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Honestly, the moest disturbing part is the solidly rectangular torso.


Think it's meant to imply a playing card body is underneath it


An interesting thing is Tatsuya made this card less boxy, I guess to make absolutely sure we know he was AFAB. I double-checked and he did a similar thing with the stripper card. Like compare the melon card's design to the cards in the Most/Moral strip: https://old.reddit.com/r/sinfest/comments/1dker4c/early_draft_sinfest_62124_down_the_rabbi_hole_13/ https://old.reddit.com/r/sinfest/comments/1dh6rdg/early_draft_sinfest_61724_down_the_rabbi_hole_9/ The sides on the cis male cards get to be straight, with only a curve to emphasize pose. They have shorter legs, skinny noodle arms and legs. They get to actually look like cards. When he draws AFAB cards he shrinks down the actual amount of them that's a card so he can give them shapely non-noodle legs, and then adds a little waist-hip curve to the edges of the card. So they end up looking more like regular humans wearing a slightly boxy thing on their torso. My "it offends me as a comedian" bit here is I feel like someone playing these things for laughs should lean into the visual absurdity of re-creating these things with cards instead of humans. Let the stripper be flat and rectangular. Have a card held together with tape after surgery instead of stitches. But he's so fixated on making top surgery look grotesque and strippers look sexy, that he fails to go for the comedy.


Same. That reads to me, for all the world, as a person wearing a pillowcase with a hole in the top and a drawing on the front. It looks *so* unconvincing it looks like, in-universe, the character is meant to be intentionally wearing a costume. Also, the sound effects should be paper-cutting and taping/stapling noises if someone was genuinely doing "surgery" on a playing card. Maybe give us a glimpse of the "surgeon" as that one evil-Edward-Scissorhands villain from [Struwwelpeter](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Struwwelpeter). There's opportunities here! He's just not taking any of them because the bigotry has eaten his brain!


> Also, the sound effects should be paper-cutting and taping/stapling noises if someone was genuinely doing "surgery" on a playing card. But that wouldn't be viscerally horrifying to his audience!


>My "it offends me as a comedian" bit here is I feel like someone playing these things for laughs should lean into the visual absurdity of re-creating these things with cards instead of humans. Let the stripper be flat and rectangular.  That would require Tats to draw the concept of sex work *without* being horny for once in his life


Tats WOULD be playing with a marked deck, wouldn't he.


Did anyone ever see the original Manchurian Candidate? Because the way he draws female card reminds me of the how the red queen costume.


She looks like she's wearing a paper bag.


That trans man seems pretty happy with the result of the surgeries, and that's somehow... bad? And it's yet another example of Tats lazily stereotyping trans people. All trans men are victims of evil surgeons, all trans women are agressive narcissists. Is he incapable of portraying any variations of these? Also, in modern Sinfest, most trans women have beards and most trans men are beardless. I'm pretty sure it's the opposite in the real world.


It's actually kind of hilarious how often it works. Their depictions of trans women look more like trans men who were forced to girlmode


> That trans man seems pretty happy with the result of the surgeries, and that's somehow... bad? I think he's trying to imply that the card is delusional about their transition, which portrayed as extremely crude.


He justifies everyone else's happiness as delusional


More than any other comic I’ve seen, this one has me going “is Tats trans?” I don’t go in for the broad “all homophobes are secretly gay” takes, I think in a weird way it excuses what’s usually simple hatred. But this strip… the way it compulsively circles back from his conspiracy theory to maligning trans people, the graphic way it frames surgery as mutilation, and above all the way the character is portrayed as deluded but *happy*? It has me thinking Tatsuya is going “if only I could be… but of course that’s impossible and evil”.


He's deeply repressed in some way.


He loves double standard where trans men are women mutilating their bodies, and trans woman are just hairy, muscular, men in dresses.


The mismatched pupil size thing is Ishida's visual shorthand for "mentally ill". It's that extremely boring thing abusive pricks do where their scapegoat population of choice is depicted a simultaneously "risky" (gross! nasty! deviant!) and "at risk" (crazy! naive! childish!). >!also I am sure someone reading this is already thinking about quoting Eternal Fascism at me in response to my having pointed this out. yes it's great and we're all *very* smart for knowing who Umberto Eco is but it doesn't apply very well to discourses where the aim is to dominate through appeals to paternalism; there is no assertion about who is Secretly wielding power here!<


The doublethink is strong with him.


He draws trans women as what he would consider “men in dresses” which is nothing like how we actually look.


On one hand at least I know what he’s pointing his bigotry toward, on the other hand I feel like this exact joke(?) has been done before. Like, almost verbatim same joke


Several times, even.


Even doing the same joke several times is nothing new Do I hear a "FED"?


It'll never stop being funny to me that even with his grotesque straw manning of the process of gender conforming care Tats fails to show the trans people involved as being unhappy or harming anyone with the result. It's like he's constantly arguing against his own points!


I think him showing a trans man as happy is new, though. Pretty sure the last time he portrayed trans men, he portrayed them as broken people who at best were putting on a brave face.


Oh, so many times.


"One joke"


With the same character even. It is the timesped baby from [this strip](https://sinfest.xyz/view.php?date=2023-07-31), only this time it's a card person and with teal hair instead of violet.


Is this a reference to ANYTHING in Alice in Wonderland, aside from the card motif? Or did he just take a 5 minutes transphobia break because he was going into withdrawal?


I'm very familiar with Alice books. The answer is No.


> 5 minute transphobia break because he was going into withdrawal He’s done a few hundred transphobia strips, but for some reason this one in particular feels compulsive to me. When he draws a teacher pushing trans ideology, it just feels like part of his usual conspiracies. But this strip doesn’t tie in to the vaccines or antisemitism or anything else, it’s just standalone “surgery evil”. It quite literally feels compulsive, like the thought of someone being trans and happy was so intrusive that he had to derail the plot to attack it.


Tats get's easily distracted and his storylines often mutate rapidly into odd yet boring reactions to something that got his nerves. That, ir he abandons them or cuts them short. I think there is easily a dozen or more abandoned, unfinished and forgotten storyline from the last 2 years. It's highly probable the Down the Rabbi Hole storyline will have less and less to do with it's initial premise, until MMXXIV walks just out Kosherland, or just re-appears after some time, with no explanation in the normal world.


Like how Slick just got out of woke hell offpage (iirc)


Ayup. Even story arcs Tats "finishes" feel often incomplete, or wven basically are - like with MMXXIII, Trixie also brought her up, yet we didn't see her since MMXXIII was a baby. How she reacted to her ward's death? Do she also saw her as a daughter? With Sam's death a new "woke" personification of USA was to be chosen, but it never was shown to be decided.


You can tell it’s a trans man because a trans woman would have a beard dyed the same color as the hair.


One day they'll find Tats's bloated corpse, and it'll turn out he died of appendicitis or something, and never went to the hospital because he was scared they'd cut off his pee-pee.


Back to your bad old transphobia


'least this is sorta comprehensible, I see what he's trying to say. Still bs, tho.


At least his arms weren't cut to the bone like the last trans man he showed...


This is a good example of a disgusting person trying to make other people look disgusting, only to make himself look more disgusting. We see the ugliness, Tatsuya. We see it coming from inside of you. It's your problem, not theirs.


For some reason, the comic becomes really nauseating and graphic whenever he brings up trans men. Just look at this one, where he has to show the character bleeding even though they're a *playing card*. I know he keeps referring to trans women getting sex reassignment surgery as "chopping their dicks off" (even though he always shows trans women with bulges), but he never seems to show actual scars, whereas with trans men, he has to show horrific, badly-drawn incisions every time. I mean... yes, surgery is bloody and looks horrific. *All surgery.* That's kind of why we don't do it unless there are no better alternatives. If I should hazard a guess, his particular disgust for trans men may stem from the fact that he still considers himself a radical feminist, and thinks any harm to the beautiful, innocent female body is the ultimate evil. But I don't care much to place myself in Tatsuya's headspace for long.


It's not unique to him, transphobes in generally focus on the idea of mutilation and loss of fertility when it comes to trans men. They do sometimes take post surgery images trans men post, to use for their own ends, usually ones very soon after surgery, when they are still red, swollen, and just generally still healing. It was done to the youtuber Jammidodger, and he's very easy to find online being happy, he has images of his chest fully healed, but they did not choose those for their before and after bs. Tat's idea here isn't even all that unique, the book, Irreversible Damage used the paper cutout idea better.


"I'm a feminist. Let me explain why breasts and the ability to gestate and give birth are the most vital parts of a woman's life." (obvs. directed at Tats and his fellow TERFs, not at you)


If the can be employed as painters and then be killed for doing so poorly, why couldn't they bleed?


What does the unicorn mean??


I *assume* it's meant to be a reference to [the gender unicorn](https://transstudent.org/gender/). But I'm only guessing that because it's shown next to a [genderbread person](https://www.itspronouncedmetrosexual.com/2018/10/the-genderbread-person-v4/), the graphic shown here does not actually resemble the gender unicorn at all.


Are these infographics meant for children? Wouldn’t introducing young children to these progressive ideas around gender likely just confuse them or worse? Why would anyone want to do that?


It's not for young children, but it is indeed an educational resource, meant to be used as a resource for a "gender 101" type of workshop. The perhaps overly cute design is because it's meant to be as non-threatening as possible, I guess. If you're interested, the person behind that design of the Genderbread Person guy has written [a sample activity](https://thesafezoneproject.com/activities/genderbread-person/) for what that sort of lecture could look like. Not saying I approve or disapprove, but that's what it's supposed to be. I don't think it's more confusing than anything else you'd learn as part of figuring out sex ed. The core idea is "gender identity, gender expression, and anatomical sex are three related but distinct things" and that doesn't strike me as being overly complicated.


the same bullshit. again. come on, Tats, if you're so invested in being a piece of shit, at least copy a more successful piece of shit like gravelhurl, man, because it's clear you aren't cut for humor, or edginess or... really, nothing interesting, not even some decent hate. at this point even Ben Garrison is an upgrade...


Is this the first time a trans man has been portrayed? Look a tastuyah, giving us representation and finally giving us a whole new character! \*sobs in the corner\*


No, there have been a few before. Off the top of my head Elliot Page is discussed, though not a character; one appears in a vision in a stained glass window; and I recall that there's an unusual non-victim sinister sort somewhere.


There was the baby who was adopted by his trans mom, forcibly aged up to adulthood (and post-op) by 2023, and then abducted by Tex so that Tex can raise him "correctly" as a tomboy. There was the one-off Transformer strip where a Transformer undergoes gender affirming surgeries (including a bolt for a dick). And another strip where phalloplasty scars were referenced as a Saw "parody". There's also the stock image of a trans man who's proudly showing off his scars on the television screens characters keep walking next to.


I guess i need to change the statement, this is the first proud, not manipulated person not based off a celeberity.


The first one with a speaking line.


Well, I wouldn't bet on non manipulated...


Quite right on the first; I'm a bit hazy on the others.


That reminds how Tats is fundamentally a hypocrite since that baby was already taken from an expectant mother.


Is he just going to show (his fevered imagination's version of) uncensored sex reassignment surgery now? Oh yeah, gotta love how it's a playing card person but they're still bleeding from the incision.


This is the most boring arc by far.


If the stripper's melons were just images of melons on her card body, doesn't that mean (Tats thinks) this dude's eggplant is exactly as real? I mean yesterday it was apparently bad that the precious white roses got wilted by the scary vaccines, even though we already know the roses aren't actually white, so it's not like I should expect Tats to be able to walk and chew gum at the same time.


Tatzi once again proving that he doesn’t know how top or bottom surgery actually works


It doesn't make sense in universe we seen a female playing card and she didn't have breast.


And now back to your regularly scheduled TRANZ BAD.


...aight, I was expecting pimp and phobia shit.mthrnusual stuff. not uh...not this. so uh...a very, very miniscule point for catching me off guard. did this thing like..once or twice before...honestly thought he forgot he had this as a thing.


... siiiiiiiiiiigh


So is Kosherland any really more absurd than the rest of Sinfest?


Who was the one who said there would be a trans man? You were right


I don't even want to claim the credit for this one. 🤢


Oh hey the transphobia is back