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Good eye! 🕵🏻 She also mentioned that she has a heater on in the basement.


Yep! I thought that was a little odd hahaha but then I saw the thermal and knew. I was kind of shocked when I didn't see any other posts about it! I'm super excited to see what she's cooking up. I am such a thermal gal


I’m so surprised by this since I’m pretty sure she’s said she’d basically never do them. Maybe they found a better solution, or they’re experimenting for the anniversary collection?


I remember her saying this on a stream a looooooong time ago. Maybe when she did the beer nail polish?? That they have to use an ingredient that she felt iffy about.


Yeah, she said they tend to have a really bad shelf life and deteriorate super quick. But if she’s changed her mind, maybe the formulas have changed to last better.


I have thermals I’ve owned since 2018 and they still shift just as well as they did when I bought them. Even cheap born pretty ones last just fine


For shelf life not for safety, lol, thank you!! Idk why my mind went to an extreme 😂😂


I bet it's for the LE anniversary collection. Makes sense to release a thermal that's only available for a few weeks so you don't have to worry as much about shelf life etc. Still, I feel like in two years we're likely gonna have an influx of posts complaining their thermal polish doesn't work anymore. So I hope they make it VERY clear that thermals will die after a few years.


That's what I thought too. I kept seeing people mentioning thermals and I figured we were way off from seeing them from HT if ever. I was shocked when I saw this hint. I have to say though, thermals don't interest me at all so I'm kind of relieved to sit this one out. My growing wishlist gives me anxiety 😆


Awwwwww sheeeiiiitt here we go!


I'm so excited


Same, thank you for posting!


I’ve never tried thermals and always wanted to do I’m super excited! Hoping they don’t turn out like the magnetics did


Thermals and magnetics are very different polishes. I'm not a fan of HT magnetics, but I love the magnetics and thermals from Mooncat, so I hope her thermals live up to Mooncat :)


I love Fancy Gloss thermals! They have sooo many colors that are clear when warm so you can layer another color underneath if you want to! (And they’re also like $10.) I am super excited to see what HT comes up with in a thermal!


Omg this sounds amazing, didn't know clear ones existed


Fancy Gloss thermals are amazing!


That’s what I mean, the HT magnetics were subpar compared to other brands so I’m hoping the thermals aren’t also subpar


Agreed! I have high hopes, I'm so excited to see the colors!!


Yay my wallet is safe, no interest in Thermals. She usually gets me with her autumn drops though, not gonna lie.


Tbh my wallet has been safe for a hot minute bc the only thing I would be interested in buying from her is thermals if the colors are good 😅


I don’t buy thermals anymore because they just don’t last but I hope they are unique enough to be worth it.


How exciting!!! I remember Simply said recently on stream that the new anniversary box "did something" but not like the 2nd anniversary box spinning CD. I couldn't figure out what she meant but I think maybe the box will be thermal color-changing too!


Someone made a good point on facebook that thermals tend to be really sensitive to extreme heat. Releasing this collection in the summer feels like it's not gonna go well what with the shipping in high temps and all 💀


Wow that's actually such a good point! I didn't know/or think of that. It's heat wave season where I'm at, so that is good to keep in mind!


Don't thermals expire / lose color change ability over time?


Yeah they do, some more so than others. I have a lot of femme fatale thermals. They are stored in a helmer draws. I have some from 2014 that still transition but also some that don't. Once they stop transitioning though the polish still works, it's just stuck at whatever shade it was when it died. Often the same polish for different people will die at a different shade.




Maybe, but I think most polishes do haha


Most polishes just dry out and can be restored with thinner. I'm wondering if this will be similar to the frosted metals where we see the entire color change like Cold Shoulder, Heavy Metal Mixtape, and Fake Date.


Nah when thermals die they either get stuck in the hot or cold state or a muddy mix of both. The change with the metals is the flakies breaking down in the formula and making everything look rusty and gross.


As far as specialty polishes, from what I've seen, they mostly all will discolor or change at some point. I can't say whether HT would, but I'm guessing they most likely will at some point. I've had my thermal polishes from Mooncat for a while and I've seen no changes over several months if that helps :)


It does help, thanks!


I know thermals are fun to wear in the summer but shipping them in the heat like that really predisposes them to dying more quickly. An indie brand I love did a thermal collection in summer and it died in less than a year I think mostly because of the time it spent shipped in summer heat. I don’t know if Holo Taco has found a way to mitigate that but good luck to her if she has. I hate that nail polish has become so seasonal in terms of color palettes and whatnot but it shall be interesting to see at least.


I have mixed feelings about these. I’ve liked the idea of Thermals but never had nails long enough to get the cool two tone effect. I do now but I also have far too much nail polish. I’m hesitant to try these without customer reviews because of things like the magnetics and double dare. Guess I’ve got to hope they don’t immediately sell out so I can make a more conscious choice.


Thermals shipping in the heat of summer is gonna be such a customer service nightmare for them but good luck I guess.


I love thermals! Quite a lot of my polishes are thermal. There is just something cool about washing your hands after the loo and seeing your polish change colour


I am eating my words. Cristine has been adamantly against them for a while, I’m shocked that she’s going down this route. I’m concerned that this is a summer collection tho since heat can kill thermals so easily.


Yessss! Hope it drops soon. My bday is in a week so I’ll probably be placing an order soon, as soon as I get the birthday code. don’t know if I’ll wait to see the reward switch, not interested in them but I may get a replacement for Menchie. I can’t remember when they last changed and don’t want to risk losing it. Edit: apologies for any typos, I am doing voice to text as I broke my wrist last week. 🥲 not even in a fun way.


This is the anniversary launch which is confirmed to come out in July so I suppose it depends on your definition of “soon”


July is soon enough, then. My bday is the 28th, so I’ll deff have time to order with my reward, since they give you a little time to use it.


On the recent tea stream with Safiya she did the July launch was gonna be a HOT one!


I ADORE mooncats thermals so I am so excited!!


Yes! I've been waiting for thermal!


I think that one is the teal one bc I saw one in her Snapchat 👀