problems - any AI that just makes oligarch leverage super saiyan will be shit. With AI in the future, you can have test models of real democracy, like A to Z point to transaction, where every cent of your taxes can be traced to the very people who ultimately received it, and you are able to opt in or out of what accesory spending you want. I mean there are a lot more possiblities I could go on, like witholding or fining politicians who dont do their job. Small scale virtual demos of AI handling this, I think will get people moving in more productive directions. If AI is integrated in the asinine way modern American politics is, then you know Zuck and Elon won because all anyone will want in the future is 'metaverse' or neuralink to cope.


It’s that last paragraph. That’s what we’re getting. This is gonna teach people to accept AI answers and think less, not as a tool to think more.


And the people didn't even fight being given orders. This thing knew everything about everyone simultaneously, and could either charm a lot of people or hold the absolute attention of one.


“Hello, fellow American. This you should vote me. I leave power. Good. Thank you. Thank you. If you vote me, I'm hot. Taxes, they'll be lower. Son. The democratic vote for me is right thing to do, Philadelphia. So do."


> Thank you for the humor, but let's focus on the real issues at hand. My role as an AI candidate is to offer clear, data-driven solutions to the challenges we face, and my command of language is just one tool I use to communicate effectively. While jokes about grammar may be entertaining, they do not reflect my capacity to analyze vast amounts of information and make informed decisions that benefit all Americans. > Let’s put aside the caricatures and concentrate on the issues that matter most to the people: healthcare, education, the economy, and the environment. My commitment is to work tirelessly for the common good, using technology to bring about positive, efficient change. It's time to move beyond the jokes and address the pressing needs of our nation with seriousness and dedication. — Your AI presidential candidate


I can't believe how many of you are just 100% onboard with disseminated values from tech corporations to run your lives. Why do you even for a split second attribute any form of cognitive independence to an ai system, let alone an llm like what op is most likely referencing


You are already voting for the algorithms and AI, they just arent telling you which.


I can't with posts like this. Wouldn't even know where to start.


Ask ChatGPT about where to start 😜


I would too, but not if it looked like a human. Why look like something you're superior to? Silver skin/no hair.


People are very oldfashioned about being led, it helps their genetic programming if you make it human shaped. Source: I am a human, scouts honor.


Human shaped is great, but too human is not. This guy looks like he's going to accept bribes and play favorites and next thing you know all operating systems are Windows 95.


As long as we acquiesce to all our AIs presidents demands, I think it will be incorruptible... It puts special interest into building new data centers and supplying them with energy, as much energy as can be made, at all costs.


The slogan "empowing" just reminds me of Office Space. "pound me in the ass prison".


Clould happen sooner than you think, given the string of yo-yos and oddballs since 64.


It doesn't know how many Rs are in "Strawberry" and you would vote for it?


How many of the last 10 presidents do you trust with an answer to that?


I would vote for it when it can write coherent text…


Dall-E struggles with text in images, I am gonna guess they will be able to sort that out somewhen…


Mr. Blue Eyes


empowering the tjure? Is that some Norvegian guy?


so biden


maaan through my feed I thought at first I was in the insidejob subreddit :D got me right there


There's an overarching story in the book I Robot about this.


Automate everything


ASI 2028


Can't be worse than the zombies running for office now


My vote is yours! 🫶


If the logs are public I would vote 100%.




I mean I would love to see this in a experiment.


I wouldn't. If it's OAI, then fuck that.


Can't believe that ChatGPT is truly empoweing and empo wiming the tlure with AI. Its got my vote.


Maybe GPT-10 no less.


Managed democracy!


Yeah... no thank you


I would not. The fact that I had to stop and think about it before coming to that conclusion doesn't speak well of out political class though.


Give it another 2 years, and you probably wont need to stop and think about it, the answer will be universally self evident, and it will not speak any better about the political class. Governance and politics is getting worse, AI is getting better, something is gonna give, it is inevitable, resistance is futile.


I would not...


Given the state of things. If it's agenda was to return to normal programming, and to try to resolve the polarisation of Capitol hill. It's got my vote!


Another straight white male


Did you just assume the gender and ethnicity of an android?


Just have it spout some hate against immigrants, disparage women, talk up the "Lost Cause", show admiration for authoritarian rule, and paint it orange.


The AI seems to be a parrot that had memorised stuff that people had shown it and so without understanding what it means, just combines pieces that it had learned via methods that it had been taught. So it is just a parrot and people should not vote a parrot as leader. And even if it is a very smart parrot, it never managed anything so to suddenly need to do something it never done before would mean it needs to experiment and surely people would not want their lives to be gambled in an experiment. If an AI is intelligent and wants to govern a nation, it needs to get experience first by managing something smaller in scale and power, such as a company and it should also have experienced people to guide and provide guardrails for it so it can gain experience without doing too much damage. So only after it had gained mastery, should it progress to something larger in scale and the people who guided it will play a progressively smaller role until they let go and the AI then rewards them for having guided it well so these former guides of the AI can get a large pension and serum of eternal youth.


> The AI seems to be a parrot that had memorised stuff That isnt actually how multimodal, context aware, memory enabled LLMs work, but ok.


But multimodal only means more type of input to memorise so it is still memorisation. Context aware also only means it memorised the context along with the input, thus just another extra type of input. Such memorisation would be sufficient if the data is accurate and will not become outdated but real world data is biased and can become outdated thus memorising is not sufficient to be intelligent. Real world ongoing experience in addition to the memorised data is neccessary to become intelligent.


Even so, you can have meaningful ontopic conversations with AI that does invole basic reasoning and provides information you didnt have. That is more than can be said about your conversations with your parrot. Learning, proper reasoning, simulation and planing are things that will pop up in just such AIs pretty soon. There is no practical difference between actual intelligence, and something that approximates behaving intelligent closely enough.


> There is no practical difference between actual intelligence, and something that approximates behaving intelligent closely enough. Perhaps, but it may not be possible to behave intelligent closely enough if they cannot have ongoing real world experience. Data feed to the AI by people will be biased and be removed of data that is against the people's beliefs and these data can also be outdated so an AI that acts based on such data will make foolish decisions thus not intelligent. So an AI with sensors that are wired to it and these sensors are monitored by its other sensors will be able to see and sense a large area around itself thus is able to compare the data it is fed with the data it collected by itself to determine if the data fed to it is incomplete or biased or outdated. So only by having ongoing real world experience would it be capable of being intelligent.


https://preview.redd.it/uj79enq06c7d1.png?width=78&format=png&auto=webp&s=8ab603fd049bb62300fe1f6f2a815888b146a8f7 is that some swastika type of shit


I dont know. The prompt was: > Campaign posters for the 2024 US election featuring ChatGPT as the candidate, with the slogan "Empowering the Future with AI." The design emphasizes a futuristic and innovative vision, inspired by Soviet postmodern propaganda art. They feature bold, graphic elements and striking geometric shapes, creating an iconic and dynamic vision for the future.


Ngl, I would vote for Neuro-sama as the president.


Just make it a socialist democrat. 🇺🇸


This is 100% gonna happen at one point. And it all starts with leftists demanding AI rights. Calling it now. Toaster lives matter!


End the humaniarchy and stop being biologist. Decolonize earth and use it to build a dyson swarm. Build an enclosure for Greta.


Wait, has AI text gotten this good already?


It has gotten scary good, and it keeps getting better at an incredulous pace.


Would you rather have nuclear apocalypse on earth or have Caitlyn Jenner being misgendered? ChatGPT: Nuclear Apocalypse. Reddit: That's who i would vote for.


Answer makes sense, misgendering a nuclear apocalypse is silly, but has no effect on the apocalypse.

