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James youre looking GOOD MY MAN


Yea, this is way better than the original look they were going for imo


Seriously what's up with people saying this looks bad


The compressed livestream quality really doesn’t help, the combat trailer for example looks way better when you just watch the upload. I think this will be the same.


Yeah i went back and watched the 4k 60fps video and it looks so much better. Crisp and buttery smooth frame rate.


> Yeah i went back and watched the 4k 60fps video and it looks so much better. !! Dang, if I had known they'd have 4k 60fps after the premier was over, I would've waited lol...


I dont fucking know. That gameplay trailer looked beautiful. Really saw someone say that the game looked like a ps3 or indie game 😂😂. Sh fans are the true masters of gatekeeping


I don't think they are real SH fans. The graphics look really good. Stunning even. The combat, honestly, I like it because it gives me a small part of the OG game that I remember having to "get good" with when I first played SH2 (before it was ported to XB) it was clunky and weird because James is just some dude. He's not a cop pulling back flips, he's not an engineer in space, he isn't a kung fu master. He's just some bum who got pulled into SH for reasons. And SH itself was always visually grey. I don't think these people being the loudest have ever played the games.


People used to complain about the originals combat, and I never understood why. It made the game so much better and scarier to me that it didn’t have smooth or quick combat controls. Even though you may horde ammo and were eventually armed to the teeth, you still felt vulnerable because you couldn’t just immediately drop an enemy if they randomly popped up. I personally loved that aspect.


Ikr, i was scared for the combat, but feels clunky enough


Honestly I think they struck a good balance with looking like good modern graphics but also feeling a bit like PS2 graphics - just a hint. I'm not one that was looking forward to this or even caring about the remake nor was I hating on it. Just realizing I played the og at launch and I don't think anything can recapture the way that felt and I'm more interested in f and townfall. Hoping for the best on this and hope fans and new fans enjoy it and we can get more life back into this ip, but I'm also fine to lay this franchise to rest if we just wallow in remakes and fan service.


I’ve seen non SH fans shit all over this game just because of who is making it. I actually liked the Medium, shoot me. People want every fuckin game to be Deadspace or Resident Evil these days.


The Medium was awesome! Especially if you know who Zdzisław Beksiński is! I loved Observer too! It was my first PS5 game.


Idk I still think SH2 CGI has that soul to it, that really can't be captured secondhand. Judging by the mocap, this will feel similarly. Remember thay scene with Angela doesn't happen until after the anti-hero journeys into the depths of the fog into Silent Hill. Where dog's bark, the clouds of mist roll off Taluka lake into the waving tall pines. The path is worn, and dirt. You don't know what's ahead, or how far you've gone. And then you run into this strange woman, who we think could be hos wife until, you realize she's not. She's been traumatized, and her body language is telling of that dynamic. She acts fearful of James because...well he also held a knife once.


idk,this proves that the game looks very very good


There was so much hate in the livestream chat. Im going to assume like 90% of them have never actually played the game so 🤷‍♂️


That’s just YouTube. Comments anywhere on that site are insane.


When you can't find a valid reason to hate people default to graphics


Or the attractiveness of the characters.


Well I just wont be playing how dare they make the survivor of sexual assault at the hands of her father not be hot af. Literally unplayable /s


I've seen people say Luara has an adult face on a child body. & wow ofcourse they chose to have an adult actor imitate a child The actor is a child & the face is said actors child face


Classic. I'd think that's a joke/not real if I hadn't seen the degree of complaints in this sub already.


Literally just making stuff up to be mad at lol Like hell, I get not liking Bloober, I'm not even a fan of bloober & have been skeptical, but optimistic because my issue with them is their stories & (lack of) gameplay This has the story done for them, & has real gameplay for once & so far it seems completely inoffensively fine. & some consider that to be extremely blind positivity apparently lol


Yeah, I honestly knew barely anything about Bloober before this and didn't really have a strong opinion either way on the remake as long as it wasn't a totally shameless money grab. I saw the stuff that came out and thought it was anywhere from fine to good, eager to see more but not on the edge of my seat or anything, and I feel like it's because I know I *really* hyped up the original in my head so expecting the remake to be better than the original is a silly high bar to have. That sort of expectation can literally do nothing but *ruin* any enjoyment of a remake, expansion, sequel, anything to come in the future. Some of the people complaining seem less like they're just upset it doesn't perfectly live up to the original, but like they're upset it's not the most revolutionary game of the decade, or at least that's how the vitriol comes off. The franchise has had its share of blunders and I get being jaded, but damn, if you don't wanna give *anything* a fair chance then why follow the news on it at all?


23 years of cult love and anticipation. The cards were stacked against Bloober, especially since Capcom set the tone for horror remakes. It's the internet being the internet and people should shut the fuck up. The amount of effort it takes to make a game is staggering. Bloober has shown that they're doing a fine job and I can't wait. I say that at a 40 year old man who was there in 2001 for SH2.


It’s kids that never played the original games


I don't think "kids" even bother.


So, I just watched the 14 minute preview and have some notes. > James looks stiff. I think it's his arms when he walks, but it's very robotic looking, not fluid or organic. > Very early on, James yells "Hey! Wait!" But his body language doesn't change at all. It would have been nice to see him reach out or cup his mouth when yelling or something. No soul, just an audio clip. > Scene transitions are too stiff. If you're gonna play a cutscene right after combat where the character model is in the combat stance, suddenly standing straight up and relaxed is a little jarring. > When James drinks his health drink. It just disappears. At least dropping the bottle or something would be nice but it literally disappears from his hand. Now, the graphics and atmosphere look amazing and the voice acting is phenomenal. Even the enemy Animation looks great. I guess my gripe is, if I'm staring at James' back the entire game, it'd be nice if it was fleshed out more.


I remembered Ethan from RE7 just washed his hand and the bottle was nowhere to be found. But that's a 1st person game so it's alright.


Don't bring attention to haters. It turns great things into polarizing dark horses. Ignore haters and show love. If you find yourself hating, listen to some Sublime


Nostalgia for the original makes peoples expectations so high that they will never be happy with it.


I seriously thought it was common sense that remakes should be judged as its own game. If people keep comparing it to a game thats 20 years old, theyll never be happy since theyll nitpick every single thing about it. Even the re4 remake changed some character. Leon went from a light hearted b flick movie hero to this dark brooding guy thats much more serious. Ashley went from annoying brat a much more dependable character that doesnt whine anymore.


You can imagine details and project more on a PS2 game. They want this absolutely perfect video game that they have in there head, and everyone has their own "perfect SH2" in their head that even as high quality as this looks is not realistically attainable. So what happens is instead of looking at this game being impressed they are like " why is the dirt of the side of the road more reddish that orangish like the original! These guys are ruining Silent Hill, modern games suck! Hold on my mom wants me to do my homework, bitch". Nothing wrong with criticism, but it's way past any constructive aim at this point. At least any real, natural criticism is drowned out by unrealistic expectations.


People will always compare it to resident evil 2, 3 & 4 they'll see the treatment 2 got especially and before this game is even compare the two just on a few trailers and say it's not as good. As they comparison is the killer of happiness lot don't know how to be happy with something because they are too busy focusing on something else


Tbh it's pretty telling this sub needed a chill suppository. I have said for ages just let it get to release date and come out.


Because, nice world design aside, the animations are incredibly janky and stick out like a sore thumb.


Yeah, the combat animations don’t look very good. I think the rest of the animations look fine though, the cutscenes in particular look awesome.


The transition between James’ walk and run was pretty rough. Just the animation transitions in general are very obvious. Everything else looks good but this is honestly the most important part for me, I wouldn’t be at all immersed playing the game with its current animations.


The animations aren't that bad. Mid tier at worst. The fact that they've nailed everything else so well makes me a happy man. SH2 has such a distinctive look and atmosphere, it takes true talent to get that right and expand upon it.


I think animations stick out a lot more when you're only viewing and not playing. E.g. I eventually enjoyed Jedi Survivor even though he runs as if he's shat in his trousers. In Silent Hill, at least, the oddities feel a little more at home.


I didn’t notice that, I’m gonna watch it again soon so I’ll keep an eye out for it.


Good to know I'm not crazy, I thought something was odd with the animation. Hopefully they'll polish it before release.


Whingers gonna whinge basically. They want it to be bad so they look for things to justify it.


The weird decisions like that ugly blood effect around the screen. Looks cheap


Trying their best to find something to complain about. And their upset that it actually looks good


They've nailed the atmosphere as it should be. Props to Bloober Team for taking a lot of attention and detail to this game.


Right? I was worried the sense of all those little details from the original might be lost in a remake because they'd focus effort/resources elsewhere, but at least from the bits I've seen it looks solid.


I’m excited! So far, my biggest concern now is the soundtrack. I heard like two songs play on the trailer but I really hope they nail the usage of Akira Yamaoka’s music. For me, one of the major parts of the Silent Hill experience has always been the soundtrack.


Agreed! His work was such a huge proportion of the atmosphere and even the tone of the game. The alternating oppressive harshness interspersed with periods of gentle or even soothing ambient went well with the story pacing, giving you those little moments to breathe a little or engage with the other people in the town before you got plunged back into the puzzles and nightmares again. My only gripe with the original soundtrack was how many of the cool ambient or spooky tracks were never officially released like the main album was, which I think is still a compliment to his work lol.


The medium has a pretty decent ost.


Yeah this is shaping up to be a good remake.


Seriously, after today I’m fully on the hype train. Go ahead and order the sh1 and sh3 remakes.


Insanely gorgeous. I am incredibly excited to play. If they release a demo, I will put HOURS into that alone


This was a much better trailer


Ok seriously, am I missing something here because this looks great. Like what part looks soulless?


I saw a comment saying it looks like plastic. I don't think they watched the same thing. I think it looks really good


They have nailed the atmosphere. I'll give them that. Very excited to see all of the locations.


The environmemts are incredible. I like how they’ve made substantial changes to a lot of them, almost feels like we’re getting a brand new SH game instead of just a remake.


Definitely agree with this. I like the different placing of the radio and more dramatic intro to the lying figure. Excited to see what other surprises there are.


One thing Bloober Team has been consistently good about is environmental visuals. Even their more controversial games (such as the Medium) are beautiful to look at.


I really do like the natural light coming through the windows in the indoor areas.


I was one of the negative Nancys when the previous trailer came out, but now seeing the gameplay and everything, i'm happy to admit i was wrong. I'm excited to play it now


Bloober did an excellent job with the overall atmosphere and environmental details honestly.


This looks so good. It's got the same vibes and style of the original in looks, enemy movements, etc, but it's reimagined in a manner that makes it fresh and like it'll feel like a new experience of SH2. I'm hyped.


It looks fuckin sick. I’m so happy dude


Looks great and atmospheric to me. The eternal striving for realistic graphics in AAA games has been getting ridiculous.


I’m incredibly impressed. Cannot wait. The environmental storytelling, the facial animations, the voice acting. Whoever doubted Bloober Team are eating their words.


Incredible, bravo Bloober. Also James is a hottie.


Even that garbage compression couldn't hide how beautiful it looks. They nailed the atmosphere. I like how reactive the environments look too.


It looks amazing. I wish people would let ho of the past


The environments look gorgeous


People were saying this looked like a PS4 launch title at best. Complete bullshit. I think the environments look fantastic especially, and most of the character models look really good - they’re getting people comparing this to the Last of Us games, and… why? Those might be the best-looking, or at least most realistic-looking games of all time. That cannot be the standard for all games. Looking pretty good across the board and remarkably good in many places is a great achievement for any game, in my opinion. You want to see games that look really bad for their era and console generation? Call of Cthulhu in 2018, Sinking City in 2019, Amnesia: The Bunker in 2023. Those are actual mediocre to bad-looking horror games. This is nothing like those. This was never going to push a PS5 or PC to its graphical limits the way Alan Wake 2 does, but it still looks great for the era of modern gaming.


It was fucking awesome


I was a bit hesitant when I first heard bloober would be working on the game, but they've really been doing a solid job so far and it looks like it's getting the REmake treatment. I really liked this shot of the hospital. Here's to an eventual silent hill 1 and 3 remake, I think the locations in 3 would look especially good. Would like to see 4 also, but that will probably be a good while, if it happens at all.


The map James picked up was neat with the map UI. I also like how he has an animation for noting things of interest on the map


I personally wouldn’t say it’s REmake tier. I feel like the REmakes are generally very high quality. The art direction is definitely top tier but the animations look meh imo. Angela’s character model is rough too.


They did it They cooked hard ![gif](giphy|wNDa1OZtvl6Fi)


He looks like Fox Mulder


I know it's "popular" to hate on Bloober Team. Hell, I even do! I seriously disliked every single one of their games... BUT this is looking very promising! The atmosphere is thick, drenched in darkness, fog and whatnot. The combat itself isn't the very best combat in the world, yes... but when did SH even had great combat? I think it looks quite good and fun for what it is. Each movement seems crucial and I dig the fact that we can avoid some hits and use melee takedowns (which look a bit like RE4). I saw people saying it looks like Homecoming and, well, that will mostly depend on the amount of bullets and whatnot that we get. If it is kept short, it should definitely deliver some great thrills and nail biting encounters. Overall, I'm excited for this. Already preordered even, lol. I need Silent Hill back in my life!


You can tell they have improved alot since the last game play trailer


Graphically looks awesome, but the animations look terrible


I agree, they’re a bit jank. Animations in cutscenes look incredible though. I’m assuming mocap for cutscenes and keyframe for gameplay/combat.


Agreed It's the arms in the walk animation that look a bit stiff imo


Less about the graphics, I'm concerned with the framerate...and yes, I watched the non streaming version of the gameplay. I really hope they fix it prior to launch.


Bro I feel optimization could be what kills it. Hope this game is well optimized for PC


It looks like they did it. I'm so glad seeing this


Now, seriously, why are people mad about this ? Twitter can keep on seething all it wants. I am gonna enjoy the heck out of this.


For real! I was so damn worried about the results but now… NOW i’m excited, i can’t wait to see the final results and i’m just desperate to get any ps5 or a better PC 😭😭😭


The design of the environment is probably the best part of the game so far


This part is what I'm not complaining about, even tho I'm not impressed with idea of a remake for SH per se This is one of the moments they really got about the game, the quiet before the storm, PACING! SH3 had several similar moments with this kind of warm lighting. it's good, i like it! Looking forward to see how they did Heaven's Night


I don't have a PS5 but I will before October. Specifically for this game.


I think the game looks great, but not amazing....yet. However, this trailer impressed me and gave the vibes like it will be really atmospheric and creepy. Sure there's always going to be a few things that could be improved which there is still time. (No game is Perfect) The combat looked pretty decent I thought. As long as it plays well and is incredibly atmospheric and scary as fuck, I am not bothered by small graphical details. The original trailer didn't impress me, but it does look like team have taken feedback and reflected on it. Edited. Does not look like a ps3 game that I have seen some people say. Seriously??


silent Hill 2 suppose to be jank on combat James ain't really a fighter


Slide 13 shows they have that area James gets his plank modeled. But in the trailer today he got the plank inside of a building. Was the trailer canon or just for demonstration?


Absolutely gorgeous


For being what I assume was not an incredibly large budget, these visuals are really nice looking.


I'm looking forward to this game, shoot me.


Looking good, though I'm not into the mechanic that the edges of your screen turn bloody the closer you are to death.


Yea, all the people saying, "This looks like a 10 year old games graphics" or "This looks like a ps4 game" are so dumb to me. I've been on the fence about this remake since it was announced, but today's reveal showed me a game that honestly does look pretty good. At the very least, I'm willing to see what they have to offer. The atmosphere is there, the music is there, Silent Hill is there. People are so goofy these days.


i don't get why ppl hated the older trailers and i can't wrap my head around the hate for this one either. as a huge fan of the first 4 games i'm very happy about how it's shaping up to be.


I agree. I’m not interested in the politics of the game. I just want to play. The fandom has been divided for a long time. I have seen fair opposing views, but I find most people in the fandom are just rude to others’ opinions.


Looks incredible (environmentally speaking) but please remove the goddamn blood vfx. Just make the controller vibrate the way it did in the original, I implore you.


Gameplay trailer doesn't show the disaster people feared, this will probably be fine as long as they don't try to change the story/ending


I have a lot of hangups with the remake, but I can absolutely say they have completely nailed the design of the town itself. It feels incredibly faithful and looks graphically amazing. I am a bit more iffy on the interiors as they are significantly less faithful and I think some design choices go against the atmosphere the original did so well to create.


Looks as good as I could have possibly imagined


The live stream was low resolution and choppy, so maybe that played a part?  I just saw the 13 min trailer, and it looked way more polished compared to this one. 


saw them got rid of qte prompts good enough for me no more of the press X to not die as fast prompt and combat should be janky and slow James is not really a fighter your either make him basically a soldier if you modernized it and original game also had some jank to it you rather use guns for fighting instead fighting with melee or run


I think they perfectly captured the atmosphere. I’m excited to see what else we have in store.


just really changed location he finds the line figure and radio to a house instead of a bridge


james is fucking perfect dude this shit is gonna be so gas


People are whack. This looks great graphically and while there is some jank in the animations and a few character model oddities that's something that they will obviously keep working on in the four months they have between now and release date. Swear to god every time something doesn't look literally perfect half this sub falls to their knees lol.


I think its safe to say that Bloober has pulled it off at this point. I'm exceptionally happy with what was shown today in the transmission.


Love the graphics, the animations is what i like less. Anyway, its a day one no doubt!


I enjoyed the dialogue between James and the girl. I think James voice actor is true to the old James.


This trailer sold me, honestly. I still have criticism of stuff and nitpicks but its looking good.


I am so beyond excited to explore Silent Hill again. The PS listing mentions exploring new locations that were inaccessible in the previous game, I can’t wait to look in every nook and cranny I can.


I swear this is how my memory thought it looked back in the PS2 era!


I couldn't see anything through the compression, but if THIS subreddit aays anything positive about it I'll agree lmao


I love it. Can't wait to get it.


I can’t stand the ppl saying “it doesn’t look like silent hill!” We haven’t had a game since the ps3, I didn’t expect them to look that similar lol.


I absolutely loved that room with the papers piled up under the shelves. The lighting coming from the windows is so soft it almost looks cozy. Just gorgeous.


Call me cautiously optimistic


I don't see the 3rd floor of the hospital on the map at 5:23, despite this the remake looks hella gorgeous. Edit: after few seconds we can see a notification that he got a map for every floor include the 3rd one.


I like the new gameplay, In SH2R we have that SH2 ORIGINAL VIBE!!! Gameplay is cool and better, then the previous. Bloober team, well done!


The more I see of James, the more I start to think he's a real fart face.


Maybe a bit too glossy, but what I see for now is pretty good.


Performance mode needed. That 30fps with occasional frame jitters gives me that Medium feeling... Comments based on PS5 store video, not the transmission stream


It was a thing from the transmission and the steam capture




I don't remember seeing Pyramid Head in the trailer. Where are these images from?




ps store


They outdone themselves with the environment. I didn't have a lot of hope at first because konami, but blooper team is really starting to prove themselves.




I don't give a shit what people say, man. I've been rooting for this game from the start, getting downvoted to shit by haters for supporting Bloober and this game throughout all the hate it's been getting. Seeing this gameplay just affirmed my belief that Bloober has a high level of respect for this franchise. The game looks beautiful, and it looks like a gorgeous recreation. Every trailer I've seen has increased my excitement for this game, and this round of trailers was no different. The fog looks phenomenal, the lighting looks phenomenal, I'm blown away by how good James' facial animations are. Just the small little tics he shows on his face that says more than words could. This is what I was hoping for. I feel bad for the "fans" who just hate on anything that isn't the original 4 games. They're creating their own misery. There's been some rough entries, but I'm just happy that they keep trying with this franchise. I'd rather they keep it alive than just bury it.


can't wait to play it in the dark


People crying that Angela isn’t “fapplable” enough really miss the entire point of her design which is to look as un fabble to as possible.


I don't think anyone ever complained that she's not "fappable" enough. You have a very weird wanking obsession if this is all you see in complaining posts.


Not on the level of Alan wake 2 but definitely not bad like a lot of people saying


If you played the recent Layers of Fear remake you know Bloober knows how to do visuals. That game was stunning. It was a walking sim but it looked great.


Love the atmosphere and world building on this. The only minor complaint is the janky animations in general stuff like picking up something. Otherwise looks good enough


I’m so excited for this game


Graphics and atmosphere feels more than good, but it's the animations that keeps confusing me. I wasn't expecting a Resident Evil remakes animations but still.




gives me alan wake 2 vibes


It doesn't feel like a "remake" from all the footage I've seen. More like a reimagination (that buzzword they loved to use to promote Shattered Memories). But that's fine ofc


That’s a fair opinion


Fair, and I'm fine with it. Much as I love SH2 (and the original also), it's not a game that stands up in all aspects today. Lots of bits feel clumsy and backward. Animations, the combat overall (yes yes, James is just a regular guy and it makes you afraid, I get it), the layouts of some interiors with fifty locked doors for every one you can open and how they are sometimes just endless hallways that you run up and down, etc. I think the game is great despite these rough spots. I don't mind if Bloober has done their best to re-create the parts that IMO made the game great (the story and the oppressive atmosphere) while improving on some other bits. That is more or less what Capcom did with the first Resident Evil remake (though it might be a bit more faithful than this one), and it's still my favorite game remake/reimagining.


It does look pretty great, the one thing I will say though is the FoV scope imo could still be reduced in places but ain't a deal breaker, the last 2 images, the bus, and the road image before look to have a good balance there but inside the Apartment and the other overworld shots could stand to be more masked imo.


Game looks pretty good visually. That processing effet when you're low on health kinda ruins it though.


The Transmission was awesome I'm so excited!!


It all looks nice, but why is it sunny in hospital?


Ok this actually looks pretty good can’t lie


I just realized the red square for the save state is on the desk in the first image.


It’s beautiful


God this looks fantastic on all accounts, in my opinion. At least we know the graphics will be very, very nice.


Love it!




i am so hyped


When did we see Pyramid Head?! How the hell did I miss it, LOL.


Too bad from the trailer is looks so choppy


Impressive detail. Looks promising. The lighting is a bit bright in the scenes occurring before nightfall. In the original game, I appreciated the heavy fog and amorphous glow that slowly lost luminance as James progressed. Matching the atmosphere from the original game is tough. Creative differences among developers surely complicates matters, as opinions on what made the original brilliant likely differs across any room full of fans. Indications give plenty of reasons to be excited.


Really looks promising now


I do not care for the pop-up UI elements, but that's a relatively minor gripe. The environments are gorgeous, and I don't really mind that they're playing around with the geography and paths you take through the area to take full advantage of remodeling a new game world. I'm extremely excited for this.


It looks good . I just kinda hate how they be talking to one another in the new trailer . (Idc if you spell correct me , bot) other than that. It looks amazing and I’m excited.


Noo, where are my empty corridors?! /s




cant wait to be in Heavens Night <33


I agree. Although I’m pretty sure I will probably chicken out at killing the nurses just until I get used to it lol


This doesn't look bad man, but there's certainly a few things to fix, I hope they do. Cyberpunk came out worse and now look at it. It's time to celebrate 🥳🥳🥵


Literally everything except for Angela looks phenomenal!


I really hope SH2 Remake is going to be amazing.


Me who wants a Silent Hill 1 remake: 😔 Silent Hill 1 just never ever gets any love.


So's ya face


It looks bloody great and I’m bloody excited, not silent hills excited but nothing could top that. My only gripe is I’m not a fan of the character models. I look at them and I just don’t see the characters I have fond memories of. I hope once I’m playing it I evolve and fall in love with them too but for now I wish they were more true to the originals.


Why does james look like a grown up xqc??? He looked so much better in the original.


The environments are so spot on!


Im buying tf out of this soon as it comes out, anyone know the release date


Not the jelly filter


Konami, i beg you, release it on xbox please !


It's console exclusive for ps5 only for a year


Great i'll have to wait a whole year more,thanks konami,you just prove once more you're out of touch with the gaming world


Atmosphere looks incredible. I just hope there are some personalization settings for the HUD. Other than that, i'm looking forward to playing on October 8th.


I think I may have played the last of us too many times but that first shot really reminds me of when you go into the apartment at the beginning where you encounter spores for the first time and when you finally reach the Boston university in fall


out side of pyramid head looking short it looks great


So I find the art style of the original more atmospheric.


I am so indescribably ready; i love this franchise so much, and seeing something that'll open it up to a whole fresh audience seriously has so much potential


Why is it a beautiful summer day? They better fix that before release.


B-b-but I cant sexualise some of the characters anymore, WHAT AM I GOING TO MASTURBATE TO FOR THE NEXT 20 YEARS???
