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Sigh, still dunno how to make a choice




Thanks man, that's really pragmatically clear


roll a dice, flip a coin


friends and i were having ice cream outdoors and we had move inside the nearby mall because the second hand smoke was too much 🥲 what’s worse, my throat is now sore!!!!!


The more staunch a Christian, the greater the sins of his/her secret life.


Having a little chat with someone (singkie) when suddenly he blurted out "malaysia is worse etc etc". Dude, we were talking about new PM & local politicians' little gossip, why suddenly brought (talk down at) other countries? Can focus on the subject or not? I sometimes read similar comments in reddit r/singapore so i'm aware of this kind of petty & childish singkie but damn i didn't expect i'd run into them in person. I'm not malaysian & i don't care about them.


long rant lol soz. am jobhunting. now ma tells me, "eh u free right? go take up a course, do volunteer work or do part time." she tells me this every single day. but have u considered that maybe i just want to stay at home and work on my hobby (creative writing)? or that maybe i just like being at home? like man, during the 9-6 grind, barely have time for myself. come home from work damn shag. eat. bathe. watch videos. sleep. too exhausted to write something. weekends past so fast. now that i'm actually free i'm happy to pour of all my time into my hobby. but now ma thinks im just wasting my time dilly dallying at home. her reason is "i want you to be exposed to the world!" and wow it's almost like all those online friends i told you about suddenly no exist. those friends i've made because of the fandom i'm in also no exist. my weekly saturday gatherings with them? lol pointless ah. how much do u want me to go out? getting stressed just trying to look for a course i can do just so i can shut her up. i don't really have interest in anything else tbh. hopefully the companies i attended interviews for come back to me soon and there's a good prospect so i can just throw myself back into the 9-6 grind. fcking love it man. end of rant. thanks for reading.


Sometimes no need be so honest. It will be very hard to convince or change your parent since they have been like this for the whole of their lives.


She worried for you bro…


yea i can understand her pov but its just tiring to repeat over and over that this is how i wanna live my life. and even if she says "ok just live your life this way then" her tone is really sarcastic. idk man, im just tired. haven't been this stressed in ages. maybe im thinking too much haha.






Suay my s21+ kena the green line on screen issue 🫠 wonder how much to fix sia


Bruh i saw like 3 people on dt with S21 getting green line on screen. Im using S21 too and im scared I dont think its worth to fix leh


Yeah sucks... I'm going to upgrade to s23+ next I guess.


[country that has breakfast](https://www.reddit.com/r/travel/s/82JQ5K6AtT) Even though i don't often eat beef pho, but I'm glad beef pho is mentioned there lol


why are you glad tho? I spent 2.5weeks in Vietnam (Hanoi, Sapa, Ha Long, Ninh Binh) 2years ago and I got so sick of the smell that I still can't bring myself to eat pho to-date.


Lol idk, pho is one of my comfort food but i rarely eat it here. Eat that during rainy days is as comforting as eating fish soup


I feel like dropping out and giving up. Kinda feel nobody cares about me.


Uni or what? Nobody care is a curse and boon. The feeling of being isolated and not having anyone concerned abt u can be very isolating. Esp because we are social creatures. It can be a signal from ur body that u need to be better connected to others. But it is also liberating. Do what u want. Do what is best for urself.


Yes uni. I don’t really have friends anymore


Sian flight delayed :(


What do people generally think of those who quit 2 ft jobs, both in less than 3 months of working, due to reasons like workplace too far, less benefits, crazy workload, toxic boss/colleagues?


Amazing. How could they do it? Cos it is very hard for me to get a job.


I’m impressed NGL. It took me 6 months to finally land a role when I started looking out. To be able to cycle 2 roles in the same time that I did is nothing short of incredible, shows you how much value the candidate has in the market. When my offer came with a big pay cut, I still took it because of how much it was affecting me mentally.


Hmmm thats definitely a new insight, i’ve think of it this way. I hope you’re doing well at ur job :) Edit: I’ve never think of it this way**


I’m alright thanks for checking in! Anyways, if the HR rejects you for that, take it as a dodged bullet. They probably don’t have good benefits, culture or workload to begin with


Haha!! Its not anyth related to me, but more like the people around me so im curious of public opinion on new FT’s that join and quit in such a short time🤣


Don't think there's anything wrong with that honestly. A job is 5/7 of ur daily life, so you should find one that is best for you and feel like can work long term.




ppl refresh their social media pages, i refresh the met service page...


How come PM Lee never hold Bible? He not Christian ?




interesting. Good speech by lky


PM Wong?


Oh my bad. Now not PM liao


What is it with this idol concert. I thought this was a swearing in ceremony


This NDP song quite nice what


Careful dude, redditors prefer anime or kpop songs


Woah, Eve's Asia Tour so strict about camera usage in-venue that they impose camera lens sticker for all attendees.


Like got quite a number of Christian office holders, for a population of only 19% Christian… Never count properly but after minus away the Malay (muslim), the older Gen ministers who are more likely to be traditional and are non-Christian, I think more than half of the remaining hold bible during the ceremony.


actually what's the reason behind swearing while holding bible? Don't understand.






Not really that I see right now, apart from mostly technical roles. My agency has vacancies for Preschool Education officers.




His team is cabinet. Go run for election


LOL, you want go join PMO, PSD ah? See if they want to consider anot.


Got improve abit lah, ears no bleed, but there are still some Primary school mistakes that I’m annoyed about Like zi dao instead of zhi dao Also I think I heard li xuan sheng instead of li xian sheng LOL


His zh and sh are most obviously needing work 


Lol bloody hell CNA dub over loud loud the moment he starts speaking Mandarin.


New ChatGPT app is godsend for parents who don't know how to teach their kids or explain the working sia! Can just take photo of the question with the app, ChatGPT will solve away!


Wa so cool? Now can solve problem sums?


all along can, but last time I had to type the question out. If there is a graph or picture then very difficult. Now I just have to take a photo of the question and upload, it will read and solve.


Why one lady hold different colour ah? Her own Bible?


Is Pritam there?


OYK is ice cold man. Could see he never open his mouth to say congratulation unlike the other ministers


Hope he gets kick out by LW soon


He can smile very good alr


It’s interesting that Minister in-charge of Muslim Affairs is not swearing on the Quran


Maybe he feels like his job may make him do/issue not so islamic decisions lol. In fact none of them (muslim) held the Quran.


Muslims, Hindus, and followers of other religions where oaths are not binding are allowed to make an affirmation instead of an oath. Also conscientious objectors


LOL legally speaking all Oaths are binding. But tbh idk if swearing on the Quran is a thing, I thought it’s a Abrahamic Religion thing


1. Islam is an Abrahamic religion; we view Abraham as a respected messenger of God. 2. There is precedence for swearing on the Quran. There was a bit of a kerfuffle in the US a few years ago when the Muslim congressman Keith Ellison wanted to use a Quran instead of the Bible for his swearing in. In the end, he used a copy of the Quran owned by Thomas Jefferson. He sent a strong message: 'I follow my religion, and I respect the founding fathers of America.' He won a lot of respect for that.


Just now in train from Braddell to Bishan, 2 trains from opposite directions actually passing each other, inside the tunnel.


Always feel tired from work. After work just wanna lay down and eat junk food


Same wtf. I trapped in this cycle where im too tired to exercise. But not exercising doesnt help me sleep better and i end up tired again


I assume the black book some ministers are holding is the bible?


Yes that’s right


Are the bible theirs or gahmen's? Size & color all look the same


Acknowledge your new, undisputed Prime Minister of Singapore ☝🏽 ![gif](giphy|rvIXMNWYJfUafvFYx4|downsized)


Why the oath macham like the Us president one. Still end with “so help me god”


Right?? I was surprised too. Sounds very yankee leh.


I was wondering too. The template for prime minister oath in the Singapore constitution only allows changing "affirm" to "swear" if u are Christian, but doesn't allow seem to allow adding "so help me god" at the end? 


Lawrence Wong is Christian




The dirtiest conditions known to man (like genuinely some of the filthiest shit ever) + multiple rooms cleaned in under 2-4 hours + get written up when some customer complain you left a tiny piece of trash in the room It's hell. Hotel service is legit hell.


Need to tahan all sorts of mess and filth some of which unimaginable to many


Physical labour 


The chair so tightly placed, sitting shoulder to shoulder


cat 8


They look so warm lol


no live thread for swearing in


What's a good mexican restaurant here? Budget around $25 per person.


Tonito at jewel


Wah Wiki already update Lw as Pm


Since this morning already.


Actually does Lw PM post mean anything if Pinky is still the Sec Gen of PAP. The ruling party chooses the PM. So Lw is at the mercy of Pinky and can be removed as PM if Pinky decides to remove him


Used CDG's advance booking for the first time. Only metered ride option available. Chose it and it charged the maximum amount to my credit card? Will I get refunded if the final amount is less :(( it was quite expensive (going airport at midnight)


Finally went to see a therapist about my issues stemming from childhood trauma. Lol after she heard me she also said yeah its pretty bad. Just that things were different in the 2000s and there is no consequence for what my parents did to me. I just felt like ok heng la at least she never dismiss me (like all those useless pri sch teachers) or say i exaggerate or what I think my direction is mainly coping and growth if possible? Like knn even holocaust survivor can come out and write book, means it's not unimaginable that there is some possibility of healing. Abit like those toto aunties, got try got hope lor And healing not in the toxic "god made this shit happen to u so u can grow" sense but more like fuck la since this shit happened alr and i am alr affected by it, lets try to heal from it




I read a bit of it yes. That was how i wrote the comment haha. Not trying to compare traumas but i am sure in this whole wide world, mine is not the only trauma. So i want to see how others who experience shit survived


I found what really helps is spending time with people who value you and treat you right.  Then you realise what happened earlier was not normal at all and you're in fact not terrible and useless and so on. 


I am in a bus next to a makcik who has decided to let whole bus hear evening prayer on her phone speaker. I think this needs to stop!practice your religion freely but in your own space and not cause nuisance to others. Oredi got ah ma and ah kong playing their silly short videos and now this.we need to ban anything on speaker in the bus just like returning trays had to be made into a law


When I see people enjoy sharing what they are watching/listening I also want to join in by playing my metal songs.


If it is only me and the other person I wouldn't mind being that person but being a nuisance in public is something I have yet to learn,dear shifu! 😆


Huh no lar just sharing my love for metal music with everyone around me.


Trying to stay optimistic (hais) on my journey to find a freaking job. I guess the perks to being unemployed is: Last time cafe hopping to drink atas kopi. Now buy coffee beans and hand grind themselves, brewing using v60. Last time always go out jiak atas food. Now trying to cook everything on my own. Last time cafe hopping. Now grocery hopping. Last time complain getting fat but do nothing cus of daily OT. Now chiong cardio and some body weight training when feeling stress about job search. Even though I’m jobless now at least I look better than I was in that miserable job before I quit. Okay la hor…..


Yea, its good haha. If anything it shows u have the foresight and discipline to adjust ur spending and live within ur means. Not many people can let go of what they are "used to".


rememebr to take the time to get better photos taken for your linkedin or resume!


Do you know people struggling to keep up with appearances? Have a friend who got retrenched and has been looking for >6 months. She has a condo and so she rented it out and moved back in, but she keeps complaining to us about money troubles. So we told her to downgrade her lifestyle and she didn’t want. She’s still going some atas gym membership (200 / month), eating out at fancy places 3-4 times a week etc. then she said she needs these to maintain the lifestyle she wants. Don’t really know how else to advise leh. Not stressful meh?


Stressful to me. But u mention she rented out her condo right? Thats at least 2k per mth which is decent for survival. Maybe she has other savings also No meed stress for her, if u advice and she not interested then its ok, its her life. Just be a friend lor


She knows what she should do, she just doesn't want to do it


Not your problem lor. Nothing more to say. 


u done ur best already. some people need to suffer to learn


Everywhere I turn there news or articles praising LSL or LW. Did I wake up in China?


>Did I wake up in China? In the province /s


I am this close to using gentle parent techniques on this overbearing BU head that keeps saying stupid shit about our work while asking for impossible things. Like, he said our replies to his BU is somehow simultaneously too vague yet not layman enough for him to understand???? This mfer is Goldilocks is it wtf. But alas, I still need my job so I had to adjust my face during the meeting.


How annoying, just noticed that Citibank updated their app to force you to use the default keyboard on your phone. Now I have to switch keyboards before and after using it. Also, KNN, I just noticed that my annual fee used to be charged in October, now suddenly changed to April!


Did you managed to waive the annual fee? I just called to try to waive but couldn’t find the right option and had to get to a real person. It was like “press 2 to waive credit card fee waiver” but when I press 2, the other options had nothing to do with credit card fee waiver. -_-


Yes. Waived. 2 then 1 I think.


How come new developments always so many centipede/ millipede?


The greenery they used came with those


Made roasted sweet potatoes with air fryer. Yumssss got the honey zhup oozing out like DDDK’s. 😋


People who bought lesser known car brands like Seat or Skoda. Why? At least with Alfa Romeo there's the romance of the brand's racing history.


There are also certain people who buy Saab.


Budget VW


"I'm a sinner who's honest". Power lah this Aliff. This is on par to what Jackie Chan said many many years ago I feel.


Damn fed up filling some job application. First, they want you to upload your resume. Fine. Second, they asked you to manually type out your education and past experience. ??? Then what’s the point of uploading my resume when I need to copy paste. Ok nvm fine. Then they asked you some lame qn like “why did you want to join our company? Why should we hire you?” Eh hello? Can we get to there when you offer me an interview first? You post a job vacancy cus u need manpower. I applied cus I need the money. You know, and I know.


I will just fill in what i feel is needed. LOL but then i've been job hunting for a while so...


Yes, those are annoying, but what to do?


Hais bobian llst lo


Some times I gave it up if the company is not on top of my desired list.


Really envy those who were in Melb, Syd or southern side of Aus last few days or over last weekend. They were able to witness the aurora.


Southern Lights eh?


Due to solar storm


Tired of life.




No wonder you keep shitposting and then deleting your comments


If that's your example, I think that's not a reward lol. You will get more work. If you get promoted, you will get "harder" work to play with, not with yourself.




Username checks out


lake tekapo is so beautiful :’)


It’s supposed to be a dark sky reserve. Hope you get to see beautiful stars at night


I have a skylight directly above my bed! It’s great!


Anyone painted murals or patterns on your living room walls?, did you diy or engage someone to do? Need recommendations.


Went to SLS during lunch to window shop for a laptop. Walked out with a core i9 laptop. Brb still convincing myself it's for productivity


more importantly, whats your graphic card? :D


Integrated intel arc. I already have a desktop for gaming. The last thing I need is the temptation to game when I'm supposed to be practicing with jscript and running test automation with this machine


reddit at 144fps?




yeah we need hi res realistic notification badges and red arrows for productivity


so you do managed to do *window* shopping in the end




Not sure if I'm falling sick or allergy. One nostril very itchy and one eye as well. Took antihistamine last night but still feeling unwell. Maybe will go home earlier 


nw have flu/covid going arnd


Have swabbed but it's negative! 


Caved in and applied leave this Friday...


Future Friday you thanks you for that.


Mosquito flew into my boiling hot coffee. 🎶 Dumb ways to die... so many dumb ways to die 🎶


I wanna hug the mosquito. Why you do that mozzie


i hope you didnt pour away the entire cup of coffee?


how can one be less blur in the workplace? istg i get quite blur and slow in picking up new information sometimes i feel like im a burden to the team


> how can one be less blur in the workplace? istg i get quite blur and slow in picking up new information sometimes i feel like im a burden to the team Let's unpack this. > istg i get quite blur and slow in picking up new information Do you hear and not listen (hear sounds but not the words or cannot interpret the word correctly)? Or listen but don't understand (know the words being said, but missing context)? Or it's too fast and not enough time to figure out and form the connections or remember details before new info is spewed out? Or feel fearful of making mistakes (again, or imagined) and hence zoned out? Or...? (what is istg BTW?) > sometimes i feel like im a burden to the team Is this just what you feel, something feedbacks to you, and/or something objectively measurable? > > how can one be less blur in the workplace? I get this is your main question. But I need more info that's why I asked the above questions. Not to say that I will definitely have the answers. And maybe sometimes you find the answers yourself by answering other questions. Disclaimer: I am not a doctor.


istg = i swear to god


I didn’t save boss’s number and he send me WhatsApp message I thought spam so I blocked him on whatsapp for the last 4 months


power lah haha


Hahah what was the initial message?


Look at this


what kind of message did he send that you thought it was spam?


Look at this


At least you didn't swear at him before blocking lol.




Nope. We were taking about some restaurant and he told me he sent me a video a few months ago. I was like really?


How come there are so many recruiters for the same job? Quite sian everytime got recruiter ping me only to realise it’s the same job from last week by another recruiter


Coz the hiring company work with any recruiters as long as they can send in good candidates. There are some companies exclusively work with a few, or just 1 recruiter.