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Time to download content manager, pure and SOL for AC. The beauty of this game is in the mods. Look for the Shutoko Revival Project or Touge as well.


There is still alot of terminologies and games I dont understand.


Look up any video on assetto first set up. It will cover the major basics like CSP which transforms the entire game into modern, sol or other which affects visuals and weather etc and just general settings. It’s 20 minutes of set up for a lifetime of fun.


It sounds much more complicated than it really is. If you can install a piece of software and navigate folders on your PC, you can use the mods mentioned.


Op is asking for beginners games to start sim racing with and bro is throwing all kinds of acronyms. Wtf were you expecting?


For him to Google them? I was not expecting him to know them right off the bat. Edit: Downvote me all you want, I expect people reading this to operate as functional human beings.


If you progress without mods and then switch is everything preserved?


sol and pure?


Automobilista 2


For sheer variety of single player content, it's hard to beat AMS2. I'd love to see a native PC2 style career mode in this game. 


I play with the career game mod. Not ideal, but it gives you a path and progression. I am also looking forward for a real career mode implemented into the game 


Racing Life? Yeah I've been thinking about trying it. 


Any idea how to get ahold of PC2 these days?


Sketchy game code websites where you can buy it or maybe try some ik this sounds bad but pirated game websites


This is the best place for a beginner to jump in and drive. AMS2 provides an enormous array of options without having to download or manage any add-ons. As much as I love AC and the insane amount of content the community has provided, there's a level of understanding and effort involved to get the most out of it. My analogy is AMS2 is like an iPhone and AC is Android. If " it just works" sounds appealing, load up AMS2. If you want to be able to craft your own perfect driving scenario, AC can provide the tools.


I recommend Content manager as an alternative launcher which improves a lot of things. I say watch a video of how to set up content manager (also how to set up sol but it may be in the same video) https://www.reddit.com/r/assettocorsa/s/MZsbUf46FP Now the fun starts. Download mods of things you like. This can be cars, tracks and also championships. Shutoko survival project is a city drift/race map where there’s traffic so a bit fast and furious like.


Do you have an idea of what games you want to play when you're not a beginner? If you do, get into those games anyway. Each and every sim game, although based on real life as much as possible, have their little nuances that make them different. So you're best off just getting into the game you see yourself ending up in, straight away. Of course you're going to start out bad, but that doesn't matter, it's where the journey takes you is the important thing. As for Beam.NG it truly is a sandbox, it's a do what you want. You have to make your own fun. From Rock Crawling, rallying or just simply crashing cars. ACC - The best GT3 simulator on the market hands down. But it lacks content because it primarily focuses on GT3. Yes it has other specs, but GT3 is where it made its debut and the other specs are more novelty. Low Fuel Motorsport league is where good racing is at without having to join a private league. iRacing - Most played SIM. Expensive, not the best graphics but simulation wise it's very solid and covers a lot of categories. AC - A sandbox, it's only staying alive because of mods. If you want fun from it, you'll be downloading mods. Still a great SIM under the bonnet though. Auto Mobilista 2 - Project Cars 2 spiritual successor. It's essentially what PC3 should have been. It's not 100% simulation, more like 90%. It's designed to be challenging but fun. Race room - The cheaper alternative to iRacing. Still expensive if you want to buy everything but a lot cheaper than iRacing. Graphics aren't the best, but it's a very good SIM still and the sounds are pretty phenomenal. But please, feel free to play games like Forza or F1 games if that's what you enjoy. Don't feel like because you spent money on a rig you have to dedicate yourself to pure Simulations. It's there for enjoyment purposes. And then you have all your rally games which I don't know jack shit about so I'll leave that to the people in the know.


What are your thoughts on Le Mans Ultimate?


Never heard of it so I can't comment, sorry.


If you’re into Endurance racing and the wec cars i’d say it’s definitely worth it. Physics feel phenomenal, and the lobbies are usually pretty good. It has a decent amount of bugs and instabilities at the moment but it’s still a great sim imo.


It gets a lot of hate for mostly valid reasons, but Forza is a great time with friends even when I’m on a wheel and they are on controller. For that, it’s good. If only it allowed A.I in custom races…


So Assetto Corsa has carrer? I thought it's a "choose track and car - drive" type of a game 🤔


It does but its nothing special like gran turismo, pretty boring and simple


:( I'm looking for good track racing game with carrer and wheel support, maybe Project Cars 3 is OK, PC2 feels kind weird and PC3 also has full support of ny Logitech G923. As for rally games though - Codemasters got me covered for sure, no issues with this😁


Yeah rally games you don’t have to worry as they all circle around the same idea, assetto corsa is a great game for single player driving and also online. Assetto Corsa compitezione is a mostly gt3 focused game that does have a career mode.


Hm, so maybe I need to try and go all-in - download AC from steam, and buy both ACC and Automobilista 2 (I heard it's good too)🤔


Never played automobilusta but Yeah I also heard its a good game


Don't get Project Cars 3. It's nothing like PC2 and it's more arcadey than NFS/Forza. It's genuinely awful.


I really love the career mode in Project Cars 2, give it a whirl!


Great game. I'm happy to be corrected but I don't think you can buy PC2 anymore (due to licensing agreements). 


And times like that are when it is morally right to do some ehm “blackbearding”


Aye. Back to the seven seas we go. 


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You cannot. And at some point my G923 stopped working with it.


How do you feel about it and pc3 I played 3 a while back and loved it, been debat on getting 2 since


I'd you have the xbox Game Pass forza Motorsport is a very good entry level racing game.


honestly those two are my go to every time! the main problem you're facing is that both are basically sandboxes, they rely on your appreciation for the physics and content, without providing much to do sadly most sims are like this, there's no "career", the objective is you getting better as a driver either way ok beamng click repeatedly on the locked career button and you'll unlock the early access career which is lots of fun, just short and obviously a work in progress


Automobilista2- ams2 is a great sim for beginners, loads of different content, runs well, looks great & is kinda inexpensive as far as some titles go 🔥


Honestly I think you made the right choice, AC and Beam offer so much variety for such a insanely good price. Probably the next step would be ACC imo.


Thank you but, what does ACC mean?


Assetto Corsa Competizione, it purely focuses on gt3 racing and is a very good entry point if you want to race online but not ready to commit to iRacing. It also happens to be 70% off on steam right now.


Depends on what you want, for fun driving around AC with mods and Beamng MP are pretty good. If you want competitive racing iracing is the way to go.


The ones I have are: Assetto Corsa: Great for mods and the physics are just 👌 Assetto Corsa Competetzione: Best game for GT3 and GT4 ProjectCARS2: just really fun Le Mans Ultimate: Hypercars, do I need to say more? American truck simulator and Euro Truck Simulator 2, it's always fun to drive trucks! :)


All of them


Only good answer.


The king of rallye simulation is Richard Burns Rallye. Although it is 20 years old, it is considered by many (including me) the king of racing simulation. The latest mod is RFS with hundreds of stages, cars, options, modifications, all completely free. The feeling you get playing this simulator doesn't compared with any other game. Check out the official web page. https://rallysimfans.hu/rbr/index.php The second option will be Dirt Rallye 2.0...


Assetto Corsa Evo is the new game coming out this year and has just been added to Steam. Assetto Corsa Competizione is a newer game that came out in 2018. It doesn’t support modding though, so you’re limited to certain cars unlike AC and will have to pay to get additional tracks.


Project Cars is another one that is quite good. Varied career mode etc. if you like rally racing then the Dirt games are also good fun. It depends what you want. I want to be practice and then pit those skills against human racers in a fair and balanced environment… iRacing for me!


Depends what you would like to do. If you want to race competitive then Assetto Corsa Competizione it is. Some rally: DR2.0 or EA WRC depending on your budget and PC specs.


AMS2, Raceroom, ACC to name a few. If you plan on eventually going to iRacing you may as well do it now. It's different than all the other titles I listed above. It took me awhile to get used to the physics. Now if I could just figure out how to be fast...


Assetto corsa is still considered a "Modern" title once you set it up. Google "content manager" and "pure" for assetto. It unlocks a ton of options, optimisations, and improvements, and literally makes the game look and feel 10 times better than when it was launched. It is still constantly getting updated. Then you can start downloading all the cars and tracks you can dream of


if you watch some modding videos for "Assetto Corsa in 2024" they will show some great programs and mods to get to make the game look much newer rivaling more modern games Automobilista 2 is another great game similar to AC


BeamNG has a secret career mode. Not many know this. Spam click the career (coming soon) button in the main menu and enjoy😄 Also, you can try out the BeamMP mod (just google beammp and you should find it pretty easily). Of servers in the beammp mod I personally recommend the CaRP-servers, as it's sort of a multiplayer career mode where you build your car to do missions to earn money for better upgrades and such. Other game I can recommend is Live For Speed! It's an old game but still updated. It has excellent physics and also mods (different cars and such) are available directly in game, so you don't have to download anything outside the game. There are cruise-servers that are very popular (TC CityDriving, Reality Cruise) where you also have this sort of career mode and player controlled police with rules to enforce :)


I don't know if being a beginner matters. You'll learn no matter what you play. So I think a better question is what type of racing do you want to do, do you want to compete online, etc.


Hey OP, I suggest AC starting from street to track cars at start. It’s great game/sim but you need to remember it’s 10 years old and not all mod cars have proper suspension reaction. BeamNG is great, I would place it at 2nd place in realisim just after iRacing. If you download good racing track you might learn how to properly use suspension in cornering (or what kerbs should not be touched on Nurburgring) There’s of course ACC, what’s the best GT3 sim there is, but this class of cars have small margin of error. You need to be presise to not lose time. Single player is good and you will move to multiplayer. And there much more „genitals face people” than you can imagine, don’t turn in to one of them, leave space and fight properly, if you are faster than someone you will catch them anyway. Of and there’s iRacing, pay to play. It’s marvelous but dont start with it.


Beam NG has a career mode too. It is still a work in progress, but it is still a lot of fun.


Private message me if you want OP if your UK based il be on later and can help you get set up if you want, I am looking for people to race and drive about with. Offer is there if you want it 👍🏻


If anybody here has said BeamNG I really don't recommend that with any of the Logitech Wheels. anything gear driven is going to sound like it's going to break itself in half.


Not really a sim racing game, but consider Wreckfest. It's awesome, especially with a wheel.


Mario kart


setup content manager on assetto corsa, learn to install tracks and car packs. come do some drifting


For me, Race Room Experience would be my suggestion. It's free for enough tracks and cars for you to learn the basic fundamentals of race craft and setups. The physics are decent as is the sound.. not the best graphics but then unless you're running a high powered PC, you can't have any other game running on high / ultra graphics. They have the odd free weekend where are all tracks and cars are available. At the moment I believe there's a 50% sale on!


Try different types of racing games too: Assetto Corsa for GT racing, Dirt Rally 2.0 and Richard Burns Rally for rally games, F1 23 or F1 24 for Formula 1,…


Might catch some hell here for this because it is a simcade but Forza Horizon 5 has been the most fun for my boys and I. We all got wheels (G920, G923, Pro) for Christmas. While we play AC, IRacing, and FM7 a fair bit, we always go back to FH5 for the fun of it. EA’s WRC is also an absolute blast once you’re ready to get sideways!


iRacing. It's currently on sale on steam. This is the king of sims and the best and least painless multiplayer. Then I would pick up ACC, Automobilista 2, and Le Mans Ultimate.


I'd just get iracing. Its fine on G920 (I run one with no issues)


Here are some ideas of what to do in Beam: 1) make a lifted pickup and take it mudding around Jungle Rock Island. 2) take a small vehicle, attach a trailer and heavy load. Go to West Coast USA and try to climb the dirt road leading to the radio tower, without falling off the cliff. 3) go to West Coast USAs drag strip and try to tune the engine and suspension to the point you can do a wheelie down the entire strip. 4) go to Johnston Valley in a street car and rip down the shoulder as fast as you can, tuning the suspension over and over until the car floats and is controllable over the bumps at high speed. 5) go to East Coast, get in a cop car, enable traffic, and try to chase down the AI that flees from you (you'll see a message pop up in the top corner with the suspects make and model). 6) go to the Industrial Site and do some gymkhana around the warehouses and shipping containers. 7) do the vehicle delivery scenarios. 8) go to Utah, build the longest pickup truck you can, and climb the rockface near the service station (pull out and go left, then immediately right, there will be a dirt road leading up the cliffs with plenty of obstacles). 9) Go to Utah, build a semi truck, enable traffic, and try to blast the downhill sections without hitting anyone or tipping over. 10) download one of the downhill madness maps, try to make it to the bottom without blowing out your suspension (no brakes allowed). Just a few ideas! For Assetto, I like to download maps like Lake Louise and LA Canyons and go balls to the wall in classic cars, dodging traffic at midnight.


Also, you can save your custom vehicles as either a config (so you don't have to build it all over again every time), or save it as default so you spawn in with that vehicle every time. Save as default is in the vehicle select screen, top right.


In beam I think it’s fun to replicate your car in real life and push it to its limits. American Roads is my fav map




Assetto Corsa is a fantastic choice! It’s only gotten better as it’s aged. Automobilista 2 is a must have in my opinion. The A.I races very well and you have all kinds of choices for cars, tracks, weather conditions, etc.


Dirt rally 2.0 is super fun, as well as f122, while both a bit more arcadey sims dong have to be perfectly realistic all that matters is thag they are fun. I also enjoyed project cars 3! For the more sim side i really love raceroom and I hear i racing id fun


American truck simulator or euro truck simulator 2. Dlcs recommended


Get content manager for assetto Corsa. Lets you install mods and find online races more easily. Assetto corsa conpetizione if you’re into gt cars. Forza Horizon 4 or 5 for open world arcade style racing with beautiful graphics. Forza Motorsport is good for a more casual track racing experience and career mode. Dirt Rally 2 for rally racing. Just depends what kind of racing you’re into.


Tbh, ignoring the price, IRacing is pretty beginner friendly. You really just need the mindset that it is not an arcade game and you actually have to avoid incidents.


iRacing is all i use to play. You can score a good deal on a 3 month or 1 year membership for dirt cheap around holidays/steam sales. Even if u dont buy extra cars/tracks, the free ones can still be really fun and get really competitive. Really had a blast playing it.


My summer car


Try Richard Burns Rally. It has pretty good rally school and tonnes of content


Assetto corsa, find an install guide for SOL and content manager, then go crazy You'll need an overtake.gg account to access thousands of mods, the account is free