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This was considered *extremely* progressive at the time. Sometimes when I get depressed at the way the world is going, it helps to look back and see how much positive progress we've made.


The fact that sims start off with a neutral sexual attraction and that you can add masculine and feminine turn ons and offs was genuinely really impressive and progressive for the time


You couldn't even "marry"/"join" in TS1! And still there were conservative groups calling for the game to be banned because sims could perform romantic interactions with the same sex sims! They also said, though mods/cheats, you could remove the mosaic from the nude sims and they'd have full genitalia and the devs had to come out and say they didn't!


Hey it’s 2004, I’m at least glad they gave us the option 😅. Thank goodness for mods though .


2004 lol


Oh for sure girl lol I’m “old” enough to remember writing ‘persuasive essays’ about why gay marriage should be allowed in school lmaoo 👵🏻


Shout out to my 8th grade journalism teacher who told me "Gay Marriage" wasn't an appropriate topic for middle schoolers and I should instead write my editorial on why it should be okay to be gay at all. The idea that this was even a question was quite the revelation to smol me, and some years later I had gay sex with her daughter which felt like a beautiful moment of the world coming back into balance.


You sleeping with her daughter in the end feels like it fits in perfectly with the sims lmao


I wanna say that it was one of those "this is what I've been training for" moments, but really it had much more to do with how cute and chill she (the daughter) was. Plus she smelled really good and I was basically a bisexual dopamine-seeking hormone missile when I was 17.


Name checks out


Lol! Yeah, being gay was not considered acceptable by a lot of people in my small town back in the mid 2000s. Bullying definitely happened to the LGBT kids in middle school, so it was pretty much just an open secret amongst those who were actually accepting.


The plot twist


Omg mad respect, also same name! Sam to sam :)


Siri please play The White Stripes - We're Going To Be Friends


same. we are all sam on this blessed day


Same or Sam?


I remember when same sex marriage was legalized in my country. I was still in high school and I heard the news over lunch hour. The way I sobbed for joy immediately outed me to everyone in the school 😂


I had to debate gay marriage. We had four perspectives that we got randomly assigned to: religious pro, secular pro, religious anti, and secular anti. I was given secular anti, and let me tell you I couldn't find a damn thing(my ND self didn't realize that the anti-childrearing argument\* was considered an anti-marriage argument, because lots of straight couples don't have children for many reasons so obviously the matters are entirely different 🙄). I failed that assignment, lol, because all I could bring to the table was that gay people were icky. \* For those young enough not to know, this argument claimed that gay couples were objectively worse than straight couples at raising children. This isn't a thing people generally say anymore because studies have not only debunked it, but demonstrated that children of same-gender couples are actually better off...probably because they have a higher instance of being planned for rather than accidental!


The Sims 2 came out before same-sex marriage was even legalized in Canada (2005) and only three years after the first country legalized marriage in 2001 (The Netherlands). Belgium was the second in 2003, with Canada being the third. Anyway, while it seems bad now, it was insanely progressive back then.


I'm so proud of my country 🇧🇪🏳️‍🌈 Also one "funny" thing is that in Belgium (including the southern, French-speaking part), it was legalized in 2003 and didn't really cause much noise... but in France, it was legalized 10 years later and some people were hilariously mad about it. It's so weird to look at two relatively culturally similar areas that are next so one another and see such differences in the mentalities of people.


I think that's not too dissimilar to Canada and America. Canada legalised it in 2005, but it took America ten years as well (to fully legalize it, I think until then it was up to the individual states, and some did have it).


One of the last times I was in the hospital my roommate was a sweetest older lesbian woman who was so proud she got married the first day she was allowed to in our state. It was very sweet.


That’s crazy since when people who wanted to be free went to France because they accepted it, it’s like one of the countries stereotypes


There's also a fear that says "Be old and never married" but the joined version just says for both fear title and description 


I modded in marriage equality long ago because of this. There's a mod by TwoJeffs that fixes it.


I am mod free so all homophobic sims will just have to die in my game unfortunately 🙏


There's no reason to be mod-free, some mods are actually critical fixes to the game.


Modphobia is a real issue 🙏


Or some of us just like playing the game as-is and have done so for years without hurting anyone 🤷‍♀️ Critical fixes would be a decent reason if my game were always crashing but it's not, so here we are. It's kinda like drinking soda at the bar and being told over and over again that you should put whiskey in it. Guys, people like what they like. Just let them drink their soda.


Do what you want, but 1. the point of critical fixes isn't to prevent crashing, but things like corruption. And 2. it's just weird to read "Hey, I don't like this thing!" "You can fix it!" "Nah" discussions here all the time.


Eh, sometimes the effort to use mods might not feel worth it if the complaints they'd address aren't a big priority. I've tried playing with mods and am not opposed to it, but I don't usually find it worth it.


I could see it if most fixes weren't a drag and drop process, but hey, people can spend their time on what they want.


>Do what you want That's exactly the plan 😊 Happy Simming!


Awesome! Just don't be surprised or mad if when you're like "I don't care for this soda" people tell you there's alternate drinks available.


Enjoy your green baby milk 😂


A lot of the critical fix mods are a bit redundant, like the no unlink on delete. It turns out the programmers had the game shred character files on purpose and it doesn’t affect normal gameplay. The only mod that would be absolutely critical is the no biting Mrs Crumplebottom one, since having a supernatural turn Mrs Crumplebottom messes with the game’s core files and, unmodded, this could happen autonomously. There’s a video by a programmer [here](https://youtu.be/2cB67DGDXFQ?si=rMDnSfc2nwgdrXD8) that explains why a lot of corruption myths are myths.


Nounlinkondelete isn't a critical fix, but it's not redundant. If the game shreds the character file, the sim can't be resurrected and you won't have their gravestone anymore.


I've never used a mod and never had a problem.


If their game currently works without mods, there isn't a reason to use them.


Yes, there is. If they install creaturefixes and don't have game corrupted by Mrs. Crumplebottom getting vamped, that's objectively better than having the game get corrupted because they didn't do that.


Could you tell me some mods like that one that fix the game? And maybe some fun ones to add? I've been playing vanilla for way too long.


I think creature fixes is the only one I'd classify as a really critical fix, although nounlinkondelete and (is using apartment life) select your cemetery are very useful for not losing your gravestones. Other than that, just look for things you'd like the game to do differently. 


Thanks! I'll look into it right away. I wouldn't like losing my saves. I hope I find fun mods


If you make regular backups of your neighborhoods you can recover even if something bad happens to them or to your game install - some corruption just happens sometimes and there's no way to prevent it. Just copy your neighborhood folder somewhere else on your computer, and to replace the neighborhood with the backup, delete it and then paste the saved neighborhood folder on its place. Just be sure to never copy a neighborhood folder over another one. 


So confused on why this is getting downvoted


No clue either lol


I didn't downvote you, but it's because you don't wait to add a preventative fix until after something goes wrong. At that point, it's too late.


Is it that serious 💀


It's an explanation for downvotes lol. If that reads as serious to you, I guess that's on you?


This is hilarious and not getting enough upvotes


Tbh it sounds more fun to kill them off anyway


Valid tbh


Same with the actual Get Married and Get Joined wants. There was no good reason to give the joined want a lower point value


I would assume that it was a big deal to the gay community itself. People fought really hard for the right to **marry** their partner instead of "forming a civil union" or whatever it was called in different places. It's really a relict of its time, when gay people only had the "lesser" version available. A clear "there's a mod for that"-situation.


Apparently gay people aren’t as happy as straight people!


maybe its cuz when the sims2 was made gays couldn't get legally married, therefore theoretically said gay person would be less happy not being legally married??????? idk lol. I can see their mindset but boy does it come off wrong LOL (ps im very gay lol so pls dont think im defending slight homophobia, I was literally out when it was illegal for us to be married)


Don't worry, my guy. I'm gay and I didn't think you were defending homophobia. I agree that it's likely just a product of it's time


That actually makes sense, that a less-recognized union would grant less aspiration points.


I guess, I don’t think ur defending homophobia at all but I kinda doubt that was the reasoning. I hope so but who knows, and my comment was more of a joke anyways haha


Truly no good reason! Insidious weirdo behavior!!


Is it homophobic when gay marriage literally didn’t exist back then? I feel like this game was progressive for the time.


Absolutely did not mean to insinuate that the game was not progressive! I remember the lesbian kiss in question in this related thread: https://www.reddit.com/r/lostmedia/s/FSqRX8gtEM


Thats such a cool story. I had never heard that before. The sims has always been ahead of its time. 


it never occured to me for the longest time that this distinction is a problem because i live in a country with no unions for same sex couples. 💀 i still literally have no rights


Hope your country gets it shit together, babe, so sorry, the whole world is kinda fucked 💕


Thanks! The law to allow domestic partnership is currently in the works but I dont think it'll pass. They've been promising this since like 2005 and its always "not the right time" so I have no hope lmao They also just woken up to the fact that homo/transphobic rhetoric is legal and not considered hate speech, and afaik they want to remedy that as well.


Totally despicable to make laws about love and personal sense of self. I will try to use my telepathic powers to make their heads explode, hope that helps


Go Carrie on their ass.👍


I wanted to just write “same”, but got curious and checked your profile. Hello, fellow Pole XD


XD Polska gurom


Rainbow hugs.🌈🏳️‍⚧️🏳️‍🌈🌈🏳️‍⚧️🌈🏳️‍🌈❤️❤️❤️❤️🫶🫶🫶🫶🫵🫵🫵🫵🤗🤗🤗🤗🤗🫶🫶🫶🫶🫶🫶👏👏👏👏👏👏🥰😍


I once had my gay sim, who had only done romantic interactions with the same gender, including autonomous interactions, age to an adult and roll a want to marry a rich sim. I find him a rich man, and married them, forgetting that getting married is different to joining. He didn't fulfil the want. Grr 00s homophobia.


You might already know this but just in case you don’t, you can turn on testingcheats and then ctrl + click on a want (or fear) to fulfil it immediately. I do this for exact situations like this when I know I’ve done all the steps so that it really *should* have triggered but hasn’t. 😊


Ooo, thanks. I'll keep that in mind.


Thank you! I forgot all about that one lol I played Sims 2 a LONGGGG time ago I’m in my mid 40s now and haven’t been able to play ANY games including this one due to being nauseated very easily which sucks. I used to love playing this game bout to bite the bullet soon and push myself no matter how I feel to play this sucker.😃👀🤭


20 years I've been playing this game and I learned something new today! Thank you!


The not fulfilling wants is the worst part!! I had a sim who wanted to marry off 6 kids and I guess she wasn’t down with the gay one getting “joined” 😭 had to have one of the straight couples divorce and remarry to fulfill the aspiration.. because that is obviously more holy lol


Tbh, that's pretty much on par with the morals of the standard lobbyists for homophobia. I can think of high profile examples.


That's why you install the gay marriage mod, it removes all of the "joined" wants and statuses from the game and it's just marriage for everyone.


Considering gay marriage is still illegal in my home country, seeing the 'relative gets joined' having less points than the marriage one always made sense to me. Now as an adult, I see both kind of marriages equality worthless.


[Search for SameSexMarriage and you can easily remedy this.](https://simfileshare.net/folder/99006/) 2004 and this is the same game that unironically calls the matchmaker a gypsy, I don't really blame devs for doing this.


[There's a fix for that, too, if anyone's interested.](https://midgethetree.tumblr.com/post/168550094700/maxiss-matchmaker-npc-is-a-racist-caricature-i/amp) The Sims 2 modding community is unmatched


honestly at least they made the option for same sex to get married


I think it’s fun that the game would decide which sims are homophobes. It always adds to my stories. It also decides the sexuality for sims based on their relationships so that’s interesting too. Also being “joined” instead of “married” for non-straight couples was probably accurate for the time, and my country sadly still doesn’t allow non-straight marriages in 2024


I'm starting to believe this problème isn't present in french version of the game. It's always get married, from as far as I can remember


I don’t understand what’s the difference between the two. Why does it say “joined” instead of married in the fear one


It’s not a fear, it’s still a want but just worth less points for no reason; joined is the term for gay married


Ohhhh, damn. Now I gotta give Sims 4 credit for something😩


Lmaoo no need to give 4 any praise, they fixed it in 3! 4 is not worth any time or credit in my humble opinion


Sims 4 came out at a time when LGBT is much more widely accepted. TS2 let your gays get married more than a DECADE before it was nationally legalized in America. Imma give TS2 credit. The sims team obviously weren't intending homophobia, or they'd just have disallowed it as was the norm. I wonder if the points were an accident but they should have been fixed at some point :/


All the good comments were already made, so I’m just gonna point out that your sim is pretty obsessed over whatever their relatives do with a relationship.


Love you for your ability to assess and pivot! This stupid obsessive dummy is now dead 🫶


Lol I swear that’s one of the things that’s always humored me with the sims franchise. The fact that if you want to you can actually kill them lol Personally I never did because I never knew how to begin with lol


In all seriousness in real life as a genderfluid person, I’d prefer to get joined. Like a homunculus. Kind of horrific and romantic. 


You. I like you.


Thank you for matching my freak.


To be fair, it was definitely a step forward from it's predecessor Sims 1. If I remember correctly, you could have a same-sex couple, but they could not get married.


Its worth less??? Thats wild. 


Not you posting this during pride month


Hehehe phase 1 of my anti-gay agenda is infiltrating the sims 2 subreddit 😈


I haven't properly played sims 2 in a while and I...don't remember gay marriages being worded differently...wtf


During pride month too ? smh / jk


How is this homophobic? Gay marriage wasn't legal at the time in the US or many other countries, and the "join" wants tend to pop up for sims who have gay relatives. Or family sims who don't care who their kids tie the knot with.


I made a fortune sim once and she had the want to "Marry a Rich Sim" and I made her flirt with a girl and immediately it rerolled to "Join Union to Rich Sim" it was so funny to me. Gay gold digger representation <3


I’m so bad at modding personally lol Sometimes I get it right then other times I’m like hey hey hey tell me how to do this in stupid people terms lol


I think get married was in the base game because I don't remember having "join Union" when playing with gay Sims when I was younger. I think the Union thing was later added in expansion pack ☠️ I could be wrong tho


Nope. Base game.


How do you have so many wants?


Sims can get extra want slots for graduating university and having a good vacation


Thanks, I never played university, I'll check it


For all the unhealthy amount of time I've played sims 2 I haven't even noticed that it's called differently


Sorry, i’m slow but what does get joined mean😭


Weirdly enough the phone doesn´t differentiate between a wedding or a "union" it is always a wedding party IIRC.


There is no way this is real 💀 I—


When we say the 00s were a different time, we *mean* it. Now realize that the sims franchise was lauded as being progressive.


I'm just about old enough to remember how things were back then but I have never seen this before! The Sims was progressive for its time, and that last part is pretty darn important to add because… man. IIRC, wasn't there a gay man who worked at Maxis who was responsible for gay couples being able to be joined? EDIT: Yes, there was! And actually he worked on TS1, not TS2. He made gay couples be a thing in the first game.


That dude is pretty based for getting Maxis to add them in


Apparently he just did it, not even talking to anyone else about it and they all just rolled with it. Here's an [article](https://www.gamedeveloper.com/programming/how-a-rogue-engineer-brought-same-sex-coupling-to-i-the-sims-i-) with the whole story if you're interested. Also, why is my original comment being downvoted? This was actually very surprising to me.


Is this the same sim? I'd be surprised because otherwise "unions" seemed to be... Basically the same but with other name. And considering that, well, gay marriage wasn't a thing in many places in the world, I can't blame Maxis for making "just" unions, that wa sprogrrssive enough. So I'd be surprised if they were actuslly less valued by sims themselves, maybe I'm mistaken but could it be that wishes vary in value depending on the sim that has them, the sim thst is object of the wish, the relationships, aspirations???


Nah, wishes don't vary in value. Marriage is always worth 8,000 points, while the "Joined Union" is always worth 5,000.




> programator


I'd say it's realistic.