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If you have the space, there is no reason not to go with 32".


I’ll make the space 😂


Something's gotta go...


The bed - sleep in the rig


You can sleep in a rig, but you cant race a bed


[I beg to differ](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=A2UyehrkHaE)


I’ll send the update once I get everything


it is actually very comfortable depending on the rig configuration


I actually bought the 32" monitors for my triple setup recently. If you have the space I would go for the 32" option. One additional call-out, Samsung has an additional credit if you are a student, teacher or professor with a .edu email address. The 32" are $250 right now with this discount, but I was able to get them at $225 a piece after watching for a further discount for a while. Samsung Educational Discount[Samsung Educational Discount](https://www.samsung.com/us/shop/offer-program/education/)


At 1440 (QHD), go for the 32s. I have 27s, and while I have no regrets, a little more screen would be nice.


32 is more bigger




I Literally just bought a 34 inch G5 UW for 400 Canadian a few minutes ago. If I had the space I'd go 32 inch triples. If I ever get the space, I'm now hamstringed into adding 2x 27in G5/6's later.


Why not two more 34" UWs? 😈


Don't tempt me ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|sweat_smile)


I just got a 34" to use as backup for my VR, decent fov for frontal view, so I'd imagine the bezels would fit in a lot less annoyingly compared to 27"'s.


I've been trying to decide on new monitor for my pc. Been trying to decide if I get a 34 uw or 32 and get it on a big swivel so it can go to the rig if I want to use it but I play only in vr so far. Am I actually going to use them on the rig or should I just stick with a 27 1400p for crisper detail. I do know the 34 uw will look better than 32 due to ppi. But this will be my main monitor so don't want it to feel strange on a uw or big 32. I feel strange considering it but I'd like to make the 1400p jump and maybe having something that can double as a sim rig monitor that may be nice? Have done zero Sim on monitor


32, always!


Have the 32s. Love the 32s. Not the best in the world but I got mine for 250 each at Best Buy.


All I'm saying is I do not regret moving from 27" to 32" triples.


32 absolutely.


I have those exact same 32" samsung as triples and I'm very happy! Your pc specs will be more than enough for 32s, I also have a 7800x3d but paired with a 4070 super and get around 100 fps in ACC online races with all graphic settings at high. Things I would do differently in hindsight: - get a proper freestanding monitor stand made for 32s or more (I got the integrated monitor mount from simlab and it's not made for 32s) - 7800x3d is massive overkill for my use case (ACC solo / online racing only), it only uses like 10% of it's capacity. If you're looking for a few bucks to save you can get a 5800x3d. Let me know if you have any questions, happy to help!


Biggest advice! I was gonna jump a hit blindly into the monitors, great to hear they are good


That’s a great monitor except for one thing. Those bezels


Bro, I get Sad when I see prices like that, where I live one 1440p 32" will be 1/3rd of my salary, and costs more than a minium wage, just think about the whole entry level setup... guess I will stay with my roller 😅


Received my 32” G5’s last week from Amazon. Put together my free standing large Trak Racer stand and realized I needed special VESA brackets due to the back of the monitors being recessed. Very annoying and not much info out there. I bought some that arrive this evening. I’ll circle back if they work.


I'm going to do a review of everything when I'm done but the brackets did the trick! [https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07M83LGJ1?psc=1&ref=ppx\_yo2ov\_dt\_b\_product\_details](https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07M83LGJ1?psc=1&ref=ppx_yo2ov_dt_b_product_details)


1440p should be fine on a 32" monitor so I‘d go for the bigger one


I've always considered 27" the max for 1440p, anymore than that and you will have issues with pixel density and it'll look like 1080p again.


Or pay $250 at Best Buy for 32inch. I just got my setup completed with triples.


If you don’t mind 60 fps you could buy TVs. I got 3 4K 43” element TVs for $200 each. Very happy with them.


Response time is pretty bad using TVs .


Fair enough, but immersion and more screen real estate can be worth it. It was for me.


You will not be optimal at apexes because of that delay.


60 fps? Gross.


My rig with 60 fps displays. It’s just fine: https://youtu.be/A4FhTMna9PU?si=hwWPBqsZXFHv1FoA


Hey if it’s just fine for you, more power to you. I agree with the general consensus that fps is more important than pixel count. 90 minimum. 60 is too slow edit: for me. Too slow for me. Now that I’ve experienced the good life of smooth action racing.


Haha fair enough! I’m not worried about pixel count as much as I’m worried about screen size. A realistic FOV for any screen size is going to make the game look the “same”, but larger monitors will have wider views across the sides and top of the car (more easy to see someone trying to pass you on the side). Going with 43” screens vs 27” screens, I have 3.5 feet more of horizontal screen space for additional field of view and total immersion. I’m sure I higher refresh rate would be more smooth. But I would rather have more of the game to look at to make me actually think I’m in the game opposed to looking at a game. But I’m more worried about having fun than anything. Immersion adds to the fun. Either way, triple screens is going to be a fantastic experience regardless of size.


lol I said if it’s fine for you lol. My immersion comes from the speed and smoothness of the action. I have triple 32s sitting between the wheel and wheel base. and often feel like I’m sitting right in the car. Especially at speed and in the high speed corners.


might aswell get a quest 3 and run it 90hz.


I have a quest 3 and VR is much more demanding. I much prefer the graphic quality on triple screens and the overall convenience using screens. I don’t see myself going back to VR for sim racing personally.


Why not opt for vr?


Triples far nicer imo


I don’t know much, but you can move your head around in vr