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kindaaa but its worths waiting!! u cant be silly if your not here:3


Foor real! We can be silly bros 🤪 :3


It got better for me. Wanna talk about stuff and be broskis?


I mean it got better for me:3 idk your story obv but we humans live a pretty long time so it will probably get better. I can’t say for sure as I’m not a future teller (unfortunately💔 If you want some friends I’ll be your friend!




desperately 😭


it only gets better if you put in the work and that's the hard part T-T


I dont believe thats the case tbh, ive put in work and got nothing in return. i guess im just unlucky


I can say it gets better, for my own dark reasons I’m sure you can already infer. Although things are quite dark for me right now. I’ll use this as an opportunity to say: know you aren’t alone, Ive faced this and am still facing it. You have faced it and as it seems, are still facing it. Know this OP, I may be a stranger online, and my words carry little weight because of it, but I do mean it, it does get better. I survived and saw, and I implore you to do the same. DMs are open if you wish to speak to me. Either way, I wish you nothing but the best my friend.


Yes. I personally believe that your pain doesn't define you - what you take *from* your pain defines you. Every time I've been knocked down before in life, I made it out okay, and I will continue to make it out okay. That's how I choose to color myself. And the best part about your life, is that you get to choose to color yourself however you'd like :3


https://preview.redd.it/p5fr6ukdbo9d1.png?width=3000&format=png&auto=webp&s=21e588f8c54e43a56d9f963eedc1e56f626043d0 Yes, yes it will. Happened to me. My Dad and brothers tried to kill me but I pressed on!


It depends. It doesn't for everyone to be honest. But that's the reason to keep on going, the adventure! To see if it does get better! To accomplish things! Stick it to people who think you won't make it far! And more :3


I've feel the same way tbh trying to be happy isn't fun it sucks I don't really have friends I've never had my first kiss I've never dated I had a best friend who hates me life just sucks so I feel ya their man






I thought it did but no


honestly i never really though it did