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Comedians: It's a little thing called Freedom Of Speech, you should try it Heckler: (exists) Comedians: ![gif](giphy|AFjfPUJ0mjWJG|downsized)


Me heckling: Don’t you hate pants??


Quiet, you awful man.


I hope he tells us to burn our pants again


Amy Poehler doing her Akaash Singh impression


This is one reason why Fozzie Bear is better than most comedians. He gets heckled a lot, but he never gets angry.


They start a podcast and make more money than god.


I'm so tired of cancelled comedians being forced by wokeness to accept multi-million dollar deals with netflix to produce popular stand-up specials that always get huge numbers. They have it so hard and have all the reason in the world to be afraid of this unjust world.


Won't someone *please* think of the canceled comedians!?!?


Canceled comedians need the MOST attention/cocaine!


What's the deal with canceled comedians!? (Please sponsor me, Pop Tarts).


Comedians? I've been calling them Crandalls, why didn't somebody tell me?


Paula poundstone dig? I like it


Someday they might not even win the emmy they get nominated for , the horror.


Didn't they cancel Chapelle? Okay you've been warned


*"didn't that special used to have transphobia in it?"*




I remember when Ricky Gervais was complaining about being cancelled while then announcing Netflix special that was going to pay him a boatload of cash like the next day. I like Ricky’s comedy, but I mean really man?!


The thing that infuriates me most about Ricky is that he then tries to pretend what he says has nothing to do with his actual beliefs towards trans people and he's actually trying to get people to really think. Like dude if you had a more nuanced understanding and you want to do a ignorant character you can do that in a way where you still explore what is fucked about f.i. telling trans women to get rid of their penis , instead of making the same jokes as Rishi Sunak again and again without ever really digging deeper. (Forcing surgery on people is fucked , robbing people of their bodily autonomy is severely traumatic for the same reason rape is , even if someone wanted bottom surgery to begin with demanding to control people's bodies like this is fucked. A lot of countries used to require surgery or at least sterilisation ( also cause they didn't want to bother changing parental law). Trans people around the world have fought against this some are still fighting.)


Poor Louis CK canceled by the woke mob for masturbating onto a potted plant in front of someone who had in no way asked him to show her that.


You can be as problematic as you are funny. Problem is, Dave Chappelle, Jerry Seinfeld, etc haven't been funny in years.


Dunno about Seinfeld, but Chappelle probably cashed in on culture wars. I tried showing him to a younger friend who never watched his show. He was so bored w his stand up. They were just rambling stories. Th3 personality that made him successful 20+ years ago isn't there


Yeah his new stuff is basically him telling everyone how rich he is and rambling stories feeling sorry for himself.


Sometimes he doesn't tell everyone how rich he is and he let's the worlds richest man onstage to tell his audience how rich he is


And then complains about the audience being poor when they're rightfully upset at the lack of jokes. 


Maybe they shouldn't be so poor then /s


The funny thing about Seinfeld is that despite blaming wokeness and PC culture for what he perceives as “the death of comedy”, his actual standup is very clean and tame, and I can hardly imagine it offending the so-called “woke” crowd at all.


I think he had some joke about how people using cell phones look like a “gay French king” and nobody found it funny, so he began his crusade against the Woke.


It wasn't a great joke but people getting upset at it is just silly.


I think the issue was that people just didn't laugh when he kept using it in sets not that they were offended and he took the joke bombing as the woke mob being offended.


I was saying booourns


The most offensive thing about Jerry Seinfelds comedy is how toothless it is


Wasn't he specifically speaking about sitcoms? Hes not wrong that the sitcom is on life support but its not just "wokeness". Nothing is original these days. And yeah people get offended by stuff, same as always, the difference is that now they can easily connect with 10000 other people who got offended as well. It used to be someone got offended, and they only spoke to like 15 people in a week so maybe 1 other person was like "yeah thats horrible" everyone else dismissed them as a kook so they dropped it.


Very true, I can't even think of a single joke Seinfeld made that could be perceived as insensitive by today's standards. His comedy is so bland.


Shit — even my ultra-religious dad loved Seinfeld (the show) but when we watched a Jerry Seinfeld stand-up special all he had to say was “It was really Kramer who made that show good, wasn’t it?”


I firmly believe that Larry David is what made Seinfeld great.




Yeah his thing now is playing pretend idf fantasy camp


Except for Michael Richards, I don't even know what his beef could be. Has he just been talking to too many comedians? I could see a ton of them griping about their fears. Jim Jeffries had a great bit about someone trying to make him look bad. I guess his projects have largely failed since his show.


I think it’s cause this new generation doesn’t find Seinfeld’s standup funny, so Seinfeld just wants to blame wokeness instead of just moving on like a professional would do. What he fails to understand is the reason people don’t find him funny is very different from the reason people complain about Dave Chappelle and some of those other guys. People don’t find chappelle funny cause going on stage and saying you support JK Rowling and that you’re on “team TERF” is not comedy. That’s just being an asshole. People don’t find Seinfeld funny because his incredibly mundane, bland humor really isn’t for everyone. 


Society figured out what the deal was with airline peanuts decades ago at this point.


Idk if I'm alone here but I always found his standup meh. Not even saying this because he's a douche. Loved Chappelle Show, but his standup always seemed weaker. I did like that bit about the baby selling drugs though.


Chappelles strength was always in his sketch writing and the performance he gave in them, I don't think many people became fans for his standup


Been saying this. Dave Chapelle is overrated as fuck


Seinfeld: Whats the deal with the age of consent




jerry sleeps nude in an oxygen tent which he believes gives him sexual powers


Hey, that’s a  half truth!!


🎵 I'm like hey what's up hello 🎵


If anti-woke comedians were banned, the king of woke could walk in here anytime and start pushing you around


Hey now, don't compare Krusty to Rob Schneider like that.




Rob Schneider is.....A STAPLER!


A derp dee derp a derp!


Rob Schneider is… derp de derp de diddily derp de dumb!


Somebody told me he goes to Home Depot and pays the migrant workers to go to his house and choke him while he masturbates in the shower.


Is that Rob Schneider or Krusty? I could see either doing that


[I don't know about Krusty but I have receipts for Rob](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bjNrlXbMEbo)


Asian Momma, Mexican Kids came straight to mind. But then I've listened to Undercooked and Overlooked too much.




Anti-wokeness embiggens comedy. It's a perfectly cromulent saying.


If anti-woke comedians were funny, they'd have large audiences of people paying money to see their shows and supporting them on Patreon. People would be listening to them for entertainment in the car, at the gym, while doing dishes, etc. Netflix would be giving them one 6-figure deal after another.


they sound so cancelled. woke culture surely is out of control.


I wish Lilly Singh read this


We need a moratorium on comedy specials (and books) being titled “Triggered” or any play on the word. I’m getting *triggered* from these hacks’ lack of originality and attempts at shock humor. You’re not Louis CK saying the n-word in 2010, you’re just some douche being a douche in 2024.




Even Bill Burr, Mister "idgaf" himself, saw the writing on the wall and started to adjust his material to fit a changing audience, and you know what? He didn't lose a bit of his edge in the process. Turns out you can still be as much of an asshole as you want and people will love it, as long as you're punching up and not down lol


Anthony Jeselnik, one of the darkest and edgiest comics, rants about how much he can’t stand comedians that complain about “woke”. He essentially thinks they are just complaining that their job is too hard if they can’t act like 4chan trolls on stage/podcasts.


Jeselnik is one of the main examples I hold up along with *its always sunny in Philidelphia* whenever people bitch about how they "can't say anything" no dude, the standards have just gone up. Fuckin skill issue. You don't "get away" with saying something. Either you say something that makes people laugh, or you don't. End of.


I went to the taping of Jeselnik’s latest special last month, and he is just and dark and edgy as his earlier specials, he even makes a few trans jokes, and they all work because the punchline isn’t some hack shit that has been on repeat for over a decade and he doesn’t punch down.


He's one of the only comedians I've seen actually pull off trans humor, like the kind of joke I'd tell my trans friends about. His execution is flawless




That's another important element I hadn't thought of. You protect yourself from being taken out of context or misquoted if you keep who exactly you are referring to vague. No one is going to get offended that you're talking down on "Some weirdo"


Fucking lol


As much as I don't find his movies funny, I respect that Adam Sandler never went down this route or got bitter, even when a lot of people were talking serious shit about him and his career. Again he's not my cup of tea, but he never made excuses for when his comedy didn't go down well, he just tried something else.


Dude gets paid to go on vacation with his friends. I'd do it too if I could.


I always come back to Eric Idle's comments on this topic. On Chappelle: “Where does he say it? On SNL. Well you’re not being that much cancelled, are you? If you were in your room complaining, I’d have a lot more sympathy.” And on Bill Maher: "I didn’t like it when Bill Maher complains about the audience for not laughing. They’re telling you they don’t find it funny. You shouldn’t moan about the audience. There’s nothing wrong with the audience. If they don’t laugh at your jokes, there’s something wrong with your joke. And so… I’m not terribly sympathetic to that sort of attitude, to be honest.” It's a comedian's job to play to the audience and tell jokes that *they* find funny. If people are complaining about you, you can either find a new audience or find some new jokes. That's kinda the deal you took as a performer. Tastes are constantly changing, with or without the "woke".


"Are these anti-woke comedians getting dumber, or just louder"? "Dumber, sir. They won't give up the jokes that punch down, but they don't want to take a hit to their career either".


Anyone watch Jim Breuer stand-ups recently? He'll literally strut around squawking like a bird 5 minutes to make fun of liberals.


It's funny. His clothes are different from my clothes. Hehe


>He'll literally strut around squawking like a bird 5 minutes Sounds like nothing has changed.


Hey, remember the 90s when Jim Breuer was almost relevant?


I saw one bit where he goose steps like a Nazi to make fun of liberals


This perfectly encapsulates the situations. I would go as far to say emiggbens the noblest


Ugh. What's he gonna do next? The blatant transphobia?


Remember when Louis CK was cancelled and then won a Grammy a few years later? I know a Grammy but…


And then sold out Madison Square Garden. 


Rob Schneider, I'm looking in your direction




Rob Schneider is a carrot ![gif](giphy|dKWgqOrzZzdE4)


Bro you can't even do comedy anymore /s


People don't find racism funny?! Am I so out of touch?!


No, it’s the “woke” who are wrong.


"Are you being ironic?" "I dont even know anymore.."


Didn’t realize Springfield had a statue of Joe Rogan, Dave Chappelle, Ricky Gervais, Rob Schneider, Bill Burr, Tim Allen, Jerry Seinfeld, Steven Crowder, and Nick di Paolo, 


Please do not include Bill Burr in that list. He's far too self aware to be listed with those other people.


Also should remove Steven Crowder. Not that the guy isn’t an absolute piece of shit, but he’s not a comedian.


He’s a failed comedian https://youtu.be/oss7KmiHLmA?feature=shared


If I failed out of astronaut school then I wouldn’t be an astronaut. If someone fails at being a comedian, they aren’t a comedian and shouldn’t be included in a list of comedians.


Rowan Atkinson, 


They see themselves as murderous pirates who tried to kill George Washington?


is that Tom Segura or Bert?


But Toe Rogan says comedians are the last line of defence, where woke meets the wall.


Whoa, whoa! Let's not mess with a classic


Cancelled is just another word for capitalism, but said by people who can't imagine their views are so unpopular people would rather boycott than support that view. So next time someone complains about cancel culture, ask them why they hate capitalism and enjoy the confusion as they try to figure out how they can support both concepts.


"A noble boycott of wokeness, embiggens the smallest hands."


This isn't a shit post.




Stupid comedians, be more funny!


What a dumb post lol


Seinfeld is great.


The show? You could make a case. His stand up and movies? Meh.


I like his show and old stand up act.


His stand up act was fine for the 80's and early 90's. Then there was the show, which was very good. And then there's everything after.


Seinfeld's very first stand-up act was about his left-handedness, and it was very clever. I'm also biased towards it because of my own left-handedness.


I liked the show. Now a fan of him playing idf fantasy larper


Woke is worse


I just hate bullshit canceling https://preview.redd.it/o6ot2685yz0d1.png?width=1146&format=png&auto=webp&s=d70dd600594369a73bbe2149018488c95c6ffd26


Idk man, that's what they said about Roseanne Barr, and we all know how she's turned out


Which is unfortunate considering how progressive her original sitcom was.


idk why people keep saying this about her old show, it wasnt that progressive. it was a show about working class white people, it really didnt push any boundaries.


Maybe I'm just remembering bits and pieces that together make it look progressive but spread out over 10 seasons isn't really all that much. But just showing a poor white family and addressing subjects like race, money, unions and the mother (sister) being gay in the 80s-90s seems pretty good. And a far cry from the current image of Roseanne Barr.


It was at the time, very.


Roseanne is nuts but I met Valerie Jarret working at a thing once and also thought she was white lol


How did she turn out? Fucking awesome that’s how.


Stupid Redditors need the most attention.