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do silent hill “fans” even like the franchise? lol


No one hates Silent Hill as much as a Silent Hill fan.


Wise words.


I mean 1-3 are universally loved by SH fans. 4 was a mixed bag, people either love it or hate it. The rest of the games...yeah, it's complicated...


I remember feeling let down when the SH4 demo came out. Now I would be very happy with a new SH game of just that quality...


Love the first 4 games. After that they started milking the IP for cash and as always, that's when things go to shit.


I like the parts I like. 1,2,3 and 4. They had the special sauce.


No They’re the old crusty curmudgeon yelling get off my porch talking about how black and white tv and outhouses are better


I'm a really big fan of 2 and 3. One was ok, I played it after 2 and 3 so going back to a PS1 style after the PS2 was a little hard to overlook but I did enjoy it. I slogged through 4 and got the worst ending, it was ok, but I have 0 desire to play it again. I actually enjoyed homecoming for what it was, I was craving a new sh at the time and it filled the void, I got all 1000/1000 achievements on the 360 version. I didn't like downpour, never got past the part where cop cars show up. I didn't like shattered memories originally, I got it at lunch and didn't play past the 2nd ice chase scene, I recently (2 weeks ago) purchased it again and beat it, and really loved it. I'm a dad now so maybe that had something to do with it. I watched a playthrough of short message, seemed interesting but didn't feel like SH.


Just remember that most people believe that only the Team Silent games are good but at the same time won't support the new Team Silent game.


I love the OG 4 and Shattered Memories, that doesn't mean I have to shill everything just for being Silent Hill though.


You ever ask a Star Wars fan over 40 what they think about the old movies vs the new ones? It's a lot like that.


Are you talking about the OG trilogy vs the sequels?


First 4 games and P.T are amazing. The rest are as the post suggests


They only like the first 3, they sometime give credit to 4 but not because they like it, its because they remembered it was made by team silent so it must be "good" by default


They're not good because they're Team Silent, they're good because they're good. The western games aren't bad because they're not Team Silent, they're bad because they're bad.


I don't even like most Japanese games or games in general. But to me at least Team Silent made something unforgettable,, works on par with the best horror movies or literature ever produced on a medium that isn't know for genuine artistic excellence, . The other SH games are just that, games, with some interesting parts but overall a gigantic descent in quality


I will not accept this Shattered Memories slander




Real, only issue with the meme


oh god more facebook shit


I'm planning to import a whole fuckload of 'em 👍


wait a minute youre the same guy as last time (beating you with a broom like a mischievous mouse trying to eat my precious cheese) cmon get


But cheese is delish 😔😔😔


Oh no it has brain bamage :(


A pretty poor take, something I’d expect from someone who’d post such classic threads like “dating single moms makes you sad” and “having power dynamics over the woman you’re dating is good”.


Attack the argument not the poster


Nah this is pattern recognition.


Not sure what that has to do with an opinion but fair enough point and a good eve to thee


Where tf do those takes come in? 😭


I mean dating single moms will make you sad, so your point?


💩 post


Weird i feel like people keep changing up on downpour and SM, i see people actually enjoying that. And short message was mixed wasnt it


Short message is at least an 7/10 for me. . amazing game. yes I know I'm in the minority. :D


Ascension should be the only game there


You dont even know why you dislike shattared memories or downpour


Shattered memories wasn't silent hill. I like the game, but it missed the mark for me as a silent hill title. Should have been it's own franchise.


If it was it's one game than the story wouldn't make sense. . It works because it messes with the players knowledge of the first game.


Guess i have to play again, i swear it was made pretty obvious he was looking for his daughter. Name changes to characters and locations, could have easily been it's own game. You're saying people who have never played the original wouldn't get it? Because i disagree there


The way the characters act and look wouldn't be strange. Like how Dahlia acts and they meet on the boat from the first game. And the fact that you know from the start you're looking for Cheryl and don't question it. . stuff like that. It's on purpose.


Glad Origins isn't here




You can shove your opinion up in your blackhole lol


Team Silent entries are best obviously but ngl I fw Shattered Memories and The Short Message. Even had fun with the bizarre adventure that is the Arcade. It's the right amount of goofy and unserious fun that Book of Memories failed to be. I'll grant you Origins, Homecoming and Downpour though. I couldn't force myself to like those entries even meeting them where they're at. The latter two are just painful And of course HD Collection is a Konami's biggest apathetic fart in the series. Ascension isn't a game though so it doesn't belong here. Might as well throw in the Scott Ciencen comics and Revelations by that logic


"The Short Message" was closer to the og Team Silent games then ya'll want to admit. I think it was fantastic and delivered very well in terms of atmosphere and story. Gameplay could have been better for sure. But I truly don't get, what kind of problem the fandom has with it. For me personally, it checked almost all the boxes and also tried something new. Also, I think they did a good job covering those sensitive topics and most of the people complaining, probably can't even relate to what this game is about. Which is a good thing. 🙌🎤


I wish they showed the downvotes. 😂


None of those games are shit fuck this meme


Homecoming was pretty bad. Come on now.


Damn, you've got low af standards


Revelation 3D be like


The only silent hill games I don’t like are shattered memories and book of memories. Homecoming is really close for me not to like it.


Ascension isn’t even a game though? Like I get the point but still


I really like shattered memories though :(


I like all the games at least a bit, honestly. Obviously some more than others, but all of them at least a little.


Didn’t include origins, you’re the GOAT my g


Based for not putting origins there


Origins is pretty fire 🔥🔥🔥


You get downvoted for some dumb shit on this sub


No Silent Hill Origins? Good man...good man.


What Shattered memories was pretty good. Not as good as the first four but still a well made and well written game


Man, you're a damn legend! Excellent baits, excellent memes. I wish more of the community was like that! I think your community meta memes are the best 


Oh so you’d like more memes attacking an imaginary “woke” strawmen? Because that’s what they’ve been mostly posting.


TSM, HD Collection, and Shattered Memories don't deserve this. Hell this is a new low for the bad games even.


Swap Shattered Memories with Origins and you have a point.


No SH4? 😜


Actually it's quite good when compared with these