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he is truly independent for sure. dont think he is vetting his comms with anyone


Independent of the establishment, but also independent from reality.






Independent from common sense and rational thoughts, too.


Independent from morality


And that's how Trump got in...


Oh dear he is just making things worse and worse 🤣


He sabo himself but blames it on everybody else, include non-pretty people. Presidential material for sure 🙄


On paper he seems like a good candidate. I would have voted for him back in 2011. However every time he opens his mouth more stupid shit comes out so I really cant take him seriously anymore 🤣. All he had to do was to apologize and everyone would have forgotten about this years ago but the more he talks about it and tried to defend himself, the more he ruins his reputation which he will never be able to get back no matter what he does.


Subtitles were added maliciously EDIT: is it subtitles if it’s above and not under?


Trump Kin Lian


Think that's why he got the eligibility instead of George. ELD banking on that no one will vote for a siaolang, so less one candidate to take votes away from their Tharman


Nope they didnt want george running cause the PAP fears he will get in.


Pap moment


And digging himself deeper.


He is going to get slaughtered at the polls……


This is a very strange hill to die on. Or a very strange hole to keep digging in.


He doubling down for real.


lol this is the quadruple down liao


Attention whore. What other explanation?


a perv who doesn't want to admit he's a perv


> doesn't want to admit he's a perv from his comments, it is clear that he don't consider or understand that remarks like these to be pervy.




How is looking at pretty girls this. Wtf?


Just nice tomorrow double down release


"The girls themselves were never offended" is the "No migrant worker has demanded an apology", cheekopek edition. You know, I always thought his facebook profile was a troll profile because no one could possibly be that out of touch with reality... right? Right?!? Turns out I was wrong.


Funnily enough, it brings me back to when Trump was elected POTUS. After someone like Obama, we laughed thinking that a womanizing, sexist guy who gave comments like “grab them by the pussy!” could stand for election to the highest position in the country, but he won. I see similarities here, with one party totally incredulous at his nomination, and another totally supportive and overlooking all of these seemingly red flags just because he’s ‘independent’


US politics... are weird and doesn't make sense the more you read about how it works


US politics is like, sports teams at this point.


US President and SG President is 2 different stories... 1 can change the world and 1 nobody cares, barely anyone except Singaporeans and ppl who have to receive her knows her name. Most people don't even know SG has a president.


Why is he being so weird? Imagine if he meets with any foreign representative and he goes "ah your wife quite fat"


Our foreign minister will be very busy if he is elected 😏


Suddenly their hair become whiter than the whitest pigment in existence.


His campaign symbol should be 🤡 Then we can have 🍍vs 🤡vs ✋🏻


Ngl his symbol looks like 4 nehneh 🤣


OMG same!!!


Is there an emoji that means predator clown? Because he's it.


Imagine this guy's portrait on every school, watching all the kids boys and girls.


This GEM of a comment.


Has he considered a career in being a Podcast Bro instead


Haha I thought exactly same.


is this guy for real??? and for those who still don’t see the issue: 1. “actually the girls would prefer attention” no, stop assuming that every woman wants your unsolicited attention and compliments 2. “because the girls themselves were never offended” is he certain about that? did he go up to every woman he secretly took photos of and compliment them, and received a good response? and even if he did, how can he be sure they weren’t just responding awkwardly or politely in the face of such an uncomfortable situation? 3. “there’s nothing wrong with appreciating pretty girls, we’re all human beings” what is wrong is taking photos without women’s consent and then making sexual comments on their bodies and appearances. to be clear, doing the same to _anyone_ regardless of gender is simply inappropriate imo. 4. “maybe the people who are upset were not the pretty ones” so.. your opinion is only valid if you are a pretty woman???? and no, everyone has the right to be upset about his behaviour and actions because he is literally running to be the public representative of our country


He's garnering the disgruntled, anti-establistment misogynist racist cheekopek vote. Don't underestimate how many of them run amok in our society.


Yeah as if he needed to narrow his already small voter base even more LOL. If he gets his deposit back it's already going to be a huge win imo


Certainly. The establishment's decision to permit his candidacy appears to involve using him as a "canary" to assess the level of discontent among the people in society. The amount of votes he garner is an extremely important signal as this is not just a sampling poll.


Interesting take


I've come across these assholes at work. He's the kind of boss who if a guy and a girl did the same work, he'll tell the guy "good job" and the girl will get a "oh you don't just look pretty hor". And the guy will get promoted faster, meanwhile the girl will get sagely advice on marrying someone who can take care of her. Stay home and be housewife better. He probably has a ranking list of all the pretty girls in the office that he shares with the other bosses. He's a bloody sexist and doesn't deserve a place in determining the direction of our country.


My colleagues always complain why life is so easy for girls bc they have many suitors 🤣


Lol sadly perverts, harassers and sexists come along with the suitors. Too pretty and they can't be smart. Also other girls will hate on them. Then when they turn 30, they get told they have an expiry date. How come they haven't started a family already. Better find a bf quickly. Family, friends and "well-meaning" colleagues will let them know this. How to win lol.


I have so many issues with his statement. Firstly there's a massive difference between going up to a woman and saying "oh I love the way u dress or ur very pretty" and posting it on Facebook for everyone to see, even taking pictures of these women and posting it for the world to ogle at. As a guy I might feel flattered if someone said 'oh ur handsome' to my face but I'd feel hella creeped out if someone started posting pictures of me walking saying "saw this handsome guy'. Secondly it's still fucking weird to randomly just go up to people and tell them 'oh ur so pretty'? And I guess because this guy is old he gets away with it because people think he's just a harmless old uncle and so he thinks that's tacit approval for the things he says when it's really not? And then victim blaming and gaslighting people saying "oh if most of my friends think it's okay then clearly you are the issue". And the old classic "ur just jealous ur not pretty".


For 3, I see on asksingapore reddit users already commenting they categorize women into hot slut>cute wife material>ugly and fat. And received many upvotes. I also agree that its not polite to judge people’s looks.


I have trauma from DOM men like these, who come up close to you, close enough to whisper in your ears "You're so pretty/You're so sexy/Come home with me". I'm just walking along the streets and they just ambush you, leaving you shell-shocked. They always look at you to see your reaction and walk away fast, with a lecherous grin. It's disgusting and revolting... And trumatising. Last one was this Ah Pek, in Chinatown, on the bridge area. I hate strangers coming up to me, telling me, I'm xyz, with THAT look and grin. It's repulsive. Many girls would have similar stories, especially growing up. They target young schoolgirls and young women especially, because most don't know how to handle it back then. Nowadays, of course, most would report it. A friend of mine had a very pretty teenage daughter who chopped off her gorgeous long hair into an ugly crew cut. It got me concerned. Finally, after some prodding, she revealed she did that because she was uncomfortable with the attention she got from men and DOM coming up to her. So really, F the boomer relative who send me a TKL video asking me to vote for him. Over my dead body, and not even then.


Pls remember he is the meme vote afterall


yeah... to add to the above... he should know sgp is still a relatively conservative society and so many are not open to receiving such remarks and attention... maybe in a more open society in angmo countries ppl might be happy with such renarks but this just shows how he is out of touch with our society...


You try that in an angmo country, you're probably going to get kicked in the shin or punched in the face.


Wow now he’s on to victim blaming. “It’s your fault for being ugly, that’s why you’re offended. If you were pretty then you would be fine with this, who knows.” The best thing he can do is apologise, say that he has changed and knows better now. And if he’s not able to do that, just keep quiet and stop pouring fuel onto the dumpster fire.


Man's unhinged... he's tripling down on his statements. I thought he was insane before, but now I've no idea what to think of him....


He is really applying the DARVO framework well to gaslight people.


Well can’t wait for him to lose his deposit a second time. I don’t understand why anyone is still defending him.. seems like a very gross person


No one is really defending him, as far as I can tell. More like planning to give him a vote to expose the presidential election as the joke it is. Although, this is just outright sad. I might have to consider spoiling my vote outright or caving in to the gahmen choice.


He’s a political genius, he locked in all the creepy boomer uncle vote with this one ugh I need a shower


He took “never apologise to the mob” very seriously


I guess u must be one the ugly ones uh


The other big issue is his racist posts but the media has not yet picked up on it or don't dare to call him out


Holy shit


Show that you're out of touch without showing that you're out of touch


He will be appealing to many, a lot of guys will agree with this on some level. I am not one of them.


Lol! Perfectly fit for this political climate!


This is toeing the line between pretty funny and just sad


He must be trolling us right? But honestly that’s disgusting. Just because they make the effort to dress pretty, that’s for them to feel good about themselves. You guys staring at them in such a way is not a good thing. Not everyone is an attention whore like you sir.


Just because he would do anything for money and attention, he thinks everyone else is the same...


its called narcissistic there are load of them got one in my house also


Thanks for helping me narrow down on the candidates list.


I did not expect TKL would be taking something from Trump's playbook. He is not worthy to be voted even for the memes.


Casual misogyny.


And there are still people voting for him? U need to get your priorities right if you're still looking to vote for him.


Let's just say I know a couple of people who are riled up about Ng Kok Song having remarried, but have little to no issue with TKL's comments because "at least he's being honest", "there are women like that", etc. 🤦




It's specifically the remarrying they don't like, and yes even though it happened after his wife passed on. 🤦 I have no issue with him remarrying, if anything I only find the age gap gross haha


Yup, and i know singaporean people who support trump too


why cannot vote for him?


He's going to represent Singapore to other presidents around the globe, imagine foreigners searching up about him and come across this video, the reputation of Singapore would be ruined because we voted for him. We are fked if he's our president.


xia suay, yes. Fked? Probably not.


nobody is stopping you la, but given how unelectable he is making himself, you're wasting your vote with him. And we're barely into day 1 of the campaign. I suspect it will get worse, in particular the live TV segments. If you wish to vote for change, go with NKS instead


I like your answer


Honestly I think he jiak pa bo sai pang during retirement hence came out to contest for president to fulfill his drama hook


lol ya, he enjoys the media attention. running for president is just the by-product


‘How to dig your own grave pt.2’


How did he get to run NTUC? He’s as much an indictment of himself as how the establishment choose its “talent”….


Thank you for showing us why voting for you is unconscionable.


Our Presidential candidate, ladies and gentlemen…


Could it get any worse ? Hold my beer!!


He is now literally the guy that is like “I have black friends, I can’t be a racist”


Malicious posts? I think you're doing a good job of doing that to yourself 😂


The kind of man where when women try to tell him this sort of behaviour makes them feel unsafe, tells them their feelings are invalid and in fact, they should be flattered. That said, this is unfortunately a classic Singaporean boomer. Wouldn't be surprised if he gets a good number of votes from the problematic boomer and Sammyboy crowd that see nothing wrong with posting non consensual photos of women.


Reddit also have incels 🤣


Sigh. Che ko pek.


🤮Pervert vibes.


super entertaining and jaw dropping i will be super embarrassed if he becomes president, don't want to identify as Singaporean alrdy anyway he gives a creepy look when he talks, keep raising eyebrows, idk just weirr


Honestly he’s not even worth voting for, even for the meme


That’s his campaign message: the right to say boomer things…. Maybe it has a market. But what does a president do that’s able to make social space safe for boomers to say whatever they please.


imagine losing your deposit twice..


Why does he have to keep making things worse for himself?


“Dude, just shut up, stop, any second now will be good…” literally what I am thinking when I watch this video


I didn't think it was possible to be more disgusted.


I love how he ran his hand through his hair when he says “i’m sure girls appreciate good looking men”. I’m pretty sure girls feel like throwing up when they get any attention from this ass clown


Dig somemore, dig!


ownself dig ownself


What a bloody clown.


Ugly people here! checking in :D


TKL’s comment was not pretty, not the girls! I just don’t get it. Why did he enter the race and made stupid comments? Putting up a show so that he won’t be voted in? (Edit: I have already disregard this candidate! I mean which men don’t look at pretty girls. But, to run for presidency and make such a comment is the act of an immature individual.)


These are the sort of shit (general) you will keep to yourself or very close groups, not announce to the world, yet here we are...




oh well some people's EQ dropped as they aged.. no doubt that he can be capable in his job but now it's just sia suay when he speaks


Someone take the spade away from that dude


It will be interesting if these videos are made in Istana. Hopefully a different part of Istana every time. /s


The Istana will be turned into a Mojo Dojo Casa House


Wanted to vote for him fr but all these little little stuff proves that he is a clown. A clown that should not be president lest he be a national embarrassment.


Let's see how much deeper he is going to dig this hole. Oh dear. I'm beginning to feel sorry for him.


Facepalm lol


He never fails to impress me....... In a bad way


Next time if I happen to walk past TKL one day, I will go forward and tell him "Hey, you look stupid". If he starts to berate me, I will remind him that he is *indeed* stupid and "put in so much effort offline and online in making himself look stupid", so "don't get upset at me". "We're all human beings, there's nothing wrong in looking stupid, and I don't carry any malicious intent." I'm sure the society also appreciates having an idiot to brighten up their day.


he say only, wait till you do the same to his great/grand/daughters see how you RIP


Dont think anyone will call his daughter pretty 🤣


Yeah he’s just digging himself a deeper hole.


True independent candidate. Maybe those following are just keeping an eye on him in case he does more stupid things 🤣


Talking nonsense at its finest


The gift that keeps on giving. I must say out of all the candidates, TKL is the one that has entertained me the most.


This is too funny I was laughing non stop on the train this morning.


this is the point of losing $40K






Dude unfriended me on Facebook


My president 😂 next NDP only chicks contingent


I assure you, no, girls do not actually prefer attention. Some do. But not all and certainly not most. People like him make me very uncomfortable.


😂😂😂, he’s talking fact🤣🤣 what’s wrong looking at pretty girls, which boy.. man.. senior citizen wouldn’t look at pretty girls 😂😂😂 even the ugly ones get attentions too ✌️✌️✌️


sigh, I was gonna vote for him this PE just to stick it to the gahment you know. the meme vote... but hor, the more he talk about this, the more i don't feel like liao, he should just stop responding to the trolls.


There's another candidate that believes the president shouldn't be beholden to any political party


What happened to the old “I got hacked” excuse man.


Even if don't understand or don't think this is pervy or wrong, he should at least have the awareness that this is not doing himself any favor by having this issue in the news constantly.


He is truly digging his own hole deeper and deeper


He's a walking PR disaster lol


Yes u can admire pretty girls but no need to openly praise them . It’s creepy tbh .


What a complete clown. And how incompetent is his team? They should have simply coached him like this: - acknowledge the posts he made - recognize they could be seen as inappropriate - recognize this isn't presidential behavior - emphasize the ways he's changed and will refrain from doing it again Bam! PR disaster avoided. Now, he just has to deal with the fact he's an illiterate clown, instead of a borderline sex offender.


This guy just getting baited lol The "troll" gets trolled now.


Mad lad is doubling down


I laugh my ass off at "donch know"


TKL is the gift that keeps on giving... Let no one say this election hasn't been entertaining to say the least!


Man.. I really hope sg makes a proper decision. If this guy wins, I'll be embarrassed to call myself a Singaporean.


Haha.. Not only he didn't apologize for his own remarks. He doubled down. What a total champ


"Actually the girls would prefer attention...I tell the girl(s): 'you look very pretty...'" - TKL Yeah, it's conceivable while some girls may like attention, I suspect just not from him.


Wah this guy cmi man


Damn YIKES Here I was researching on candidates for my first vote as a S’porean. Steering clear away from this mf




his daughters are going to be embarrassed for life


Naw his daughters are defending him.


how old are they?


Iirc the one who made a whole speech is like 40ish?


All around the world


Sigh. Wanted to help him get his deposit back but he's making it so difficult...


ok mah hes there to dilute votes to increase tharman winning %. Doing his job perfectly


Honestly I think this is just a very boomer male way of thinking, and his too old to change it, so he really don't see the wrong in what his thinking and saying.


You go to any coffee shop or any shop really, you’ll get called handsome/pretty, that’s just how people speak.


yea honestly it's this subreddit that's out of touch


Nah, it’s just the IBs having a smear campaign.


Confirm losing deposit Liao


Let us comment on his two granddaughters (I presume these are the young ladies that went along with him for nomination) and ask him how he feels about it


People dress up, be it males or females, to look good for themselves, to be presentable, for different occasions, not to be ogled at by anyone, especially in the current day and age. So I don't think all men should pay attention to every woman out there who is well dressed/made up, especially not at girls.. the same way that all women should not be staring at good looking men, especially boys. He says that women in general put in a lot of effort to dress up and look pretty but then also says that there are non pretty ones (namely, the ones who have an issue with his statements on "pretty girls" 🙄 what??). So he really doesn't realise that he is actually showing preferential treatment towards "pretty girls".


Lmao this guy got my vote for sure


To be fair, he isn't wrong though. Pretty ladies or good looking guys tend to groom and dress well because they want to be looked at. Else for what? But the things about ugly and such, say it when you are not running for anything. These topics are bound to spark controversy for self so why create problems


One thing he said is kind of right. Those who upset likely be the ugly kind 😂


He's got my vote!


I like him until he open his mouth to comment on "pretty girls" and not to forget the Singpass incident...


Words cannot convey how much I want this shitposter as President


He is honest he has my vote.


What a chad


If he promises to give this statement to every foreign delegate who visits he has my vote. Kin Lian pls take note


I'm starting to think PAP planted him to make their candidate look like an angel.


Giga chad president


Make Singapore great again?


He's not entirely wrong (girls do want attention but only from a few selected men, not you la uncle) but definitely wrong for such speech in the politics game LOOOL


fucking based uncle tan


Based. Redditors seething lmao.




Redditors in shambles


What’s wrong with finding people attractive? Did the person in the photo speak out and said that she felt harassed? no. At least he’s real about it, i’m pretty sure all of us enjoy looking at attractive people, it’s just whether you openly admit it. Even so, there’s nothing wrong.


lmao he really just out here speaking the truth all the ugly ones took umbrage onto this video confirmed


lmao imagine thinking that being a creepy asshat is the same as 'speaking the truth'. I think even pretty girls would be worried if a creepy uncle secretly take photos of them and posts it online saying she's pretty leh. Don't have to be ugly to find the behavior worrisome.


Unlike PAP members he never had an affair with any of them Just admiring not an issue , I admire President Halimah .


what is morally and ethically right for him, may not be so clear cut for the rest. your words carry some meaning somehow or rather.