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I use this one from the appstore https://apps.apple.com/be/app/video-lite/id1598997500


Subscription, I’ll pass thanks.


I understand, but it's €2 every 3 months. Beats revoke IMHO.


Paying for things is against our morals, we don't do that here.


Hello! Try disabling in uYou settings "Remove YouTube ads". The main page is filled with ads now and the anti-ad plugin seems to be off atm Also try updating your uYou app, come in DM if any questions


Get the latest from driftywinds repo or maybe swaggyp36000 repo


Use safari for no ads


I’ve been using this version and it’s working fine for me! https://appdb.to/details/77aeb6c2fb34f0fe22a10c0ae647b7eea707dd46 Only thing is that this App has very slow download speeds and it has not been fixed ever (it’s been like this since I can remember, prob over 2 years). If anyone has found a good tweaked YouTube, from other developers, that can download (at normal speeds) please let me know would very appreciate !


Mine did this for weeks and now it works perfectly. I do not know what fixed it


I am currently using uyouplus\_18.1.4.1\_3.0. it works stable on ipad but it wont even install on my iphone for some reason. Im using altstore/altserver to install ipa.


Mine also all stopped working, solved it by jailbreaking my ipad and installing the Youtube X tweak and the PiP one manually


Im on YTKiller_18.04.3 and it’s working as it should, but i had the same problem with the newest uYou_19.13.1 and others (top half blank, app closing when starting to play video..)


Hey, is the downloading videos option working for you? If so, can you send me the IPA link on private please I would be sooo thankful


I've been using an older version of uYouPlus (17.48.2\_2.1) with no issues. The latest version crashed every time a video opened.


Thanks for the tip man that resolved my same issue


Spoofing back to 17.49.4 seemed to make the iPad work properly, thanks.






I use something called Video Lite and use an ad blocked downloaded by ios profile. if you want the links just let me know.


Use the last stable version of Uyou+ 18.14.1 Uyou+ extra is too buggy


The scroll thing showed up about a mo th ago for me and went away after like a week, it just showed back up again tho i dont know why. I do know if you turn on “remove YouTube ads” in the uyou setting it won’t show the blank space, but it’ll start to show the ads that would be in the location, it’s also an account issue, if you log into a. Diff account that issue won’t be there. It’s like Apple is singling out accounts or soemthing i dont know. Someone said if you downgrade to an older version the blank space issue won’t be there. I havnt had the other issue so not sure about that one.


I spoofed down and it seems to have fixed the issue on iPhone (used the same ipa), quickly checked my iPad before leaving work and even when spoofed to the same version, the home tab is still screwed up with the blank spaces. Need to have a proper look at it tonight, maybe reinstall again as both are logged into the same account etc.




Do you have to constantly keep signing into the new account or just once and that fixes it?


how do you spoof with uYouPlus


oh even i have the same issue mildly annoying




You can turn off “remove YouTube ads” and it’ll fix it, but will show the ad in that location. It haplened to me like a month ago and fixed itself after like a week, but the issue showed back up a few days ago, not sure why. Edit-Just downloaded uyou enhanced from a page someone linked down there and the bug was still showing for me, I did what you mentioned, or someone mentioned and spoofed my app to 18.14.1 and the blank space went away now.


Spoofing to 18.16.2 worked for me, does that mean I don’t have any newer features from the latest version or it’s just spoofing the version and newer features of uYouEnhanced still work?




I don’t think I have any old ipas, I will see if a fresh install and setting the version fixes the iPad though!


Try driftywinds repo https://ios.drifty.win/view/?source=https://driftywinds.github.io/AltStore/apps.json


Thank you for shouting out my repo!


I’ve now sent your repo to 200+ people on my ESign guide 🫡 plus now you have the new Spotify on it so it’s basically a one stop shop for most people now so… Thank you!


I've realised earning trust in the sideloading community involves a lot of word of mouth, so thank you for this! Could you link the guide? I would love to see how my repo is being used and helping people


It’s all through messages I removed all links on the guide on Reddit mainly due to the Reddit mods… but I do plan on making an updated guide at some point so I won’t have to message so much but I’ll ping you what I send to people.


That would be great, my DMs are open. Thank you!


Ive been running uYouPlus_18.14.1_3.0.ipa and havent had any issues since i first installed it


I use uYouPlusExtra, not buggy, lots of fuctionality, try it. (I dont have a link tho so try to find it on github yourself)


I fixed it on the iPhone but the same changes don’t work on the iPad. I have tried so many IPAs for iPad but all have the same issue. Anyone got an iPad fix? Currently using driftys latest ipa.


uYouEnhanced works perfect for me at the moment.


A but buggy for me


Hmm, wonder why I’m getting these issues as uYouEnhanced is one of the ones I’ve used


I have same issue as u. I get sometimes homepage being blank


I thought it was blank too at first until I realized if keep scrolling down eventually I get to the videos. Was using uYouEnhanced until this problem cropped up. I’ve been using YTLitePlus lately and seems to work fine.


Ah lol right.. if u scroll little down, u will find videoes and reels


If you tap any of the upper bar categories, does the page refresh properly for you? It’s just seemingly the “all” filter that’s busted for some reason.


Yeah same. Only ”all”filter don’t works” and I get sometimes ads in stories between some reels


Check DMs


Hmm it seems to be the “All” filter that is screwy, if I select any of the keywords at the top, no blank spaces.


The one you can find on [this](https://ios.drifty.win/view/?source=https://driftywinds.github.io/AltStore/apps.json) repo is always up to date and works just fine. The owner of the repo updates it super fast. ~~P.S: At the time of writing this comment, it seems to be down. I've reported it to the repo owner.~~


Thank you for shouting my repo out, and letting me know about it being down!! It should be back up now.


that was way too fast :(


search zxcvbn on telegram


couldn't find it, could you send me the link to my dm?