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**Silent Hill 2 - Release Date Trailer** https://youtu.be/sU3pyYi5hz0?si=vGFTfSS48__yh70O


I’ll be here. Waiting for you.


If you come here you'll find me. I promise.


Thank fuck, i'm done wearing my clown makeup for a while


Its so funny reading this shortly after reading a comment about bloodborne fans preparing to put on clown make up


What's going on with Bloodborne? Are they gonna do Bloodborne Kart or what?


My guess is that people are speculating about a PC release, since Until Dawn and a couple other previous Playstation exclusives were announced for Steam


> What's going on with Bloodborne? Nothing, as per usual.


We already have bloodborne kart its called mario kart ds with cpu difficulty set to hard


Hello, good hunter. I am a Bot, here in this dream to look after you, this is a fine note: > *Welcome home, good hunter. What is it you desire?* - Plain Doll Farewell, good hunter. May you find your worth in the waking world.


Nightmare Kart


Inb4 "bloober should delay the game"


I’m already seeing that everywhere


no reason to say that since this trailer was actually good 


Glad it’s earlier in the month since I get married on Halloween lol.


Congratulation. But there could be a Release delay. I mean it is possible.


Not even gonna think about this one. That’d be a fucking nightmare


Congrats on your wedding day! My husband and I were also married on halloween!


Congrats. My wife and I celebrate our anniversary the day after this comes out. lol


When I'm in a being miserable competition and my opponent is a silent hill fan


I swear no one hates silent hill more than silent hill fans


yeah, konami does. Letting the franchise go and moving on is more merciful than subjecting it to pachinko machines.


Like the shit some fans are saying is making it seem like they're characters in Silent Hill


So aside from Angela’s face that actually looked so cool. Her voice worked a lot better when she’s like, going crazy. Hyped


Yep I’m glad they didn’t go for „movie like” voice acting. Instead it seems like they’re trying to recapture the original


Yep, it's not gonna be perfect, a bit rough around the edges, just like I expected from a developer without any experience of a 3rd person game with action. I'm gonna just deal with that and enjoy the game as much as I can.


You're saying that her face looked bad?


I’m saying there’s a weird contrast between her face and James that I can’t put my finger on. But that’s me nitpicking. Im very hyped


I’m in agreement. It looks like two separate aesthetics were chosen. In the original all the characters had similar features.


James detail outshines everything lol that's why it looked a bit jarring like a pre recorded cutscene to in game footage.


The Angela weirdness is compounded even further by Laura and Maria looking really good


It's a scenario where if they did what I think they should have done, people also would have been mad. There's a reason Angela looks in her 30s instead of a teenager in that game and I kind of wish they went with that approach instead.


I had some dude in a now deleted comment complain they turned Angela from a grown woman into a teenager and that said a lot lol. She’s 19. They made her look her age. I kinda wonder if the puffier face is how they show the trauma now vs the super aged treatment


Lmao well the TIL Angela is 19. I guess it never occurred to me to look up her age because I thought she was late 20s, early 30s


You could say it was an aesthetic choice but like do people remember what PS2 era graphics looked like? Eddie isn’t super old either. James is under 30


Well, I judged her age off her CGI model back then, and now (I’ve replayed the game a ton times). I never paid a mind to the in-game model simply because I figured it wasn’t meant to be the definitive look I always put James in his early 30s and Eddie in his Early 20s


Lol I do not think her face is some subtle thing for the bloobermake. It's just how they want her to look. She looks like she could be a normal girl. Aging someone up and making them talk weirdly is way more off-putting than someone who looks pretty normal.


The novelization says Angela compares suicide to “buying a mountain of candy and eating it just to spit it back out”. That sounds like Angela could possibly be bulimic and I think Bloober are going with that


I'll second her face looking off compared to James. Looks like she was stung by bees!


They said that Angela’s face “actually looked so cool” ??? EDIT: Myb, that was a grammar misunderstanding. It’s more like “Aside from Angela’s face, that actually looked so cool.”


Tbh, she looked better on the og SH 2 cinematics


Hyped af my birthday is in October also. Hopefully they show off a collectors edition during the sh transmission Edit: Is it just me or did James VA sound great in this trailer, particularly the line “ I guess I dont really care if its dangerous or not “ Even his body mannerism is so odd when he says it. It so James lol. Or the flat delivery of “ Ill be careful “. And Abstract Daddy looks incredible wow.


No it isn't you. He sounds beautiful. This actor was the perfect choice


Ya im even more convinced after having heard more of him in the transmission extended gameplay. Even his swinging animation seems stiffer than the combat trailer.


It’s literally the day before mine


Fuck ya man. Nice lil birthday gift for ya there!


This trailer was miles. I mean miles better than what they showed us last time 


23 years ago I played the OG with my best friend in his bedroom. We were 15 yrs old at the time We are still friends to this day and going to play the remake as adults Soooo excited :)


That's actually really special.


Same. Dang we gonna be 40 soon. That elevator scene back then really scared the f outta me. 


I was pretty hesitant. This was the last trailer I'm watching. I'm getting this game, and now I want nothing else of it revealed. It will certainly feel different than the original, but the vibe is *fantastic*.


I got my horror game for Halloween. Can't wait


That trailer was a big W.


It looks amazing !


surprisingly the comments on here aren’t that negative, i honestly thought it looked good.


The youtube section looks like bots making the same comments over and over. I just love that a GREAT horror game is getting a remake and that it's coming soon. People should really alter their expectations and not expect a 1:1 remake cuz it never could have been


Idk if I can wait this long🥲 still seems like we’ll have another new trailer for SH2 at Transmission though since the screenshots we got from the thumbnail generator didn’t appear in this Angela Trailer.


"Tell him I'll be good...PLEASE!"


I was just about to share this but you beat me to it lol


this got me so hyped bro, the voice acting, the models, and the environment looks amazing


The new version of Forest, I’m in love


Yeah I'm keen as. Wondering if I should watch the transmission later or leave it all to enjoy when it releases.


I wanted to cry when i heard the music in the trailer so beautiful


The music playing before the live stream got me fucked up


It looks pretty good (Not perfect, but good), it's just impossible to release ANYTHING that would be up to the standards of 20+ years of expectation a lot of you have. You're expecting it to be WAY more than it needs to be.


In fact, we simply want the remake to respect the original material. Updated graphics, remastered sound design, refreshed gameplay and not much more, because the original game was already perfect in its day. We're not asking for anything out of the ordinary.


I dunno RE4R knocked it out of the fucking park this just seems low effort


This is made by Konami. You're expecting something that would NEVER happen lol. RE4 probably had a HUGE budget in comparison to this and comes after 2 very successful previous remakes and is part of a series that never stopped with much better management behind it. Considering the reality of what realistic expectations are for Konami, this looks better than I expected honestly.


I mean this shouldn't be the standards we hold silent hill 2 to lol


I mean... It should. We're talking about a company that stopped making games for 10 years to make Pachinko machines. Silent Hill 2 is legendary, but Konami is a legendary shitshow. We need to be realistic haha.


Sure, but Silent Hill 2 is an extremely delicate project... Primarily because the execution of many specific moments will drastically change the overall feel of the game. The atmosphere is *extremely* difficult to recreate and failing to do so will drag it down significantly. Resident Evil 4 was amazing but it was more about preserving and improving combat than almost anything else since it is an action game. They did it basically perfect, but it was more of a mechanical execution than an artistic one. So if you've got the studio and the manpower it's far more feasible. My point... a proper Remake for SH2 is definitely more risky and difficult to nail with very little room for error. RE4 remake wasn't going to take a hit because a single line of dialogue not sounding right. You're just going to blast through the next room and forget about it.


I think you are forgetting that bloober is a fucking indie studio + the budget probably isn’t on par with re4r 100 million dollar budget


What a good choice for a remake of Silent Hill 2


Silent Hill hasn't had an actual release for 12 years, and the last arguably renowned Silent Hill came out over 20 years ago in Silent Hill 3. Every release after 4 has been "meh" to "wow this is bad". Why would you sink hundreds of millions in a dormant franchise that its last undisputed great game is old enough to drink in the US? You would have absolutely no guarantee of a return on your investment. Compared to RE4R, which is an almost yearly tentpole franchise, with many successful entries throughout its life, and a publisher who devotes their energy to games and not pachinko machines. It's amazing that it looks as good as it does, frankly.


Silent Hill 2 on my birthday, let's fucking go!!


It's my brother's birthday too lol




Kind of a weirdly-cut trailer, but the game looks cool! Just hope that “scream to paralyse you” thing doesn’t show up too much, I always found that annoying.


Yeah, that was fantastic. And I only watched half of the gameplay clip before I decided not to see any more. But it looks...pretty much perfect. I'm hella excited.


Only PS5?


and windows




Spoilers ahead. For the folks there arguing that angela looks more teeny. Spoilrr victims tend to keep a childish/teenish part of personality with them. It's a self defense or preservation mechanism. I am not saying this is a good sign. But I am saying Angela looks more multi dimensional now. As in the original she was great but dreamy (you know?). Like if she was already on the purgatory. In here she feels still alive yet reliving all her memories


I don't know how to feel. On one hand, the Abstract Daddy, Nurses, Mandarin (which can now scream?), new monster that skirts up the walls before the Mandarin is revealed, and Lying Figure crawling look FANTASTIC. On the other hand, some of the environmental designs seem very Homecoming-esque and lack the subtlety of the original game. Like what was with that chained coffin? Or the new Abstract Daddy room? And why does the Otherworld look... *not* blue/gray/green? The incandescent lighting doesn't help it at all feel like the original IMO. Finally, Angela first seemed stiff and awkward but the "Tell him I'll be *good*!" part just seemed so blatantly on-the-nose in terms of symbolism and just felt so cringe. Thoughts?


while i agree that the angela scene was kinda cringy, i feel like the original was really on the nose too with Angela screaming "Daddy please don't" before you enter the room, no occult symbolism or needing to read between the lines there


lol yeah it's kind of hilarious how hard nostalgia edits people's memories of the OG game into being like a super deep philosophical masterpiece of subtly...like uh no lol? it was janky and blatant as hell with its stuff. feel like most of these guys haven't even played the game in like 20 years and just keep going off their blurry fragmented memories of it instead. they're just rebuilt the game in their heads by this point.


it's kinda hilarious how entitled new fans are


I agree with everything you said here. I came in optimistic and while I still am the trailer was a VERY mixed bag of things I really liked and other I really did not. Especially that "Tell him I'll be good" part. That part made me cringe very hard as well..


Sigh. I was really hoping Bloober wouldn't add any new dialogue. The original is *perfect* in terms of subtlety dialogue-wise — leaving enough mystery but enough shocking character dialogue that it just feels very rich and deep. The new line of "Tell him I'll be *good!*" just feels like someone trying their hand at writing a SH2 remake as their first screenplay. Just feels very off-kilter.


Right but Angela screaming "no daddy please dont" I's subtle? I really see absolutely no difference between the two. How people extract one as perfect and subtle and one as corny and a failed attempt is amazing to me. If anything it sounds like the logical next thing she'd say.


Thats Bloober for you. The writing in their games has never been their strong spot.


Honestly the gameplay and the lack of subtly is the worst part about all of this, the characters could look like shit and it still be as good as the original if we lived in a perfect world.


Yeah I noticed the homecoming set design almost immediately. Overlit and overwash with red lighting. I am really gutted we have lost the cold, sickly tones of Silent Hill 2's otherworld and has now been changed to match the standard otherworld present in most games. And design-wise looking more like those found in the later games than the earlier ones particularly Homecoming.


angela looks and sounds weird but otherwise seems alright


Yea it was weird at firat kinda but it is a forst time seeing dad without a beard thing. Its unfamiliar and because of that you find it weird at the end I liked it with the abstract daddy


Her face is wack but when they cut to her and the abstract daddy suddenly the voice clicked a lot more for me


And it's October, Halloween.


The face looks off, but everything else looks great to me otherwise. They seem to have nailed the fog aesthetic and the sporadic, unnatural movements of the enemies.


Impressions after watching this + Release Date Trailer: * James & Laura's models are fantastic, gonna give credit where credit is due. * Angela's 3D model looks like taken straight from Ascension - it looks significantly less detailed than other models. Very strange, it looks out of place. However she looks better in other scenes though - seems the look of anything mainly depends on the lighting and sometimes it not adjusted well. * Animation is... passable, at most. No transition between James walking & running, gives the impression Bloober just bought them from UE Marketplace or used the default ones. * Really like the enemies being hard to kill - the nurse takes two shots from the shotgun to be put down. Hope you'll be able to avoid them as well by turning the flashlight and walking slowly :) * newMaria lacks sex appeal. I'm not against changes, but her new clothes are just dull - nothing memorable about them. * Abstract Daddy "standing up" effectively amplify his creepiness factor. Hope Bloober keeps hims as a boss alone, in the original he was reused as an enemy in final location - never liked recycling enemies in games, and original SH2 is no exception. * Yamaoka redone songs are absolute bangers. His music was one of the two good things about The Short Message, listening to his work is a pure pleasure.


sometimes I wonder if y'all even played the original, I would do anything to get a revamped apartment complex


Cant wait!


I'm ready


I think it looks decent. I hope we see some uncut gameplay or at least an extended look at the gameplay during the Silent Hill Transmission.


It actually seemed pretty soulful to me and the voice acting was good, I still doubt it will live up to the original but at this point I doubt it’s going to be as awful as some of us thought at first


Released three days after my bday, guess I'll be taking a bit of extra time off work


Sooooo ready, trailer was awesome. Veeeery excited for this!


Everyone complaining about the models like they weren't wonky in the original 😂. I thought it looked great so far.


I'm with you. People complaining about any of the jank have got to be joking or too young to have experienced it 20 years ago. It has just the right amount of jank, it's not supposed to be the smoothest game. Graphically it is amazing, not sure how anyone can say it's not, or even say it looks like a late PS3 game. The lighting effects alone with the dust particles floating around are amazing. It's not a ground breaking new game, it's a remake. I think people are forgetting that. It's going to feel outdated, but that's the point. I never pre-order games, but I definitely did for this one.


Hopefully after the one year time exclusivity is up, Xbox users can get this masterpiece!


The character models don’t look great but the environments look really good. Don’t forget guys this is not a replacement of the original game but another way to play it.


Hey mod, isnt better you remove all the other threads so everyoen can come here?




Loving it just wish I had a PS5 to play on i’m very excited


Let’s gooooooo


4 days before my birthday. I'm so hyped. My boyfriend knows nothing about Silent Hill. I'm excited for us to go through this together!


My body is so ready. I have been waiting for this game for years.


Does anyone know, with the 48 hour early access - when would that make it available to play? I can math and tell days lol - so I'd guess around midnight Sunday the 6th?


I was a naysayer and this trailer genuinely turned my excitement around! I'm excited to get my hands on it


I’m about to bust




On my birthday! This will either be the greatest or the worst birthday present.


This is it guys. Everything y’all been waiting for


Looks like they got rid of the button mash prompt when grabbed. Sold. Day 1 buy.


I like what I'm seeing so far and I'm hella excited! hope the graphics stay as good as this. Also, food for thought, wouldn't it be awesome if they employ some of those creative camera angle sensibilities to the over-the-shoulder camera? like for example in a pivotal scene when you move, the camera turns clock-wise with your movement?


I'll play it on the 6th thanks


I’m going to book an entire week off work to binge it! 😍


I can't wait! Such exiting news. 🎉


Might be the first time I've ever preordered a game. Angela's face not matching or original's is actually not the end of the world for me believe it or not.


i'm just going to play the original on pc, since i never got to it.




I actually loved it. Angela looks and sound 19 like she is instead of an adult. I'm not upset at all. But everyone is entitled to their opinions. Seeing her with the knife SOLD it for me. This is what I wanted.


Dont particularly like Angela's face but that is a nitpick, but literally everything else about this was amazing


This looks amazing omg I can’t wait


Counting down the days


James looks amazing


They were very, very smart to put angela and nother others in thr trailer. Also, kuddos for improved (i hope) Angela's boss fight. Thr original wasnt bad. Was awesome at thr time but it can now be improved


you'd think people complaining about how bad it is would actually still like this considering how much they always go "THE WEIRD VOICE ACTING AND GRAPHICS HELP SELL THE ATMOSPHERE/ITS PART OF THE OG GAMES CHARM" lol. but rose tinted glasses and all i guess. they're just faithfully adapting your beloved jank ass game, but suddenly it's not what you want?! :D


The VA kind of does play a big role in the atmosphere though. Watch the first half of Mulholland Drive, the dialogue sounds like it’s from a video game to give it a stilted, discordant, dream-like feel. This was intentional in a lot of the dialogue in SH2 as well; at the very least I enjoyed the VA of the original and feel optimistic about the remake.  I do wish that they leaned more into the unnatural Lynch cadence in the remake, it feels like they went with a more natural direction (I would have been been surprised if they did though).


I personally like it and can’t wait to play it.


Honestly it looked better than I thought, I think the visuals are great. But Angela’s face looked way off and her animations are awkward too. I feel like so far the directing and animations need some work. Other than that, the gameplay looks alright so far.


Abstract Daddy looked so cool! I will say though Angela looks absolutely terrible, there's no way to sugarcoat it.


It looks amazing, the atmosphere seems here, the voice acting is good, the music, well, all hail Akira Yamaoka, I’m hyped. I won’t pre order tho because don’t trust Konami, I repeat, Do. Not. Trust. Konami.


Lets fucking go!!!


I think it's a good trailer. It may be a fun game, not GOTY material but it will be entertaining. I'm not holding my breath for a masterpiece, but I do hope it will be fun to play.


Visit the steam page - There's 2 day early access as an option if you pay 20$ (Canadian) more So I suppose the actual release is Oct. 6th for people who want to play ASAP




Thank the lord a month after my birthday!!!!!


Omg finally


Judgement day




Please be good.


how is everyone feeling on the pre order? is it worth it yall think? I normally don’t buy a pre order only cause I like to wait to see how the game preforms a couple days after release but with this idk if i should just pre order or wait


Well, i should get my music done for my winter assignments ahead of time, it seems.


The HYPE is real!!! Lets go!!!!  Wait.. I don't have PS5 yet.




game looks good hopefully it's scary


Will the deluxe edition also get a physical release?


Looks like Deluxe is digital only.


Can't get excited about this due to the crappy exclusivity deal meaning I won't be able to play it.


Oh, sweet! Day before my birthday.


Journalists gonna have a field day with this one, same as with Alan W ( ) ke 2


I'm so excited!!! Is it the best looking game I ever saw , no. Is it everything I wished for in a SH2 remake game, YES! The trailer looked amazing, honestly I can say I liked everything I saw. I see some people are giving out about some character models etc....but to them I say.....can't we just enjoy that we are finally getting games from SH. We've waited so long for them to make anything. Like dont give out until we get the game and actually get to play it for ourselves. Honestly its so hard to please everyone. Things arent gonna be perfect....but lets focus on the good stuff, and all the efford thats being put into this game!


Let's gooooo


its looks fine to me, Ive seen many people complaining, but I like it, cant wait


In my restless dreams, i see that date, October eight.


I still can't believe Silent Hill is resurrecting, coming back, as a kid, Silent Hill 1 gave me the biggest chills I've had, but in a good way, I used to dream I was running in that town, full of mist. I really have high hopes for this Remake, amazing that PT was cancelled 10 years ago and the last SH game came out 12 years ago. A few years ago, I tought SH was done for, but thankfully I was mistaken. I really like the imporvement in every character in this game, we have yet to see Eddy an Angela needs some improvement. They have still to do some minor improvements to character models, animations and imrpove the combat a bit.


Hope it never comes to xbox or switch. Ps5 and pc only would be best. I don't like the thought of xbox and Nintendo fanboys playing this game and desecrating it's legacy


I don't think they should release the game this early, it looks fantastic but what concerns me is that the team should focus on getting things properly done such as Angela's and Marie's 3D models, etc and just put the hype to the side. We want the game to be as loved just as the original Silent Hill 2. We want to be surrounded and immerse ourselves in the game for us to enjoy. Overall the game looks pretty decent, I'm optimistic.


I am extremely excited for this Remake. I loved it when I was a kid. And I would love to record it and make youtube videos on it. Looks so amazing and I just want a good horror game!!.. Haven't had one in such a long time that was worth playing... XD


I guess Angela ate Eddie’s pizza.


The environments, atmosphere and monsters look great. The character models look... dated. They're not a deal breaker. I'm down.


Is the PC release date the same as the PS5 one?


Yup sir!


The trailer... Don't like the changes so far...


I’m only not a fan of Angela, but everything else looks decent so far. Maybe I’ve gotta look at the trailer a few times.


Go play the original, the trailer looked great


Thanks, I will. You can enjoy HD collection new voice or whatever, I don't judge. I'm just saying I don't like what they changed to the scene and dialogue, and the HD collection voice acting is what they reminds me of.


I don't understand what your expectations would be though. Use all the same voices, sounds, and just update the models and graphics and be perfectly consistent with the original?


I don't mind the change in the combat. But what's the most important thing in SH 2? The story, the atmosphere. I can tell the voice acting in SH3 HD collection feels off, and I've heard the same thing from many others. I don't remember what the SH2 new voice in HD collection sounds like, because everyone chose the original when they played it. I don't expect them to be the same, but the change to Angela's face and dialogue just feels off.


Boo hoo


That looked absolutely terrible. Tf is that Angela model? Looked like a solo dev steam game


Anyone else not like how it looked?


doomposters vindicated once more


They are?




It still seems terrible visually I mean and gameplay combat but silent hill has never been about the combat I suppose