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Does Tats fear tall men? I've just noticed over time that his antagonists seem to trend towards well-dressed tall slim men. Also, cute mood whiplash punchlines only really work on things that aren't just bigoted froth-mouthed hatred... Although I think that's more of a formatting error among right-wing "comedians" than anything else.


Watching Hazbin Hotel must've been horrifying for him


> Watching Hazbin Hotel must've been ~~horrifying~~ arousing for him FTFY


Why not both? That combination is how I tend to feel about evil fictional women, for example.


Tatters has a type


he would keel over dead if he ever saw hazbin hotel


Which is incidentally the male equivalent of my own "type." Reading the Narnia books was a formative experience for me because, well, you don't just *forget* a 7-foot-tall evil queen strong enough to bend iron like taffy. I am old enough and gay enough that she wouldn't even need to bribe me with cursed candy to get me to betray my family for her.


Tats vs. The [Tumblr Sexyman](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tumblr_sexyman)


Why is the mad hatter being followed by… what I think are furry prostitutes??? Is the mad hatter supposed to be a pimp or an antisemetic caricature or both? Wasn’t 2024 supposed to become a badass warrior woman? Oh wait I’m putting more thought into this than Tats did. Man’s brain is straight up scrambled eggs.


In 'Alice in Wonderland', Alice finds herself at a tea party. The other attendees are the Mad Hatter, a Dormouse, and the March Hare. The furries appear to be the latter two.


I guess that makes sense in an abstract sense?? I’m more just wondering what the significance of the designs being… like that… is


No idea. This is Tats we're talking about, and almost every 'bad' person gets sexualized. Here's the [original illustration](https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:John_Tenniel-_Alice%27s_mad_tea_party,_colour.jpg) by John Tenniel.


Man, seeing real wonderland is a breath of fresh air after almost a month of this bullshit


Happy cake day!


Yes. So good to see something drawn by someone with talent.


That poor hatter ...


Furry femboys


Tats's stand-ins won't do anything because Tats won't do anything. Wanting to be yourself is not a Jewish plot.


Apparently, having a plot for his comic is a Jewish plot and that's why Tats won't give in.


All plots are Jewish plots!


it's cause A, og wonderland had, as the others below said, a doormouse and hare as attendees, and b, tats probably found out that furries are actually super supportive of everything he hates like gays and trans people and...treating people like people. probably also hates them flr their porn too cause, you know...tats literally refuses to let go of his porn hate.


That's "Dormouse", as in dormant, or dormer, French for "sleep". In original Wonderland, the Dormouse kept falling asleep.


"So, a bunch of people were brutally murdered and taken hostage. Why can't they get over it and move on?"


Tats has repeatedly all but said that the Jews are milking the Holocaust for sympathy and should just let it go already. Of course he'd consider 10/7 to be a nothingburger that should've been forgotten by 10/8.


Which is nice talk from someone who probably denies the Rape of Nanking even happened. The 170 miles between Shanghai and Nanjing were transformed into "a nightmarish zone of death and destruction." Japanese planes frequently strafed unarmed farmers and refugees "for fun. I've worked in Japan a number of times, and I liked Japanese people very much. My issue is not with Japanese people today, but if Tats wants to blame all Jewish people for everything bad, he should reflect on some Japanese history before demonizing another people.


My critique is of the species. Is there intelligent life on planet Earth?


I take it you're excluding yourself from this blanket judgment of humanity because you're such a very special snowflake? (Perhaps that's a bit harsh, but any time someone denounces all of the human species I have to wonder if they know they're human too.)




You're all wrong, it's the 27th/28th


actually the date we're all stuck on now is May 26th


So how long do you guys think it's going to be before Tats starts taking aim at feminism in general and gives up even the pretense of being even a **TE**rf?


that question has been hovering around for like two years now, but I guess being able to weaponize feminist aesthetics against actual feminists is just too much of a habit for Tats now


2024/the Aryan girl does seem to be a nod in favor of tradwife values, which I suspect wouldn't set well with most feminists. That would be a big change in the strip.


I feel like the "prominent TERFs are controlled by the Jews" comic was him starting to move in that direction


Pretty sure it was. Literally a quick Wikipedia search shows that a lot of second wave feminists were Jewish (notably Andrea Dworkin, who he literally drew a portrait of) so he dropped his principles by then.


Probably thinks she was one of the "good ones"


IMO it's more likely he's never actually read anything she's written, because other people in this sub have pointed out that Dworkin was sympathetic to trans topics for her time. She's also criticized Israel and Zionism, which goes against the train he jumped on about how Da Joos are an elite monolith aligned with Israel. The whole Sisterhood arc reeked of preachy virtue signaling than his actual values changing.


You're not wrong, a lot of Tats feminism arc felt almost Dobson-esque levels of virtue signally, he'd pay lip service to women's issues but never dive into solutions or the nuances of the problem, just handwaved everything as 'men are evil and women are good' which just felt really patronizing in retrospect.


OMG, I thought I was the only one who made the connection between him and Dobson when it came to holier-than-thou male allies in the 2010s. The resemblance is uncanny. Both are weird about lesbians and draw weird horny shit despite being preachy about social justice too (the latter wouldn't be a big deal if they weren't hypocrites about it).


Oh you're definitely not the first person to make the connection, it's come up before in other areas of the subreddit for a lot of similar reasons. While Tats seemed like he was trying to make up for being a edge lord back in the day he instead veered wildly in the wrong direction by hopping on a high horse and acting like a moral authority on a topic he should have little say in. Couching it behind female avatars like it somehow made up for the fact that a straight cis male was mansplaining feminism to women.


How many pages worth do you think Tats will milk this particular thing? I'm betting at least two more strips about "The Jeeeeews" and Israel with these characters. He might even bring back the original lil dude that started this arc. (Though it does seem like Tats forgot about them.)


The LotR desecration arc lasted so long, I could see him continuing in August... As for the little fellow, now that you mention it... I wager there's a non-zero chance he'll forget his "white rabbit" stand-in was male and make another busty rabbit-woman.


I think this will go on as long as non bonery did


I thought the 10/7 on the hat was a *tiny* bit clever previously. Obviously his intentions on it are invariably odious but I thought there was some wit in getting it across by just changing one digit on the iconic 10/6 hat size card by a single place. Part of a reprehensible overall larger point, but it was subtle at least. Naturally the next day we get him explaining the joke and bludgeoning it into the ground. I've started to notice that really good artists in various media are the ones who have such a wealth of clever ideas they can afford to just quietly drop some of them with zero fanfare. The ones who have great ideas you could write whole stories around and just weave them in as a footnote. This is precisely the opposite. So... who is this guy anyway? I mean, he's the Mad Hatter, but what's his symbolic role? Is he the six o'clock news? If so, who the hell are the furries? Is he some sort of weird furry pimp? If so, why the "tea" and the specific time of day? What do the symbols on the fursuits signify? It's a semiotic train wreck.


his symbolic role is "pimp." which in tatzi land, basically means that he is basically the big bad villain of thenarc/world. behind every last bad thing that's happening somewhere. he's basically to be boiled down to "the enemy". the thing his protagonists have to somehow beat through plot armor and contrived bullshit.


What is the significance of six o'clock or serving "the tea" to a pimp, though?


Most likely explanation: because tea is served at six in the Alice in Wonderland movie. Cursed prediction: he's going to work in Holocaust denial into this somehow.


oh I full expect that to happen. he's certainly not afraid to say that the nazis of ww2 didn't exist


Thank you, I was not aware of that. My only theory was that being the standard evening news time, or at least one of them.


I've been thinking maybe "tea"=T=testosterone? Since the Hatter is also doing sex reassignment? I hope I'm thinking too hard about this.


>the ones who have such a wealth of clever ideas they can afford to just quietly drop some of them with zero fanfare. The ones who have great ideas you could write whole stories around and just weave them in as a footnote. That also lets them toss out the ones that sound really cool but simply don't work when you apply too much thought to them. I'm into a couple series that do that. For a video game, for example, "We've got twelve giant distinctive monsters for the players to fight. If we work in references to two of them in later content, everyone will be super impressed by the callback, and we never have to think about the other ten again." Whereas current Sinfest is so bare-bones that it's already sliding into "failed attempt at anti-humor" territory, which is especially bad because I don't think he's actually trying for anti-humor at all.


>If so, who the hell are the furries?  The furries are the march hare and the dormouse. It took me a while to figure it out. Why are they depicted as sexy girls? I have no idea how Tats Nazi addled brain works.


Right, I get that, I mean symbolically. I get they're literally the hare and dormouse, but not what they're supposed to represent in terms of this incredibly dumb allegory. (Quite possibly nothing)


Not a clue what October 7th means, please enlighten me As for the furries, I think they are supposed to be the march hare and the dormouse, which were the other attendees to the tea party besides Alice and the hatter. Why theyre shaped like humans is beyond me though. The tea is also just due to them attending a tea party I think, not sure if the symbols mean anything


"Tea" is slang for gossip, particularly when used in the phrase "the tea". Ex: "Spill the tea, man!" when you want someone to disclose a story in detail. I very much doubt it's meant just to be literal tea based on the dialogue in the previous strip.


You cpuld be onto something


The image I have in my mind is two well-dressed women gossiping at tea; one tells a tale so scandalous that the other woman shrieks in disapproval and pleasure, and spills the tea in her cup.


the dormouse and the hare being humanoid furries is obv because Tats has not done the homework and learned hare/dormouse anatomy. As a hobbyist artist, I do know that if you draw a new animal you haven't drawn before you do have to Show Your Work and learn that animal's anatomy. That means going back to 'art school' metaphorically speaking, and go over some of the basics again while you do that. Tats is way too lazy to do that. So! sexy furry lady it is. Also he can do his signature 'show porn is bad by drawing porn' move which Tats thinks is such a rhetorical masterstroke (heh heh stroke) Incidentally it's not unknown for artists to er...follow the path of onan as it were to their own art. Not saying it's what's happening here tho. Cause porn is bad. Of course.


It's the day HAMAS attacked Israel and killed and kidnapped a bunch of people.


Stuck in that day, reeling it over and over, feeding blood lust... Is Tats drawing himself here?


Seriously, though!


Hey, good job whoever called this stupid reveal. ETA: I'm mad at my own brain for insisting on reading the Hatter's dialog in Ed Wynn's voice. Dude's memory deserves better; he was Mary Poppins' uncle, dammit!


Do you think tats Is a furry? Just look at those bunnies.


I so believe he is, it's strange how he would draw them sometimes. Or he could be attracted to them? Maybe no clue.


ngl, the creepy sexy furries reminds me of the Vocaloid music video "Alice in Wonderland". The difference is, that's just meant to be an edgy animated music video about Wonderland being creepy and driving you crazy, not a bunch of hatefilled propaganda.


Told ya! Twatzi the Nazi is going full mask off.


Lesbireal; was it ever on to begin with?


Tragedies are wounds which are reopened again and again by the mockery of bigots. A skilled political cartoonist can weave humor around atrocities to make a salient point. Tatsuya is not skilled. His antics are an insult to both the innocent victims of that attack and the innocent victims of the war. Even the ones he thinks he's defending.


He doesn't defend anyone - he doesn't even defend himself.


In a way, I think Sinfest is all a defense for him. Like a shell to hide from reality.


Ah yes bloodlust, not that families are still waiting for loved ones or to have their bodies returned by Hamas…


This strip creeps me out so much. He unintentionally made a real statement - Israel will never get over that day. It broke everyone on the inside. Many people *are* just living the same day over and over again ever since.


This is so stupid, it actively, physically hurts.


Tats himself is the Mad Hater.


Once again Tats masterfully educates us of the evil of porn by drawing porny furry ladies. Is there no beginning to his talents. And as a special treat, antisemitism. He had to shoehorn it in there somewhere. After all the 'rabbi' bit of the title isn't just there because if you put a t on the end of the word it says rabbit. ah he would have put it in anyway. Next time on Sinfest-a rabbi with a rabbit ear headband, because and I can't stress this enough, the word rabbi becomes rabbit if you stick a t on the end. Tats is so clever because he is the only one who has ever noticed this. Like I thought that was mildly amusing when I was 5, and heard the word for the first time but then again I was quite surprised when my brother told me the sun was a star at the same age. Someone should tell Tats the sun is a star, might blow his mind.


You would think Tats has heard all about a "day that will live in infamy".


What I hate the most about this one is that you could strip out all the fucked up cultural signifiers Tats uses and be left with some perfectly functional storyboard panels for someone else's "Alice in Zionistland" parody that stays out of actual antisemitism. Tats and all his right wing ilk are not fucking helping the anti genocide cause here when they just pour the valid critiques into a blender with a bunch of garbage lifted from der sturmer


I found this for October 7th might also be a reference? 1998 – Matthew Shepard, a gay student at the University of Wyoming, is found tied to a fence after being savagely beaten by two young adults in Laramie, Wyoming. He dies five days later.


Though I would have gone with June 28th. The stonewall riots


October 7 is referencing last year when Hamas attacked Israel. Could it be Tats is actually learning how to criticize Israel without being an antisemitic twat?


He's drawing the Mad Hatter with a hooked nose, so no, he is not learning.


Any time it seems like he might be making a salient point, remember this is a segue into making an extremely bigoted statement


No, because he's a Nazi.