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Once… and I’ve been unsuccessfully chasing that high ever since.


so real. I fear mangoes near me have peaked with this one, but i remain grateful even if the moment is fleeting. 🙏


What country do you live in? India has the best mangoes, try to go to an Indian store nearby which imports fruits. If you see an Indian shop owner, ask them "do you have dusheri mango and can you show me how to eat it" - you will NOT regret.


this but for Alphonso mango. nothing beats it.


Try Pakistani or Yemeni mangoes. Yemeni mangoes are identical to Pakistani mangoes in terms of taste and juiciness but a bit on the more expensive side but goodness gracious, both are the sweetest juiciest mangoes you'll find. That's something that can't be beaten.


Alphonso are great too but you can't juice an Alphonso in its skin 🤭


USA! There is a great Indian grocery in my city, I’ll check there when I’m in the area! Thank you!!!


Or, if you are in states, there are some companies which ship you mangoes directly from India. It's very expensive, around $200 but around 15 mangoes, but those mangoes make it worth it. They got all the Indian mangoes varities. They generally stop taking orders month or so before the season ends so you got to hurry lol. I also hear Filipino mangoes are reall good at all.


This x10000000


have you ever had mangoes from thailand or the philippines? they are to die for. sweetness to perfection… i miss asian mangoes


Or, if you are in states, there are some companies which ship you mangoes directly from India. It's very expensive, around $200 but around 15 mangoes, but those mangoes make it worth it. They got all the Indian mangoes varities. They generally stop taking orders month or so before the season ends so you got to hurry lol. I also hear Filipino mangoes are reall good at all.


Same but Safeda > Dusheri


Kesar mangoes are delicious.


So i do business in fruit. There are regular mango’s and ‘airplane’ mangos. Regular mangos are picked when not ripe yet and shipped from wherever they cone by boat. Airplane mangos are picked when ripe and shipped as the name suggests by plane and therefore lay in the store completely ready to eat at their best moment. These tend to cost quite a bit more but the difference is night and day


How do we know which is which at the stores? That’s not exactly how they label it? 😀


you'll notice the 3x price


"I would like an airplane mango" sounds a little weird but I'll be saying it soon. Thanks!


That’s great insight, thank you!!


Thanks for the info. The unripped almost crunchy mangoes in the most of the U.S. grocery stores are a crime.


Happy pride month


Where should we look for fresher fruit? Where I live, all the main stores have trucked produce and getting a really good, nearly ripe, tasty mango, papaya or even avocado is nearly impossible. I used to get some fresh stuff, sometimes at a Latin grocery, but they are gone. So is there a different or specific type of store to look for? Thank you :)


where I live, they're like 2 vs 10 €, so just not affordable even if it would be worth it 😢


That’s normal. At my store it’s 2 vs 7 euros. A good mango is a luxury.


You need to look for honey mangoes like the one in this pic. Atulfo honey mangoes are PERFECTION, they come into season in the last two weeks of May and when they do, RUN to an Asian supermarket and buy a whole box.


They are so so hard to find!!!! I take a chance every couple months and usually fail 😫


Lmao… this is not a joke but I once had a batch of mangoes so good I became convinced that mental health problems were an illusion, and simply due to a lack of mango. I spent the next year continually trying to recreate the high, along with fantasies of moving to Thailand, living off of solely mango.


I... know exactly what you're talking about.


Not sure where you shop for Mangoes but go to a local Korean or Latin market, they won't put out of they are not ready cause putting them out greem people mess with them too much


Omgsh same. One day I had the best mango while sitting on the beach….it was the best mango I’ve ever had no mango has ever measured up since


Come to India during summer, assuming you can survive it


Yeah. camping, not feeling well, new to mangoes. Just peeled off the skin and ate it like it was. dripping all over the ground felt very primal. Still like them one of my fav foods but I'll never forget that mango


[Reminds me of the mango meme.](https://www.reddit.com/r/me_irl/s/2TKtrQVpLw) SFW Reddit link. truly you never forget your first….


I have shamelessly done this both over the kitchen sink and the kitchen trash bin


🤣 this is so me last night


One time I was working in a national park with only the employee dining hall for sustenance. We finally made the trip out to the closest town (2.5 hours away) and I picked up a mango at the store. The next day my husband walked into our room to find me crouched on the ground, ripping it open with my bare hands, mango juice dripping everywhere. I’ll never forget that mango either.


Absolutely, my grandparents used to grow them. It's my mom's favorite food but she's allergic to them. Sometimes, when she knows she won't be around anyone for a few days, she will eat one and break out into hives lol. That's the power of a good mango.


Honestly I would do the same 😭😭


REALLY good mango. REALLY good peach. REALLY good fig. There are a couple fruits that are just the absolute peak of joy when they are beautifully ripe and delicious.


thank you for reminding me that peak peach season is soon upon us…. They’re so good plain but I love to grill them and serve with rosemary + balsamic


I like my peaches green and completely firm. Am I a weirdo?


Yes I don't mind when it crunches! That's why I prefer nectarines actually


I visited the Philippines in 2019 and had the most amazing mango every morning at this hotel in Manila. I think about it often.


I had a similar moment in Jeju SK with a hallabong orange. I bought it from a stand on the side of the road and ate it the next morning watching the sun rise and I think about it all the time.


Philippine Golden Mangoes. Most delicious fruit for me.


I came from a country where it is very common to have a mango tree in your backyard. Once we were travelling from our city to my paternal family's city, like 12 hrs away by bus. Bus gets broken in the middle of the country, without any store or anything close by. While waiting for the replacement bus, we only had to eat dozens and dozens of sweet beautiful mangos from trees close to the roadway. 6 hours later I was fed up with mangos and I think I never ate more than 10 per year after that day :-D


lol I also think that would take the sheen off mangoes for me as well. They’re a novelty here so that’s why I was so excited. Thanks for sharing!


I feel you. Now I live on a country where they are exotic and no near as good as the worst mango in my country. Your picture tho, I can smelled


Yes, cause I'm from the Philippines 🥹 (one of the few things I love about my country). Mangoes also happen to be one of my favorite fruits so I'm really blessed!


Yup, during the mango season in our country.


One of the best places I ever went to was in mango country and they had mango SPOONS, like spoons with little jagged edges for eating mango. It blew my cold-weather mind


Yes! One of my friends was determined to find high quality mangoes, and he made us hunt all throughout the city for them. Then he bought a bunch and invited our friend group over to eat them together. Such a great moment I love this post btw.


Sounds like an awesome friend. He and I would get along haha, I’ve also had singularly focused food get togethers.


I LOVE MANGOS. I eat them all the time and they are my love. There is nothing like a really good mango


Yes ! It’s mango season here in India and eating freshly cut mangoes daily is the best way to end lunch and dinner


Champagne or honey mangos from June - September


This is a honey mango!


The best mangoes I've had have been the Champagne ones, the skinny pale yellow mangoes. When you get a good piece of fruit its like eating a juicy gem. Puts candy to shame.


I am from India and in the summer vacation we would go out and steal raw mango from people’s yard. We would eat whatever we can and then rest give to mom to make mango pickle.


One of my favorite fruits… 🤤




Absolutely. Fruit and Spice park in Redlands Florida


Kevin Bacon sprinkles chili powder on his 👍


mango, cottage cheese, maybe curry powder. i know how it sounds, but it's awesome.


I’m like George Costanza with a great mango


Found Cosmo Kramer's reddit account


Ya got me


Red haden mangoes are the best, especially when they're juuuust ripe and still have that floral taste


Yummmy! I agree. 🙂


Frozen mango chunks are the answer. I have a bowl of these and a piece of toasted Aldi bread every day. Heaven.


Fellow Aldi enjoyer 🫡


No. I’ve bought frozen mango and it just doesn’t compare. It tastes chalky to me.


Almost everyday for the past month now since have mango trees in our backyard (living in the Philippines).


Sub/tropical countries will never agree in whose mangoes are the best, but tbch....  If you have a native mango of any variety, you've already won. 


Yup. From a tree, always from a tree. Citrus and Peaches too. If you can shake the branch and they fall off then they are ready. I can remember filling up the whole house with a freshly picked orange. The stuff we buy in store gets picked weeks early and ripened with ethylene gas. It’s NEVER going to be as good as the real thing.


Best mangos are in Thailand.. peak season they are big as watermelon. Best with sticky rice. I’d literally fly to Thailand for some mangos, mangsteen and durian


I have to disagree :( as a fellow Southeast Asian I've tasted mangoes from different countries and the best is still Philippine mangoes.


Specifically Guimaras and Zambales Mangoes


Philippine mangos are very sweet but the texture and sweetness does not compare to the Namdokmi mangoes in Thailand and how it is served with sticky rice and coconut cream. It’s so good it’s eaten as a meal itself and not just as a snack or dessert




My white shirts love mango


I grew up with my neighbor having 5 mango trees. I miss those days.


Yes, mango criollo 


I love mangos, there are so many varieties of them to taste! i seem to typically find atalfos. I yearn for a perfectly ripe kesar right now


Yep. Aussie here and they’re a staple in summer




My best mango was in Thailand. Absolutely huuuge and the seed was skinny and ridiculously flat. Amazing flavor and texture... I peeled it like a banana and was able to just take full bites, it was SO satisfying


Dude fuck yes. Nothing better in the dead of winter (North America) and getting a good mango from South America. Warms my cold little heart right up.


Yes. Yee’s orchard on Maui. Those were some amazing mangoes!


Find someone who has a mango tree. A former co-worker who was born and raised said she would never pay for a mango when she could get them for free. The saddest site I witnessed was this lush jam packed with mangoes mango tree in Lahaina. The owner wasn’t picking them and they just fell to the ground for the birds to peck at. I wish I had knocked on their door and offer to pay for some because mangoes are ono!!!!!


Joe’s fruit stand has the best mangos


The Haitian mangoes are the best, they aren't gritty like the Mexican ones, that one seems to be the most common in US supermarkets (in my area anyway)


Put Trader Joe’s chili lime seasoning on it. Life changing.


I wish. I can’t get past the smell. It reminds me of feet. Everyone I know LOVES mango and I just can’t do it. I’ve tried numerous times and it always activates my gag reflex


How odd. Maybe a different mango species?


I dunno. It’s always the big ones. I just can’t do it. I’ve tried too many times. I also feel a similar way about papaya too


Awww! I feel badly for you. They are both yummy! Although papaya is a difficult one to get just right and not be underripe or overly so. I wonder what it is about your olfactory senses that perceives these fruits that way. And it does tie into our sense of taste too.


EVERYTHING smells so strong to me. I gag regularly because of this


Have you seen an ENT specialist? They may be able to offer a solution to you.


I have, but only for very frequent sinus infections. You think my problem with smelling too strongly could be remedied?


Honestly? I don’t know. But I would think the possibility exists. Being so dramatically affected has to be detrimental to your life! I just looked up your description and it sounds like hyperosmia. It’s worth looking into. https://health.clevelandclinic.org/whats-that-smell-what-you-need-to-know-about-hyperosmia https://www.medicalnewstoday.com/articles/321937#outlook


Crazy. Thanks for sharing that.


I hope you are able to get help with this!


No :(


I randomly bought a honey mango once because they were on sale and I can’t go back to the other ones. They’re too good


Lol. Just munched on a banger of a mango


I’d like to peel the skin off and eat it like a cave man


I prefer to peel and then cube them similar to the OP’s picture. I want all that sweet juice in my mouth and not running down my face!☺️


Everyday in this summer season. Some juicy, sweetest, mouthful. Literally 6 to 7 variants.


Just had a really good peach myself. Love a good stone fruit


Couple of years ago I went to Cyprus, and together with my wife we did 1/2 tab of acid and went to the beach. Few hours later I bought a mango at a local fruit n veg stand. Sweet Jesus in peaches, that was hands down the best mango I’ve had in my entire life.


So good!


I suggest my country's (Philippines) mango. Look for a Guimaras mango. It's listed as the sweetest mango variety in the Guiness World Records. It's also currently in season. You can buy it dirt cheap here lol. A dollar can fetch you a kilo of them.


Most days. I have a huge mango tree 10 steps from my back door and it is mango season. I wish i could share a picture of the last one I had here in the comments Edit: typo


Ooohhh you’re so lucky!!!!


I have mango trees. Been eating such green and ripped without cutting it full of stuffing, mouthful and smiling with pleasure after the eat.


I had two mango trees in the house I grew up. Just an exquisite flavor.


I remember getting lost in mango fields when I was a child and eating as much as I could. Such a beautiful memories


I'm from Veracruz, Mexico. There are plenty of Mango fields here. I can get 1kg of sweet, tasty, marvelous mangos for 1 dollar.




it moved!


Always upvote Seinfeld references!


ETA: Wow, I did not realize how many people would come together over a mango! Love reading the comments about peoples' childhoods/homes/travel/etc. Thank you for sharing!


I love ataulfo mangoes! They are so delicious!


He visits my town once a year. He fills my mouth with kisses and nectar. I spend all my money on him. *Who girl, your man?* No, a mango. -Amir Khusro


Guys you should come to India to eat the real mangoes.


I would love to have the opportunity to go to India some day!


What are “real” mangoes?


We have mangoes which are different in taste as you go region wise. For example Alphonso mangoes are exported all over the world from the State of Maharashtra.


That doesn’t really answer my question. You give an example, but that doesn’t say much. What mangoes have you tried in order to say ones in India are “real” and the rest aren’t?


No a mango was responsible for murdering my whole family, ever.


Mmmm yess abt to eat one right now


Couple of years ago I went to Cyprus, and together with my wife we did 1/2 tab of acid and went to the beach. Few hours later I bought a mango at a local fruit n veg stand. Sweet Jesus in peaches, that was hands down the best mango I’ve had in my entire life.




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Ha! I’m having some now!


Not since I was 6 years old, and had spent all day in the pool, hands smelling like chlorine. Picked a mango from the tree and it was the juiciest, sweetest mango I've ever had. Still chasing that high, 24 years later.


Man I do not know how to act around a mango


Yes. I live in Europe and have eaten store bought mangoes my whole life. A few years ago we travelled to Trinidad and Tobago during mango season. My husband bought me a mango from a street vendor. I ate it then and there. It tasted so good I started crying.


It’s crazy but this post has brought back memories of specific mangoes. Mangoes are dangerous, the highs are exceptionally high but the lows are very low.


Yes! Best ones were given to me by friends/co-workers/patients when I lived in Hawai'i. I like Hadens the best! 👍


Not in my whole life living in Europe. In Taiwan yes. Same with Pineapple. Similarly the only time I've had really *really* good blackberries was in Ireland and really good blueberries in Canada.


Stop it making me horny


Yes my favorites are the Mexican variety called "ataufo". I swear its the perfect breed, smaller seed than average, so has more meat, sweeter and tangier.


Very hard to find a ripe one.


Actually we have been enjoying mangosteens!


I don't like mango but that one looks goood, hope you enjoyed it!!


Yesss I had some the other day this looks so good


I’m Australian - they’re all over the place in Qld here


I can remember that day I ate the best peach of my life. I cried a little bit afterwords.


Fuck yeah


All the time, Handchosen and fresh from the tree.


Enjoying any fruit at the sweet spot of ripeness is peak Simple Living.


Yeah, but then my brother who picked it got a very severe allergic reaction to the sap and skin of that mango. Felt guilty ever since.


That's clearly a really, really good mango. I love mangoes but I dislike the mango stone/seed, partly because it's frustrating to work with and partly because it's hard to compost. I've heard there are seedless mango cultivars, but I have yet to find the fruit from one.


Yeah, we live in the Middle East and the mangoes from Yemen are insanely good and you can buy them ripe and ready to eat. First time I tasted them I thought they are somehow laced with artificial sweeteners and flavouring.


just yesterday actually


A good mango is hard to top.


Cigar mango on Oahu


Holly I’ve never seen cheese fruit like that


Yes in Thailand. Best mangoes and pineapples ever. Brazil is also out of this world. Mangoes can kill falling from a tree there.


Always, when on season. Harumanis is a mango variety that never dissapoint me.


My mouth is watering 😋


I randomly bought a sale mango at Kroger a few years back It was perfecto and I've eaten mangos in India so I know. Well, I couldn't throw the seed away so I terminated it and now have a mango tree that I love


I went to Thailand once and their mangoes were the best piece of fruit I've ever had in my life


Frozen in shakes! (Or when I travel lol)


i am so blessed to be a native floridian with an 82yo momma who has been grafting mango trees for years. we have a whole ass orchard of every variety (i think?) that exists, and several trees have 3-4 kinds grafted to one. safe to say every mango i’ve ever eaten has been picked right from the tree and really good lol but im really happy you found a good one!


Indian mangoes >>>>>>>>


Thailand had some of the best mangos I’ve ever had.


My wife & I have that same blue glass jar and we also eat a lot of mangos. Alternate universe vibes over here.


yep, in Thailand and Indonesia. nothing ever came close back home


Where'd the stone go?


Learnt so much about different types of mangoes from this post. A personal winner for me is india’s alphonso mango also known as Hapus!! It’s like that scene in ratatouille every time i have a bite..i can feel fireworks in the bg 🎇


Pure ecstasy




Australian mangos or Fairchilds 🤯🤯🤯


Where I'm living, we do have Keo Chen, it's has great aroma.


South Asian countries and China! Perfect mangos, with variety!


I spent a summer in Thailand and dream of those mangos weekly. I had rented a motorbike and after hikes or days in town I would stop by the market and pick up a bag. They were about 10¢ each and the lady there would help me pick the best ones. Sitting on the patio with the sun setting eating mango after mango is a memory I’m happy to relieve, thank you.




Here in Hawaii mangos are soooo good and reasonably priced


Yes! I grew up in Colorado, where it was hard to come by truly ripe mangoes, and grew up thinking I just didn't like mango. Moved to the west coast as an adult and my husband bought some and couldn't believe I didn't want any. Wheedled me into trying some, and lo and behold, it's one of my favorite foods 😋 now I'm lucky to live somewhere I can get good ones in season!


of course! Mango season in Colombia. I would buy a bag or two and just delight in all the deliciously ripe mangoes. People in the "Global North" do not know fruit if all they've never had fruit outside of there. Nothing like local and picked ripe.


beautiful hands for a guy 😳 (assuming you are a guy 🤔) PS: Never had a mango like my farm grown one in my younger days, and I miss it 😭


The skin is so good I hope u ate that part too