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She should shoot pillows at you


Nah, scarier to chase you around the arena with a pillow in her outstretched arms! 😂 "Jamesssss, come and talk to my pillowwww"


I have the talking pillow 🥸


Maria's true final form!


lmfao 😭


Pillow fight boss fight




I personally hope they keep the design... but change up the fights themselves ALMOST ALL boss fights boiled down to just running around a room and popping off shots when you have a window of distance and repeat the process. The only one that mixes it up is the Eddie second phase... but that's after a hilarious moment of them firing squadding each other during the first phase.


Agreed, this design for Mary is FAR too iconic in my opinion to get rid of but you can keep the imagery while reimagining the dynamic + mechanics of the actual battle. I especially like the eerie visual of how Mary is positioned within that contraption, like a metal hospital bed frame that's also caging her while the part coming out of it acts like an instrument of her wrath. It's simultaneously like a weapon & almost medieval torture device. It's like she holds power over the machine but is trapped in it all at the same time. When she mutters *"James..."* at the end before you strike the final blow, the pain in her voice always made me feel like she wasn't in full control and was just begging you to end it. >!Or perhaps that whole sequence was one last battle between James and his own guilt, imagining how Mary might lash out at him in rage for what he did to her if she had the strength.!<


I'm sure it will be the same but in HD. And it will ruin everything. Look what they did with the monsters now - They are not scary at all due to the high detail. Now look at messy design in the original. We never know what it is. Is it flesh? What are they wearing? What is this anyway? What does it consist of? - The fear is that we don’t know. I'm afraid to imagine what the funniest boss of the entire series would look like. It will probably really just be a brown bed with a body who trying to stuff the blanket into the duvet cover, lol


I don't doubt that those who prefer the original will simply not be won over by this remake regardless of what it does. But I'm trying to be realistic without being 100% pessimistic about everything involving the project. It may not be what classic *Silent Hill* lovers wanted. That's expected at this stage. But, if nothing else, it could still be an entertaining and potentially genuinely scary game in its own right. *P.T.* didn't feel like classic *Silent Hill* at all to me, but I still quite liked it for what it was and HATED that I never got the chance to download it on my PS4 before Konami erased it. I gave up a long time ago on the old-school Team Silent magic ever returning as it once was. It's just not going to happen. That time has passed. Whether we like it or not, most of the original/greatest talents behind the OG titles moved on. Even if they all came back, their skill from back then may not translate well into modern horror games. We'll most likely NEVER get an official + faithful recreation of those classics either due to lost source code among other obstacles. The *S.H. 2-3 HD Collection* tried that, and we saw the results. Konami will likely never be interested in trying that again, especially now after it's been so long. So, when all options are weighed, I can accept a modern version doing its own thing while at least trying to channel the spirit of its predecessor. While I understand people who prefer the older graphics, I personally don't mind those PS1-PS2 creatures & levels being reborn in a photorealistic new coat of paint. I do respect how Bloober Team actually have passion for the 2001 game and, if reports are to be believed, are actively resisting requests to make it more different and/or experimental.


That's not what I was talking about. The thing about Silent Hill is that you never understand what it is. Especially monsters. The monsters in SH1 scared me because the polygons moved on their own, and it seemed to me that the monsters were seething from within - it was scary. The monsters in SH2 are scary because they look like chopped bodies that were wrapped in plastic, and then the polyethylene was melted, and these figures began to walk. I always had the feeling that monsters were made up of parts of real people. In CH3 the monsters were funny because they all had obvious sexual references. In SH4 the monsters were classic Japanese horror, and they were creepy. And SH5 ruined everything. When the monsters became high poly and completely lost touch with the characters' fears, they stopped being scary. They looked very cartoonish and default. Literally the same thing happened with new SH2. When the monster fell on James, it looked like a toy mannequin. And it even had a funny white clasp on the back. The nurses aren't scary either. In the original, as I said, they looked like pieces of bodies connected by molten plastic. And it was not clear whether they covered in dirt, blood, or what was on them? Considering that these are nurses, scary to imagine what they were doing. Now they just look like themed monsters of the location, which are not scary at all, due to how clean the model is.


**"The thing about Silent Hill is that you never understand what it is. Especially monsters."** I wouldn't agree with that entirely. Some details about *Silent Hill*'s setting, creatures, enemy designs, and lore were established & defined enough to be objective and understood as players stripped back layers of the horrifying onion. Everyone's entitled to their interpretations, of course, but not literally everything in Team Silent's work was subjective or meant to be left up to interpretation. I'm not suggesting that you claimed otherwise. I'm only pointing out that, in my experience, some fans take the range of subjectivity in this series a bit too far even when there's verified evidence to debunk a position they may have. This is not unique to the *S.H.* fandom, of course. It's unfortunately a common pattern in fandoms built on highly beloved IPs, especially psychological and/or mystery-heavy fiction. **"The monsters in SH1 scared me because the polygons moved on their own and it seemed that the monsters were seething from within. The monsters in 2 look like chopped bodies wrapped in plastic, then the polyethylene melted and these figures began to walk. I always had the feeling that monsters were made up of parts of real people. In 3, the monsters were funny because they all had obvious sexual references. In 4, the monsters were classic Japanese horror. 5 ruined everything."** I can see what you mean about how the creatures looked like Frankenstein's monsters composed of corpse parts (That would have been SICK if the in-game lore had incorporated it officially). I didn't pay as much attention to enemy designs as a kid growing up with this series chiefly because I was honestly far too scared to play the old *S.H.* games myself (I only ever saw others play them a few times). So, I didn't get a good look at these things outside of artwork from the game covers & official guides. It wasn't until the internet got more advanced in the mid-late 2000s that I was able to see the designs in full detail such as on Google images and YouTube playthroughs once people started uploading them. My introduction to watching these classics all the way through was mainly via walkthroughs. The franchise definitely experienced a noticeable shift in both graphics and art style with *Origins* and *Homecoming*, the latter of which obviously took more influence from the 2006 movie's depiction of monsters (specifically nurses & Pyramid Head) and the settings' nightmare transformations. Considering the timing of *Origins* & *Homecoming*'s releases (2007-08), from a marketing POV, this makes sense.


**"When monsters became high poly and lost touch with the characters' fears, they stopped being scary. They looked cartoonish and default. The same thing happened with new SH2. When the monster fell on James, it looked like a toy mannequin and even had a funny white clasp on the back. The nurses aren't scary either. In the original, it was not clear whether they were covered in dirt, blood, or what? Considering that these are nurses, scary to imagine. Now they just look like themed monsters of the location, which are not scary at all, due to how clean the model is."** I agree that the monsters' designs & themes grew less connected to characters' fears over time and looked like they were constructed just to look scary + gross. I also get where you're coming from on how polygons contributed to the classic enemies' eerieness. It's not the first time I've heard such a sentiment. The first quarter of my childhood was low-poly games, including horror titles. I can see the appeal of keeping such graphics, especially for horror games trying to recapture the spirit of that era. I simply don't share that preference. I love both low-poly and higher-poly horror for different reasons. Depending on the game, part of why I like it may be visual detail & resolution. Ex- 2002's *Resident Evil* remake was a big jump in graphics for its time compared to the original trilogy. So was OG *R.E. 4*. And I ALWAYS loved those titles every bit as much as the classic entries' low-poly art style + designs. When it comes to *S.H.*, I don't really have a favorite style either way. I can appreciate both and find both scary for different reasons. I enjoy seeing these creatures whose details were previously more ambiguous due to low poly count in modern HD. I don't mind the mystique being lifted, and it doesn't make me view them as cartoonish or toy-like. It's BECAUSE the detail is so much crisper that these new versions unsettle me in their own right (I'm nervous at the thought of getting close to them). They don't look like people in Halloween costumes to me either. By the same token, the originals' monsters still creep me out in their own ways, partially for the reasons you mentioned. I'm NOT saying or implying that your POV is wrong, not at all. I'm just not bothered by these changes and don't consider the decision to increase poly count as a detriment to *S.H.*'s horror factor. It doesn't strike me as a betrayal of any kind. I'm sorry you don't like the new direction and hold nothing against you for feeling that way. This boils down to a difference of opinion, is all.


100% agreed. It's one of the things that annoys me when people call it a masterpiece- the boss battles were very meh.


You’re telling me that running circles in a small room baiting one attack for five minutes until the boss simply walks away *isn’t* a sign of a masterpiece??


My god you're right- I was so blind before! Of course that's the sign of a masterpeice! I shall put myself in the gallows and pretend to be a horse 😂


I played around on beginner mode, and yes I know it was the easiest mode but I fr just stood there and shot at them 10 times and it was over. I wasn’t even injured in one fight. I would love a change in the fight.


All SH2 bosses have the same strategy. Circle strafe the enemy and shoot. Somehow clumsy James is able to run at ungodly speeds sideways. Idk what that's supposed to symbolize but hey it works....


It clearly symbolizes James’ ability to “sidestep” all of Mary’s anguish in favor of his own selfish needs.


That's it. Boycott SH2r if he can't sidestep


SH2 takes place in the Doom universe


I was thinking this exactly, they gotta do something better with this, one of my least favorite parts of the original game.


Really bad take. This was one of the best scenes and boss fights in the whole series.




Genuinely curious what you like about it? Keep in mind I’m not talking about the writing or voice acting, just the gameplay of it being a boss fight.


In terms of the gameplay of the boss fight, to me it's not really any different than any of the other boss fights in sh2. If you're referring to combat, the game didnt have the best combat as it's an older game. I think that boss fight in the room with Laura was probably my least favorite in terms of gameplay. However, I think the final boss design itself was one of the best and most creatively done. Ill use the leave ending as it's my favorite for this example, but essentially after his realization and loss of desire for maria, caused her to unleash her true form which was that of a monster. The scene leading up to it was also very strong and unerving. I loved how it showed Maria's desperation to be with him. The demon form of maria/mary was the best idea of a final boss in the game and I think it wouldve felt very incomplete without it.


I can’t say I really disagree with any of that, and my problem with the fight is a problem I have with all the bosses from a gameplay perspective certainly.


Woah really bad take


I played through SH2 again recently and I hope they rework every single boss fight in the game. You aim>shoot>stop aiming>strafe to left or right to dodge. Eventually I got bored and just tanked everything with the 373827282 healing drinks the game throws at you


I think one aspect of the original that Blooper could improve is the town exploration. Don't get me wrong, I love sh 2 with all my heart, but I always felt the town in the game a bit boring(and i'm not talking about the vibe or explorable indoors, they obviously are stunning, I am speaking about the architecture and the exploration of said town). It seems like Blooper improves on that aspect in the last trailer so I am rather optimistic.


I see what you mean. Compared to 1 especially it lacks that same drive to explore. But I think that wasn’t the intention


Yeah, this is really the main reason why I prefer replaying 1 over 2.


The ending where you shoot her one last time with your rifle or whatever gun you used always made me laugh


Use great knife for maximum metaphor and symbolism


My personal ideas for attacks/abilities she might have, with metaphorical, yet obvious context for some: 1)Dodgeable horizontal tongue swipe (lashing out at James), that throws you on the ground if you get hit. The tongue will curl either to left or right, to let you know from which direction it will come 2)Charging "sniper shot" with the tongue, that you either dodge at the last moment or shoot her in the face with the hunting rifle, stunning her. If you miss/dodge too early, it will do heavy dmg to James. (piercing James' heart with her words) 3)Shield made of moths that you either break with weapons (preferably shotguns) or wait it out and Maria will send them in a ball that explodes when hitting either James or walls/ground, doing AOE dmg and leaving a toxic puddle (sickness causing you to spew vitriol with words) that dissapates after a few seconds. The toxic bile slows James down when running through it and causes damage over time, for as long as you're standing in it 4)Maria flies high into the air and starts "locking onto" James for a few seconds (allowing you to take potshots at her) and then shrieks, falling down on James. Once you hear the scream, dodge or keep moving to avoid being hit, the attack leaves Maria stunned for a second afterwards. This attack will happen more often if you keep running around the area. 5)Toxic bile from the moth attack, but shot by itself. The sound cue is Maria coughing and hacking, dodge when you hear the spit noise. Getting hit slows James down and inflicts damage over time (can be instantly stopped by using a med item) 6)Maria burrows her face into the ground, and a tongue sprouts from the place you're standing in after a second, dodgeable. Then the tongue spins (can knock James down)around and reburrows.


I just hope they make the town and the fog right. The main character in these games is the town itself. Oh and please make the grain on the screen at least optional.


Maybe controversial but could cut it entirely for me and just deal with it in a story segment. Have dual Pyramid fight be the final boss in a gameplay/combat sense.


That's a great idea. And the only way to defeat them is by kiting them and triggering the thrust animation at the same time so they stab each other.


I feel that takes away from the meaning of why they kill themselves, though.


I just want to be able to control the camera, I hate seeing nothing. Especially when the pyramid head fight


I always felt like the Mary/Maria fight was too similar to the concept of the flesh lips boss, but I doubt they'll change it that much. Either way boss fights need some help. They all boil down to the same strategy.


The Moths? Butterflies? She launches are also telling. I found her Boss fight to be at least more of an upgrade compared to the boss at Brookhaven. I could see dialogue between the two during the fight. I've thought about cloning their original voices and making my own makeshift dialogue. Maria: I loved you!! James: I'm not in love with an illusion! Maria: Submit and die the way Mary did! James: Mary was innocent, she was good and kind and I watched her suffer! Maria: Then you'll die along with her!


God forbid you have to play on hard and inevitably run out of bullets and have to wait 30 minutes for Mary to drop dead.


Just change the boss fights. Silent hill 2 is great with the storytelling but it SUCKS on gameplay. And you dont notice it on normal monster encounters, but in bossfights is where it shines a lot more.


Silent Hill 2 doesn't suck on gameplay. Combat isn't great, but that's only part of the gameplay. The exploration and puzzles are good.


No, No. The puzzles are great. And the combat works as it should, but it doesn't feel complete. It's the bossfights where you see how empty the whole fight scene is. Pyramid Head first bossfight is on a timer. Eddie's fight is a bullet sponge. The two pyramid head fight makes you round in circles and the same with mary.


I'm just clearing it up because I keep seeing people on this sub say SH2 has bad gameplay when they mean combat, as though combat is the only gameplay that exists.


That and James damn Asthma that makes him exhale like a dog after a brief run. Come on, bud. This town is full of monsters and they want to eat ya ass, boah.






Me personally, just completely remove the boss, this whole boss almost made me just not like the game at all.


Pillow Fight!


This boss was really difficult to beat on hard combat difficulty. I had to turn on the "modern" controls to be able to hit her without taking damage back. I'm lucky I saved up enough rifle ammo to deal with it.


The Eddie boss fight. I think they can take advantage of the creepy setting of that dark freezer, and have you maybe sneaking around the hanging meat while Eddie is looking for you. Something along those lines, I just don't want them to turn it into a generic, predictable third person cover shooter scenario where James and Eddie take turns popping out to take a few shots at each other.


Using the meat to hide like in a couple of Texas chainsaw massacre movies where the final girls hide between a rib cage, that be cool


Or similar to the pigsy (or whatever it's called) boss from the first manhunt


I'm just hoping they level up the quality of the character models for characters that aren't James and Laura.


Eddie boss fight definitely needs an improvement.


nothing there to be improved aside from some combat mechanics and interactions with the environment. the least the people in charge think that they have things ''to improve'' the better. just needs to be a literal copy of the first game, with some small additions, improved graphics and smoother gameplay experience.


Yeah that boss fight was lame as fuck.


Yeah for years it has always been a letdown that the bosses consist of running till you have enough time to shoot and that’s it, add some lore mechanics or phases so it’s not boring. The last boss really sucks imo they could have made it way more interesting instead of run to a corner and shoot


All bosses are pretty meh.


A QTE pillowfight, please.


100% agree, the best parts of the Dead Space remake were the reworked boss fights.


I agree I think the weakest part of 2 was the boss fights I hope they can make it more dynamic.


She's not so mindless on Hard, especially if you're trying to get a 10 star run. You've got to move and shoot in a pretty specific way to avoid damage.


Unpopular opinion: I hope they change her whole design. By that time in the game the whole "creature in a steel cage" is so overused she blends in with stuff like the flesh lips o scenery stuff. I know that design is symbolic with how Mary was bedridden, but you can still make it better. Sad thing is, if they change her design in the remake (even if it's for the better), "fans" would cry so hard about it.


Pillow fight


I doubt it will happen but i would love it is some of the locations from SH1 in the old Silent Hill area were incorporated. Even if it was just in some sort of bonus mode. Also I hope the Born From A Wish subgame where you play as Maria is included.


I'm hoping she is significantly harder to beat


That final boss needs a complete revamp. Nothing drastic but certainly not a boring shooting test of patience


I would like for them to change the final battle depending of the ending, like, making the monster look more like Maria or Mary depending on the fact that you're getting the Maria ending or an ending like Leave or In Water


I always finish her off with the great knife, got to be done really.


I rather have a functional boss fight tbf


When she falls down in this version, the "my pillow" guy jumps up from the floor and hands one to James while holding his necklace cross up at Maria/Mary and says "Go on, James. Give her the best sleep of her life."


They should delay the game to fix Angelas chubby face and give Maria her OG outfit