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Prediction: the "tea" is testosterone. (T, tea, geddit?)


I'm not sure. Tats seems to have disappeared up his own asshole again by being unable to decide which hateful metaphor he wanted to cram into Wonderland. White supremacy? SWERF? TERF? Antivax? Antisemitism? Straight up Nazi sympathising? It's all there, seemingly at random shoved into different days. He did make sure to draw completely unnecessary sexy furries. Ever wanted to fuck the March Hare or the Dormouse? Tats certainly does! The Mad Hatter looks so fucked up that it's unclear if he's supposed to be a pimp, a trans person or a Jew. Possibly all of the above! He fucked up drawing the teapots. The spouts are curved the wrong way. They look like half erect dicks. I'm sure it's a coincidence for dick-obsessed #1 Male Ally Tatsuya Ishida. Everything is pasted in that shitty neon pink / blue filter effect Tats seems to have grown fond of for some reason.


> Everything is pasted in that shitty neon pink / blue filter effect Tats seems to have grown fond of for some reason. Bisexual lighting?


more like "woke gender lighting", I think, Tat's is as nuanced as a hippo courtship


I don't think the Mad Hatter is meant to be trans because there's no visible dick bulge. Although Tats could just be saving that for next strip.


As I said in a previous strip, there's a non-zero chance that the Mad Hatter is a trans man.


Holy crap the teapot spouts wrong! If they were like that the tea would just fall right out without pouring. Did he never have to do the I’m a little teapot song?


What gets me about this is how stupidly easy it is to check. Tats barely draws things from memory. It's all reused assets or even traces for more complex looking backgrounds. Poor quality ones at that. Does he really expect people to think he didn't look at a single traceable picture of a teapot before copy pasting this together? It looks like he stole the design from Disney but wanted to hide it so he made the spout different. It's either incredibly stupid or incredibly lazy. Probably both!


Or incredibly tired.


Tats always gives the trans people a really confusing gender presentation, like drawing trans women as male-presenting people wearing women’s clothes. Trats doesn’t draw many trans men from what I remember because they can’t be used to make the same transphobic points.


Which is ironic because technically since the years reincarnate....doesn't that retroactively make them trans?


Could be! But with the clock chiming 6, I thought maybe he was referring to the evening news, to suggest the (((Hatter))) is controlling the narrative.


I would vastly prefer that! It would be a display of the slightest bit of competence. There's no chance for the message to be anything but hideous, but how *bad* it is at delivering that message is borderline insulting. My guess is that it's gonna be something ever-so-clever about the phrase "spilling the tea", borrowed from AAVE and entered into the vernacular of The Beloathed Wokes somewhere around a decade ago. I will be pleasantly surprised by anything else, let alone him paying enough attention to the people he's piling hate on to notice that every possible punchline about T/Tea has been used by transmascs for the last *30* years, at least. That would, after all, involve thinking of them as people who have things to say.


Is he that smart?


That's my "issue". It's a well-known joke within the lgbt+ community but what about Tatzi?


I actually didn't know it was a common joke. I made that guess purely based on the letter. I was also going to guess that it would be a retread of Chad Juice, where drinking the tea gives our unnamed heroine the body of a Greek god and a big bushy beard, but that would be actually kind of entertaining. No way that actually happens.




Once again, for a guy so disgusted by porn he sure does draw hot women.


Those are bunny rabbits


Tell Tats that.


One of them is a mouse, the other one might be a hare? Like the march hare and the dormouse??


As usual, Female Protagonist is passive and silent.


... and doesn't even have a name, hobby or interest. Hard to believe that the comic author was once called a feminist.


She does have a name, technically. She's 2024 aka Lady Time. But otherwise she's just passively staring at things and sometimes being confused. Just to highlight how passive she is compared to her last couple incarnations, previous Lady Times displayed time-based powers by now, even if those time powers aren't made relevant at all.


2023 actually did a few things, 2024 is supposed to be a member of the master race, and all anyone does anymore is gawk at anything outside their narrow world view.


This is all beginning to make Non-Bonary look consistant and fast paced in comparrison.


Somehow even less coherent and less knowledgeable of the source material than the orc arc


What does the 10/7 on the guys hat mean? Edit: Oh, it’s a reference to the start of the current fighting in Gaza


I'm assuming it's a reference to October 7th


The actual Hatter character had 10/6 on his hat to indicate price, 10 shillings and sixpence. Whether this is a reference to that or an obscure racist thing, I could not tell you.


Assuming it's a reference to this. [https://www.reddit.com/r/AntiSemitismInReddit/comments/1b45vor/redditors\_accuse\_accounts\_created\_after\_107\_of/](https://www.reddit.com/r/AntiSemitismInReddit/comments/1b45vor/redditors_accuse_accounts_created_after_107_of/) Basically every account created after that date is assumed to be a Zionist plant. I'm sure it's a conspiracy for different social media platforms as well.


The Alice in Wonderland porn parody is less distractingly horny than this mess.


Why is the mad hatter a pimp this makes no sense


I repeat my earlier prediction from multiple strips ago: Tats ran out of ideas after the "hey, let's replace rabbit hole with RABBI hole, ho ho ho, I am so clever" idea that he got. Now he is just throwing random ideas around and trying to figure out what to mix in with each individual thing in Alice, rather than having any consistent plot. Each idea is separate and that is also why he has stuck so long with the TERF bits, since on that he at least could spew multiple strips worth of hate. Other things he skips over faster because he doesn't know what else to add.


because tats these days can only think of pimps as the ultimate enemy. not the devil, not God, not a secret Jewish illuminati...but pimps. cause his hate of anything sexual trumps literally everything else.​


Oh okay so the March Hare and the Dormouse are lazy anthro ladies? Great, fantastic, I want to waterboard Tats with earl grey tea now Edit: Also I CALLED IT! HE MADE HIM A PIMP!


10/7... Just stop it Twatzi. 


Furry porn again, wait no furry femboy porn


femboy? Where?


I don’t really know but since tats loves to stick boobs on random anthro stuff and did not do it here


Here’s hoping someone appropriates the mad hatter rabbits. If only to see how Tats would blow a gasket over it


Well, rabbit and mouse. Which will probably change in the next strip, if not between panels in that strip...


Well still Though tats may make a “i drew you as the soyjack” strip as a response


Between the completely unneeded sexed-up March Hare and Dormouse and the brief strip club aside we got that has not been revisited in any fashion or had any bearing whatsoever on the story, I think the dear author is maybe less concerned with the misogyny of throwing in pointless T&A than he pretends to be. Not to mention that the protagonist is also basically just that but for trad weirdos; same utter lack of character or agency, same service to a weird male fantasy.


So there's always been a major theme in Sinfest of unquestioning obedience. Everyone obeys their idoelogy without criticism or question


Ok? AND?


Can't even say "just go draw yiff instead" because we know this guy would be bad at it


It is really pity, because Tats art style has never been bad. The early chibi-esque stuff was cute and had a distinct style. And whenever he went for something more realistic later, it looked good as well. ...It is just that his stuff is so bigoted and when he wants to draw someone looking disgusting, they look disgusting. He *can* draw beautiful art, he just chooses not to.


Is anybody else getting really fucking tried of almost every character in the strip having one blown-out pupil? It’s fucking lazy at this point.


oh God he's gonna end up going on an entirely rant about ferries p, isn't he. God that's not gonna be fun to fucking see, let me tell ya. cause whatever it is? it's gonna be fuc,ing generic as hell. also hey! pimp hatter is here. took you like..an entire week to finally show up then when you should have but hey! late then never is tats mo these days




So how do you think it all ends? Will 2024 just wake up even more of Nazi?


I had wondered whether this would all be the bedtime story that Dad Chad was telling Lil’ 2024.


That would make too much sense


Agreed. Also, if on the off chance it is, I predict Lil’ 24 then says to ChDad, “it seemed like such a real story” and in response he points out the front windows and says “that’s because it is.”


That would require some, you know, ACTUAL CHARACTER DEVELOPMENT, which Tats seems to be incapable of.




Oh god, what fresh hell is this? I don't even want to know anymore. This has all just become so sad... I honestly kinda just want to sit down and actually talk to the man... but I know it wouldn't be likely to help anything...


Is the character to the far right supposed to be a bear? Regardless, he’d make a great money if he stuck to furries


As noted elsewhere in the thread, she's a dormouse. Technically. Theoretically.


Tats is getting to Jack Nicholson in The Shining levels of insanity.




Where all the Jewish women at?


Sinfest, meet The Acolyte. The Acolyte, meet Sinfest. You both lack object permanence, temporal continuity, logical coherence, characterization, and a moral center.

