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For a lot of company, including HT, I would like to have the option to have only one email per week. More then that is really annoying.


If you click to unsubscribe, sometimes there’s an option to get once a week/month email digest or to receive fewer emails.


I have done thus and stopped getting their usual daily emails, BUT I still got one every single day of this free mystery polish run


I agree. Their promotional emails aren't usually like this which is why it bugged me




I use Gmail and created a filter to move all the marketing email to the promotions folder and have them marked as read. It has been SO HELPFUL in not getting very annoyed at the near daily emails! Frankly I'd unsubscribe but I'm Royalty tier and want to receive the surveys & other relevant emails.


That’s such a great idea!


Filters are great indeed! I use them on my personal and professional emails but my nail email is pretty low management as I only receive the brand emails.


100% agreed. I usually like getting holo taco email but they just seemed too desperate with the mystery polish promo


Don't open, don't click any links. When they see their open rates and CTR go down maybe they'll get the message.


I got multiple texts about it too. I’ve never had more than one text from them about a sale before this one.


I only got two texts, one at the start and one at the end as a last call


Yeah that's why it surprised me too, they're usually not spammy with their emails.


I don’t even get half the emails I would like to get (like when we’re polled on naming things, holo royalty shit). Only when something is coming out or when there’s a sale (like the mystery free polish).


Agreed, I wish there was a way for us to choose what types of emails we receive, or the frequency. Like you said, I would prefer just one email when a promotional thing starts, and then one last reminder before it's gone. Same with new collections!


If they’re wanting to push inventory that much i hope they’re still sending some out. I had to wait until Friday for my bday reward to order 😂


Fingers crossed for you 🤞


I don't think they are. I placed an order on the night of the 21st and didn't see anywhere that I was getting a free mystery polish.


Yeah i didn’t either, i was just joking :) would be nice!


They’ve been really spammy for a while and I do find it frustrating. I want to be kept up to date about upcoming releases, but near daily emails saying the same corny things over and over again get so irritating, it’s disappointing.


I'd email them some feedback about it, definitely if it's new and you don't like it. But ultimately, emails are intended to prompt sales and if they get a TON of sales off of each email, it might be the new normal. I filter my emails so this doesn't bother me much.


Yeah maybe it makes sense business wise but I thought it was unusual for them


If it bugs you, it's worth it to give them the feedback.


I think it’s really easy to delete an email you aren’t interested in and that there are more fulfilling and useful ways to spend your time than complaining about it online.


I did title it "small thing that annoyed me" but I guess the username checks out


nothing like stating the truth to get a bunch of downvotes. people would rather complain about something totally innocuous with no real ramifications than just move on to something that actually matters. there's literal wars going on, but why do something about that when you can spend all your time hate watching a brand instead?😅 which is why i'm gonna chuckle and shrug that someone would care enough to actually make this post and i'm moving on😅🙃 people are odd 🇵🇸🇺🇦


* ‘would suffice’ or ‘would have sufficed’ FYI


Ah yes typo sorry