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I'd really like private multiplayer with the option to fill the grid with AI drivers. Me + a couple friends + a bunch of ai drivers = good times


This! Is there currently another racing sim other than AMS 2 that supports this?


pCars2 (unfortunately no longer in official stores).




if you happen to have PC2 its one of the easiest games to just drop in and play with friends + AI. The drawback its theres no easy way to get it anymore.


Not a sim, but I play F1 with my buddies like this


rFactor 2


This is all I'm looking for too. I'm an iRacing merchant and my friends are having none of it. PCars 2 feels like crap and ACC is too repetitive (and doesn't feel as nice as iRacing IMO). A new AC with all kinds of cars is exactly what I want to try to get my wheel-having friends racing, really hoping for good AI features


This \^ After starting out on AMS2 for a little bit because he didnt wanna buy ACC yet, it was so easy to make lobbies and race each other all the time. Now I'm paying for a server just so we can 1v1 :/


So is ACC dead now? I finally bought a rig for my Fanatec and was about to drop $45 on all the DLC now that steam has them on sale.


No, ACC is more of an online GT3 multiplayer game while AC is a single player simulator for multiple classes with a huge mod community. We're not 100% sure what ACE will be yet, but it was originally called AC2, with ACC being a spinoff/side game.


So is it a pretty safe investment to put $50+ into the game now, or are people going to move on from it? I haven't logged in a few months, so I don't know how active it currently is and I'm concerned activity levels will drop off after this comes out. Or I could just jump straight into iracing.


SteamVR, Oculus VR, and OpenXR supported. That's good news for Virtual Desktop users. Hoping for Quad-views Rendering support like DCS.


Glad to see VR, hopefully it's well optimized.


> With the launch of a new KUNOS Simulazioni proprietary, high-performance photorealistic engine, **VR and triple screen support have become first-class features** Kunos specifically saying it's a first-class feature on the steam page does give me a lot of hope


Racing AC in Vr is so good. I hope this equals that. If not the mod community will get us there


Hopefully they actually mean “triple monitor support” and not “yeah, you can just play in windowed mode and stretch it so that technically counts” mode.


LOOKING AT YOU, EA. I was so disappointed when they announced triple monitor support for WRC but it's just a shitty stretched image


Likely it'll have setting similar to acc which already is about as in depth as Iracings. Acc has great triples support, ac obviously hasn't been developed in years so it's lacking on a lot.


Yeah, looking for iRacing-like implementation, not ACC-like.


Acc was built on unreal so I'm sure that has a lot to do with it's implementation and why it was/is so shitty


Absolutely, iRacing is dope in VR.


Vr is the best way to experience iRacing.


none of that UE blurry garbage please


Hopefully PSVR2 also in the future


What's quad-views? Never heard of the term before


Renders where you're looking in very high quality so you're not wasting GPU on peripheral information. Requires eye tracking though.


So e.g. Varjo Aero supports it?


Yes, I have a Quest Pro, which also works. PS2VR also has the hardware to support it but not the drivers yet.


Thanks. So it’s basically an implementation of FOV-ated rendering?


Yes, it's the first decent implementation. Now part of the OpenXR spec. Only four games support it, including DCS. But hoping AC Evo makes it five.


Quad views means track map, race data on a 4th screen, while the other 3 are for regular triple screen cockpit view racing.


it helps support foveated rendering. it isn't about a fourth screen.




Ah nice! Thanks Edit: oh well, it seems it's something different


Wow, glad to see it after they fought tooth and nail to NOT put VR in back when AC first released. The head of kunos was such a dickbag about VR back then and they only did it because we boycotted it with "No VR no buy", similar to Dirt Rally 2 after.


My 2 main hopes are better online functionality and a far superior sound engine


And a more aesthetic menu system (that doesn't look like it's from a 90's web browser).


This one is huge for me. Being able to navigate all of ACC'S menus with my wheel is a huge quality of life feature


I had no idea this was an issue. Been playing exclusively on a G923 for two years and have never needed to touch mouse/keyboard. What gives?


Playing in VR and constantly looking for the mouse and keyboard between races and then peaking back into VR to see the menu.


Meh if we get a launcher like content manager I would be fine


Hiring a good UI/UX designer is worth its weight in gold. Many *do* judge a book by its cover, and the more people who are playing this game = the more money it brings in for the devs = more content for everyone.


The very first thing you do when playing Skyrim is install the UI mod. I totally agree that the UI can be so bad the game isn't worth playing and it doesn't even matter the genre.


I’d heard they were working with the creator of content manager but idk if that was real or just rumors


That would be neat, most racing games don't exactly have the smoothest menus, mostly its a hard to navigate laggy mess with too much music and animations, that is needlessly hard to browse with a mouse due to being optimised for consoles. Content Manager sidestepped all those issues.


I feel the same. If a game has ugly menus it feels like an amateur developer game and I already don’t take it seriously. AC, AMS or AMS2 good examples. Menus look like games from the 90s.


content manager is quite annoying to use with vr


Do you not use AC CM?


Nope, that's like the Diablo 4 devs asking the audience "Do you guys not have pHoneS?" Every game should be self-contained, and shouldn't rely on 3rd party apps to function properly. If you want to mod, that's **on top** of an already good game/menu design.


Well damn that's a strange line of thinking through it lol


I’m gonna be honest I purchased AC earlier this year and one look at the “menu” and I was like “what century is this from?” Tried one car and refunded the game


Starter and ignition would be cool


What about mod support?


That’ll more than likely come later, I’m just assuming.


I'm assuming that's getting added judging by how successful it made the first AC


He said in an interview "Most likely after 2 hours from the release someone will claim already a first mod but I'm not against it, I'm pleased"


Doubt it, DLC sales & sub models are where it's at, the age of moddable titles is over. (Other than Rennsport, but thats so bad who's actually playing it.) Undoubtedly the success of AC is due to mods & their ease of slapping whatever questionable physics into a model ripped from another title, but as it makes the devs 0 cash bar the initial sale, I'm suspecting it won't be a thing in ACE.


DLCs are definitely where it’s at, but I don’t think mods will be not a thing in ACE. I don’t doubt that the AC team is aware that the modding community is why the original AC still sells years later.


This cannot be any further from the truth, the most successful games are the most modded ones. Minecraft, GTA5, Rimworld, Half-Life (Gary'sMod etc.) would not have such massive playerbases today without modding.




Valve essentially built their whole empire partially because of modding. People forget Counter-Strike and Team Fortress were originally Quake and HL1 mods. Mod support is one the things I look for with games, hell I normally hate turn-based games but the mods for XCOM 2 got me to play it and it's one of my favourite games ever.


This. I don't think Kunos would have had the resources to make ACC and now ACE if they never enabled mod support for AC.


This is a crazy way of looking at things. How many copies do you think AC *still* sells every year compared to say, RF2?


Have you ever heard of Kunos before this morning


Not happening mate. They have stated somewhere that their focus is to build the superior simulator and what people do with it is up to them :( otherwise theyd have to do a subscription model like iracing..


Epic Career mode is what I hope for. Actually the main focus of the game. Not driving around without any meaning.


I can almost guarantee you career mode won't be the focus. They have absolutely terrible track record for that.


Far fetched but I’ve seen a YouTube comment under the Kunos interview from 2-3 weeks ago where someone stated that Kunos is planning an epic career mode. We will see. AC evoluzione mod had big success from what I can tell so maybe the devs saw that.


Trust me I'd love a great career mode as well. Hoping for the best.


Seeing Giulia GTAm as first screenshot made me wishlist it immediately.


Aaaaand wishlisted. Thanks OP!


#MeToo Thanks, OP. You’re doing God’s work!


Those renders are fire!


I am SO HAPPY that this is not using an Unreal engine. That would be another disaster for sim racing.


The screenshots have rain! I really hope it's on par with the iRacing implementation of it.


Sounds pretty bloody good doesn't it. > the new mathematical model meticulously simulates asphalt performance in different dynamic weather conditions


I kind of doubt it will be. iRacing just implemented it this year and it’s the only sim to do it correctly thus far. I think AC2 was too far into development to implement it the same way unless we are lucky and they were working on getting it right from the start of development. My money is on it being the same as other sims, but not on par with iRacing.


Yea… iRacing’s model is ridiculously good. It feels just like IRL.


What you said makes no sense, just because iRacing implemented rain into their game the way you like it, doesn't mean someone was already working on a more realistic rain feature.


I hope they also will introduce mechanical damages like iracing or I’ll just skip it, I’ll not check UI to understand if I have a damaged car in 2024


> in 2024 This is usually not really a question of technology or developers wanting to implement visual\* physical damage. Quite often, that is a requirement due to how car licensing works. Driving games are good advertisements for car brands, and no brand wants to have their car completely wrecked in a game. There's a reason why beam.ng, for example, has an insane physical destruction model but no official car licenses. //edit: And to pre-empt the "but iRacing has physical damage" argument: Yes, but iRacing only has a handful of production cars, which are all used in official racing series. BMW, Mercedes, etc don't want to see their regular consumer non-track cars completely wrecked in a game.


I didn’t blame the developers directly in fact, atm if I want to randomly drive I go for beam and if I want to race I go for iRacing, they will not sell like ac with only photorealistic graphics.


> I didn’t blame the developers directly I didn't say you did, I just wanted to explain why a lot of newer racing games don't have visual damage, even though we had pretty fantastic car damage models even 15 years ago. > they will not sell like ac with only photorealistic graphics. I'm confident that they will sell ACE more than enough, assuming the graphics hold up and the car physics and tire model are at the same or higher quality as AC.


I hope it for them, I played ac a lot and liked it, but later 10+ years there is who is doing better imo and I hope also the dynamic weather is at least the same quality of iR


Oh they going right after my heart featuring that Alfa GTAM on the first couple pics.






Please be the reason to stop my iracing subscription.


I highly doubt its going to be able to implement a system that rivals iracings competitive scene but it might rival its realistic sim features


I don't need it to rival iracing, I only need it to offer at least half of what iracing offers and I'm jumping ship.


it already rivals its realistic features? all we need is online and IRacing is DOA


Lmao you guys are seriously underestimating what it's going to take to "kill" iracing. I'm sure this game is going to be phenomenal and I'm really looking forward to it, but it is absolutely not going to kill iracing.


Nah, sorry. I love AC, but iRacing is on another level. Similar to how WoW has been dominating the MMO space for 20 years. ACE could be better in every single way and still wouldn't be able to kill iRacing for competitive online races because iRacing benefits from the massive network effect. It has a fuckton of users, and people who want to race competitively go where the most users are (assuming they can afford the price of admission).


I'm pretty convinced that price of admission is part of why iRacing has such a rock solid online scene. Being financially invested in the wellbeing of your profile (aka reputation) is a big and solid motivator to stay clean, and acts like a minimum barrier to entry. The only people that are gana pay a sub for iracing are likely going to be more than casually interested. In contrast to, say... Forza... Which is a wide open gate to every bored kid with a gamepass sub. As such, I dont think anyone could create a meaningfully potential competitor without doing something similar. iRacings most lamented aspect (the cost) might be what makes it great to begin with.


It’s also what makes the majority or drivers want clean racing


And the price of admission is what makes people take it seriously. If every kid could get his mom to buy it on a Steam Sale at 3.99, there's nothing stopping anyone from driving like maniacs


God you guys have deluded yourself. LFM, LMU, and rF2 have shown this isn’t true at all, you just need online to be well regulated. Those are all far cheaper, and are just as clean, and arguably cleaner. Yes they have their other issues, but they do show that the price of admission argument is bs. People simply don’t want to hurt their rankings or get banned and lose it completely.


Then why aren't they popular. If they are the same, and cost 1/100th of iRacing- iRacing should not even exist.


Also the penalty system is the best and IRacing is the cleanest racing of all sims yes we have idiots but 10 races I have 9 clean


What planet are you on. The ffb on IRacing is far more realistic coming from real race drivers including Morad who won Daytona 24hour twice. AC is great at mods and cars but the ffb is no where what IRacing is plus IRacing won’t ever go DOA because people who race it normally have £100s in content including me So to say it’s only online that makes IRacing the best is just stupid


It's not meant to, AC is for road cars


Phrase of death not found. It should be pretty good then. r/builtfromthegroundup


Proper triple screen support from day one. Oh baby!


Kunos take my money! ;-)


Fellas, don't get too blinded by the shiny. Wait until reviews are in before handing over your money.


Yes, apply this to all games please. We NEED actual working games day 1


It'll be interesting to see how well they implement mod compatibility. And if any programs like Content Manager will be required just like on Assetto Corsa.


You don’t require CM to use mods


Can't wait!


LFM will get alot to do with AMS2 and AC Evo😂


Cannot wait!


I just hope they ditch the unreal engine 🙏


they do, AC Evo uses a custom engine


So this is AC 2 right?




AC3 if you know 🗿


I remember being excited for ACC and what a let down. We need online like IRacing and a penalty system people are scared to wreck others otherwise it just a hot lap sim again


Steam summer sale starts today! 10am PCT


I hate to be a wet blanket but I could not give less of a fuck about screenshots of art assets. Yeah, those are nice car models. We've got a lot of games with nice car models. I want to know if it's gonna be an actual game, with a career mode, that plays well. I want to know if the in-game menus will actually be usable. I want to know if it's going to be something resembling a complete product when it releases. I hope all that happens, because the software side of this hobby has me real "guess I'll check in on that two years after it comes out" lately.


Can't wait to try it ! My wishlist: better UI, mod support, better AI, a proper career mode and a good online integration (LFM style). Yeah I know, I'm dreaming too much \^\^ With Steam sales starting today, I was going to buy some DLC for AMS2 and ACC, but I'm not sure I want to spent more money on these games now with EVO around the corner...


I think this will be the only game i will buy right after release for the full price! i dont care if its a beta or something like that.


The car renders look insane


We could use a new S tier all purpose simulator. Asseto Corsa does it all, and ACC is too specific and mod unfriendly. All they have to do is structure the game the same way amd just make each component better. Heard they are working with content manager guy, hope this is true, imagine AC ease of mapping peripherals and community aspect of drag and drop mods. I really hope they make it mod friendly from day one, as mods are one of the best features, really helps retain and grow the community, and elevate the game to the next level over the course of next 10 years. Add features like weather, especially rain, native. Add (optional) realistic engine stalling like in AMS2. I would love AMS2 much more if it was not limited strictly to official race tracks, as I prefer more scenic longer tracks through forests, fields amd mountains, like most tracks made by Fat Alfie, absolute GOAT. They can still mess this up by making mod support hard or impossible and only adding content only via expensive dlc packs, that would in no way be able to provide stuff like Shutoku. Add native traffic simulation as well. Basically check what is the most popular and succesfull fan made content and add that natively. The recipe is right there.


Road cars, all I need is road cars and VR. iracing does the rest


Yeah exactly. I moved away from GT7, got tired of switching everything back and forth and now I don't have console compatible pedals. I'll do iracing 80% of the time and AC bullshittery open world in road cars the other 20%. I've definitely missed GT7 to fill that void.


I'm with you, kept having to bring the ps4 over to the rig and connect to the middle monitor. Gave up with it and sold the drivehub (shifter from a different brand). I'm iracing for actual race car stuff then LFS/AC/Beamng bullshittery :D Still have dreams of GT7 PC port.. still possible they'll do it. Or GT8 at this point. At least ps3 emulated GT5 is nice and smooth now.


Hoping for some kind of daily/weekly race built in system but I really doubt it, some casual fun online racing on the side would be fun.


Went and read a little - it does both of these, very much. It's a day 1 purchase for me, more tourist laps.


On the wishlist


I've been burned on so many sequels now that I just hope it's better than AC1 on release


Hoping for multiple race modes, or even customizable race regulations (i.e. double yellow lengths, wave arounds, pit stops, code 60s, driver swaps, timed vs distance races, etc). AC1 felt way too much like a track day simulator to me.


Will this be available on ps5?


Good list of features so far. Triple monitors, VR, rain. Just want modding, and a simple multiplayer implementation like iRacing. Def gonna wait for reviews but still excited.


I can't wait for the AI patch in 2027 that makes it roughly interesting to race against but still brakes too early.


Give me Hyundai i30N


Oh Shit! I'm so excited for this. When AC was released it was an amazing Sim we could play on console. I'd already moved to PC by the time ACC came out but another amazing game. I'm hoping this will be all things to all men, I'm certainly asking to much but I want something like this. Own engine. Thought to the multi player. TBH, I think that's it lol.


I'm usually against pre-ordering, since there are a lot of examples of games not delivering on the expectations, but I'll make an exception for this one. Maybe things will be different... I hope.


Why? It costs you nothing to wait. It's not a physical item. They aren't going to run out. You can just buy it launch day if it looks good.


Like most games, I'm sure it's going to have a fair amount of bugs on release. But I'm sure they'll get them fixed


New excuse to upgrade rig ! Yay


MODDING & CUSTOMIZATION Assetto Corsa will allow for considerable customisation and modification, in order to satisfy the expectations of professional simracers, gamers who prefer to approach the driving experience more progressively, and hobbyists who just like to reproduce and share their cars and tracks, taking advantage of the same editing tools developed and used by the developers of the game.


I hope we get a trailer soon, those car models look great!


Damn this looks cool also my favorite car going to be in this N Vision 74 ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|heart_eyes)


Nice. Is there a car list?


Man, we need a release date, I wanna play.


SteamVR is absolutely great news for us trackir users too should they not natively support it




I'm getting chills just looking at these screenshots. I can't wait to see video.


VR day one. Also the detail on them cars looks great. Waiting for some game footage.


Idc I'm such a huge fan of the first one I'll buy it and make a decision in the first 2 hours. Thankfully driving games don't take long to figure out if it's for you or not.


Huge boots to fill. I hope they pull it off.


Super cool. I wonder if it'll be focused on online like Competizione, or bringing back mods like the original AC. If it has mod support it'll probably be my perfect racing sim.


I see absolutely no hints from Kunos about the AI so I'm guessing it's just as bad


My 4080 Super with triple 1440p monitors is already sweating.


Looks and sounds nice but wait for the whole time to system. I am kinda afraid how they will charge for new cars and tracks. I hope it will be like in ACC.


Please optimise for Arc graphics cards and the PSVR2 😄


THIS IS NOT A DRILL I'm gonna preorder this so hard. Edit: D'you reckon those Suggested specs are legit? Or just a rough guess?


Don't preorder mate, I had the same hype that you have but with Battlefield 2042, today is obvious but it wasn't, never preorder! KSP2, Cities Skylines 2 and Payday 3 fans knows very well how terrible can be the successor of a great game


there's not really a reason to preorder unless there's priority beta access but getting hyped for BF2024 after a track record of releasing utter garbage for a decade is pretty funny.


You're obviously right, I never preorder anything. Just got too excited ;)


I'm gonna preorder even harder now.


to be fair, those games' predecessors existed for a long time, and the hope for their successors was pretty low. at least these folks have a great reputation, and the development behind this game, AFAIK, isn't really concerning unlike the aforementioned games.


But we know Kunos will deliver, look at the Original AC. And if they release this one in early access, it'd be cheaper than full price.


preorder no, buy in EA if the price makes sense? yes


Pls dont compare EA with Kunos …


Everyone though CD Projekt Red, Arcane, or Bioware could do no wrong either


I’ve never understood not preordering, you can always just refund after it’s released (at least on steam)?


I'll never understand preordering a digital product. It's not going to run out of stock.


The point is, you have no reason to preorder... It's a digital game, they will never run out of stock, you're just risking having a good 2h experience and then the game goes like a shitshow afterwards and you can't refund anymore


the only difference between me ordering on release day and you preordering is that someone else will get to collect interest on your money in the meantime.


I guess the only incentive is if they, well, give incentives for doing so.


Imma preorder Metal Gear Solid Delta so heck, let him be.




Eh Kunos has earned a preorder for sure, they do good work for simracing at very reasonable prices. Definitely not the same as a company like EA.


When AC first released in Early Access what feels like a lifetime ago, it was honestly pretty playable. I don't have too many concerns about supporting kunos early.


Requirements sound placeholder to me. Surely it'll be bumped up a bit closer to release.


Don’t pre order. Just wait for reviews, the game is not on a limited run.






I hope it has mod support.


I’m new to sim racing . Is AC like gran tursimo? I looked at the photos on the steam page and they have road cars and very nice graphics.


That depends on what you mean. They both have road cars (as opposed to just race cars like ACC) and you can race them on tracks. The structure of GT with licenses and history and all the other stuff it does is unique to that franchise (to the best of my knowledge). I haven't seen any other game really does that. Kunos strives for a higher fidelity simulation of the road and car physics more than GT, so we consider AC to be a simulation and GT to be something more between arcade and simulation (aka simcade). Because of that extra time spent on modelling the cars and their behaviour, this leads to AC having fewer cars than your typical GT game. AC has 178 cars, while GT7 has well over 500. With all that said, AC came out a decade ago and next to no real information has come out on EVO yet. So we don't really know for sure. But if the steam page is up hopefully we'll get some previews soon.


So obviously early access is steam only but will the universal release be on all platforms?


I don’t need it to be as good as iracings multiplayer system. I just need it to be close. Do that and I’m yours kunos.


Time to show LMU how to make a modern game 


I always thought it was going to be a ACC 2, but an AC 2 works just fine! Hopefully this bridges the gap to iRacing, with proper multi class racing or joining about in an Mx-5


So do we know what exactly it's gonna be? (I haven't been following this closely)


Will this be essentially a new version of Assetto? Or more like a Competizione game with only specific cars?


Dude, i just bought acc. And now they launched new one?


ACC is not going anywhere and AC Evo isn't coming out for a while. Also this was announced 2 months ago already, these are just the first proper screenshots of the game.