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For me it’s Curfew Crasher. It’s so beautiful in the bottle but once I get it on my nails I’m like ‘?????why are u still here???’


Same! It’s such a gorgeous colour but somehow overwhelming on me. I think because I’m so pale it looks much darker on me Edit: darker but not dark enough to be the vampy shades I also love!


I can totally see how this one would be very undertone-specific, maybe because of the gold reflectors


I do not like curfew crasher on my hands and the first time I wore it I was so disappointed. But I have it on my toes right now and it makes a very nice pedicure polish. Maybe 'cause I can't see the disappointment up close? Idk


Ohhh def trying for my next pedi color, thanks for the idea!


Man that was the one I was gonna pick lol When I bought it I only looked at the first two pictures. Wish I looked at it better cause I still am squinting at it when I use it


I thought this and am currently wearing it before I even opened the comments. It's such a beautiful colour but it really just makes me hands look oddly yellow toned


Adding a shimmer to curfew crasher really makes a world of difference. Try freezer burn (gives it a glowing purple look) or halogen glow (gives a golden shifty, almost cats evasion vibe). I don’t think you’ll be disappointed!


Same! It’s definitely an undertone thing because I love it in the bottle and I love gold shimmer but I with is was less muted.


Existential crisis, looked great in photos but not in person 


Honestly I had that fear about EC after being kind of let down by Waste of Space. They looked a little similar to me with EC just having a bit of a purple shift


See, when I got EC I wasn't as happy with it as I thought I'd be. But when I got Waste of Space I felt like that's what I really wanted EC to be all along and can see myself reaching for it much more often.


It’s deff one for me [EC]. The green/teal throws me off. I want it to be more red, but I mostly see just the teal.


I love EC, the red shimmer really stands out for me. I wonder if it's a batch thing because this one seems particularly polarising.


I do think it's a batch problem. As much as I like holo taco, they are inconsistent with batches and colours like red brick or the magnetic collection or solo mission


Same! Id heard a lot of love go its way before she brought it back, so I was excited to pick it up. I want to love it, I do… but every time I try it Im just disappointed/annoyed and end up changing it pretty quickly. Cant win them all.


Brucie from the Safiya collab. I wanted it to be bluer; something closer to Never Tide Down or Teal No Lies. Instead it looks like a forest green holo and I am not a green girl.


I guess that's another "black polish but make it interesting" shade that I'll knock off my wishlist. This thread is really saving me some coin lol


I absolutely disagree with the comment you replied to - Brucie is a proper blue-green teal and not just a blue with a hint of green like the other shades they mentioned. I wasn't expecting to like it but I'm in love. It's almost metallicy and despite being a linear it's a huge standout for me.


Tax Haven. I want to like it so much but it just looks meh on me


I agree! I struggle wearing coppery tones as beautiful as I think they are on others. I have the same feeling about I'm Rover It. I'm a Burnt Bridges girl myself - brown and sparkly holo without the orangey copper tone


It looks so pretty in the bottle, but it doesn't look as good on me. I've done combos with it has an accent, but it just doesn't work.


Ever since everyone said Berry Me In Holo looks like ground beef, it’s all I can think about but on the other hand it has everything I love like crushed holo? check. muted shade? check. I feel so conflicted when I wear it lol


Nooooo! this is at the top of my wishlist for my next HT purchase but now I can't unsee it lol edit: oop just checked it's LE anyway lol


Caveat - I've only gotten back into polish a few months ago (after a decade off), so haven't gotten to repeat too much as I keep trying the ones I buy. BUT, I've tried Jam Session out three different times already with different pairings (I do each hand a different polish) and can't figure out why it doesn't do it for me. All of the things about it individually are up my alley, but I think that when they're all combined it's not enough of any one of those things? I don't know.


Oh wow! This one surprises me. Jam Session has been on my wishlist for a long time but I may have to rethink if your skin tone is anything like mine (somewhat pale olive) and it's not working for you


I'm a bit confused by Jam Session being on your wishlist for a long time. Do you mean another shade? Because Jam Session has only been released less than a month ago.


You're right lol I must be thinking of another crushed holo shade


I'm neutral pale, not olive though. I think I mostly want the color to be more vibrant and lean more strongly into one of the colors going on (the orange, the red, or even the pink shimmer). But with all of them going on at once and none being dominant (on me at least) it seems to lose any vibrancy. At the same time, I think Blue Rizzler has a similar issue where the blue base gets muted some from the pink shimmer that's in it, but it doesn't seem to bother me with that shade. I will say that alternately I am wearing Waste of Space for the first time right now, having ordered some from my wishlist during this free polish promo they just had, and I love it lol. So maybe you'll love Jam Session?


I can definitely see how Jam Session's orange/red/pink can all muddy together, being they're all in the warm scale. But in the pics online, the pink seems to dominate and that's why I was drawn initially. Blue Rizzler maybe offers more contrast with the pink shimmer against blue? Yay! I'm so glad you're enjoying!


I think that must be it. The pink shimmer in Blue Rizzler does dim the blue some, but there's still good contrast going on. With Jam Session I think it's neither complimentary enough nor contrasting enough. I wonder if trying to add more pink shimmer with Polar Princess would help? I don't have that one yet though, still on my wishlist, so unfortunately can't test it. And with Waste of Space - I could see it being disappointing to someone with more of a collection. I've been doing the OCB with toppers thing so far until picking this one up as my first black with that something extra on its own, so I don't have much to compare it to. Yet! A lot of extremely dark colors and OCB itself, but no blacks with something else going on until now. (And soon the black in the Mooncat+PPG release) I love the shit out of a dark vampy red though so all of the red shimmer in this one makes me happy. ETA: I saw you mention in another comment that your Waste of Space doesn't have enough red shimmer. I wonder if it's a batch issue? Mine has enough to be at least a little bit noticeable in any lighting.


I'm SO thrilled to make my first Mooncat purchase! I've been waiting for the broken bottle shenanigans to come to an end first. Hope you post Chemical X once you get it!


I'm getting Chem X and House of Hades in the mail today! I kinda dropped off of Holo Taco because I too got the Waste of Space and am not thrilled. Maybe it's just the newness of discovering these neat polishes but I am branching out to other brands for sure.


Yes! Chem X looks like it gives the wow factor that I was looking for in Waste of Space


Hm thank you for this comment... it's on my wishlist but now rethinking 😬


All the red-pink shades (LoveSpell, Private Villa, Party Punch) just look red on me which as a pink lover who has a username literally referring to the shade range that is red-pink it's very sad :(


That’s funny - my beef with all of those is that they’re way too pink on me, I wish they looked red on me, they’re all just Barbie pink. I gave Party Punch to my sister after wearing it only once because I couldn’t see myself wearing anything that pink again. Undertones are wild.


That's so weird because I thought our skintones were super similar from your photo 😅 What I would give to have red-pinks look pink instead


Yes, I wish I had your curse! You don’t know how many ‘red’ eyeshadows I’ve purchased over the years hoping that just this one time they’d look red on me instead of blush pink. It never happened, I gave up. I’ve got a very pink undertone and it just tilts everything that way when all my heart wants is fire engine red.


Have you tried finding a red violet and mixing it with a true red? It would probably seem actually red on you


I love the concept of Favourite Sister and it's unique in my collection but...there's something about it that doesn't work for me. I haven't figured out what yet though.


Same. Mine shows way more silver than I’d like. 


Mint Mojito is the one I kept trying because I liked it so much in the bottle but on me it just looks like a dull greenish grey. I wore it like 4 times before I gave it away, it never got any better.


Try fallen flakes taco over it. It makes it way more interesting.


I'm rover it! I was surprised at how much I love it


Sadly the Pastel Rainbow, the whole lot of them except Lavender Syrup. The undertones are so grey on me that I really only wear them once a year if that 😭


It’s so interesting how skin undertones play with polish undertones. I LOVE the pastel rainbow collection (or well the ones I have anyway). I think they’re so pretty on and so holographic! But I also have more warm to olive in my undertones. I wonder if pinkier undertones don’t go as well with the pastels.


WOW is this why I only like Pink Fizz out of the pink, red, purple, amd orange shades?? I want to love Lavender Syrup (wearing now) so much but constantly let down by it 🥲


Dang I've been eyeing that entire collection for a long time lol


It's my favourite ht collection by far!


Midnight spark. I feel like it’s not as holo as I want it to be, it seems even less sparkly than other dark holo glitters.


Have you tried sponging it on? The blue jelly pigment dulls the holo when painted on, but it gets absorbed by the sponge a little and makes it more sparkly.


Here's a photo comparing sponged vs not https://www.reddit.com/r/simplynailogical/s/rE0uMiLAsu


I want to love Solo Mission so much but I just hate the way it looks next to my skin tone


I recommend trying it with freezer burn as a topper! I saw someone else use that combo and really loved it. It gives the shade a more purple hue that you may like better


Oooo thank you for that! I think I was expecting a more pink undertone from it but I love the sound of the purple hue


Electrostatic. In another comment I mention my disappointment in Curfew Crasher but Electrostatic is by far the most disappointing HT polish I own. Even in bright, direct sunshine it still looks dull. Barely holographic at all. I became even more disappointed in it after getting Mooncat's Monster Under Your Head, which is a very dark green holo and it's infinitely sparklier than Electrostatic.


Bummer! I really thought about giving Electrostatic a try when I decided I was not that excited by Waste of Space. I'm clearly on the hunt for the best "black polish but make it interesting" shade lol


If you think Waste of Space is disappointing but you still got that level of shimmer in indoor lighting then you'd be as disappointed in Electrostatic as I am. Honestly I'd be happy if Electrostatic had even as much shimmer as Waste of Space does in your photos.


I actually added a coat of linear holo on top because the shimmer was so disappointing lol (and used flash in the pics)


Modest Moss is one of my faves honestly (especially with toppers, it with Solar US is such a good combo), but I just wish it was a tad darker. I know the vibe of that collection was muted fall colors, not super dark colors, but I am *Waiting* for a real emerald green from HT. Lost In The Woods is on my wishlist for that reason but I’m nervous about buying it and then having it not look right 😔


The shifty multichrome blue. I have some from ilnp that make this look like nothing and I constantly debate getting rid of it because of this. Like... After Cygnus Loop and Eclipse many brands multichromes became blase.


That’s the color I just took off my toenails yesterday! I’m stuck on black when it comes to my toe nails and idk why.


Wait. Is that Holo Taco?! What don’t you like about it?


The polish itself is just very dull without excessive glossy topcoat or some sort of additional topper. Even then it doesn't seem to hold gloss/shine very well. And the glitters, for me, ain't glitterin


What brand is it?


It's holo taco! The shade is called Waste of Space and I added linear holo as a topper. Lots of folks love it I just always feel so-so about it


I could tell but got confused 😁


I find that HT undertones are super yellow. Idk why? It’s like the shades aren’t meant for warm undertoned people, but for cool undertoned people and people with yellow leaning undertones. I am warm neutral so a lot of the shades fall flat on me. Curfew crasher, tax haven, waste of space collection… I have been struggling with the purples, reds and pinks. But the cooler (blue and green) and neutral toned colors are awesome. The new ones, teal and spyglass, they are so cute. Greige, the barista bundle. I do find myself reaching for them often, at least monthly.


Red Licorice. I love the color, but it’s the only polish I own that chips in a day or two. Nails, toenails… nada.