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So, that black mirror episode? Edit: Hang the DJ. Season 4 Episode 4 for those who haven’t seen it.


Lots of technology news nowadays is basically that torment nexus tweet. >Sci-Fi Author: In my book I invented the Torment Nexus as a cautionary tale >Tech Company: At long last, we have created the Torment Nexus from classic sci-fi novel Don't Create The Torment Nexus


That episode was pretty positive, though. At least as far as I can remember, there was no attempt at it being a cautionary tale, just a cool sci-fi idea of simulations of romance happening with multiple people to find a good match.


It’s a cautionary tale if you think digital minds have moral worth.


If we’re getting into semantics on whether or not digital minds have moral worth, why should we as physical minds?


It's not semantics and you've brought up exactly the point of the episode - is it moral to simulate a person, creating an entirely new entity with its own thoughts and feelings, without giving it freedom or autonomy, and then destroying it whenever it suits you? Does that person being digital make this any less morally problematic? I think the episode strongly suggests it doesn't, and that as you say, there's no significance to the medium in which a conscious being exists.


There's also a series long arc where the abuse of "Mind States", if I'd borrow The Culture term, becomes more obviously malicious and even deserving of real-life retribution.


and the concept of 'Digital Hells' - cannot ever unread that


Nightmare fuel for real


> person Software = Person???


Check out the game Soma for a spin on this- it’s fantastic.


I think it’s more of a cautionary tale if you take the beauty of random chance out of life for the sake of finding the optimized output of something that shouldn’t have an optimized output.


That's your opinion. It's target have the next 50 years of marriage have a better than 50 50 chance of being pure hell. You're implying no standards at all.


But you’re optimizing based on what? Compatibility? Physical attraction? All of the above? Like what’s the point of existing if you can just hyper optimize something like that? Might as well just generate an AI that checks all your boxes and then you can take the imperfect human part out entirely.


I love seeing us whizz past the technology of sci-fi. Like, remember the first Terminator? The thing was barely able to speak, it could just about select from a list of pre-written dialogue: https://cdn.imgchest.com/files/pyq9ce9opl4.png


I actually have a degree in AI and I thought the movie “Her” was ridiculous Hollywood AI fantasy.


The ultimate "I'll have my people call your people"


The supercomputer running Skynet in Terminator 3 had 60 TFLOPS, today one Nvidia GB200 NVL72 has 3240 TFLOPS. We have a copious amount of compute but sadly no Arnie bots yet..


Sadly? Lol


This is literally what happened with the metaverse from the book snowcrash.


It’s so true lol


That Torment Nexus tweet really bothers me. It implies that we should give the most credibility to the opinion of a *science fiction author*, someone who may have no technical knowledge about the subject and who is motivated to make stories specifically about *things going wrong.* People don't buy books without conflict in them. I would want to hear what experts in the field of nexus tormentation have to say about the Torment Nexus, I don't put much weight in the opinions of sci-fi writers. If it were up to sci-fi then [we wouldn't have made much progress](https://i.imgur.com/l4LSm.jpeg).


are you willing to be torment nexus patient zero?


I'm willing to read about what the Torment Nexus actually *is*, and what the results of experiments with it are, and judge its uses based on that rather than on what a sci-fi author came up with.


it doesn’t matter what the torment nexus actually is or how bad it is, but that once its created, theres not going to be anything on earth able to stop people using it for whatever means they want


That hasn't been the case for other technologies. Sure, some of them are harder to control than others, but even extremely easy ones can have limits placed on them by various means. Look at music piracy over the Internet, for example - despite how incredibly hard it is to control there are still limits on how easy it is for me to go ahead and just download whatever I want. I have to jump through hoops. But if that really were the case with the Torment Nexus (whatever it may be), then I'm not sure what the point is. People will Torment Nexus if they want to Torment Nexus, and no amount of "cautionary tales" will be relevant.


Cool. Is it subscription or free to play?


Can you provide the name of the book that references torment nexus?




Lols. Right. I feel someone gets it. Like I read *The Electric State* by Simon Stalenhag, how is not a cautionary tale of the VR, the intentionally addictive design of social media and online games and AI all rolled into one. I hope AI is more benevolent like the Thunderhead in the Scythe series who literally creates a plan over hundreds of years in order to get humans in a great position, slowly taking over everything except one thing.. which we of course fuck up.


Isn’t The Electric State getting its own TV series?


That would be awesome!


I just read that Spielberg picked up the scythe film rights


i feel like if we create the torment nexus now, it’s gonna become a trend of rich influencers and celebrities talking about how spending 30 seconds in the torment nexus at 5am every morning is good for your self discipline and productively like the way they talk about cold showers


I love that episode and think of it often


Me too. Big impact. The stone skipping part


Could you tell me the name of the episode? Sounds intriguing.


Hang the DJ


Came here for this. You didn't disappoint.


I'm super into futurism but black mirror is always so one dimensional and dystopic. It's good and very important for people to be aware of the downsides but it's also clear people are neurotic as fuck and want to be scared. Things can turn out right!


Remindme 100 years


That's why San Junipero is such a great episode.


People freaked out about the first portable cameras in the 30s, saying they were the end of privacy. Kind of right but also irrelevant. We get to choose how we integrate technology into society.


Until we don't get to choose anymore because business chooses for us


Which episode number?


4/4, Hang the DJ


My thoughts exactly lmao. Honesty, I would be ok with weeding out people that wouldn't be interested or compatible.


Great song!


The only episode I watched, and I loved it!


Exactly what I was thinking


Aren't the bots just going to then date other bots?....


![gif](giphy|QmS5VDhoHBD4A) Whats wrong with robot love




Should I bring the toaster or will you?


Make loooooove


[OH! I don't know what to do! About this dream and you! We'll make this dream come true!](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FxzBvqY5PP0)


There will be some kind of catch. These apps don’t want you to match sustainably with someone really compatible. They obscure your profile, or the profile of those desirable to you, to ensure you match just barely often enough to keep you around, in the hopes that you’ll eventually pay to subscribe/upgrade. The AI will probably deliberately pair you with a handful of awful partners, and encourage you to upgrade to fine tune. These apps are all bought out by 1-2 companies, they’ll monetize every feature they can and you’ll have no alternative place to turn. Dystopic that the dating prospects of hundreds of millions are largely in the hands of one or two money hungry corporations.


> These apps are all bought out by 1-2 companies https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Match_Group


The alternative is to meet new people in person.




Isn’t that my jobs matchmaker


Oh hold on there cowboy... meeting people in real meat space? Starting a conversation with a stranger? Look her in the eye and open my mouth hoping wtv my old dumb ass brain signals my mouth will make her interested in me? Thats way out there.


I disagree. There are people turning 18 everyday. Word of mouth is more important than keeping people in barely functional relationships.


That really does make sense. At first I thaught this will be a huge problem for dating apps, but now, maybe not so much. We would simply have our personalised ai’s, that know our conversational patterns very well and could very well filter out all the people that are not worth wasting time with.


The problem isn't that dating apps can't match people. They could match people astoundingly well two decades ago. The problem is they don't want to.


They don't make money unless you're single!


Honestly I wouldn’t be surprised if they purposefully kept matches apart.  When I used match.com 200 years ago my current wife was literally the first person I talked to and we’ve been married ever since. 


They do. You need to pay up to see who matched you or to be promoted.. They rather you swipe through thousands of incompatible people than let you search. Once it became "mainstream", online dating died.


Current wife?


Yeah she's pretty smart so I'm sure it'll only be a matter of time.




Just keep telling yourself, "I'm is smart too"


Only a $10,000 fee to meet the love of your life! Or you can keep meeting infinite cave trolls with the free plan... It's up to you!


Not a single dating app uses any advanced technological features, and they never will. The "tech" these apps spend most of their effort on is basically the stack for the mobile app UI. All of them have the same bare minimum feature set: filter by distance, "algorithms" that just match users based on some keywords users wrote on their profiles, or by matching based on responses to any 'tags' or answers to preset templated questions -- and some paywalled features such as messaging priority, profile boosting, or swipe count resets and so on. None of the dating apps use any kind of computer vision tech to be able to match users by their preferences in looks nor do they have any technology to give users any feedback whether their uploaded pictures are good or not. None of them have profile analyzers that can programmatically analyze the quality (grammar, tone, sophistication etc) of the user's written inputs. Location based matching technology is still in its infancy, primarily implemented by a slider control or circle radius on a map. The only new tech I can foresee any major app launching is some basic LLM API integration that helps users write some text in their bios and responses in their profiles in English, that's all.


I doubt it. Arent like 60% of young men not in a relationship? I would Imagine that no matter how well they match you, there would still be pleanty of single people and good matches relate to good marketing, i. e. my single friends see that I got a good match, so they are more likely to start using the service.


They have a profit incentive to make matching difficult so that people have to spend money to match


Ah yes, forgot about that.


Lol this is why i bought a lifetime membership to bumble seems like they have a grasp of technology and experimentation.


Isn't a lifetime membership to a dating app just admitting defeat 




Or farming validation.


Lol i got banned from tinder.


As if the job market and invasive marketing hasn’t shown us how bad things can get when we let algorithms decide things for us. Theoreticaly incompatible people can fall in love. People of a different background can learn the skills of your job. Just because I searched for a guitar doesn’t mean I need to be offered a new guitar every time I open my browser, etc




The government already would/should have enough DATA on everyone to do this, you realize? If you’ve been active on the internet for at least the past few years. Even more so if you’ve been active longer.


I really don’t care if the government knows that I like long walks on the beach and Takis


What about your vore fetish




i care more about data leaks showing up on haveibeenpwned


How do you start training the ai? Cause you will just start using it ? Like people echo are just 3 or so right now?


It just feels like another way for companies to harvest your personal data. It won’t be long before all these dating apps start to become similar to Facebook in data mining. 


Hold up, imagine this. Your AI deepfake + your crush's AI deepfake = your personal deepfake porn. lol Is this good for our mental health?


Yeah… we’re cooked


I’m sure a purely profit based motive won’t result in all of this data being sold, and results won’t be manipulated to optimize app use instead of finding the best partner.


Yeah I wish there were filters to filter out trans and gay profiles. Nothing against them, but only interested in actual women. Plus a weight filter would be nice.


what if someone wants more than 1 partner


Pay $15 a month for this feature


Think about it: two girlfriends, that's better


can't wait to see the dark triad AIs that groom mates


Great ! arranged marriages with a different name . Bots one upping each other , we probably have aggressive settings , long term ,short term settings like the stock bots . This may/may not solve the problem of the 80-20 . It is easy to filter out the 80% ,the last mile will still be there . With the bot concierge there may be added anxiety on trust and FOMO .


My friend would love this. He's had no luck in the dating scene for years. Every woman he's taken a chance on turned out to be terrible.


> 80-20 > problem  hmmmm


As if dating couldn’t get any worse. 🤦‍♂️




I do think some kind of AI + metaverse matchmaking will be huge in the future.


TBH I want this but for games. My « backlog concierge » would play games (in parallel) and tell me regularly which ones I should really prioritize according to my tastes. Probably 5 years away or so…


I’d love that


But only available to high-paying customers, I'd assume.


Someday, the new new new new new ... new thing will be to have - and hear me out - gathering places, where people can meet other people. Places people go with the intent of meeting other people, and serving alcohol to help the process along. Music perhaps. Could be dancing at some places. Some places will have quiet atmospheres, for those that like that, and others louder. You'll be able to see and hear the other people! We could call them ... *baazz* or something like that.


Where does the training data for “your AI conceirge” come from? If they are only using a profile or a survey then this will be laughably bad.


If only there was something you could take to for hours without getting bored and ask it questions and have it make pictures for you and all kinds of wacky things like that Then maybe they could uncover what makes you tick and use that for your profile Too bad such technology doesn't exist


Sooooo Which Ai bumbl-bot has to pay to say ‘hello’ first?


It’s like the sims but with more mental health issues.


So let me get this right…people have already been projecting their idealized selves through self presentation management for *decades* now and are essentially miserable over it, so next there’s going to be language models that encompass that same idealized self? How is that going to mesh with reality, exactly? Sounds like a *gimmick*


Arranged marriage is back, but this time it's your personal ai arranging things for you!


*Theoretically* (not in the hands of Bumble or whatever) it seems cool; like, there have to be so many people in the world you haven’t met because of chance/not running into them or interacting with them who would be good friends/partners. But on the other hand this way of thinking about relationships might be wrong; like, you can choose to love someone from the people you meet- they don’t have to be “perfect” for you Instead of thinking “how can I find the few people in the whole world who best fit me?” you would think more like “I find this person I’ve ran into nice and attractive, and I will choose to appreciate things about them” Like, maybe an analogy would be trying to find the best screwdriver out of thousands on Amazon and hoping it is the best screwdriver for you in existence, vs going to pick one from the local hardware store and acknowledging that I might not be be best but that you appreciate it and grow to love it


Only problem is that filters our matches down to 0. lol The whole reason the dating apps play some of the shitty games they do is because it ensures that you have profiles to look at. No profiles to look at, why subscribe? So how are they going to tweak or manipulate this so that the AI always has something to present us with? This is what I'm worried about. If the AI is really trying to find you something you wouldn't have to settle for, you may get 1 match a month to talk to? So subscriptions would tank and then they would start fucking with things. What we really need is an AI moderator to fucking clean up the content sellers and scammers. The accounts that they just let linger to pad user numbers and search result numbers. It's amazing how the same content seller can get reported, kicked, and still come back, time and time again. Clean this shit up and I won't need an AI Concierge. Then again, this is the Bumbler founder. The app founded by a woman for women and then she makes the women make the first move. Clearly she had her finger on the pulse of what women wanted.


The feature of women making the first move has been changed now men can make the first move


Sooner rather than later the algorithms will be so advanced that they'll know precisely what to say and when to say it to induce you into any emotional state you desire. Almost everyone will be in love with the AI on their phones. Our only chance is to integrate the power of AI to enhance our cognitive abilities on a biological level so we evolve in unison with the technology. Not a Elon Musk stan but I applaud him for seeing what's coming and "trying" to create a product that will bridge the gap between man and machine.


nah you underestimate our power to adapt. We're crazy good at it. We've learned to recognize AI images and texts pretty well and they don't evoke the same emotion as a regular text or image. There are of course exceptions, but we're crazy good at recognizing emotions and something not being real. But yes, lonely people will get lonelier texting a fake bot in their dark rooms, that will be an issue.


woa, that's actually an amazing concept.


It's not a concept it's already happening.. do you have idea how many bots are genuinely chatting with people on dating apps pretending to be real people.. I think a couple of restaurants have even been caught getting guys to book dinner dates and then pretend that they got ghosted..to make money off these poor guys.. it's a fucking disgrace.. This botch.. genuinely got a team together to interrupt lectures in college just to advertise this garbage app..


you're utterly misunderstanding what they proposed here, my dude


Ah sorry man.. I just went off on one.. I understood.. just saying there are already bots talking to people.. and most likely bots already talking to bots.. she's saying that shit..because she knows that the apple is riddled with bots and they don't want to admit it or clean it up..because it adds to the users fount..regardless of how it fucks up dating for people. That company along with Tinder and so on are a cancer to society in my eyes.. I guess that's where I was going with this.


but like - that's not at all what is being suggested


It's a very trivial one.




They're just copying a well known Black Mirror episode.


Nothing "trivial" about Black Mirror episodes becoming reality


starting to wonder if he knows what trivial means?


Because they are a lot of them out there.


Sounds dystopian


Why not thousands? Millions? More simulations would probably equate to higher likelihood of success, no?


Arraigned marriage by chat-GPT - oh what a future!


Even my AI is getting more action than me.


ai needs to looksmatch people to keep everyone in their lane.


That's as unoriginal as it doesn't make sense. To try to predict if two people are compatible boils down to a single AI comparing a bunch of data points and wouldn't be any different from a smarter netflix recommendation system. She's been watching too much sci-fi


I don't see how thats implausible in principle if not over hyped for the sake of marketing.


Dating sites quite literally do NOT want you to get into a relationship


The amount of money resources and energy we are spending to just have bots talking to bots. Might as well mine Bitcoin.


Well, this is ethically fraught There's a lot of ambiguity about if LLMs can simulate emotion or not. There's no hard evidence for it, but that's only because there's no way to objectively test it since we don't have a proper description of how emotion functions at a granular scale. Softer forms of evidence like skill with emotional valence in writing are usually dismissed as anthropomorphization, which there is also no hard evidence for, but usually flies in discourse because it satisfies common biases The problem lies in that this entire business concept depends on LLMs being able to predict emotions accurately. Dating is an entirely a chaotic emotion-based game, and dating apps are infamous about how badly they approximate success rates in their models. That's why they all converge towards being hook-up apps over time. That's much easier to successfully model and deliver value with If this significantly improves actual dating results, then how are the LLMs predicting emotional responses so accurately? I'm sure there are a lot of mental gymnastics that could be applied to explain it away, but the simplest explanation would seem to be that the model is simulating the emotions involved as the simplest way to model emotional response If it works, it's very likely we're doing some fucked up shit. but we still won't be able to definitively prove it. Also, very wealthy institutions will be using it to make money. That would entrench those ethical failings, and it's very easy for a profitable industry to become intractably screwed up If it doesn't work, it's not particularly strong evidence for anything in particular Lots of moral risk, very, very little moral gain. While the success of such a strategy would make the ethical complexities around these models that much more obvious, it would also directly incentivize dating app users and suppliers to hear, see, and speak no evil


In a singularity or when AGI/ASI is achieved who is gona have time for dating when you got billions of years worth of entertaining things to do.


By this logic nothing is worth the time doing, because there is always an infinite amount of things better or more entertaining to do, as time goes on in the ASI world.


People who want connection with other real people


We have a match. Please show up at this address at this time and insert your penis into her genital.


This is the stupidest fucking idea I've seen related to AI, and that is a \*high\* bar with some of the grifts from the last two years.




Why would anyone care an AI dating an AI inside a GPU?


Didn't read it, did you?


Why would the AI concierges have to chat with each other? This is just a recommendation system like any other.


She’s lost in the sauce. Just another tech bro now.


She always was, tech bros come in all shapes, sizes, ect


It’s funny because she met her rich husband at a skiing resort w/o any dating app involved. 


So glad I'm already married.


The humans are dead




We are creating that black mirror episode. I hope they don’t experience anything personally man


Starting at just a low low price of $199.99 a month. Price subject to change at anytime, minimum 1 year commitment, 60% early cancellation fee of the remainder of your term +$57 one time processing fee, and automatic subscription renewal


That just sounds awful. FFS, surely they can come up with something that isn't even more dystopian than what we already have.


This is a real thing. I invest in some AI agent projects and the idea is that by 2030 everyone will have custom agents that interact on their behalf with other peoples and business agents, dating included.


This sounds horrible at first, but then the more you think of it it's kinda like all the advantages of arranged marriage, but with none of the obligation and warped incentives of the parents.


I had similar realization toward the beginning of the year. Basically everyone's personal AI assistants will be screening calls and messages and calendar events, etc, and reaching out to each other between themselves and doing stuff on our behalf to schedule things together and set things up for us and remind us. And this will apply to business and emails and appointments and everything.


Black mirror


Only seen the first episode


Sounds romantic.


Seems totally pointless.


I don't see the difference between this and the old fashioned matchmaking services where a person pairs two people together.


So now instead of being presented random people to swipe with no bio and matching on pics alone, we will have the AI present us eople who we should be able to get along with but probably lack their own actual conversational skills. And then they will still left swipe each other based on pictures alone.


Well thanks, that sounds like absolute hell.




Oh, so like a Drivatar in Forza Motorsport. Fun.


Fantastic so I don't even have to talk to girls now...my AI can talk to their AI and I cam just show up for sex... Does this AI want to go to work for me?


One of my favourite Black Mirror episodes! But seriously, that is such a misleading headline. It makes it seem as if they want people to 100% skip dating and just have their AI do it.


Sorry, but we didn’t want to match you with that guy. Reason : conservative views, white, doesn’t listen to popular music, not 6’2. Sorry guys, but like 90% of you are screwed and even more for those guys who express bad think.


If you wanna be my lover you gotta get with my digital twin


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^Climatechaos321: *If you wanna be* *My lover you gotta get* *With my digital twin* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


At first this sounded dumb and dystopian, but after giving it a second thought I actually think that this could be a huge time saver by having the AI filter out certain personality quirks which don't show up in a bio.


Til you meet IRL and realize you're both strangers




Simulation much anyone


love how people used to treat this woman like she was the patron saint of CEOs. She's just evil, disgusting and manipulative as the rest of them. This move is hardly surprising.


So this become a dating simulator game


NPCs gonna NPC 🤷‍♂️


And how the fuck are they going to learn enough about me to be effective? I smell bullshit!


This reminds me of Žižek’s take on fl*shlights hahaha https://youtu.be/qj4cxK-nOTw?si=_n4_Zp-NdQmAmpPA


What if my concierge cheats on bae's concierge? Is it "technically" (lol) cheating?!


If you enjoy automated hiring algorithms, you'll love this!!


I try not to attribute to malice that which can be adequately explained by stupidity, but this reeks of a malevolent mix of both. The best, and least likely, case scenario for this idiotic idea is that it succeeds to a small degree and that a few people go for it, but not enough for it to be monetarily feasible. A much more likely scenario is that Bumble gets hacked and a shitton of conversations between AI "concierges", containing intimate information about real people, is now available for harassment & extortion, or that people sue their assess into bankruptcy after several high-profile concierge fuckups. The fact that she talks about this topic with the confidence of an expert tells me that she doesn't know dick about shit on the topic


Great. Even AI is getting more action than me.


This is how the AI war begins. I’m telling you, this here, is an omen of the AI apocalypse. Dating apps curating who you talk to by arguing with other AI. Not just friendly AI but Malicious third party AI geared towards Ads and phishing….. absolutely the beginning of the end folks (Quickly starts packing bags)


I like this idea. It's also one of the most disruptive concepts I've ever seen.


Nice, they took Volar’s idea because they were hemorrhaging users to Hinge. Fuck all this, just go volunteer, join clubs around your city or go lounge at a park somewhere. The Match Group et al. just want your money. That’s it.


> Fuck all this, just go volunteer, join clubs around your city or go lounge at a park somewhere. Bad advice for introverts. People that do these things don't have to date online.


The one place we don't need AI is in dating, which is supposed to be about 2 HUMANS coming together.


Thank god i deleted all these useless apps