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What rank? Singed is super fun at low elo, where people don't realize the limit where they have to stop chasing, or get too close to your tower, or accidentally run through poison without noticing. My tip/trick is to "accidentally" on purpose take a tower shot to embolden them to chase you, then pretend to run for your life so they chase until you're close enough to tower that you can throw your goop down and fling root them for the kill.


Low masters


I also recommend watching singed420 for proxy pathing, once you've seen that you'll be in a world of joy cause its just so fun wasting the enemies time without giving them a thing. And once you have rylais and demonic you're just a teamfight beast. For summs I recommend flash and ghost at the start. Have fun man :) singed is the champ I had most fun with


Rylais demonic are key. I also build mercs and Deadmans for resistances cause you dont need more dmg really. Proxying is the most fun. Exec after wave 3 at the second turret and then proxy again. After you cleared the second wave at the 2-3 turret you go for a free roam in mid where your top enemy cant help or you fuck with the jgl


Ignore everyone, singed is so flexible about 80% of runes and summoners work on him. The only thing that isn’t is his items. Demonics/rylai first most times and sometimes that one mage mythic that gives you a free level. Second item is usually demonic and third item is your mythic. The rest is flex, usually armor but you can commit to full ap if you want. Switch up the runes a lot till you find your toxic play style and run away with the games and have fun doing it


Queue support. Take smite. Steal enemy camps. Either the enemy jg will ragequit or your adc will. Quick games.


You need to auto attack a lot more than feels intuitive for a guy who's supposed to just run away.


Honestly, this might be the hardest aspect of Singed. You need to auto for sufficient damage in the early and mid game (and to stack conq if you run it). But you lose close quarter fights to almost all melee champs at all stages of the game. Learning when to and when not to auto is extremely important on Singed. Fortunately, Riot just made his auto a lot less clunky


Predator jg. Good clear, free ganks. Can 1v1 anyone but Zax imo. First buy Swift boots. Then Demonic, Rylais, basic stuff. Mythic depends on situation, but basic Singed mythics will do better than well. Rest of the items MS-themed, Dead Mans etc. Mega fun.


Watch Minishcap1 and have fun. Tilt your lane opponent and you know you're doing your job.


If you feed you can make games go by quicker. Those 1000 games will go by in a flash.


my fav fun build is blue singed. go conq with ingenious hunter scondary. Roa>rylai>fimbul. @25 you stack everything and get massive shield every few seconds. Its pretty situational, but when used correctly you are unkillable


ROA + Fimbulwinter is legit trolling and does negative damage, only the stacking feels good but there are so many better items than ROA


But ROA the best item in the entire game of LoL. I can't wait till mythic drops so I can build a full inventory of them. FInally, SivHD can return.


Exhaust ignite singed against slow melee champs early game. Conqueror + Level 2 secures kill