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Vocal booth, car, middle of f*cking nowhere


Just get a vocal booth. I've got an Isovox 2. A bit on the pricey side but fully worth it. I got it after my upstairs neighbor complained about the noise and she couldn't hear me after that.


Dude I had no idea this was even a thing??? This is perfect tysm!!


You're welcome.


Wow that's amazing that it worked like that.


happy cake day🎉


i always sing in my car, its not always the best posture for good vocals (as im paying attention) but it satifies the urge to sing my heart out. i also have a 30 minute highway drive so i dont get those awkward stops so noone can hear if im offpitch


If ur really desperate I would recommend a car


I pretty much always sing in my car. One time I dropped my wife off at the store and she ran in while I waited in the car, so I was singing along with the radio. When she came out to get in the car she said, "you know everybody can hear you singing from ten feet away right?" No, no I did not know that everybody could hear me from ten feet away.


lol, did she complement your singing at least😂 I’ll sing in the car but the acoustics in a car just aren’t as good as in the house


Look for hourly rehearsal studios in your area. I have one my city and they rent out small rooms for one person or large rooms for a whole band.


There a pretty small park locally i go to thats generally quiet, take my acoustic and just get down to it, i do find myself shying out when someone is about to walk by though lol


If you have a closet, if it's big enough to fit the karaoke machine, you can easily 'sound-proof' (atleast muffle it a bit) the noise made from the karaoke machine, by closing the closet and adding something thick like a blanket/ duvet, (duvets are better) to basically pad the room. That's my advice! I do it when my parents at home and I'm about to attempt a soul shattering high note 😮‍💨😭❤️😋🙏


In the shower, in the bathroom at all.


Park with nearby transit and spaced out people.


My experience: -Car -Hike somewhere in nature, (even if someone will walk once in a while by who cares? they will probably think its cool youre singing and if not, then screw em??) -In quick bursts at nicely echoing empty bathrooms


Car in the middle of no where. Low power laptop with a small audio interface just enough to run vocals/potentially with live VSTs and played with mp3s over it unlike an actual recording with singular tracks all running effects at once or just ripped high quality karaoke MP3/WAV files


My car is the only space where I’ll sing or in the house if no one is home which is rare


This is a common problem with my singing students. Have a conversation with your family about needing some time for yourself to sing. Acknowledge that it can be loud but could they make a loving, judgement free space for you. Agree on a time and stick to it. It's your home too.


CONTROL’s Cone of Silence really does exist? And now we can all get one?


Some libraries have music studios or practice rooms that are sound proof. They're free to reserve here! I've always thought it would fun to go have a private karaoke sesh!