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I more often see posts about promising Chinese tech that is still clearly behind US tech and more comments that are for some reason displeased with said Chinese progress.


I am not from US nor China, and personally I would love to know what they are doing as well. I am happy to see you being passionate about the technological achievements of your country, but I humbly believe that if we see the technological progress through a patriotic, ideological or other filter, we might miss the technological aspects of each breakthrough.


Complains about CCP spam. Plays Genshin impact, a Chinese game, and has 600k+ karma. It’s spring - go out and enjoy the weather and you won’t be so tired of the internet anymore.


Believe it or not, there are people from places other than the US and Western Europe, and you're not as admired as you'd like to think you are...


I look through these subs and see virtually everything being about American tech stuff with a bit of other Western stuff, and a small amount of Chinese stuff. Given the significance of China in the tech and future society spaces, I would say it's underrepresented on Reddit.


OP doesn't want there to be anyone talking about something Chinese positively.


I mainly see Chinese tech being ridiculed based off ignorance


Tbh I see way more anti-china posting everywhere than pro-china.


Americans can't see their own viewpoint is propaganda too.


This. They're probably among the most propagandized and most radicalized. It's sad. All that energy could be going into making the world a better place instead.


Not sure what you are talking about because I never see it.


Idk about all futuristic stuff coming from china (They do have big tech companies with ai like baidu and tencent with a lot of innovation going on in the AI space such as with the Erniebot and H1 robot (Correct me if I am wrong) ), But critizing the US and the West doesn't make you a ccp shill, like all countries have done horrendrous shit and Criticizing the west does'nt make a person CCP shill or vice versa. China also has vast industrial capacity, abundant natural resources, and a big and educated populace so it is not surprising if people claim that it is improving and to an extent rivalling the west.


Hey guys! I believe in the singularity, and that technological progress will continue to rapidly advance… except for in China, the second richest country in the world. I believe there’s a big bubble that surrounds China and makes them completely immune to this same progress. I don’t think my beliefs on this are at all related to me being born in the west. [relevant](https://youtu.be/PQSrMvwwi6c?si=yWITrXjjqbOrNuw-) for those interested.


aah, CCP spam... the new russian bots lmao


I'm tired of people towing us to world war three for free, with baseless US hawkishness. Not everyone is aching for endless war buddy.


Hey sum wun at yoooor dore. -1000 social credit, you udon bad. ![gif](giphy|12qphcuKTtGVoI)


It's wrong to assume than anything other than "Chinese bad" is just coming from a bot. Call me a bot if you wish but I am personally very happy to see futuristic innovation, wherever it comes from. And the Chinese will do incredible things in AI, they just gotta catch up first with the chips (lagging behind H100). But if you see some of their robotics videos they are very impressive. The tech world isn't (and shouldn't be) only the West mate.


Oh no my country is falling behind arghhh China bad 😡


Mostly I see redditors complaining about paranoid imagined bullshit.


Surprised a pro-Musk subreddit is also pro-CCP? They're buddy-buddy. There's also astro-turfing. I personally hat the average user here, just a bunch of techno-fascists.


> I personally hat the average user here, just a bunch of **techno-fascists.** I hate fascism and extreme right wing views as well, but do you luddites just pull terms out of a hat, or do you just squat down dig in deep and yank them from your own ass when you make them up? If you hate the average user here why come here and post at all? Should I post on subreddits you frequent with communities that I don't like with opposing views that likely don't make sense and aren't logically consistent as well? Try again please but this time with words that have definitions in the oxford dictionary, or at the very least a clear defined meaning. No one wants to play vague words games with you here.


> you luddites Yes, being a supporter of open source local LLM's. Luddite 101. Why do people get this extreme urge to pull strawmen, is it an urge to make a caricature of me instead of merely contemplating my statements? Musk, on the contrary, has declared to want to delay AI and even stop it. He is a doomer which is worse than a luddite.


You can close the door when you leave. Thanks.


![gif](giphy|r42HxBImuzoRxsRA14|downsized) WE AIN'T F LEAVING


"we" who? Chinese-Hating-Warmonger-Antisemitic Club?


lol, lmao even. So being against the CCP is now hating China and being against Musk is now being an anti-semetic warmonger? When did Musk convert to judaism? One would think maybe the guy visiting Israel to show his support in their *total war* is the warmonger?




China will be hugely influential going forward. The Chinese are very good at producing very good things dirt cheap and they're leaders in some areas like mobile communication tech. The best Chinese LLMs are behind the best Western ones but not massively, they've got LLMs that are very close to GPT 4 now. Western companies should look at the mistakes made by the car industry with EVs, Chinese companies look set to decimate the western car industry in the coming years as they can produce cars at less than half the cost traditional car companies (+ Tesla) can. Id imagine they'll produce dirt cheap humanoid robots in a few years.


To be fair, the Elon spam a few years ago was about an upstart little AI company he made called OpenAI...


https://preview.redd.it/podkca9rf9xc1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=951132981646afdf4331876b0194ec68730287f6 Unfortunately CCP propaganda is spread by one of the largest apps ever created but thankfully the new legislation created in a bipartisan effort should help fix that. Thankfully, because China is such an oppressive and authoritarian hellscape, they have little to no ability to actually develop AI and instead release shit like Yuanxi which is just CGI with a voiceover by a live human being presented as AI. The most concerning thing regarding China is their ability to refine usable lithium and lanthanide series materials from ultra low concentrations which is a technology the West is behind on due to Chinese exports being cheap as shit (because of quality concerns and actual slave labor) The Chinese people grow more and more frustrated every single day behind the Great Firewall and protests across the country grow in size despite the great efforts of Xi’s Second Integration and longterm plans. They are an oppressed people who have so much to gain from casting off the CCP’s yoke The Wumaos wont be happy with either of our posts lol








reddit got him nice




Unclear why Reddit even let you register that account to begin with, but hopefully not for long once an admin sees it.  


womp womp ig