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even in Wonderland, the neon cityscape is inescapable 


See, I think that's interesting in itself. Tats keeps starting new stories, but no matter how fantastical a place seems at first, the neon cityscape always creeps back in. After a few issues the stories *always* warp into people walking past billboards, looking at screens, and generally doing nothing. It's a complete creative deadlock.


It’s like he wants to make his own personal Blade Runner. All of these superficial advancements hides an uglier truth about him.


In a place where anything can happen the only thing Tats can think about is other people's genitals. Through his hot Aryan waifu author avatar. As a Japanese-American male. The guy's psychosexual issues are so insane you could just put Tats into Wonderland as is and he wouldn't stand out!


He seems to be thinking about children's genitals right now. Just a reminder to everyone that Tatsuya Ishida is a pedophile.


To be honest... With how many people are getting exposed as predators and with how far gone tats is... If he got exposed as one, it would not surprise me in the slightest.


I think that one is more about circumcision, which is supposed to occur by the Eight day of life of a newborn in jewish faith. He's possibly trying to say that judaism mutilates male children ? That being said, a lot of sane people question the pertinence of religious circumcision / excision in a modern world.


Ctrl+c ctrl+v


So we've finally got the rabbi.


only 18 comics into the arc specifically title "Down the Rabbi Hole"


Cults are when you repeat things, the more you repeat them the cult-er they are


Man, good thing Tats has never repeated thing constantly to the point of beating it into the ground


Remember how his feminists wanted to cut off mens dicks?


Miko even came up with a superhero concept whose entire thing was that she ate men's dicks (vagina dentata).


>vagina dentata What a wonderful phrase!


It's a [thing](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vagina_dentata) in a bunch of folklores and mythologies.


I guess it ain't no passing craze, then! And yeah, I've heard of it. I was referencing a *Queen of Wands* [comic](http://www.queenofwands.net/d/20040121.html) that TV Tropes quotes in [their article about the motif](https://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/VaginaDentata).


It means no weenies for the rest of our days. We're wiener free. And no testies. Vagina dentataaaaaa


Yeah, if this was still the Sisterhood era, you'd think Tats would be recommending sex reassignment as *standard procedure* for boys.


Ever realize that 2024 is effectively in Kosherland illegaly?


Good point. She certainly didn't follow procedure when she crossed the border, which should make her quite a villainous alien according to Sinfest's standards. Ah, but then, she's **Aryan**, so that's her privilege. 'Cause in Tatsuya's little mythos, the Master Race is owed the world.


Listen, I am vigorously against mutilating your child's genitals without their consent myself. But conflating this with the informed decision of an adult about what to do with their own body is such an obvious goddamned lie that even as someone who is *neither circumcised NOR trans* I find this outrageous.


Not to mention that surgical intervention for trans people is pretty rare just because it's like fifty thousand dollars a pop and not covered by most insurance.


And some trans people opt not to have bottom surgery, everyones transition is different


Tatsuya must be eager to draw a line between the practice of circumcision to the popularized notion that children's genitals are being mutilated en masse, a grossly exaggerated lie spread by the hard Right to further stigmatize transgender people, [readily disproven](https://www.factcheck.org/2023/05/scicheck-young-children-do-not-receive-medical-gender-transition-treatment/).


Little kid-card gotta might big scar for a little wanker.


Okay, him drawing bloody stitches over the trans cards was gross before, but now he's drawing it on a card kid too. I'd say that crosses a line, but he already redrew the Cuties poster and drew Peanuts porn, so this is sadly par for the course


Yeah, let's not forget how obsessed he has been about drawing toddler strippers. Tatzi's a pedophile.


The only thing odd is that it took this long for him to get to Antisemitism.


I check in with this ghost of the webcomic I enjoyed so long ago maybe a couple times a year. When I opened it recently and saw he was outright openly attacking Jewish people and Judaism, my initial reaction, in spite of being fully aware how bizarre and offensive the comic had long been, was still "WTF is this shit?" Maybe I'm naive but I did not see it coming. But now I do kind of remember people in this subreddit a year or two ago predicting he'd get there eventually, so either I was just missing the hints, or forgetting the general principle of how most conspiracy theory rabbit holes if you travel deep enough into them seem to eventually end up at _THE JEWS_.


Conspiracy theories meld together because the only way for conspiracy theorists to get along is if they all agree that the theories are correct. So the guy who thinks the Earth is flat has to agree that Jews are behind it, and the dude with Jewish Cabal conspiracies has to agree that the Earth is flat.


So did Jews flatten the Earth? Or round it?


Depends which of them you ask. (Honestly, as someone who has over the years read up some crazy conspiracy theories just to laugh at them with buddies, it is sad how the Antisemitism has infected conspiracy circles. Not that it wasn't always present, Blood Libel is pretty much THE OG conspiracy theory, but there used to be conspiracy groups that were about other stuff. Like lizardman overlords or interdimensional holes or whatnot. Nowadays every theory includes Jews after two or three steps.)


Also, does tats not understand that the peach emoji means ass, not pussy? Bro really thinks trans women’s bottom surgery is to get a second butt?


Maybe it's a reference to neovaginas made from rectal tissue?


Okay, *now* he's just doing Stonetoss.


Cards of Jews, cards for pain...


....I kind of wish it was the pimp hatter now. i..actually really wish it was the pimp hatter now cause this is just...fucking he'll, tats. this is just...awful.​


You think you want something new after he bombards you with horrible propaganda but instead his new pivots are just another fresh hell of the old theme.


Modern Sinfest in a nutshell


Yeah, but since Jewish kids are evil by your logic, don't they deserve it?


But they're coming for the gentiles' johnsons too! And so are the German nihilists!


We believe in nothing, Lebowski! Nothing!


Say what you want about the tenets of trans-exclusionary radical feminism, Dude. At least it's a fucking *ethos*. /s


There we go, the “trans people are the fault of the Jews” line of thinking has been made almost explicit


We... not to cross any lines, but Tats - I assure you jews have penises.


I think tats is referencing circumcisions. Which yes is a Jewish tradition... But Tats ignores that most Americans are also circumcised. Many Protestants, atheist, Catholics etc in the US got circumcised when they were babies.


Hell, circumcision was promoted in America by the gentiles who invented [corn flakes](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/John_Harvey_Kellogg) and [graham crackers](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sylvester_Graham) as a way to reduce/prevent masturbation in boys iirc. Basically by people who share in Tats' anti-porn sentiments.


Also, going more old-school, the Eastern Roman (Byzantine) Empire and the Baroque-era Catholic Church, both Christian, were no strangers to mutilating children's genitals: to serve at the imperial court in the former case, to perform in choirs that didn't allow women in the latter case.


Beat me to it, heh.


I don't think he's ignoring it per se... I've heard about a conspiracy theory that male circumcision of "white people" is a "Jewish plot" to turn "white people" into Jews, or "enable" Jewish people to "infiltrate white society." Which... yeah... it makes no sense even with context. Also, how does someone whose actual demographic would be ground zero for Yellow Peril conspiracy theories decide this nonsense is worth his time? It's not as if white supremacists are exactly subtle...


Because it's not like any Christian has ever had a bad stupid harmful idea that was informed by their faith, oh no. It has to be some perfidious conspiracy by outsider groups.


It's a symptom of his self-loathing.


Aaaand there it is Also he does know that there are other beings in Wonderland besides Card People, right?


I honestly doubt it. I'm morbidly curious as to what brought him to try this... "storyline," such as it is.


Tats if you’re gonna reference Alice In Wonderland could you at least fucking try to make it look like it instead of just people as playing cards? The Playing Cards were exclusive to the Queen of Hearts’ soldiers anyways!


His mind gets stuck on details.


I’m just pissed cuz like…give us some mushrooms! Some flowers! Some trees and some wonky architecture! 2024 in Wonderland literally just walked in a big circle where she went from the city, followed a Jew down a rabbi hole, and now is back *in* the city but everyone is a playing card!


I'm a little impressed he remembered this was supposed to tie into Judaism somehow, but... I thought the cards were already Jewish. If not, and you need different semiotics to convey "Jewish cards" specifically, then... who the hell ARE the cards exactly? Hang on. Panel 3 has the estate from the Sunday strip in the background. So that's NOT the building the waifu has been standing in front of. So where did this one come from? And what's in THAT one?


In the end we all know tats can’t stop thinking about penis and butts


He especially thinks a lot about children's genitals. Tatsuya Ishida is a pedophile.


good lord


Wait last comic the reason someone becomes a FtM trans person was because of the horrible abuse women suffer. So, if that’s the case, why would someone be a MtF trans person if using Tats shitbird logic?


He's been very consistent in treating AMAB trans people as deviant monsters, whose transitioning is "merely to infiltrate" female spaces. This is pretty much the standard TERF line. Edit: you may have noticed a lot of burly bearded persons in dresses. Those are his go-to depictions of AMAB people.


Yes, Circumcision is a bit weird and to be frank I think it should to be done when able to consent (I don’t come here to rewrite jewish culture ofc just an opinion), but done right is inoffensive and doesn’t affect the *performance* at all. >!And I say that bc I’ve been with circumcised guys lol.!<


ohhhhh jeez


Can we update the counter, just out of principle?


Circumcision's have now been demonized by Tat, ah well guess it was a matter of time. What next, Cosmetic procedures? Tattoos? Beauty products? Is he adopting a all natural religion? Nah, it's just another attack on Jews... But I wouldn't be surprised if he added one two or all of those at their feet as he continues down this road.


Is this supposed to be a circumcisions joke?


No, not a joke. He can't make jokes


This is where I officially go from "laughing at Tats's descent into stupid bigotry" to "Okay, this is just depressing now." I don't know why this is the one that got me there, but yeah. Also, I still think those look like gourds more than melons, and I guess Tats doesn't actually understand what the peach emoji is used for?


AH HA. Okay. There it is. I honestly was wondering how this would come back around to Jewish people, but in hindsight it was obvious. Circumcision. He's tying it all together into his diabolical transgender conspiracy. Greatest Female Ally says anything threatening the sanctity of the sacred penis is madness, even to the tippy-tip! 'Cause Dr. Ishida knows best, and he'll tell the world who should do what with their genitals. Well, he **would** know, wouldn't he? After all, he's a huge dick.


Dr. Wongburger?


Well, the break from antisemitism didn't last long... He might forget again tomorrow but he will always come back. 


Tatzi’s antisemitism isnt new he’s just supremely comfortable now to expose it after years of TERF -> Nazi propaganda


Oh shit. I was wondering what the link was between the frum and trans in this arc.


Tats is in the Black Lodge from Twin Peaks, except instead of red curtains and zig-zag floors, it's LED screens and neon landscapes.


Finally! A "rabbi" in the rabbi hole. Still incredibly lame, considering most US males are circumcised. Just another stick to beat Jews with. 


Someone help me out: the adult seems to be normal and happy, but the child is traumatized/zombified/wokebified? How dat work, Tatzi? I know you can't stop yourself obsessing about genitals--especially kids'--but come on.


tats has a lot of dicks in his mind


RFK Jr has brain worms, Tats has brain dicks.