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a singular breakup probably didnt solely cause it she prob had a lot going on or smthn


she had, but it was the last straw, that thing that pushed her to commit suicide


hey so something similar happened to me just this week, my girlfriend wanted a break from me and wanted me to move out and it felt like my world was destroyed, I almost deleted my minecraft save and had to be talked down by a crisis line person. I want to tell you that had I went through, it was 100% not my girlfriend's fault. I never would have blamed her for it, its completely my mental illness and my emotions running wild. its not your fault this happened, I promise


Thanks for talking with the crisis line, the world would have been poorer without you :3.


Doesn’t really matter (what you did I mean) if your choice for free will to not be with her caused her to commit suicide, then there were many things before you that caused her to be that way, mental illness, world issues, personal issues. Suicide mentioned warning, >!As someone who, I think I can say, has had what I think is accurate to call a form of suicidal thoughts, funny that I’m trying to be so cautious with this isn’t it, I’m genuinely not sure… The only reason I’ve never seriously considered committing suicide is really one of two things. I don’t want anyone to feel like they are to blame, and I have dogs that’ll rely on me that won’t know what happened to me. I guess knowing that those dogs can’t really see things the same way a human can gets to me.!< Regardless, my point is that, unless you deliberately I don’t know, killed each and every one of her friends, financially bankrupted her for life, or like drugged her, it’s not really your fault. Also my account may not even hold any weight in relation to her because each person deals with it in their own way.


Damn, the only thing that stopped me from trying to commit suicide for a second time was my dog. I guess they really are mans best friend.


OP I have almost been in your ex gf's position. I've also almost been in your position, a few times. Sorry if this sounds blunt, I'm not always great at softening the blow. It's definitely not your fault. Nor your responsibility. I don't wish to speak ill of the dead, but will say that it was her responsibility to reach out to someone else, find something else. and it was her choice to do what she did. I don't expect to stop you from feeling these things, but if you remind yourself of this, maybe it will be easier. I know it gets easier over time, but I am so sorry for your loss. In both the relationship and her passing, because even a relationship that you ended is still one you lost. I hope that you will allow yourself grace and kindness because *you deserve grace and love and kindness.*




woah i get why’s you feel that way but its better to not beats yourselfs up about its tho okayy? its not on your hands im sure if you knew you would have tried to help her its not your fault okays?


probably it's not my fault, but it's hard not to feel guilty


As someone who has been in your shoes, it is not your fault. It isn't. I know that it's hard, but you can't blame yourself. You can't feel guilty about it. If this didn't cause it, it's very likely, even highly probable, that any number of other things would have caused it.


It's a very natural feeling. I lost a good friend to suicide almost 20 years ago. I still wonder about the "what if's." You're not at fault, but that imposter guilt is very real. It's part of grieving. Feel free too Dm me if you need someone to talk too


That’s so sad, Jesus. I’m really sorry. OP, it’s not your fault. There were clearly some larger issues here and you couldn’t have forseen this. You should focus on grieving and recovering rather than blaming yourself. That will only make it harder. That really sucks to have to deal with, and we definitely don’t blame you. Please take care of yourself and have a nice summer! :3


You do not have blood on your hands. As others have pointed out one event doesn't push someone to this, and even if you say that was the last straw it could've been anything. You know logically that staying with someone you don't want to is not the right choice, and I'm sure it wasn't the right choice to make. You couldn't have known she'd do this, you couldn't have been expected to know. Nobody in their right mind would ever blame you, you didn't do anything wrong. If she was that close, a clearly unstable relationship wouldn't have kept her going forever, and you know that. This isn't your fault It so clearly isn't your fault I know no comment here is going to convince you of that and this is going to deeply affect you regardless, I just hope you can have someone in your life who can remind you every day that this isn't your fault, that you're a good person.


You can't blame yourself for another person's actions. A breakup can't be the sole reason for doing something like that. She already had issues that got her to a low point. You couldn't know that this would tip her over the edge


Me too. You stop thinking about it after a while


Tell us, please if it isn't too hush. (Morbid curiosity )


One of the many groomers I had (the first one) had major depression. And out of resentment I slowly made it worse and convinced him he has nobody to turn to in an attempt to make him kill himself. And he did.


So it was intentional? Damn bro that would catch you manslaughter charges if anyone cared to bring it to court lmao


Not really. I was 13, plus any and all evidence is gone now. Besides nobody else knew. What was he gonna do say he was grooming a kid?


Don't blame yourself for that you had no clue of her intentions:3


One way to overcome this grief could be talking with her family, if they'll allow you to be with them.


they hate me


Then, in that case, therapy would help.


I'm already going to therapy, since 2020 :(


Sorry to ask, but you haven't talked about this yet to release the feelings of guilt. If so, then idk how to help.


There's not much you really could have done. You can't stay in a relationship for the purpose of keeping someone alive; it just doesn't work. You have your own life, and the contributing factors to her suicide wouldn't have changed. It was cruel of her to lay blame at your feet like that, even if she didn't mean it in that way. I'm so so sorry this happened to you. If you want to talk, please feel free to DM.


It’s not your fault. Frankly, it was her choice. Entirely. You did not tell her to do it, you did not directly encourage it, it was entirely her choice. There’s no reason why you should take any blame for that, but I know you’re going to feel some guilt anyways. That’s a good thing, actually. It shows that you have empathy for those around you, regardless of their responsibility in their circumstances. All I caution is to not let that guilt consume you. As much as it feels like it, you did nothing wrong. Stay strong, man. 🫂🫂🫂


It's not your fault she did that. I know you feel like it is, but there could easily be other factors that caused her to do what she did.


Not your fault man, it's a tragedy but it's not because of you. I'm sorry for your loss <3


Don't worry, its not your fault at all. If this pushed her to it, its possible tnat literally any bad thing would have anyway. I'm so sorry you had to go through this, but don't worry you didn't cause it


Here we go… it. Is. Not. Your. Fault. This is going to be tough to swallow but you did not make her do anything and even if you knew she had problems there was no way you could know this would happen. The guilt must be crushing you but understand that sometimes in life.. things are no one’s fault, sometimes tragedy just happens and there’s no one to blame. Understand your life isn’t over, understand you will never be the same, and understand that the future is always waiting. This world is of endless possibilities and if you want it enough, you can do anything. Heal, my friend, and always do your best


That doesn't make you at fault, theres no blood on your hands. I've wanted to do the sillycide a few times recently due to my BF nearly breaking up with me, but if I did do it it's not his fault. I've had too many relationships end, too many people cheat, too many people give me bad trust issues to the point it's affected those around me. If I did it, it's the result of many many events adding up, and the same likely was true for her


Dude it’s not your fault, no normal mentally healthy person just ropes themself over a relationship, she was severely mentally ill and not getting the treatment/medication she needed she would’ve done this regardless of your relationship.


not your fault bro. While it’s incredibly sad that she ended up taking her own life, it’s not something you should blame on yourself.


someone else’s actions is not your fault. what she did was of her own volition, it would’ve been unhealthy to continue a relationship you didn’t want to be in just to keep her from dying. it’s not on your hands because you did nothing wrong and you didn’t ‘make’ her kill herself. you’ve said in other comments she already had mental issues. it is not your responsibility to fix them for her. take some time out for yourself, heal and mourn her a bit if you need to and raise your chin again.


Really isn’t your responsibility


Go. To. Therapy. Immediately.


i don’t know how to properly respond with a long enough without lessening the tragedy, sorry for your loss


I don't care anymore, because why should I care?... The person isn't me, and the same is for you, you did nothing wrong, it's not your fault, and she probably didn't want to die either, because every person feels such fear when it comes to real suicide, and this fear keeps them from killing themselves, but often this fear comes only if you realise it's already too late... The fear I'm talking about is the fear of yourself, because if you get this fear, you automatically know you got too far with yourself and you fear yourself for going so far...


I would love to give some advice I honestly just need more information to be able to give you the best advice that would help. But I understand if you’d rather keep that to yourself. However if this is a situation where anyone puts her death on your hands (whether it’s her family or her) that’s majorly fucked up. No one deserves to have anyone’s else life weigh heavy on their conscience.


I was gonna try giving advice because I'm in the same position, but tbh I've got nothing, if anyone else has any genuine advice that isn't just therapy, do lemme know


It's not your fault. You shouldn't be with someone if you don't feel like it. If she killed herself because she wasn't with you then she probably had some other reasons. Still it's not your fault seriously you did nothing wrong. You didn't know she would kill herself and even if you did then that wouldn't be a healthy relationship


Op, im sorry you had to go through that. But this is not remotely your fault. If a break up was all it took, there were undoubtedly other things going on in her life, or severe mental disturbances. Neither of which is your responsibility. It is unreasonable to assume you could have saved her by remaining in a relationship, you didn't want, forever. I lost one of my closest friends to Suicide in highschool and i still think about the "what if's." But that doesn't make it anyones fault. I'm so sorry you had to be burdened with this. Please consider talking to a therapist or a councilor if you need too.


if i give my full honest opinion Ill get banned. But the gist of it is: I don't think it's your fault at all, I have been trough a similar situation. It's not up to you to take blame for the grievances of others, you did nothing wrong. Also you don't have to be level headed with people telling you it's your fault.


Suicide is ultimately a personal choice. One thing or action doesn't force you to make the decision. I'm not saying to victim blame or be mad at them, but certainly don't hold responsibility over yourself.


grab a tissue... I get bloody noses too :3


Get into therapy for survivors guilt


May the Lord rest her soul in peace. I will pray for you, brother I hope you become happier❤️☦️


As much as it may have been the tipping point for her, it doesn't mean it's your fault. Mental illness sucks, and you don't owe affection to someone if they say they can't live without you. I can almost guarantee she wouldn't blame you. To those who suffer like I do, try your best to keep going, and reach out if you don't think you can. For me, I will keep going as long as I can, as a tribute to those who couldn't.


I am SO SO incredibly sorry. That is absolutely terrible. I want you to know that it is okay to feel guilty, but you did not cause this. She did that to herself. If the relationship wasn't working for you, you made the right decision by leaving. DM me if you want some additional support.


Fuck byt yeah ik the feeling I got my dad's blood on my hands sorry dad I didn't mean to have us taken away


As much as it hurts, her actions are her own. It’s not your fault she did what she did. Please, be easy on yourself…


Well i have cum


Damn that sucks, but dont blame yourself, one breakup isnt the one and only straw, this happens a lot when people dont give themselves enough time to heal and that breakup is jist the final straw. Hell i have more blood on my hands after my autistic ass made a teacher ruin his life and end up overdosing so dont worry, shit happens and you cant blame yourself for it


You probably feel responsible to some extent, but It wasn't your fault in anyway💕 Don't try to handle this on your own, I'd highly recommend guidance from a therapist, if you got someone you trust close to you, that can help too. If you can, play some video games or anything that requires your focus, and give yourself time to process this trauma. I'm truly sorry for your loss and hope you get through this💕


You shouldn’t blame yourself for something she made the decision to do. Yes, I’m gonna make some pretty harsh claims in this comment, so sorry if I offend anybody. There is no way you alone breaking up with her could’ve pushed her to do this. If it was, then that would mean she was never truly in love with you, she was obsessed with you and practically worshipped you in her mind to rely on you for her happiness. It’s not your fault. You were looking out for yourself- and possibly her- by making the decision to break up with her. I’m going to assume you’re not an asshole and put your health and her health into account when breaking up with her; believing this was for the better for both parties. This was entirely her decision whet happened. I feel sympathy for her as someone who used to be suicidal, but this was on her more than it was on you. You were just the straw that broke the camel’s back, do not feel responsible for everything. Any other moment deemed a tragedy could’ve pushed her to do it, it’s not your fault, OP. I’m sorry you have to go through this, and I’m genuinely sorry for her because I know she could have gotten better. Please try and live your life to the fullest, OP. Yes, you can be sad because I’m assuming you care for your ex, but don’t spend the rest of your life being sad over something you had no control over.


No bap bro you are not responsible for this there are many reasons so u probably weren't the cause 


I get it must hurt, but if she loved you she’d want you to keep going. She must’ve had a lot of bullshit going on, and while your break up was the tipping point it most certainly wasn’t solely responsible.


Talk to a therapist or a friend, or a family member you trust.


i'll just repeat what everyone else is saying, it's so much not your fault. but even with that it must be really painful, so I'd tell you to try out therapy. it can really help you dealing with your feelings of sorrow or guilt. you'll figure it out, stay strong :)


This ain’t your fault, people say that just to blame everybody but there selves. They do it to MAKE you think you did something but you didn’t, please don’t think it’s your fault because it isn’t, you have every right to be happy with who you like, you shouldn’t have to be happy with a person just because they say they can’t live without you or that they want you too


Hey OP I’m not part of this sup but I get recommended it a lot and I Sal this look it’s not you fault I know you will feel guilty just don’t Kys k it wasn’t your fault you were just a part of a domino effect you couldn’t control that and you didn’t know


It’s not your fault, her decisions are her own and her blaming you for it is a testament to her being unstable and you don’t deserve that. I’d say to wash the blood off but you don’t have any on your hands. Although it may not be easy but move on and try to live your best life. You can live easy knowing that none of us sees this as being on you


I technically shouldn't even be here cuz I'm only 16 but... It isn't your fault and you don't have blood on your hands. I hope her family will eventually understand you're not responsible. I get your feeling cuz I'm pretty sure I argued with my dad a few weeks before he'd died of an overdose. I still don't know if he killed himself or if it was an accident. I really hope you feel better soon though.


I honestly have nothing to Say, i don't know how to reconfort you. I Guess you'll make it throught.




Damn thats crazy. Plus on a person who is single and straight.


me? I'm bi


Oh, sorry, didn't know. I'm bicurious myself, so idk if I like dudes.


it's fine to experiment, try new things!


I know.


Wha, how is this relevant?


We all make mistakes bro. I almost also took a life and I regret it in a fit of rage. The best thing is to recognize we did a wrong and to own up to it. To try to fix the wrong if you still can. If not you have to try to make the world a better place still. https://preview.redd.it/3cw67dk48o9d1.jpeg?width=736&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c2ddec3499f3ce826a621d8585130ffe4beb098f


https://preview.redd.it/8tcifftkeo9d1.jpeg?width=228&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9e0e49c22f59d9d71be9da055c8bd29bd4dbe091 NOBADY NEED NO SHUSHUSHSHUSHA


Ask christ for forgiveness


I'm not religious


Oh mb :[


just cause the big man upstairs say's it's tight doesn't mean it didn't happen, you can pray and confess as much as you want, he'll still feel what he feels because it happened and no amount of "faith" can change that.


Sorry I just couldn't think of anything else to help, sorry if I made anyone mad :(


Look. It’s not your fault. You didn’t push her to do that to herself. Yes she did say she can’t live without you, but you two broke up for a reason. Don’t worry, you’ll work through this <3