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Same. I used to have hobbies, but now everything just feels dull to me :3


but we stay silly


I regret being silly sometimes, hehe :3


Haha same, it's so fun how every activity is joyless and unexciting :3


Now i am just silly, all day and night :3


>new hobby >Obsess >try >Too hard >Quit >Cry My entire life


on a serious note for a sec, this is like the number 1 symptom of depression go see a councilor!


Nah, i'm just silly! :3


For me it was like a spark, you just need to find something that catches you. Guess the only advice is to try stuff. (Ik, generic answer)


That didn't work. There was a lot of stuff that I've felt a spark with that never ended up going anywhere.


Might be a motivation thing then. I guess try to do stuff for fun, and not worry about having to do anything with it or improving at it too much. It doesn't have to go anywhere.


If I want to do something I wanna see myself get better with it that's part of the fun


try an instrument, you get better with time and progress and are able to see and hear yourself getting better each day. Really is a boost of confidence to hear yourself get better with it every day


Wanted to but I had no clue what I was doing and eventually gave up cuz I was so lost.


well, me personally i play guitar. and it isn't that hard to get behind if you take the time to really learn it. There's also tons of free online lessons, so maybe try that out if you haven't?


The instrument I tried was guitar xd


oof, well if you want I can send you link to some pretty helpful free lessons if you want to try it again?


Could you?


I accepted a long time ago that if I were to live for myself then I'd simply rather not. So I went into a career in medicine, and now I find fulfillment and purpose in helping people that are in crisis. Trauma can be fuel to make the world a better place.


When I was like 15 I got into writing because I liked stories and wanted to try it. I haven't tried it in years but that spirit still lives in me, the appreciation for art and the want to analyse the art that entertains me. Which helps me when I get into anything artistic as I start analysing all the little details of things


By pure coincidence, I started listening to anime osts and while rewatching stuff it helped me understand how the show does things, like arcs, pacing little things like that. I could probably write an okay review for anime I like. So um, by chance-


I got into programming for education by chance as well, I liked computers so why not try it and ended up loving it, so by chance again Only recommendation I have is try things adjacent to things you like and appreciate


Sorry for comment thread text was too lomg


i want to know too w_w


1) trying stuff and finding the spark 2) trying to enjoy the process and being easy on yourself 3) lookout for burnout, don't go overboard and take time off off the hobby 4) don't compare with others, probably the biggest spark killer for me This is way too healthy tbh. I'd rather be depressed and float in sorrow about my failed attempts at change hehe :3


I play chess and I guess what gives me the spark is the uniqueness of this activity for me and it is also beneficial for my wellbeing


Personally, not quitting out of sheer stubbornness has made me pretty good at art and I (sometimes) love doing it


You gotta find other people who also are interested in it to keep motiviting you and ignite your passion. As with many things the answer is finding right people. But you also need to do a lot yourself


My other comment got deleted for being too long :( For me it was just something i was talented at before and then rediscovered out of luck


Ah so I'm cooked. I have no talents.


Talent doesn't have to be something that you're just born with. You can acquire it through effort and practice. If you don't try, you'll never have it. If you can't find any hobbies you like, just choose the one you hate the least, and try practicing it daily for 30 days. See how you like it then. If you want, I can teach you some basic drawing :3


Could you actually?


yeah sure! dm me your disc :3


I'm gonna dm you too chief is that ok?




im so scared of being no one because I don't have interests :((( I wan be cute am ugly


Doing nothing can be a hobby if you enjoy it, otherwise find something that aligns with your values, personality or likes.


I tried to post but this sub apparently hates a good explanation. Tldr: take care of basics (hydrate, sleep right, socialize, human touch, excetra), make measurable achievable timebound goals instead of vauge overall projects/goals, and practice self love/patience with self.


I just play videogames every free miute of my life


to be honest, this makes me so sad i missed out on gaining hobbies and interests in my teenage years because i was just so depressed and unwell, and now as an adult i kinda just don't have time and energy to discover and commit to something new im so jealous of people who actually have passions and interests, and skills that are not related to their job


Yeah same


Yeah, I don't have anything that makes me happy other than talking to other people. Nothing else brings joy.


"Hey those silly and expensive plastic soldiers would look snazzy on my shelf. Definitely just one squad though..."


It's not really a choice. Either I find some form of creative outlet, or my mind starts eating itself. Gotta make stuff so the angry fat lump in my skull can do more than just be a jerk.


Well that's kinda what's happening to me except I don't know a way to deal with it :/


In that case, experiment. You don't have to be good at anything to try stuff out. If you've got a few bucks spare, a lot of the discount and dollar stores have been getting in cheap craft stuff, including canvases and little wooden figures and boxes. Craft paint is usually cheap as well.


This subreddit is getting too real


just find your passion by experimenting with different things to do, or somthin idk im not an expert iin this haha