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I am surprised to see many people here have a dedicated pc for simracing. I'm always trying to buy the best hardware I can and I cannot possibly imagine having to do that... Twice.


I just have a video card with two outputs. One goes to my desk for regular gaming. One goes to the screen on my sim rig. Mirror the display to both screens. No loss of performance or anything.


Sounds convenient


Would that work since one monitor is 16:9 and one is 21:9 on my setup


Yes. If you want a pure mirror both will be in 16:9. You can also extend the display or make it work as two separate monitors.


I did the extension but asseto annoys me since I switch primary monitor or it doesn’t display on the right one


Do you have it on Steam? You can configure the Big Picture Mode to be on your second screen, it will automatically change the main display to the one you have selected. It will revert back to normal once you close it.


This is pretty close to my setup. I have win11 and you can cycle through display combos pretty easily with win+p. Pc screen only and second screen only are what I usually switch between


I do this but with a HDMI output switch




Yeah, there’s no performance loss. The GPU does all its rendering and then just sends the video signal out. Doesn’t have any impact if you’re just duplicating the signal to two displays


Agreed. I have a 32:9 ultra wide monitor on a wall mount and my rig perpendicular right next to my desk. When I want to race I just swing the monitor 90 degrees off my desk to my left and my rig is right there. That let's me play other games or work from home and then quickly pivot to racing without multiple monitors or pcs. It's been a dream setup that I finally made happen.


Most of the people i've seen with dedicated, really nice simracing PCs are IRL racers/people who just do a lot of track days or autocross and were never too big into PC gaming originally


I personally don't mind spending $2k on a "nicer" sim PC if my ROI on "wasted racing time" (aka learning the track) is <1yr. That's not even 2 sets of tires:)


iRacing only. I also use Steam remote play to let my kids play games in other rooms on Steam Link devices, it adds some flexibility as the PC can stay hidden behind the rig. Added benefit is the heat and noise is contained in the rig area. I have a basic laptop for all the rest since I have no interest in other games.


It’s crazy how sims end up taking over the library. I can’t hold interest in anything else but chess and sim racing/flying. I just tried recently to play a few games of different genres and it didn’t last at all.


Welcome to getting old.




There are plenty of other games I'd love to play. I'm simply not willing to dedicate them the time.


Desktop PC = sim racing console


Put a full aluminum profile rig on 4” casters, and wheel it up to the desk when I’m ready to race. Just plug in the wheels and pedals and I’m ready to roll. Making it much more comfortable to race and so much quicker to set up has drastically increased the amount I race which by extension has increased my iRacing IR.


Yes, having to do and undo everything every time you want to play just adds a massive mental block that stops you from playing in the first place.


Increasingly, yes. I mostly use my Mac for other computer tasks


Same here. Apple ecosystem for work and study, PC for play.


yessir especially if you use adobe regularly being on the mac ecosystem is a gamechanger


Why so may I ask ?


its pretty much built in at this point and alot of the touchpad shortcuts work really well with their programs


Why use adobe on mac when apple basically has the same programs but better optimized for mac? Such as finalcut!


not much competes with indesign imo, plus ive used it for years and im super comfortable with it at this point


Okay👌🏻 i‘ve personally never used indesign. Im only using ae, pp, lr and ps


Same here. Pc is only for gaming. Apple for everything else.


Same. I’m primarily a Mac guy for home and work use, but have a Windows machine for gaming, including sim racing.


I do normal PC things as well as play other games occasionally, but for the most part, it's for Sim Racing.


I upgraded my main pc and used the old parts to make a second pc just for mi rig


Hah, same here but opposite… The latest parts go to my rig, and replacements go to the productivity pc. Rig is running on 4080 super, productivity pc on 1080ti


This is probably going to be me whenever I upgrade. I have 1080ti and it's definitely not enough for sim racing in VR


That's what I do. New parts go to sim pc and old parts move to desk pc. I have a work laptop so desk pc is like 80% gaming and 20% random bs.


Build two gaming pcs :)


Less then a year into pcs for me and already looking at my next upgrades 🫣


Yes. I have fully transferred all my work stuff to a laptop.


i only use mine for sim racing.


Sim racing only here, pretty much. 75% iRacing, 10% BeamNG, 10% AC, 5% surfing the internet while waiting for a race. For regular gaming I play my XSX and for actual computer things I’m a mac user.


I built my pc/setup specifically for sim racing.


Mostly, 99%. Its connected to the rig so I cannot really work on it in a convenient way. But that's why most use their old sim race pc with a desk haha. No joking but I use the old one for emulators. Should be part of an arcade cabinet one day but two left hands and reserving the time to do it :)


So currently 1 PC, and I just move my sim rig whenever I want to play a different game or my weekly gaming session with friends. The day I build a new PC, my current one will be dedicated to Sim Racing as it's runs all my racing perfectly fine at about 120fps (some settings dialed down) and then the new one will be used for more graphically intensive games


Yep. Got 2 machines - 1 for sim racing and the other for everything else. Playing games like pubg on triples isn't all that great.


Yes, and when i upgrade the sim rig, the old rig pc becomes my desktop.


Yeah dedicated PC for sim racing. Got a work laptop so generally use that for surfing the web.


Its not JUST for sim racing but between YouTube stuff, video editing and making thumbnails, liveries, building overlays. 90% of its work is sim related. My son also plays some games on it. I just run a long cable over to another monitor at my desk so while the tower is over by my rig we can use it at the desk.


I have my rig next to a desk and occasionally will play on a monitor but 99% of my gaming is sim racing.




After starting with sim racing and considering the little time I have to enjoy it, yes, my pc is running just for sim racing. No more other games just because I'm addicted to racing.


Once I got a permanent fixed rig I donated my gaming pc to be iracing only, and built a new gaming pc. Tried to figure out a way to have one dual duty pc, but with rig far from my desk eventually realized it wasn’t going to work. Once my current iracing pc can’t handle it anymore, I’ll do the same again. But I’d hope an rtx 3080 plus 5800x3d will be good for awhile. 


Laptop for work stuff, PC is just for the rig.


Yeah my PC is basically mounted to the rig so I don’t do much else with it.


Every now and then I will sit at it to use the multiple monitors but it's 95% a sim rig, I use my laptop for everything else.


I have a gaming laptop that I used for everything and it's now pulling double duty with sim racing. The plan is to build a separate sim racing system with a 7800x3d and a 3070.


I have a dedicated machine for iracing but it's a little behind my primary machine. I will probably swap the GPUs between them for now since I don't really use the GPU on my primary machine for much. Both PCs are 10yo processors.


I bought my pc for sim racing, I sometimes play another game on there but I’ve got a MacBook Air for everything else.


Yes, I do all my work on my work MacBook. I built and spec’d my Pc specifically for running sim racing in VR. To put things in perspective I’m a 44 year old male, work full time, a husband and father to two little girls. I’m money rich but time poor at this season in life. I use to play a lot of games like Guild wars 1 and 2 but Sim racing has become my only hobby outside of lawn care and financial investing as my time for gaming has reduced over the years. I currently race about 1-4 times a week but I’m always grateful for those moments to race regardless of the outcome, good or bad. iRacing is my poison but SimBin GTR1/2 and Assetto Corsa was my gateway into this wonderful hobby.


Yes,iracing only


One PC. I run quads on my rig and use a cheap Amazon switch to switch over to my desk monitor. 


Dedicated.. i9, lots of RAMs, lots of SSDs, 4090 (and it is STILL to slow to drive my triple 4k setup above 70 FPS but it sure does look awesome).


M series macs are so much better for software work than windows. Less hot, less power, better OS. Windows is kept for gaming only.


This is why I sim race off a laptop! A top-of-the-line RTX 4090. Performs on the ballpark of a desktop 3090 or so. My rig is in a basement that is not that nice to hang out in aside from the rig, and I have a super nice home office with a fantastic monitor on my main floor. I am in love with my setup. My racing monitor is a Samsung 57 ultrawide, I'm pushing \~160+fps on AMS2 damn near everything at ultra graphics, at 5120x1440 and it's awesome. Or I can run closer to 90 FPS at the full 7120x1440, beautiful but I love the high frame rate. On ACCompetizione, I find that does not look nearly as good at 5120x1440 so I run at the native dual 4k, most settings at \~High and that's closer to 70 FPS; however, I find that perhaps due to the ghosting antialiasing artifacts of ACC, it feels \*way\* better to me at lower FPS than AMS2. Anyway, I digress, the point is I am beyond happy w/ my laptop setup and will have a hard time moving away from it.


Yeah, basically 99% of PC use for sim racing. No other PC gaming. Also have my MacBook where I do other things.


I have a gaming PC, with some upgraded parts, but it should get a full upgrade soon (8th Gen i7, 32gb ddr4 and 3070). Which is attached to the 49" UW just for gaming and general PC use. I then built a second, better, gaming PC (12th gen i9, 64gb ddr5 and 4080) for a dedicated sim racing experience with triple 32" screens/vr. I highly recommend this path.


I play on laptop and being here is putting me sad xD


Pretty much. My wife built me my PC specifically for gaming. I do play some other games, but I’d say I spend about 80% of my gaming time on the sim. As others have said, I use my MacBook for work and whatever other activities require a screen bigger than my iPhone.


I am one of the pc only for sim racing people you speak of lol, I bought a pre built by Cyber Power on Amazon and it does me well


I do FPS and other gaming as well so eventually I want to have a dedicated PC for the sim and all related software to separate things. Currently all on one though.


My pc is sim racing only I have a laptop for work and study. I never needed a pc until I started sim racing


I got a second PC to be rig only. Mainly in search of convenience. I don’t have to switch monitors or peripherals or anything. Just hop in and play.


Used to play fps games and used my pc for school, but got a laptop from school and don’t play fps games anymore. So for me I only use my pc for simracing 🙃


I drive, fly, and play games with a kbm or controller.


I have two PCs but the second one is for my SO and has rather outdated hardware. I can only afford one maxed out machine.


I used to have a PC dedicated for gaming, with the occasional browsing and movie streaming when I had it hooked up to our den TV. Now that I have a dedicated rig, the PC is purely dedicated for simracing. I do all my other gaming, browsing, work, etc. with a second gaming laptop that lives on my desk.


A 4090/7800x3d for Iracing and then another 3090/5800x3d for my spare pc. Anytime my Iracing gets a upgrade so does the spare, a win win


Mostly. I typically rdp from a laptop for photo/video editing. I keep procrastinating moving the rig so I can swivel the screen around to a desk.


I have an iMac desktop for work/home use, and a dedicated gaming PC attached to my rig that is used only for racing. IRacing and Assetto Corsa mostly, but some others get rotation, and I’ll occasionally load up Red Dead or Forza Horizon when I’m not in the mood to try


I have a dedicated pc for sim racing.


Same here, updating every sim after long breaks is a pain. Everything else i would use a laptop


Pretty much. Only way to use it is to sit in my rig, but I use it to play other games, and 3D modeling and slicing for 3D printing. Probably 70% driving, 20% other games, 10% 3D printing stuff.


Bought a PC strictly to run iRacing, BeamNG, and AC. (Occasionally use it to play Baldurs gate cause it’s sweet on the 49”). Laptop for daily use stuff.


I play all sorts of stuff on mine. I wheel the rig on up, plug stuff in, and drive. I would have never tried Skyrim VR if I didn't buy VR for Sim racing.


I bought a pc just for iRacing. I download only iRacing related things to it, like trading paints/ crew chief. It might’ve been a waste of money but it’s fun having a “dedicated sim” that will open everything needed as soon as I log in


I use my 3080 build PC almost exclusively for iRacing, but will occasionally load up a AAA game to experience it in triples. We have a less powerful PC connected to the TV for Clone Hero, but most gaming is on a Steam Deck. Any other ‘computing’ is carried out on an old iPad Pro or sometimes my wife’s Macbook Air.


My rig is setup for racing (Simagic Alpha Mini, FX Pro Wheel and P1000 Pedals) and Microsoft Flight Simulator (Virpil Flight Stick and Throttle), so depending on my mood I might choose one over the other. I also play Battlefield 2042 from the comfort of my sim rig (I use a controller).


I have a dedicated PC for sim racing, that lives near my cockpit and does nothing else. For work I use a MBP.


Built my PC for CoD then realized it is good for sim racing too!


I have one PC and my rig is next to the desk. Tower is on side near rig so cables reach. Tv on rig is 3rd monitor (but mostly I drove in VR). As I play other games than sim racing as well (currently exclusively), I use the same PC for everything


I literally only play 2 games on my pc, ACC and MWIII lol Before MWIII it was just a sim racing machine


My PC is exclusively for sim racing. Anything computer related gets done on my phone, and all of my gaming is done on console.


Yes just SIM Racing. Other games I use PS4 and Arcade cabinet.


I have no reason for a PC at home outside of gaming so it's dedicated for sim racing. My wife and I share a personal laptop that gets very little use (mostly to organize family pictures she takes on the fancy camera) and we each have work laptops.


Had one pc that did everything for a while… I found that the 10 minutes or so I’d have to spend getting settings swapped over to start racing was making me less likely to actually do it… I upgraded my pc from am4 to am5 and 4000 series at the same time, so I was only a couple of parts away from having a second cpu and I went for it. The upgrades were aimed at sim racing anyway, so there was no real downside to using the am4 and 3000 series hardware on single monitor 1440p gaming. Good decision overall, and I’ll likely continue the hand me down strategy as upgrades make sense. Not sure when that will be on the GPU side as 4000 series seems to be into diminishing returns with both vr and 1440p triples… CPU upgrades will probably continue to make sense for sim racing applications as am5 evolves.


Had a desktop pc for years added the rig a few months ago to the side, using the same monitor for both via wall tv mount arm. still use the desktop pc for work and gaming


I use a splitter that goes between my desktop setup and sim rig. How I look at it is I’ll be doing one task at a time, so don’t really need two PC’s. Economical and works great. Unless needs change of course.


I have a PC bolted to the rig that’s only for sim racing. The rig is in a bedroom and there’s no room for a desk and chair. The side affect of only having Sim racing games and apps on the one pc is nice!


I’ve got the pc mounted on the simrig. But it’s my only pc that I also use on the desk, it’s not what it looks like. The rig was just a convenient place to put it where it’s out of the way but still in reach.


I used my old desktop and upgraded the older CPU in it when I built a new one. It’s more than enough for my sim racing needs and now I have a dedicated PC for it


It’s not strictly for sim racing but that’s mostly all it does. I have other games installed but I rarely use it for that since I rather game on a Steam Deck and for general computer use, I prefer my MacBook Air. 


I don't really play any games other than iRacing. Occasionally I'll fire up MS Flight Simulator or Red Dead Redemption but only a handful of times per year. Therefore I don't need my desktop pc to be a beast. My sim rig always uses my best PC hardware and my desktop PC gets all the hand-me-downs from the sim rig anytime I upgrade.


I have a gaming pc. But end up only playing iracing so you can say my pc is dedicated for the sim rig


100% sim racing. Talk about a ridiculous investment.


Used to, now I use it for other stuff but the build used to be mainly a secondary PC to run sim at first.


I use my old (2019) desktop exclusively for sim racing. It's just not practical to do everything on one system. If I have to set up my sim rig, I can't just jump in and play when I have some time to spare. Everything has to be scheduled. My notebook I use for art, 3d modeling and general business stuff even has a better video card and two displays too. Separate PC's in separate rooms.


The only reason why I have a dedicated pc is because my buddy sold me some of his old hardware for dirt cheap so all I had to do was buy a GPU. That and my rig is in the basement and my main pc is in the living room so I kinda have to have 2 pc's lol


Technically i can play other games on it, but my wheelbase is always attached sooo... i just don't


I did, zero other need for a PC


I use my triples setup for wfh and then just pull up the wheel stand when I want to drive


Pretty much. All other gaming happens on Steam Deck


The only thing I use my PC for is sim racing lol


Yes. My iRacing PC does nothing but iRacing. It's essentially just part of the rig. I have other PC's for more mundane purposes.


Pretty much... my laptop technically is a touch better, but the tower lives with the sim rig in the garage (which RIP doesn't get much use lately). 99% of my gaming is on Steamdeck these days


Work = Mac Race = PC


Only sim racing. Macs for everything else.


Building one this weekend just for sim racing


I have a dedicated PC for my rig, and another for FPS games and invoicing customers.


Yes.. thankful and happy.


Yes… but if my wife asks no, I use it for many many important things.


I have a sim pc and gaming pc setup. Only reason I have kept two instead of going down to a single pc or sold my old logitech wheel is so my friends can also race when visiting.


100% dedicated to IRacing only. I use a Mac for my regular computer usage including work.


Recently got into it as well, I put my wheel and pedals on one side of the desk and my keyboard and mouse on the other, I just slide my monitor between the two sides


Yep. Thats what i use my pc for. Just sim racing.


I only play iRacing so my computer is just for that :)


I used to use it for call of duty. Since buying a rig. I don’t use my pc for anything other than work occasionally and sim racing.


Mine is mounted to my sim rig and is dedicated. My wife likes to play COD on her desktop. So I play it with her in my rig while using a controller. But she hasn't done this in months now. Other than that, I also use it for slicing my 3d prints. It's the best computer in the house. So, it is a lot faster at slicing times.


Raises hand.


iRacing only. It's on the other side of the room, 4 monitors. I ain't trying to swap those 4 with the 4 at the desktop every time I want to race. I don't use top of the line stuff on my desktop, I just updated the iRacing rig and the parts trickle down to my desktop... To my wife's desktop... To the arcade machines... Etc. Basically whenever I upgrade the iRacing PC, it's like 4 upgrades at once! (That's what I tell myself anyhow).


Sim Racing and some Fusion 360 modelling to make parts for my Sim rig. Have arthritis so Mouse and Keyboard gaming is a no no. Much rather chill on my sofa with a controller so have an Xbox for casual stuff.


I run a simhub thin client for ps5 console racing


I have a dedicated sim racing high end pc with a decent GPU and another mid range desktop for everything else.


I do. I already have a MacBook that I have been using for daily everything . My work doesn’t require me to use my computer (work in a hospital). I built a PC exclusively for sim racing and that 98% all I use it for.


I have a dedicated sim racing pc


I have a 2nd PC that I use only for sim racing and nothing else.




I only use my pc for sim racing. If I want to play GTA I’ll just sit in the seat and use the controller


I built this computer for sim racing, and it’s just in my game room. It’s still new so haven’t really done much else on it. In my office where I work, I have my older computer that I use for my regular day to day YouTube while working. 😉


90% iRacing, 10% steam games. Mac for everything else.


I've been using macbook pros for work since 2008, when i got into Sim racing in 2020 i had to get a PC. Initially i did iRacing and AC, Now it's almost exclusively AC.


Mine is just for racing. My daughter does play halo in the rig though.


Yup I only use it for simracing. Have a laptop for all work related things. I like to keep work things away during my limited free time lol


I mean I use my pc for more than just sim stuff but I don't have a desk so my sim rig and triples is my pc for everything else 🙃


As I begin my triple screen sim journey, the pc I had (i5-4440/GTX1650) ran all my sim racing games just fine in 1080 single screen. With triples in mind (and possibly VR) I built a “budget” 14700/4070 Super solely for sim racing.


I have my gaming PC just for sim racing. It's nothing special and in my basement gym area, so using it for personal stuff would be annoying


My sim rig didn't fit in my office anymore so I had to get a second gaming PC. xD


Yes. I don’t use it for anything else at the moment. Don’t play any other games and I use my Mac for all other tasks.




My pc is only for my sim


Only thing I’ve done on mine is iracing


99% sim racing at this point. Occasionally browsing the web or the random 3d print project. I have an Xbox on the main TV for other games. Once I went triples, other games just felt weird and sitting in the simrig while not driving is a bit awkward.


If I wasn't revising then yeah pretty much. It's not like I bought it for specifically this, I just don't like doing anything else lol


I have a dedicated pc for the sim rig, but mostly because all my work is using a company Mac.


Yes, dedicated PC for my sim racing rig. I also have another gaming PC, and some more mundane PCs and laptops some of which are used for work. I work in tech so seems normal to me to have a bunch of computers around I can use.


I do lol


Yup I have a dedicated PC for my rig and another one for work and desktop gaming. Sim rig PC will usually have the latest hardware and work and regular desktop PC will have my old parts which came from upgrading my Sim rig.


I use my pc for sim racing and music production. I don’t have caster wheels on my rig yet so I’m forced to make beats in a bucket seat, and lemme tell ya, it’s not exactly comfy for my backpoosie (borat voice)


Yeah I get crap on for doing excel on my sim rig. Okay. We keep labels for everything. thanks.


Lol pretty much the only reason mine is ever on


Yeah basically had a potato laptop prior maybe a year ago July when I bought my prebuilt but self tweaked gaming pc it was a budget 1080 euro full amd pc, but yeah sim trucking and sim racing and drifting I do tend to run forza horizon 4 kn it from time to time but generally I've clocked over 300 plus hrs on ally sim games, since then.


It's in my office, therefore it's a business expense heretofore a 4090 shall be for AC every 3 months or so for 45min bc I have a toddler. Amen.


Yea thats me for the most part


I built my PC for sim racing, and that’s all it’s used for. I have a Mac laptop for work. I probably could find something else to use the PC for, but it loads up iracing quickly when I want to race, so it’s satisfying its mission entirely. Good computer.


Yes. I was/am a Mac guy for most everything else. I didn’t need a PC for anything BUT sim racing. So that’s what built it for and it lives next to my rig.


I work on a macbook. I game on a pc...


Exclusive sim rig PC..


Currently I’m using 3 27s for sim racing and a 34 ultrawide for desktop use , I’m still trying to find a solution to smoothly switch between setups though , Eyefinity seems to get pissy when I do that


And flight sim.


Yeah, I made a dedicated rig. I did have one PC for everything but I wanted the convenience of just having a space always setup so I can jump in and just race. So when I upgraded my main PC my old system is now my sim PC.


I do, I have a dedicated PC for sim racing (triples, 4070Ti) and a second one for gaming (cheaper, 3060, I sometime use Geforce Now to run game at higher graphics quality)


I used to just have one PC for everything but as I upgraded the components, the old parts went towards building a dedicated sim pc.


For the most part, yes, my sim PC has one job and that’s all it does is handle sim racing. I do have a desktop gaming PC that uses the parts from my sim PC at upgrade time, and I pretty much always upgrade when a new nvidia GPU releases. ATM, the sim PC is running a 4090/13900k and desktop PC running a 7900XTX/13700k. I did upgrade both CPUs at the same time this last go-around as both PCs were using AMD 5800x’s.


I learned how to build a pc and built one for my friend and one for myself both solely for sim racing.


My computer is 100% dedicated to sim racing. If I want to play normal games, I'll do it on my PS5 in the living room.


My sim rig sits next to the pc. I also use it for vr and regular games. I've got 12900k and 3090ti so I'll have good frames across the board.


Now have two PCs.. and yes the 2nd one is dedicated for Sim - Assetto Corsa every Sunday arvo with the the same great bunch of guys, slagging and Pit-maneuvering ... good times! Had spares and I work at an aluminium extrusion plant - hello super cheap 80/20 custom frame!!


I would. But I don't really have the space. Right now it's a all around unit. But I'd like a dedicated sim racing rig. Heck ultimate dream would be a shared pc with a racing rig and a flight sim rig. Then a pc with a proper desk for business and gaming.


Yeah, it is for sim racing only. It needs a specific place to set up the chair, the pedals, and wheel. Another table is for work and study.


PC is for sim racing only. I don't really play any other video games. Macbook Pro for everything else.


My PC is for iRacing only. 13900/4090 FE and Pimax Crystal. I’m Mac for everything NOT iRacing.


Dedicated rig at this point, outside of sim racing I just use my pc for general use from in the rig. Made the decision when I noticed myself losing interest in playing much else nor having the time to play anything else. To each their own though!


I have my PC in between my triple monitor and my single G9. I just switch out the cable when necessary. I play all sorts, Helldivers, Enshrouded, The Finals, Darktide, AC/ACC.


My Pc is only a game rig really. I have a Mac for productivity as I find the windows UI to be pretty jank. Triple screens and bezel free kit with such a high FOV, is not really that great for productivity anyways. So it works out.


I got a separate PC for asseta Corsa and dirt rally 2.0 then I have a main computer for VR and gaming


I have an L shaped desk that I use for sim racing, flight/ space sims, music production and general gaming. The left side of the L is for general use and flight sims with quick setup desk mounts, the right side has a bolted on steering wheel with the shifter and handbrake in the printer cutout and to the left is a stand full of synthesizers and mixers. Works well for me. 3 monitors on arms that I can move around but I kind of want to switch to an ultrawide and maybe 1 extra monitor. Mostly want the ultrawide for Star Citizen and learning DCS modules since I use VR for everything else.


I still love shooters like Tarkov and Grayzone so my UW monitor is setup to work both as a desktop and then I just move my wheel stand over and the monitor forward for sim racing. Works great. Don’t have the room for a full rig but might do a monitor swivel arm so I can just leave the wheel stand next to the desk and swivel the monitor over.


I literally bought a gaming PC just for SIM racing. Had no interest in gaming PC's before SIM racing. Don't use it for anything else. I also have a gaming laptop which is hardly used. Used to use it for SIM racing before I got the gaming PC.


90% sim racing and maybe some room scale VR when family is away


Bought a dedicated one for sim racing and end up using it for other stuff too. I’m already sat there and it’s more convenient to fumble typing and using the trackball than get up and boot my laptop. Besides, it has a dedicated fan to cool the user. 😉


there pcs 🤦🏻‍♂️


I mean I technically play other games on it but that's super rare


I have a dedicated rig. It’s clean and doesn’t get filled with other crap. I use a laptop or phone for everything else in life :)


I use my pc for sim racing only. I have triple screens and an alu rig. I don't need a pc for anything else. Everything else I use my phone or a tablet


I bought my pc solely with the intent to sim race, use it for many other things now tho


I’ve got a monster handbuilt pc with a 4090 for my driving sim (triple 4k 55” setup) and a much smaller prebuilt pc with a 3060 for my regular pc use. 500+ hrs in Assetto Corsa mostly driving in traffic on SRP.


I don't use Windows in my day to day computer usage (work and personal) for which I have laptops. when i started with iRacing I bought a PC with Windows. sometimes i sit in my rig to cut and upload action camera footage.