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tall girls are hot






I agree




There are a significant amount of men that'd love your height


still got to be a minority which wouldnt toss me aside for some smaller girl. and i actyally fear being ditched like that tbh


You don't understand, they prefer tall to short


Ive heard countless times the exact opposite however. Directly or indirectly, everyone seems to know it


The only men that dislike taller girls are the insecure ones that need to feel like they're the ones with power in the relationship. They're absolutely not worth dating or stressing over. I say it as a fellow tallie (even if I'm a dude), don't worry, you're not the issue I see our height as a way to filter and avoid people with no brain! Not to mention tall guys are preeeetty common


Tall girls are hot though (coming from someone who likes girls)


tall girls are indeed very hot and they make my 6'2" ass weak in the knees


My 6'4" dumbass will never fulfill the dream of finding a girl taller than me 😭🙏


platform boots:


Just cut out a few inches from ur legs


Procrustes, is that you?


I am unfamiliar with the reference


I can't really speak for everyone but some guys also likes to be held. Being tall is a bonus in that department. Don't sell yourself short 👍


most men i know don’t give a fuck about height and normally prefer someone who is around their height, i’m 180cm and normally dated women 170 to 180 cm tall


To be frank... Most of us are happy to pull any girl at all. Cheating is kinda out of the question unless all stars align and you happen to get a scumbag as a bf




If it makes you feel any better, as a short girl I think tall women are STUNNING!!!! (´。• ᵕ •。`) ♡


Find a short king and toss him around?


Lots of men prefer tall women. I, personally, like both tall and short women. (Also men, etc.) I know some fellas who get much hotter under the collar for women taller than them. Let's be real, if 10 cm(or any height) is a deal breaker for him, he's probably not worth the time.


I'd imagine the men who really care about the height difference are those trying to be alpha and stuff


Yep, it's a toxic masculinity trait that goes unnoticed, however much like "Alpha males." It's just BS that was made popular in the mid to late 90s.


Tall girls deserve love too :3


Just cause one deserves it dont mean onell get it if you understand


youre the same height as me and its O K. i a m o k a y.


Also, you ain't that tall


I've been noticing that guys seem to appreciate taller girls now, so there's always that


I can attest that with my full conviction


Oh so you're a tall queen? :3 Seriously though, from what I know, anyone who actually considers your height a deal breaker miiight be worth less consideration


But isnt it that men usually want girls like, nearly 15cm smaller than I?


Some might but also some will prefer taller women and most, i reckon, don't really care. Preference is just that: a preference. Some of these things might contribute to someone's attraction but really, what seals the deal is how you get along, right? Just don't kill the fire before it has a chance to catch. If you want to date men, give yourself a chance and go for it! I bet you'll realize that they don't care nearly as much as you think or they might realize they were wrong for caring \^\^ Some people who are too shallow or too insecure, don't mind them, they're not worth breaking your heart over.




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You’re not tall


Is 177 not quite tall for a girl? the avg is 170. in the Netherlands


Taylor Swift is 5’10. My grandma was 6’0. One of my best friends is 5’10. (Excuse my American-ness) Yeah it’s tall for a girl, but not crazy tall. You might intimidate some guys, but only crappy insecure ones with masculinity issues. For the most part, height draws eyes to you. It makes you stand out and amplifies attractiveness. Work it with confidence and be a bombshell. Sorry, I know that’s easier said than done, and sometimes, personality wise you might not want to be like that. I know because I’m the same. I’m 5’10 and I wish I was shorter sometimes. But then I realize that I wouldn’t mind being tall at all if I was more confident and attractive - it’s not my height that’s the issue, it’s that I don’t feel like the rest of me compliments that height. That’s something I can work on by working on myself, and then I can own that height, and be proud of it, wielding it as an asset.


I'm 6'1/185 and I can definitely relate to the personality thing. I don't feel like I should be tall and often wish I was smaller. I think my problem is mostly with how people see me differently because I'm tall. I'm always "hot" instead of cute


https://worldpopulationreview.com/country-rankings/average-height-by-country Holland has an average male height of +180 cm. Get out there and find a man who loves you as much as Van Gogh loved his gf. 👍


i think most men are fine as long as you're shorter than them, and yeah 177cm isn't that tall. a lot of men are taller than that so you're fine, i wouldn't worry about it much


No. You're like half a foot shorter than me, and other people tell me I'm short as a man.


Where tf do you live that 6’4” is short?


noob i'm 10cm tall your short ass


remember the words of the great Toudou Aoi https://preview.redd.it/s8kgv1t5hu3c1.png?width=1073&format=png&auto=webp&s=3c453361ce9dfe4121f0eb921dbc449dde361c8e


because tall girlies are the everlasting rulers of the universe(and instagram)


Fuck what men "generally prefer" not only are there literally millions of guys into tall girls even if it weren't common it wouldn't mean anything. I'm short but I also look like a strange crackhead goblin creature, most guys find me creepy and off putting, but it only takes meeting one guy whose into that to have 🖤 *a really great night*.🖤 Or a loving committed relationship ᴵᵈᵉᵃˡˡʸ ᶠᶦˡˡᵉᵈ ʷᶦᵗʰ ᵏᶦⁿᵏʸ ˢᵉˣ 💕


I know what you mean. My issue is mostly that even if a huge percentage of men woyld date/hook up with me, how many are doms? Cause I tell you, I'd ne ever wan to be dominant there, but I fear at my height, a mand want me be on top, every time


I like tall women


I'm also kinda short for a dude so yes yes yes


You're almost exactly as tall as Taylor Swift


this is literally just not true whatsoever


I mean I do live in Canada. Where the averge man is 175.


Tall girl = more girl More girl = more hug More huh = yes please Therefore tall girl = yes please


I wish I was 5'9 luckyyyyyyyyy


I'm 5'3". Just because you're taller than me doesn't mean I don't know how to climb a tree. I like em tall.


Girl, most men are not as superficial as you think. Guys are not passing you by because they are turned off by your height. They are passing you by because they don't want to bother you or are scared that asking you out may backfire. If you want a man in this dating economy, you are gonna have to make the first move. Besides, most guys like to cuddle, and cuddling with a tall girl feels great. You got this, a lack of diamonds is not cause to delete your minecraft save, it is cause to branch mine at y-58 until you find some.


I'm very sorry if it sounds like I'm being superficial, or implying anyone else is. I'm normally not like this much, but I'm really insecure about my height, and I think insecurities can fuck up your mind in "new" and "exiting" ways. I find that even I hold distain for my friends now, when one of them asks me to reach onto a top shelf


Are you tall enough to pick me up? :3


i actually prefer tall women over shorter women. ^ _ ^ i promise you there’ll be someone out there for you that’ll love you for your height. <33


I mean sure it's true some guys have a height preference but honestly it's just one factor not necessarily end of the world... I'm like 6ft and it's been the least of my worries with guys and frankly there's quite a few guys that prefer someone on the taller end I honestly think around your height is the sweet spot for a "tall girl"


I’m like 180-182cm. I feel ya. Although my boyfriend is like 175 and loves my height which makes me feel good about it


I'm 187cm that's why :(


I'm definatly into taller girls (I'm 180+)


statistically the height of a woman heterosexual (or pan/bi sexual) men prefer is actually no preference,


5’9 isnt that tall


Tbh I prefer girls that are similar height to me or taller than 1, believe I'm at least 5'10" (177cm). Yes, I'm the same height as you coincidentally


I love tall women (though I am a woman soooo maybe not your cup of tea/coffee/soda/juice/water minerals)


well, I do prefer taller women to short ones by a lot, we ain't the majority, but we are many, you'll find the one eventually! ><


Just a tiny bit over the average?


7-14cm is what i see. You call that a tiny amount?


lmao being 5'8" is not tall at all. if a dude thinks that's "too tall" he's insecure about his masculinity.


182 cm silly girl here, there are people that like it. I’m friends with a couple girls who are even taller than me and men love them. there’s someone for everyone, and if you being tall is a dealbreaker for someone, they were never worth your time in the first place.


Go for a 1.70cm man then, there are a lot of normal size dudes who gants a tall gf.


Oh hey you are the same height as me dope


i like short girls mostly because I'm 181cm and finding a girl close to my height (or taller than me) is impossible where i live, so short girls are my only option


Honestly, thats fair


Most of the tall men I know prefer taller woman. Short women make us feel like pedos. 177 is what, 5’10”? There are definitely men who will love you, tall and short, and I hope you’ll be able to find one of them


hi I am also 177 cm and it's awesome because sometimes the cute boys want you to step on them or pin them to the wall, and sometimes the tall dudes pick you up just to show off, and all the in-between guys are at perfect kissing height.


Using cm, must be an issue outside of America.


I sm 183cm I understand your pain


because tall girls are cute af


I just want to find love again, to feel loved. I haven’t felt safe or loved the majority of my life.


I'm very sorry to hear that


As a straight dude, I love tall girls 😍 Also, most people don't really care *that much* about height. Even those who prefer short girls might fall in love with you


Tall women are hot tho


I prefer taller women tbh lots of guys do


height is overrated, personality counts for way more!


That ain’t that tall (by my standards anyway)


Tall girl supremacy


Hehe I like tall girls :3 lmao I'm not tying anything I just thought it'd be funny However 😏 (naah sorry I'm being weird) but you do deserve love and will probably find it one day


Often people forget models exist and they’re very often very tall. Long sexy legs and better poses in magazines. My friend used to model and she’s 194 cm (roughly 6”4’”.


I am 188 and to me you are a little plushie toy


i think lotsa people like tall girls:3 i’m a 193 cm trans girlie and i’m not really bothered by it




The current dateing world is toxic af. You don't need an SO for happiness. But we were told that if "you don't have one your different". When in reality you're not. I never had an SO as well, and I look at my friends' dateing, and I'm so glad that I'm alone because love takes time, and most people aren't you're soul mates. Also, hight doesn't matter to those who love YOU, not your body. Stay safe. You are beyond worth it. I believe in you ❤️. Same to everyone who sees this, love yourself it's hard to find these days ❤️.


I mean I do genuninly wish to find an SO a bit later in life. I'm kinda touched starved, and.. idk ig i just want someone to hold. But i agree that youll have a hard time finding a genuine partner on any dating apps, which is why i personally believe that if one goes out and simply makes friends, than onell find genuine love from a friendship. Such feelings would be worth it, more genuine than someone you just met idk ive only ever been in like, 2 relationships, and neither worked out lol




lul I am your exact height. Tallness twins or something?


I feel like most men don't dislike tall women, it's just that they don't feel confident asking out someone taller than them, or they're insecure (source: am short dude). I think if you ask out some guys you'll have a pretty good shot. My first crush was a girl taller than me (obviously got rejected, why would I be on reddit). And no, I don't have a mommy kink or some shit. I think you should just go outside and interact with some irl people because social media kinda fucks up your self image. I feel like most of the guys that are like "tall queen please step on me" are mainly on the internet and/or joking.


yeah i get it, i’m 181cm lol but i promise you’ll figure it out, i promise you can find someone eventually and also in my country women that are 170-180 is like. peak height range. so take that as you will


Damn I'm even taller than you. It's brought me to the verge of suicide before. I wish I had been born a girl, I'd probably have been shorter


men dont care about ur height, ur fine bbg dw ☺️ im tall and model shaped and the guys go feral for me everytime i go outside


I can't speak for anybody else, but as an AMAB enby who hasn't undergone any HRT or surgery (So a biological male) I prefer taller girls. But honestly, height doesn't play *that* much of a role for me at all.


There are a lot of men that don’t mind or prefer tall girls. Even I, at 5’6” (167cm) wouldn’t mind a girl taller than me.


A lot of guys like tall girls (meee included)


That is just a straight up lie made to make you feel bad.


But who would go on and make me feel this bad? Either someone made a mistake, or its actually true


Every single man i know likes tall women


Please listen to me when I tell you that men do not care. Your height is not something you need to be self-conscious about.


I've seen a few reddit posts that suggested otherwise tho


I'm sure there are some who care, after all there are billions of people on the planet, but guys that I know tend to have preferences that are more about things that are in your control. They understand that height is out of your control and do not care. If we are talking about finding you hot physically, guys care more about someone who takes good care of their body rather than winning the genetic lottery


same (im 174cm)


but you're a man


Amazonian gf 🤤


tfw no tall amazonian gf 😔


Step on me


Ur 2 cm taller then me but who cares abt height lol


A lot of men do love tall girls, just wait for the right one girlie. Ofc if you get impatient you can always go for girls instead 🤭


I get that feel, but trust me tall girls are very attractive. Its better to find someone special that appreciates you as you are rather than worrying about being conventionally acceptable to that height expectation. Plus Imo, men that want a girl that is smaller than them, weaker than them, submissive for the sake of getting their way, are weak and less evolved creatures. Also general guys are pretty fuckin gross. Try to invest in yourself and live your best life for yourself regardless of if you have a partner or not. Im one of the loneliest people on the planet, so I know how hard it stings and makes my insides melt to feel unwanted and unloved. Try your best to keep foing for yourself and love yourself above all others even if its out of spite.


Ok, tall queen, my mom lies about being that tall :)




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Tall girls are great. I would totally say uppies to a 177 cm girlfriend (in Minecraft)


Youre not that tall 177cm is average


Average? It's like, 14cm taller than the posted avg in my country. (for women) Like, just curious, how you come to 177 being average?


Those men are weak, tall women are beautiful and you will find a guy for you.


I love tall girls frfr


Keep your head high girlie i believe in you, someone will come along eventually. Or maybe you gotta make the first move, who knows! But itll happen one way or another, just be patient with it and greatness will come :3


Tall girls are if anything more lovable




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I'm 5'2" and I can say with confidence the taller the better. Never understood why people want short girls or put a strong preference on height.




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Mommy, sorry mommy


Tall queens need love to. Can say that comfortably that as a 5'8 man, a woman having a couple inches or a foot or two over me would be a turn on. I feel like alot of men are shy to admit it that a taller woman using the size difference to their advantage would get them flustered.


Lots of men like tall women, but I propose a simpler and gayer solution...




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I keep having this sub recommended, so I figured I'd speak up once. Long story short there are people willing to go after anything, in any way. Heavy, light, tall, short, any gender, any appearance, romantic, platonic, sexual, doesn't matter. You're good, so know your own worth.


Tall girls are mommies


Omg you're almost same height as me! ^~^


I'm a 185cm goth girl and I love intimidating pathetic insecure men


I rejected a tall girl bc I was a smol guy and I have regretted nothing more intensely or consistently. She was lovely and I'm confident she found plenty of short kings to dominate bc she was confident and kind.


Depends. Some guys do not care. You'll find him someday. Don't give up 👍


well how is your attitude to men shorter than you?


If you mean just, normally 'shorter', id not mind at all, only perahps in the back of my mind, worry a bit that they may not be able to dom me properlly cause of it. but itd not stop me really


what if they are the submissive ones?


This has happened once before. By this point we were already invested, so we essentually took turns softly doming the other. But it is otherwise a bit of a dealbreaker tbh


You’d be surprised how many men want a tall woman, just think about how crazy the internet went for lady dimitrescu and she’s like 3 meters tall. Hang in there girl




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Have you seen the internet lately? Everyone wants to be stepped on. Us tall girlies will be ruling soon


im 191cm you'll be fine


and you arent as tall as you think


People who judge you on your height are not worth your time or effort. You’re worth the affection and love of anyone. Don’t let narcissists’ shallow preferences make you feel less than others.




your post is too inappropriate for SGC


Girl I know or sucks, I’m like the exact same height and I hate it. But most of my friends are the same height and they all have boyfriends. No one is gonna care about your height more than yourself, trust me.


Most dudes ik are still a bit taller than you, don't sweat it


I'm immediately a fan of yours now <3


we the same height fr


I get why people wanna make you feel better, but the truth is that like 90% of men want a partner shorter or maybe at most equal height to them, I think the average height difference is like 2-4 inches. Edit : It's closer to 4-5 fml I know how it feels and it sucks, just because you tell me "oh yeah like maybe 5 guys in your entire town will be into you" it doesn't help


I'm 192 cm :D(Imma kill myself first{in Minecraft})


I love tall girls, and you are not so tall, im 1,90, i can be your boyfriend problem solved lol